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Commit 2a8416df authored by Frank Winklmeier's avatar Frank Winklmeier
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Merge branch 'master-qgsjet' into 'master'

correct QGSJet in analoguos way to Epos and move Pythia8B common fragments to correct location

See merge request atlas/athena!40623
parents 8180f419 698c0fe6
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with 292 additions and 1 deletion
......@@ -31,5 +31,5 @@ atlas_add_component( Pythia8B_i
LINK_LIBRARIES ${Boost_LIBRARIES} ${PYTHIA8_LIBRARIES} ${LHAPDF_LIBRARIES} ${CLHEP_LIBRARIES} AtlasHepMCLib AthenaBaseComps GaudiKernel Pythia8_iLib GeneratorObjects Pythia8B_iLib )
# Install files from the package:
atlas_install_joboptions( share/*.py )
atlas_install_joboptions( share/common/*.py )
## Config for Py8B tune A14 with CTEQ6L1
ver = os.popen("cmt show versions External/Pythia8").read()
print "Pythia8 version: " + ver
if 'Pythia8-01' in ver[:50]:
genSeq.Pythia8B.Commands += [
"Tune:ee = 7",
"Tune:pp = 14",
"PDF:useLHAPDF = on",
"PDF:LHAPDFset = cteq6ll",
"SpaceShower:rapidityOrder = on",
"SigmaProcess:alphaSvalue = 0.144",
"SpaceShower:pT0Ref = 1.30",
"SpaceShower:pTmaxFudge = 0.95",
"SpaceShower:pTdampFudge = 1.21",
"SpaceShower:alphaSvalue = 0.125",
"TimeShower:alphaSvalue = 0.126",
"BeamRemnants:primordialKThard = 1.72",
"MultipartonInteractions:pT0Ref = 1.98",
"MultipartonInteractions:alphaSvalue = 0.118",
"BeamRemnants:reconnectRange = 2.08"]
genSeq.Pythia8B.Commands += [
"Tune:ee = 7",
"Tune:pp = 14",
"SpaceShower:rapidityOrder = on",
"SigmaProcess:alphaSvalue = 0.144",
"SpaceShower:pT0Ref = 1.30",
"SpaceShower:pTmaxFudge = 0.95",
"SpaceShower:pTdampFudge = 1.21",
"SpaceShower:alphaSvalue = 0.125",
"TimeShower:alphaSvalue = 0.126",
"BeamRemnants:primordialKThard = 1.72",
"MultipartonInteractions:pT0Ref = 1.98",
"MultipartonInteractions:alphaSvalue = 0.118",
"ColourReconnection:range = 2.08"]
evgenConfig.tune = "A14 CTEQ6L1"
## Config for Py8B tune A14 with CTEQ6L1
## The default version of this tune fragment include EvtGen for standardised b fragmentation
# Reference the non-standard version without EvtGen
# Add EvtGen for b fragmentation as default. No EvtGen is available in "nonStandard"
## Config for Py8B tune A14 with NNPDF23LO
## This is the version without EvtGen, and as such is not the standard.
## The default version is available in common/Pythia8B/
# todo - replace BeamRemnants with new ColourReconnection syntax once Pythia 8.201 is in place
ver = os.popen("cmt show versions External/Pythia8").read()
print "Pythia8 version: " + ver
if 'Pythia8-01' in ver[:50]:
genSeq.Pythia8B.Commands += [
"Tune:ee = 7",
"Tune:pp = 14",
"PDF:useLHAPDF = on",
"PDF:LHAPDFset = NNPDF23_lo_as_0130_qed",
"SpaceShower:rapidityOrder = on",
"SigmaProcess:alphaSvalue = 0.140",
"SpaceShower:pT0Ref = 1.56",
"SpaceShower:pTmaxFudge = 0.91",
"SpaceShower:pTdampFudge = 1.05",
"SpaceShower:alphaSvalue = 0.127",
"TimeShower:alphaSvalue = 0.127",
"BeamRemnants:primordialKThard = 1.88",
"MultipartonInteractions:pT0Ref = 2.09",
"MultipartonInteractions:alphaSvalue = 0.126",
"BeamRemnants:reconnectRange = 1.71"]
genSeq.Pythia8B.Commands += [
"Tune:ee = 7",
"Tune:pp = 14",
"SpaceShower:rapidityOrder = on",
"SigmaProcess:alphaSvalue = 0.140",
"SpaceShower:pT0Ref = 1.56",
"SpaceShower:pTmaxFudge = 0.91",
"SpaceShower:pTdampFudge = 1.05",
"SpaceShower:alphaSvalue = 0.127",
"TimeShower:alphaSvalue = 0.127",
"BeamRemnants:primordialKThard = 1.88",
"MultipartonInteractions:pT0Ref = 2.09",
"MultipartonInteractions:alphaSvalue = 0.126",
"ColourReconnection:range = 1.71"]
evgenConfig.tune = "A14 NNPDF23LO"
## Config for Py8B tune A14 with NNPDF23LO
## The default version of this tune fragment include EvtGen for standardised b fragmentation
# Reference the non-standard version without EvtGen
# Add EvtGen for b fragmentation as default. No EvtGen is available in "nonStandard"
# List of B-species PDG codes
genSeq.Pythia8B.BPDGCodes = [511,521,531,541,5122,5132,5232,5332,-511,-521,-531,-541,-5122,-5132,-5232,-5332]
## Base config for Pythia8B
from Pythia8B_i.Pythia8B_iConf import Pythia8B_i
genSeq += Pythia8B_i("Pythia8B")
evgenConfig.generators += ["Pythia8B"]
genSeq.Pythia8B.Commands += [
"Main:timesAllowErrors = 500",
"6:m0 = 172.5",
"23:m0 = 91.1876",
"23:mWidth = 2.4952",
"24:m0 = 80.399",
"24:mWidth = 2.085",
"StandardModel:sin2thetaW = 0.23113",
"StandardModel:sin2thetaWbar = 0.23146",
"ParticleDecays:limitTau0 = on",
"ParticleDecays:tau0Max = 10.0"]
