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Commit 972e8215 authored by Frank Winklmeier's avatar Frank Winklmeier
Browse files

Delete CMT requirements files

Delete all CMT requirements files and other obsolete content in the cmt/
directories. Some non-trivial content of unknown usage has been kept.
parent d9b62d8a
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with 0 additions and 539 deletions
# this makefile also gets parsed by shell scripts
# therefore it does not support full make syntax and features
# edit with care
# for full documentation check:
# the name of the package:
PACKAGE = Asg_Test
# the libraries to link with this one:
# additional compilation flags to pass (not propagated to dependent packages):
# additional compilation flags to pass (propagated to dependent packages):
# additional linker flags to pass (for compiling the library):
# additional linker flags to pass (for compiling binaries):
# additional linker flags to pass (propagated to client libraries):
# the list of packages we depend on:
# the list of packages we use if present, but that we can work without :
# list pattern of scripts to link directly into binary path:
# whether to use pedantic compilation:
# whether to turn *off* optimization (set to dict to do it only for
# dictionaries):
# whether to build no library (needs to be set if no source files are
# present):
# whether we build a reflex dictionary:
# the auto-dependency setting:
include $(ROOTCOREDIR)/Makefile-common
package Asg_Test
author NLAA
use AtlasPolicy AtlasPolicy-*
macro Asg_Test_ReleaseSeries "ASGSeries`cat $(Asg_Test_root)/cmt/ReleaseSeries.txt`"
apply_tag $(Asg_Test_ReleaseSeries)
macro Asg_Test_ReleaseSeriesNum "`cat $(Asg_Test_root)/cmt/ReleaseSeries.txt`"
set ROOTCORE_RELEASE_SERIES $(Asg_Test_ReleaseSeriesNum)
macro Asg_Test_TestFile "`cat $(Asg_Test_root)/cmt/TestFileMC.txt`"
set ROOTCORE_TEST_FILE $(Asg_Test_TestFile)
macro Asg_Test_TestFileMC "`cat $(Asg_Test_root)/cmt/TestFileMC.txt`"
set ASG_TEST_FILE_MC $(Asg_Test_TestFileMC)
macro Asg_Test_TestFileData "`cat $(Asg_Test_root)/cmt/TestFileData.txt`"
set ASG_TEST_FILE_DATA $(Asg_Test_TestFileData)
macro Asg_Test_TestFileMCAFII "`cat $(Asg_Test_root)/cmt/TestFileMCAFII.txt`"
package Interpreters
use AtlasPolicy AtlasPolicy-*
apply_pattern declare_scripts files="physh totalphysh"
Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
* @file ${name}Cnv.cxx
* @brief Generated implementation file which includes header files needed by ${name}Cnv
* @author RD Schaffer <>
#include "${cnv_pfx}${name}Cnv.h"
Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
* @file ${name}Cnv.h
* @brief Generated header file which defines a typedef for templated converter class
* @author RD Schaffer <R.D.>
#ifndef ${name}Cnv_H
#define ${name}Cnv_H
#include "AthenaPoolCnvSvc/T_AthenaPoolCnv.h"
#include "${package}/${name}.h"
typedef T_AthenaPoolCnv<${type}> ${cnv_pfx}${name}Cnv;
# Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
fullItemList += [ "${item}#*" ]
fullItemList = []
fullItemList += [ "${item}#*" ]
# Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
## @file ${package}
## @brief Adds items for generated converters to full item list of
## POOL persistifiable objects
## @author RD Schaffer <>
## $Id:,v 1.1 2005-08-17 09:31:19 schaffer Exp $
Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
* @file ${name}Cnv.h
* @brief Generated header file which defines a typedef for templated converter class
* @author RD Schaffer <R.D.>
