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Commit 6274f086 authored by Somadutta Bhatta's avatar Somadutta Bhatta Committed by Edward Moyse
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Add L1TE Info for monitoring

parent 231f4b49
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......@@ -48,11 +48,17 @@ def TrigSPTRK(configFlags):
mbEffGroup.defineHistogram( "trkSelOfflineRatio", path="Expert", title="Number of tracks reconstructed offline(selected)/offline; N sel/all", xbins=200, xmin=0.1, xmax=1.9 )
mbEffGroup.defineHistogram( "nTrkOnline,nTrkOffline", type="TH2F", path="Expert", title=";N online tracks;N offline tracks", xbins=200, xmin=0, xmax=400, ybins=400, ymin=0, ymax=400 )
mbEffGroup.defineHistogram( "SctTot,nTrkOffline", type="TH2F", title="Number of SP in whole SCT detector for all events;N offline tracks", xbins=400, xmin=0, xmax=4000, ybins=400, ymin=0, ymax=400 )
mbEffGroup.defineHistogram( "SctTot,nTrkOnline", type="TH2F", title="Number of SP in whole SCT detector for all events;N online tracks", xbins=400, xmin=0, xmax=4000, ybins=400, ymin=0, ymax=400 )
mbEffGroup.defineHistogram( "PixelCL,nTrkOffline", type="TH2F", title="Number of SP in whole Pixels detector for all events;N offline tracks", xbins=100, xmin=0, xmax=4000, ybins=100, ymin=0, ymax=400 )
mbEffGroup.defineHistogram( "PixelCL,nTrkOnline", type="TH2F", title="Number of SP in whole Pixels detector for all events;N online tracks", xbins=100, xmin=0, xmax=4000, ybins=100, ymin=0, ymax=400 )
mbEffGroup.defineHistogram( "SctTot,PixelCL", type="TH2F", title="Number of SP in whole SCT detector for all events;Number of SP in whole Pixels detector for all events", xbins=100, xmin=0, xmax=4000, ybins=100, ymin=0, ymax=4000 )
mbEffGroup.defineHistogram( "SctTot,nTrkOffline", type="TH2F", title=";Number of SP in whole SCT detector for all events;N offline tracks", xbins=400, xmin=0, xmax=4000, ybins=400, ymin=0, ymax=400 )
mbEffGroup.defineHistogram( "SctTot,nTrkOnline", type="TH2F", title=";Number of SP in whole SCT detector for all events;N online tracks", xbins=400, xmin=0, xmax=4000, ybins=400, ymin=0, ymax=400 )
mbEffGroup.defineHistogram( "PixelCL,nTrkOffline", type="TH2F", title=";Number of SP in whole Pixels detector for all events;N offline tracks", xbins=100, xmin=0, xmax=4000, ybins=100, ymin=0, ymax=400 )
mbEffGroup.defineHistogram( "PixelCL,nTrkOnline", type="TH2F", title=";Number of SP in whole Pixels detector for all events;N online tracks", xbins=100, xmin=0, xmax=4000, ybins=100, ymin=0, ymax=400 )
mbEffGroup.defineHistogram( "SctTot,PixelCL", type="TH2F", title=";Number of SP in whole SCT detector for all events;Number of SP in whole Pixels detector for all events", xbins=100, xmin=0, xmax=4000, ybins=100, ymin=0, ymax=4000 )
mbEffGroup.defineHistogram( "L1sumEt", title=";L1 Total ET [GeV] ;Events", xbins=52, xmin=-2, xmax=50 )
mbEffGroup.defineHistogram( "nTrkOffline,L1sumEt", type="TH2F", title=";Offline Ntrk;L1 Total ET [GeV]", xbins=200, xmin=-1, xmax=400, ybins=52, ymin=-2, ymax=50 )
mbEffGroup.defineHistogram( "nTrkOnline,L1sumEt", type="TH2F", title=";Online Ntrk;L1 Total ET [GeV]", xbins=200, xmin=-1, xmax=400, ybins=52, ymin=-2, ymax=50 )