# Common job options for direct bottomonium production using
# Pythia8B.
# Hard process
genSeq.Pythia8B.Commands += ['PhaseSpace:pTHatMin = 1.'] # Equivalent of CKIN3
genSeq.Pythia8B.Commands += ['ParticleDecays:mixB = off']
genSeq.Pythia8B.Commands += ['HadronLevel:all = off']
# Quarkonia production mode
genSeq.Pythia8B.Commands += ['Bottomonium:all = on']
genSeq.Pythia8B.Commands += ['PhaseSpace:pTHatMinDiverge = 0.5']
genSeq.Pythia8B.SuppressSmallPT = True
genSeq.Pythia8B.pT0timesMPI = 1.
genSeq.Pythia8B.numberAlphaS = 3.
genSeq.Pythia8B.useSameAlphaSasMPI = False
genSeq.Pythia8B.SelectBQuarks = False
genSeq.Pythia8B.SelectCQuarks = False
genSeq.Pythia8B.VetoDoubleBEvents = False
genSeq.Pythia8B.VetoDoubleCEvents = False
# Number of repeat-hadronization loops
genSeq.Pythia8B.NHadronizationLoops = 1
# List of B-species - for counting purposes (no effect on generation)
# Common job options for direct Pythia8B charmonium production
# Hard process
genSeq.Pythia8B.Commands += ['PhaseSpace:pTHatMin = 1.'] # Equivalent of CKIN3
genSeq.Pythia8B.Commands += ['ParticleDecays:mixB = off']
genSeq.Pythia8B.Commands += ['HadronLevel:all = off']
# Quarkonia production mode
genSeq.Pythia8B.Commands += ['Charmonium:all = on']
genSeq.Pythia8B.Commands += ['PhaseSpace:pTHatMinDiverge = 0.5']
genSeq.Pythia8B.SuppressSmallPT = True
genSeq.Pythia8B.pT0timesMPI = 1.
genSeq.Pythia8B.numberAlphaS = 3.
genSeq.Pythia8B.useSameAlphaSasMPI = False
genSeq.Pythia8B.SelectBQuarks = False
genSeq.Pythia8B.SelectCQuarks = False
genSeq.Pythia8B.VetoDoubleBEvents = False
genSeq.Pythia8B.VetoDoubleCEvents = False
# Number of repeat-hadronization loops
genSeq.Pythia8B.NHadronizationLoops = 1
# List of B-species - for counting purposes (no effect on generation)
#include("Pythia8B_i/") NB: Not working in MC15, is it a problem??
# Pythia8_i commands to switch off decays of B
# Should be used when exclusive decays are needed from
# the anti-B-hadron but not the B-hadron
genSeq.Pythia8B.Commands += ['511:onMode = 2']
genSeq.Pythia8B.Commands += ['521:onMode = 2']
genSeq.Pythia8B.Commands += ['531:onMode = 2']
genSeq.Pythia8B.Commands += ['541:onMode = 2']
genSeq.Pythia8B.Commands += ['5122:onMode = 3']
genSeq.Pythia8B.Commands += ['5132:onMode = 3']
genSeq.Pythia8B.Commands += ['5232:onMode = 3']
genSeq.Pythia8B.Commands += ['5332:onMode = 3']
# Pythia8_i commands to switch off decays of anti-B
# Should be used when exclusive decays are needed from
# the B-hadron but not the anti-B-hadron
genSeq.Pythia8B.Commands += ['511:onMode = 3']
genSeq.Pythia8B.Commands += ['521:onMode = 3']
genSeq.Pythia8B.Commands += ['531:onMode = 3']
genSeq.Pythia8B.Commands += ['541:onMode = 3']
genSeq.Pythia8B.Commands += ['5122:onMode = 2']
genSeq.Pythia8B.Commands += ['5132:onMode = 2']
genSeq.Pythia8B.Commands += ['5232:onMode = 2']
genSeq.Pythia8B.Commands += ['5332:onMode = 2']
## Run EvtGen afterburner on top of Pythia 8B
assert hasattr(genSeq, "Pythia8B")
evgenConfig.auxfiles += ['inclusiveP8DsDPlus.pdt']
#genSeq.EvtInclusiveDecay.pdtFile = "inclusiveP8.pdt"
genSeq.EvtInclusiveDecay.pdtFile = "inclusiveP8DsDPlus.pdt"