#ifndef ${name}Cnv_H
#define ${name}Cnv_H
#include "AthenaPoolCnvSvc/T_AthenaPoolCoolMultChanCnv.h"
#include "${package}/${name}.h"
typedef T_AthenaPoolCoolMultChanCnv<${type},${type}::base_value_type > ${cnv_pfx}${name}Cnv;
#include "${package}Cnv_entries.h"
Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
* @file ExamplePackageCnv_entries.h
* @brief Includes header files needed by ExamplePackageCnv_entries.cxx
* @author RD Schaffer <>
* $Id: ExamplePackageCnv_entries.h,v 1.2 2005-01-12 20:46:52 kkarr Exp $
#include "GaudiKernel/DeclareFactoryEntries.h"
Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
* @file ExamplePackageCnv_entries_element.cxx
* @brief Declares component instantiation factories for a converter
* @author RD Schaffer <>
* $Id: ExamplePackageCnv_entries_element.cxx,v 1.3 2005-01-12 20:47:00 kkarr Exp $
## @file
## @brief This makefile fragment generates C++ code for AthenaPOOL
## converters and POOL IO handlers needed for element links
## See complete documentation in
## @author RD Schaffer <>
## $Id:,v 1.8 2009-03-03 17:00:25 alibrari Exp $
../pool/${CONSTITUENT}Cnv.stamp : ../pool/${cnv_pfx}${NAME}Cnv.h.stamp
# Setup a reset stamp to trigger a cleanup each time a new header file
# is added
../pool/${CONSTITUENT}CnvReset.stamp : $(bin)${NAME}Cnv.stamp
# Stamp per input .h file - used for reset
$(bin)${NAME}Cnv.stamp :
$(silent)touch $(bin)${NAME}Cnv.stamp
# For each file, add converter and a line in _entries.cxx
../pool/${cnv_pfx}${NAME}Cnv.h.stamp : ../pool/${CONSTITUENT}CnvBegin.stamp
$(echo) "----- Create Pool converter for ${NAME} --------"
if test ! -f ${FULLNAME}; then echo "===> ERROR: file ${FULLNAME} does not exist"; \
exit 1; fi
PKG=`dirname ${FULLNAME}`; PKG=`basename $${PKG}`; \
for class_name in ${types_with_namespace_} ; do \
TYPE=`echo $${class_name} | sed 's/^[a-zA-Z_0-9]*:://'` ; \
if test $${TYPE} = ${NAME} ; then \
NAMESPACE=`echo $${class_name} | sed 's/::[a-zA-Z_0-9]*$$/::/'` ; \
fi ; \
done ; \
for class_name in ${mult_chan_types_} ; do \
TYPE=`echo $${class_name} | sed 's/^[a-zA-Z_0-9]*:://'` ; \
if test $${TYPE} = ${NAME} ; then \
fi ; \
done ; \
if test ! -z "$${NAMESPACE}" ; then echo "Using namespace $${NAMESPACE}" ; fi ; \
if test ! -z "$${MULTCHANTYPE}" ; then echo "----- Generating CondMultChanCollection converter for ${NAME} --------" ; fi ; \
if test ! -f ../src/${cnv_pfx}${NAME}Cnv.h ; then \
if test ! -z "$${MULTCHANTYPE}" ; then \
$(cmtexe) expand model "<ExampleMultChanClassCnv.h type=$${NAMESPACE}${NAME} cnv_pfx=${cnv_pfx} name=${NAME} package=$${PKG} />" >| ../pool/${cnv_pfx}${NAME}Cnv.h ; \
else \
$(cmtexe) expand model "<ExampleClassCnv.h type=$${NAMESPACE}${NAME} cnv_pfx=${cnv_pfx} name=${NAME} package=$${PKG} />" >| ../pool/${cnv_pfx}${NAME}Cnv.h ; \
fi ; \
fi ; \
$(cmtexe) expand model "< item=$${NAMESPACE}${NAME} />" >| ../pool/${package}_$(NAME)ItemList_joboptions_py
if test ! -f ../src/${cnv_pfx}${NAME}Cnv.h ; then $(cmtexe) expand model '<ExampleClassCnv.cxx name=${NAME} />' >| ../pool/${cnv_pfx}${NAME}Cnv.cxx ; fi
$(cmtexe) expand model '<ExamplePackageCnv_entries_element.cxx name=${cnv_pfx}${NAME} />' >| ../pool/${package}_$(NAME)Cnv_entries_cxx
if [ -f ../pool/$(package)_$(NAME)Cnv_entries_h ]; then \rm -f ../pool/$(package)_$(NAME)Cnv_entries_h; fi && printf "#include \"${cnv_pfx}${NAME}Cnv.h\"\nDECLARE_CONVERTER_FACTORY(${cnv_pfx}${NAME}Cnv)\n" > ../pool/$(package)_$(NAME)Cnv_entries_h
$(echo) "----- OK for ${NAME} converter --------"
