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atlas / athena
126843 commits behind the upstream repository.
Charles Leggett authored
endreq is deprecated, and replaced with endmsg. Did not replace in log files, or READMEs. Two files which are questionable are InnerDetector/InDetAlignAlgs/InDetAlignGenAlgs/src/ and InnerDetector/InDetRecTools/InDetMultipleVertexSeedFinderUtils/src/PVFindingTrackFilter_cxx Former-commit-id: 699dba0d352bf7192cc4a2d9a7bb4d23845cfe61
Charles Leggett authoredendreq is deprecated, and replaced with endmsg. Did not replace in log files, or READMEs. Two files which are questionable are InnerDetector/InDetAlignAlgs/InDetAlignGenAlgs/src/ and InnerDetector/InDetRecTools/InDetMultipleVertexSeedFinderUtils/src/PVFindingTrackFilter_cxx Former-commit-id: 699dba0d352bf7192cc4a2d9a7bb4d23845cfe61
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LArOFC2Ntuple.cxx 5.73 KiB
Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
#include "LArCalibTools/LArOFC2Ntuple.h"
#include "LArRawConditions/LArOFCComplete.h"
#include "CaloIdentifier/CaloGain.h"
#include "LArIdentifier/LArOnlineID.h"
#include "StoreGate/StoreGateSvc.h"
#include "LArCabling/LArCablingService.h"
LArOFC2Ntuple::LArOFC2Ntuple(const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator):
LArCond2NtupleBase(name, pSvcLocator)
declareProperty("ContainerKey", m_contKey = "LArOFC");
//declareProperty("Nsamples", m_nSamples = 5);
//declareProperty("Nphases", m_nPhases = 50);
declareProperty("NtupleName", m_ntName = "OFC");
declareProperty("NtupleFile", m_ntFile = "FILE1");
declareProperty("IsMC", m_isMC=false);
declareProperty("OFCTool", m_OFCTool );
StatusCode LArOFC2Ntuple::initialize() {
m_ntTitle="Optimal Filtering Coefficients";
if ( LArCond2NtupleBase::initialize().isFailure() ) {
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
if ( m_isMC && m_OFCTool.retrieve().isFailure() ) {
(*m_log) << MSG::ERROR << "OFC tool required for MC conditions but not available" << endmsg;
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
StatusCode LArOFC2Ntuple::stop() {
StatusCode sc;
// Ntuple booking: Specific
NTuple::Item<long> gain, phase, nSamples;
NTuple::Item<float> timeOffset, phasetime;
NTuple::Array<float> OFCa, OFCb;
if (sc!=StatusCode::SUCCESS) {
(*m_log) << MSG::ERROR << "addItem 'gain' failed" << endmsg;
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
if (sc!=StatusCode::SUCCESS) {
(*m_log) << MSG::ERROR << "addItem 'TimeOffset' failed" << endmsg;
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
if (sc!=StatusCode::SUCCESS) {
(*m_log) << MSG::ERROR << "addItem 'phase' failed" << endmsg;
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
if (sc!=StatusCode::SUCCESS) {
(*m_log) << MSG::ERROR << "addItem 'PhaseTime' failed" << endmsg;
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
if (sc!=StatusCode::SUCCESS) {
(*m_log) << MSG::ERROR << "addItem 'nSamples' failed" << endmsg;
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
if (sc!=StatusCode::SUCCESS) {
(*m_log) << MSG::ERROR << "addItem 'OFCa' failed" << endmsg;
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
if (sc!=StatusCode::SUCCESS) {
(*m_log) << MSG::ERROR << "addItem 'OFCb' failed" << endmsg;
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
// retrieve OFC object
const ILArOFC* larOFC = NULL ;
//const LArOFCComplete* larOFC = NULL ;
if ( !m_isMC ) {
(*m_log) << MSG::DEBUG << "Retrieving ILArOFC object with key " << m_contKey << endmsg;
sc = m_detStore->retrieve(larOFC,m_contKey);
if (sc.isFailure()) {
(*m_log) << MSG::ERROR << "Can't retrieve ILArOFC with key " << m_contKey << " from Conditions Store" << endmsg;
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
unsigned cellCounter=0;
for ( unsigned igain=CaloGain::LARHIGHGAIN;
igain<CaloGain::LARNGAIN ; ++igain ) {
std::vector<HWIdentifier>::const_iterator it = m_onlineId->channel_begin();
std::vector<HWIdentifier>::const_iterator it_e = m_onlineId->channel_end();
if ( m_isMC ) {
for (;it!=it_e;it++) {
const HWIdentifier chid = *it;
if (!m_larCablingSvc->isOnlineConnected(chid)) continue;
(*m_log) << MSG::VERBOSE << "Dumping OFC for channel 0x" << MSG::hex
<< chid.get_compact() << MSG::dec << endmsg;
ILArOFC::OFCRef_t ofc_a=m_OFCTool->OFC_a(chid,igain);
ILArOFC::OFCRef_t ofc_b=m_OFCTool->OFC_b(chid,igain);
gain = (long)igain ;
phase = (long)0 ;
for (int k=0;k<nSamples;k++ ) {
OFCa[k] = ofc_a[k] ;
OFCb[k] = ofc_b[k] ;
timeOffset = 0;
phasetime = 0;
sc = ntupleSvc()->writeRecord(m_nt);
if (sc!=StatusCode::SUCCESS) {
(*m_log) << MSG::ERROR << "writeRecord failed" << endmsg;
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
}//loop over channels
} else { // is_MC
for (;it!=it_e;it++) {
const HWIdentifier chid = *it;
if ( !m_larCablingSvc->isOnlineConnected(chid)) continue;
(*m_log) << MSG::VERBOSE << "Dumping OFC for channel 0x" << MSG::hex
<< chid.get_compact() << MSG::dec << endmsg;
for (unsigned iphase=0;iphase<larOFC->nTimeBins(chid,igain);iphase++) {
ILArOFC::OFCRef_t ofc_a=larOFC->OFC_a(chid,igain,iphase);
//Check if we have OFC for this channel and gain
//if (!ofc_a.size()) break;//No more phases
ILArOFC::OFCRef_t ofc_b=larOFC->OFC_b(chid,igain,iphase);
gain = (long)igain ;
phase = (long)iphase ;
for (int k=0;k<nSamples;k++ ) {
OFCa[k] = ofc_a[k] ;
OFCb[k] = ofc_b[k] ;
timeOffset = larOFC->timeOffset(chid,igain);
phasetime = phase*larOFC->timeBinWidth(chid,igain);
sc = ntupleSvc()->writeRecord(m_nt);
if (sc!=StatusCode::SUCCESS) {
(*m_log) << MSG::ERROR << "writeRecord failed" << endmsg;
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
}//loop over phases
}//loop over channels
}//loop over gains
(*m_log) << MSG::INFO << "Total number of cells = " << cellCounter << endmsg;
(*m_log) << MSG::INFO << "LArOFC2Ntuple has finished." << endmsg;
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
} // end finalize-method.