# FHerwig has problems with omega b* (5334), so not present in the base EvtGen fragment. Add it here.
genSeq.EvtInclusiveDecay.whiteList+=[-5334, 5334]
# Opens all B->charmonium decays
# i.e. B->J/psi, psi(2S), chi_c0,1,2,h_c
# B0
genSeq.Pythia8B.Commands += ['511:onIfAny = 443']
genSeq.Pythia8B.Commands += ['511:onIfAny = 100443']
genSeq.Pythia8B.Commands += ['511:onIfAny = 445']
genSeq.Pythia8B.Commands += ['511:onIfAny = 10441']
genSeq.Pythia8B.Commands += ['511:onIfAny = 10443']
genSeq.Pythia8B.Commands += ['511:onIfAny = 20443']
# B+/-
genSeq.Pythia8B.Commands += ['521:onIfAny = 443']
genSeq.Pythia8B.Commands += ['521:onIfAny = 100443']
genSeq.Pythia8B.Commands += ['521:onIfAny = 445']
genSeq.Pythia8B.Commands += ['521:onIfAny = 10441']
genSeq.Pythia8B.Commands += ['521:onIfAny = 10443']
genSeq.Pythia8B.Commands += ['521:onIfAny = 20443']
# Bs
genSeq.Pythia8B.Commands += ['531:onIfAny = 443']
genSeq.Pythia8B.Commands += ['531:onIfAny = 100443']
genSeq.Pythia8B.Commands += ['531:onIfAny = 445']
genSeq.Pythia8B.Commands += ['531:onIfAny = 10441']
genSeq.Pythia8B.Commands += ['531:onIfAny = 10443']
genSeq.Pythia8B.Commands += ['531:onIfAny = 20443']
# Bc
genSeq.Pythia8B.Commands += ['541:onIfAny = 443']
genSeq.Pythia8B.Commands += ['541:onIfAny = 100443']
genSeq.Pythia8B.Commands += ['541:onIfAny = 445']
genSeq.Pythia8B.Commands += ['541:onIfAny = 10441']
genSeq.Pythia8B.Commands += ['541:onIfAny = 10443']
genSeq.Pythia8B.Commands += ['541:onIfAny = 20443']
# LambdaB
genSeq.Pythia8B.Commands += ['5122:onIfAny = 443']
genSeq.Pythia8B.Commands += ['5122:onIfAny = 100443']
genSeq.Pythia8B.Commands += ['5122:onIfAny = 445']
genSeq.Pythia8B.Commands += ['5122:onIfAny = 10441']
genSeq.Pythia8B.Commands += ['5122:onIfAny = 10443']
genSeq.Pythia8B.Commands += ['5122:onIfAny = 20443']
# Xb+/-
genSeq.Pythia8B.Commands += ['5132:onIfAny = 443']
genSeq.Pythia8B.Commands += ['5132:onIfAny = 100443']
genSeq.Pythia8B.Commands += ['5132:onIfAny = 445']
genSeq.Pythia8B.Commands += ['5132:onIfAny = 10441']
genSeq.Pythia8B.Commands += ['5132:onIfAny = 10443']
genSeq.Pythia8B.Commands += ['5132:onIfAny = 20443']
# Xb
genSeq.Pythia8B.Commands += ['5232:onIfAny = 443']
genSeq.Pythia8B.Commands += ['5232:onIfAny = 100443']
genSeq.Pythia8B.Commands += ['5232:onIfAny = 445']
genSeq.Pythia8B.Commands += ['5232:onIfAny = 10441']
genSeq.Pythia8B.Commands += ['5232:onIfAny = 10443']
genSeq.Pythia8B.Commands += ['5232:onIfAny = 20443']
# Omega_b+/-
genSeq.Pythia8B.Commands += ['5332:onIfAny = 443']
genSeq.Pythia8B.Commands += ['5332:onIfAny = 100443']
genSeq.Pythia8B.Commands += ['5332:onIfAny = 445']
genSeq.Pythia8B.Commands += ['5332:onIfAny = 10441']
genSeq.Pythia8B.Commands += ['5332:onIfAny = 10443']
genSeq.Pythia8B.Commands += ['5332:onIfAny = 20443']
## Photos++ QED config for Pythia8B
## Disable native QED FSR
assert hasattr(genSeq, "Pythia8B")
genSeq.Pythia8B.Commands += ["TimeShower:QEDshowerByL = off"]
## Enable Photos++
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