touch ../pool/${cnv_pfx}${NAME}Cnv.h.stamp
## @file
## @brief This makefile fragment generates C++ code for AthenaPOOL
## converters and POOL IO handlers needed for element links
## There are three files:,, and
## The header does the global initialization, e.g. the
## creation of the first part of files. The processes each
## file (${NAME}) listed in the document statement in the
## requirements file. The trailer defines the clean target.
## @author RD Schaffer <>
## $Id:,v 1.6 2007-08-18 17:35:47 schaffer Exp $
template_dir = ${ATLASPOOLROOT}/cmt/templates
${CONSTITUENT} : ../pool/${CONSTITUENT}CnvEnd.stamp ;
#Begin: create dir and first part of required files
../pool/${CONSTITUENT}CnvBegin.stamp : ../pool/${CONSTITUENT}CnvReset.stamp
$(echo) "----- BEGIN pool converter generation -----"
if test ! -d ../pool ; then mkdir -p ../pool; fi
$(cmtexe) expand model '<ExamplePackageCnv_entries.h/>' >| ../pool/${package}Cnv_entries.h
$(cmtexe) expand model '<ExamplePackageCnv_entries.cxx package=${package} />' >| ../pool/${package}Cnv_entries.cxx
$(cmtexe) expand model '<ExamplePackageCnv_load.cxx package=${package} />' >| ../pool/${package}Cnv_load.cxx
$(cmtexe) expand model "< package=${package} />" >| ../pool/${package}
if test ! -f ../share/${package} ; then \
echo '# Just a dummy joboption - cnvs are auto-loaded' >> ../pool/${package} ; \
fi ;
touch ../pool/${CONSTITUENT}CnvBegin.stamp
# Setup a reset stamp to trigger a cleanup each time a new header file
# is added
../pool/${CONSTITUENT}CnvReset.stamp : $(cmt_final_setup_${CONSTITUENT})
$(echo) "----- RESET pool converter generation -----"
/bin/rm -rf ../pool && \
mkdir -p ../pool && \
touch ../pool/${CONSTITUENT}CnvReset.stamp
../pool/${CONSTITUENT}Cnv.stamp :
$(silent)touch ../pool/${CONSTITUENT}Cnv.stamp
#End: create final part of required files
../pool/${CONSTITUENT}CnvEnd.stamp : ../pool/${CONSTITUENT}Cnv.stamp
$(echo) "----- END pool converter generation -----"
if [ "$(OBJS)" ]; then \
cat ../pool/$(package)_*Cnv_entries_h >>../pool/${package}Cnv_entries.h && \
cat ../pool/${package}_*Cnv_entries_cxx >>../pool/${package}Cnv_entries.cxx && \
cat ../pool/${package}_*ItemList_joboptions_py >>../pool/${package} && \
\rm -f ../pool/$(package)_*Cnv_entries_h \
../pool/${package}_*Cnv_entries_cxx \
../pool/${package}_*ItemList_joboptions_py; \
echo '}' >> ../pool/${package}Cnv_entries.cxx
touch ../pool/${CONSTITUENT}CnvEnd.stamp
# begin
# nameCnv
# const
# End
# P_Cnv_entries.h : H F F ...
# P_Cnv_entries.cxx : H F F ... T
# P_Cnv_load.cxx : H
# N_Cnv.h : F
# N_Cnv.cxx : F
## @file
## @brief This makefile fragment generates C++ code for AthenaPOOL
## converters and POOL IO handlers needed for element links
## See complete documentation in
## @author RD Schaffer <>
## $Id:,v 1.1 2005-01-13 10:54:01 schaffer Exp $
${CONSTITUENT}clean ::
/bin/rm -rf ../pool
package ByteStreamCnvSvc
author Hong Ma <>
author Peter van Gemmeren <>
use AtlasPolicy AtlasPolicy-*
use DataCollection DataCollection-* External
use GaudiInterface GaudiInterface-* External
use AthenaBaseComps AthenaBaseComps-* Control
use ByteStreamCnvSvcBase ByteStreamCnvSvcBase-* Event
use ByteStreamData ByteStreamData-* Event
# Specify the required tdaq-common components (cmake-specific)
apply_pattern cmake_add_command command="find_package(tdaq-common COMPONENTS eformat_old eformat_write RawFileName DataReader DataWriter)"