mbEffGroup.defineHistogram( "SctTot,L1sumEt", type="TH2F", title=";Number of SP in whole SCT detector for all events;L1 Total ET [GeV]", xbins=100, xmin=0, xmax=4000, ybins=52, ymin=-2, ymax=50 )
mbEffGroup.defineHistogram( "PixelCL,L1sumEt", type="TH2F", title=";Number of SP in whole Pixels detector for all events;L1 Total ET [GeV]", xbins=100, xmin=0, xmax=4000, ybins=52, ymin=-2, ymax=50 )
mbSpGroup = monConfig.addGroup(
......@@ -69,12 +75,12 @@ def TrigSPTRK(configFlags):
mbSpGroup.defineHistogram( "SctECA_SP", title="Number of SCT_SP for all events in ECA", xbins=250, xmin=0, xmax=5000 )
mbSpGroup.defineHistogram( "SctECC_SP", title="Number of SCT_SP for all events in ECC", xbins=250, xmin=0, xmax=5000 )
# expert plots
mbSpGroup.defineHistogram( "SctECA_SP,SctECC_SP", type="TH2F", title="SctECA_SP;SctECC_SP", xbins=400, xmin=0, xmax=4000, ybins=400, ymin=0, ymax=4000 )
mbSpGroup.defineHistogram( "PixECA_SP,PixECC_SP", type="TH2F", title="PixECA_SP;PixECC_SP", xbins=400, xmin=0, xmax=4000, ybins=400, ymin=0, ymax=4000 )
mbSpGroup.defineHistogram( "SctBarr_SP,PixBarr_SP", type="TH2F", title="SctBarr_SP;PixBarr_SP", xbins=400, xmin=0, xmax=4000, ybins=400, ymin=0, ymax=4000 )
mbSpGroup.defineHistogram( "SctECA_SP,PixECA_SP", type="TH2F", title="SctECA_SP;PixECA_SP", xbins=400, xmin=0, xmax=4000, ybins=400, ymin=0, ymax=4000 )
mbSpGroup.defineHistogram( "SctECC_SP,PixECC_SP", type="TH2F", title="SctECC_SP;PixECC_SP", xbins=400, xmin=0, xmax=4000, ybins=400, ymin=0, ymax=4000 )
mbSpGroup.defineHistogram( "SctTot,PixelCL", type="TH2F", title="Number of SP in whole SCT detector for all events;Number of SP in whole Pixels detector for all events", xbins=400, xmin=0, xmax=4000, ybins=400, ymin=0, ymax=4000 )
mbSpGroup.defineHistogram( "SctECA_SP,SctECC_SP", type="TH2F", title=";SctECA_SP;SctECC_SP", xbins=400, xmin=0, xmax=4000, ybins=400, ymin=0, ymax=4000 )
mbSpGroup.defineHistogram( "PixECA_SP,PixECC_SP", type="TH2F", title=";PixECA_SP;PixECC_SP", xbins=400, xmin=0, xmax=4000, ybins=400, ymin=0, ymax=4000 )
mbSpGroup.defineHistogram( "SctBarr_SP,PixBarr_SP", type="TH2F", title=";SctBarr_SP;PixBarr_SP", xbins=400, xmin=0, xmax=4000, ybins=400, ymin=0, ymax=4000 )
mbSpGroup.defineHistogram( "SctECA_SP,PixECA_SP", type="TH2F", title=";SctECA_SP;PixECA_SP", xbins=400, xmin=0, xmax=4000, ybins=400, ymin=0, ymax=4000 )
mbSpGroup.defineHistogram( "SctECC_SP,PixECC_SP", type="TH2F", title=";SctECC_SP;PixECC_SP", xbins=400, xmin=0, xmax=4000, ybins=400, ymin=0, ymax=4000 )
mbSpGroup.defineHistogram( "SctTot,PixelCL", type="TH2F", title=";Number of SP in whole SCT detector for all events;Number of SP in whole Pixels detector for all events", xbins=400, xmin=0, xmax=4000, ybins=400, ymin=0, ymax=4000 )
return monConfig.result()
......@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ StatusCode HLTMinBiasTrkMonAlg::initialize()
ATH_CHECK(m_lvl1EnergySumROIKey.initialize() );
return AthMonitorAlgorithm::initialize();
......@@ -120,6 +121,13 @@ StatusCode HLTMinBiasTrkMonAlg::monitorTrkCounts(const EventContext &context) co
auto nMBTrkTrkOfflineRatio = Scalar("trkSelOfflineRatio", (offlineTrkHandle->size() == 0 ? -1 : static_cast<double>(nTrkOffline)/offlineTrkHandle->size() ));
auto L1TEHandle = SG::makeHandle(m_lvl1EnergySumROIKey, context);
ATH_MSG_DEBUG("L1TE monitoring, handle validity " << L1TEHandle.isValid());
float sum_roi_sumEt = 0.;
if (!L1TEHandle.isValid()) sum_roi_sumEt= -1.;
else sum_roi_sumEt = static_cast<float>(L1TEHandle->energyT())/1000.;
auto L1sumEt = Scalar("L1sumEt", sum_roi_sumEt);
auto spCountsHandle = SG::makeHandle(m_spCountsKey, context);
ATH_MSG_DEBUG("SP monitoring, handle validity " << spCountsHandle.isValid());
if (!spCountsHandle.isValid())
......@@ -132,7 +140,6 @@ StatusCode HLTMinBiasTrkMonAlg::monitorTrkCounts(const EventContext &context) co
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
ATH_CHECK(spCountsHandle->size() == 1); // if object is present then it should have size == 1
for (auto &trig : m_triggerList )
if (trigDecTool->isPassed(trig, TrigDefs::requireDecision))
......@@ -163,7 +170,7 @@ StatusCode HLTMinBiasTrkMonAlg::monitorTrkCounts(const EventContext &context) co
double nTrkRatio = offlineTrkHandle->size() > 0 ? static_cast<double>(offlineTrkHandle->size()) / static_cast<double>(trkCountsHandle->at(0)->getDetail<int>("ntrks")) : -1.0;
auto trkRatio = Scalar("nTrkRatio", nTrkRatio);
fill(trig + "_Tracking", nTrkOffline, nAllTrkOffline, nTrkOnline, decision, whichtrigger, trkRatio, nMBTrkTrkOfflineRatio, pixelCL, PixBarr_SP, PixECA_SP, PixECC_SP, SctTot, SctBarr_SP, SctECA_SP, SctECC_SP);
fill(trig + "_Tracking", nTrkOffline, nAllTrkOffline, nTrkOnline, decision, whichtrigger, trkRatio, nMBTrkTrkOfflineRatio, pixelCL, PixBarr_SP, PixECA_SP, PixECC_SP, SctTot, SctBarr_SP, SctECA_SP, SctECC_SP,L1sumEt);
fill("EffAll", decision, whichtrigger);
......@@ -177,4 +184,4 @@ StatusCode HLTMinBiasTrkMonAlg::monitorTrkCounts(const EventContext &context) co
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ Copyright (C) 2002-2020 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
#include "TrigDecisionTool/TrigDecisionTool.h"
#include "GaudiKernel/ToolHandle.h"
#include "InDetTrackSelectionTool/IInDetTrackSelectionTool.h"
#include "xAODTrigger/EnergySumRoI.h"
// STL includes
#include <string>
......@@ -35,6 +36,8 @@ private:
SG::ReadHandleKey<xAOD::TrigCompositeContainer> m_trkCountsKey { this, "TrkCountsKey", "HLT_TrackCount", "Name of Online track counts info object produced by the HLT track counting FEX algorithm" };
SG::ReadHandleKey<xAOD::TrackParticleContainer> m_offlineTrkKey { this, "OfflineTrkKey", "InDetTrackParticles", "Name of Offline track counts info object produced by the HLT track counting FEX algorithm" };
SG::ReadHandleKey<xAOD::TrackParticleContainer> m_onlineTrkKey { this, "OnlineTrkKey", "HLT_IDTrack_MinBias_IDTrig", "Name of track counts info object produced by the HLT track counting FEX algorithm" };
SG::ReadHandleKey<xAOD::EnergySumRoI> m_lvl1EnergySumROIKey { this, "lvl1EnergySumROIKey", "LVL1EnergySumRoI", "Name of Sum of Energy info object produced by the HLT track counting FEX algorithm" };
Gaudi::Property<std::vector<std::string>> m_triggerList{this, "triggerList",{}, "Add triggers to this to be monitored"};
ToolHandle<InDet::IInDetTrackSelectionTool> m_trackSelectionTool {this, "TrackSelectionTool", "InDetTrackSelectionTool", "Tool for selecting tracks"};
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