# temp FIXME.
include_dirs $(ByteStreamCnvSvc_root)/ByteStreamCnvSvc
apply_pattern dual_use_library files="*.cxx"
apply_pattern declare_joboptions files="*.py"
apply_pattern declare_python_modules files="*.py"
apply_pattern declare_scripts files=""
use AtlasBoost AtlasBoost-* External
use AthenaKernel AthenaKernel-* Control
use SGTools SGTools-* Control
use StoreGate StoreGate-* Control
use EventInfo EventInfo-* Event
#use xAODEventInfo xAODEventInfo-* Event/xAOD
use PersistentDataModel PersistentDataModel-* Database
use AthenaPoolUtilities AthenaPoolUtilities-* Database/AthenaPOOL
use AthenaPoolKernel AthenaPoolKernel-* Database/AthenaPOOL
use ByteStreamCnvSvcLegacy ByteStreamCnvSvcLegacy-* Event
# Setup automatic testing which runs with gmake check
# We define here a macro which can be used to run the tests only on
# Test infrastructure
use TestPolicy TestPolicy-*
use MinimalRunTime MinimalRunTime-* Control -no_auto_imports
macro_append ByteStreamCnvSvcLib_shlibflags " -lrt" target-darwin ""
macro_append ByteStreamCnvSvc_linkopts " -lrt" target-darwin ""
# optimized mode.
macro test_pattern_opt_only "athenarun_test" \
debug ""
# BSEventSelector
apply_pattern athenarun_test name="BSEventSelector" pre_script="../cmt/ ; rm -rf ../run/*" options="ByteStreamCnvSvc/" post_script="../test/ BSEventSelector"
# BSEventSelector 2 files
#apply_pattern athenarun_test name="BSEventSelector_redux" pre_script="../cmt/ ; rm -rf ../run/*" options="ByteStreamCnvSvc/" post_script="../test/ BSEventSelector_redux"
# BSEventSelector MP
#apply_pattern athenarun_test name="BSEventSelectorMP" pre_script="../test/ ; rm -rf ../run/*" options="ByteStreamCnvSvc/" post_script="../test/ BSEventSelectorMP"
# BSFilter
#apply_pattern athenarun_test name="BSFilter" pre_script="../cmt/" options="ByteStreamCnvSvc/" post_script="../test/ BSFilter"
use AtlasPOOL AtlasPOOL-* External
use AtlasCORAL AtlasCORAL-* External
macro_append AtlFindBSEvent_dependencies "ByteStreamCnvSvcLib"
macro_append AtlCopyBSEvent_dependencies "ByteStreamCnvSvcLib"
macro_append AtlListBSEvents_dependencies "ByteStreamCnvSvcLib"
application AtlFindBSEvent ../test/AtlFindBSEvent.cxx
application AtlCopyBSEvent ../test/AtlCopyBSEvent.cxx
application AtlListBSEvents ../test/AtlListBSEvents.cxx
# This is copied from UnitTest_run from TestTools.
use TestTools TestTools-* AtlasTest
pattern appl_test_run \
document athenarun_launcher <appl><run>_utest -group=$(whichGroup) \
athenarun_exe="'../${CMTCONFIG}/<appl>.exe'" \
athenarun_pre="'source ../cmt/'" \
athenarun_opt="'<appl_test_args>'" \
athenarun_out="' >& <appl><run>_test.log'" \
athenarun_post="' <appl><run>_test $(q)<extrapatterns>$(q)'"
apply_pattern appl_test_run appl=AtlCopyBSEvent run=1 appl_test_args="-e 14350,14356,14382 -o /afs/"
apply_pattern appl_test_run appl=AtlFindBSEvent run=2 appl_test_args="-e 14356 /afs/"
apply_pattern appl_test_run appl=AtlCopyBSEvent run=3 appl_test_args="-d -e 14350,14356,14382 -o"
apply_pattern appl_test_run appl=AtlFindBSEvent run=4 appl_test_args="-e 14382" extrapatterns="+Timestamp"
apply_pattern appl_test_run appl=AtlCopyBSEvent run=5 appl_test_args="-e 14350,14356,14382 -o"
apply_pattern appl_test_run appl=AtlCopyBSEvent run=6 appl_test_args="-e all -o /afs/"
macro_append BSEventSelector_redux_utest_dependencies BSEventSelector_test
macro_append BSEventSelectorMP_utest_dependencies BSEventSelector_redux_test
macro_append AtlCopyBSEvent1_utest_dependencies BSEventSelector_test
macro_append AtlFindBSEvent2_utest_dependencies AtlCopyBSEvent1_utest
macro_append AtlCopyBSEvent3_utest_dependencies AtlCopyBSEvent1_utest
macro_append AtlFindBSEvent4_utest_dependencies AtlCopyBSEvent3_utest
macro_append AtlCopyBSEvent5_utest_dependencies AtlFindBSEvent4_utest
macro_append AtlCopyBSEvent6_utest_dependencies AtlFindBSEvent4_utest
package ByteStreamCnvSvcBase
author Hong Ma <>
author Werner Wiedenmann <>
author Peter van Gemmeren <>
use AtlasPolicy AtlasPolicy-*
use DataCollection DataCollection-* External
use GaudiInterface GaudiInterface-* External
use AthenaKernel AthenaKernel-* Control
use AthenaBaseComps AthenaBaseComps-* Control
use CLIDSvc CLIDSvc-* Control
use StoreGate StoreGate-* Control
use ByteStreamData ByteStreamData-* Event
apply_pattern dual_use_library files="*.cxx"
apply_pattern declare_joboptions files="-s=../share *.py"
use SGTools SGTools-* Control
package ByteStreamCnvSvcLegacy
author Andy Salnikov <>
use AtlasPolicy AtlasPolicy-*
use AtlasBoost AtlasBoost-* External
use DataCollection DataCollection-* External
# Specify the required tdaq-common components (cmake-specific)
apply_pattern cmake_add_command command="find_package(tdaq-common COMPONENTS eformat_old eformat_write RawFileName DataReader DataWriter)"
library ByteStreamCnvSvcLegacy "offline_eformat/old/*.cxx offline_EventStorage/*.cxx"
macro_append ByteStreamCnvSvcLegacy_shlibflags "-lz"
apply_pattern installed_library
use uuid * LCG_Interfaces
package ByteStreamData
author Hong Ma <>
author Peter van Gemmeren <>
use AtlasPolicy AtlasPolicy-*
use CLIDSvc CLIDSvc-* Control
use DataModel DataModel-* Control
#use DataCollection DataCollection-* External
use_unless pkg=DataCollection tag=ManaCore ver=DataCollection-* root=External
library ByteStreamData ROBData.cxx ByteStreamMetadata.cxx
apply_pattern installed_library
library ByteStreamData_test ROBData_t.cxx
apply_pattern named_installed_library library=ByteStreamData_test
macro_append ByteStreamData_test_dependencies " ByteStreamData"
# dictionary creation (patterns from Gaudi/SEAL) for bindings
use AtlasReflex AtlasReflex-* External
#use AtlasROOT AtlasROOT-* External
macro bsdata_hdr_files " -s=$(ByteStreamData_root)/ByteStreamData "
macro_append bsdata_hdr_files " ByteStreamDataDict.h"
apply_pattern lcgdict dict=ByteStreamData \
selectionfile=selection.xml \
package ByteStreamEventAthenaPool
use AtlasPolicy AtlasPolicy-*
use AthenaPoolUtilities AthenaPoolUtilities-* Database/AthenaPOOL
apply_pattern poolcnv \
files="-s=${ByteStreamData_root}/ByteStreamData ByteStreamMetadataContainer.h \
use AthenaPoolCnvSvc AthenaPoolCnvSvc-* Database/AthenaPOOL
use ByteStreamData ByteStreamData-* Event
use ByteStreamEventTPCnv ByteStreamEventTPCnv-* Event
package ByteStreamEventPTCnv
author Alexandre Vaniachine <>
use AtlasPolicy AtlasPolicy-*
use ByteStreamEventTPCnv ByteStreamEventTPCnv-* Event
library ByteStreamEventPTCnv *.cxx
apply_pattern tpcnv_library
use AtlasReflex AtlasReflex-* External
apply_pattern lcgdict dict=ByteStreamEventPTCnv selectionfile=selection.xml headerfiles="../ByteStreamEventPTCnv/ByteStreamEventPTCnvDict.h"
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