From 7ccc9b646f7b05b7c80e2a55ce795540fef9c481 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Alejandro Alonso Diaz <>
Date: Fri, 17 Jan 2014 14:27:10 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] EDM and EIGEN migration for rel 19

 .../TRT_DetectorPerformance/ITRT_StrawMap.h   |   80 +
 .../TRT_DetectorPerformance/TRT_ClockNoise.h  |  134 ++
 .../TRT_DTMROC_HeaderCheck.h                  |  117 ++
 .../TRT_DetectorPlots.h                       |  265 +++
 .../TRT_DetectorTiming.h                      |  144 ++
 .../TRT_EventPhaseAnalysis.h                  |  177 ++
 .../TRT_DetectorPerformance/TRT_StrawMap.h    |  147 ++
 .../TRT_DetectorPerformance/cmt/requirements  |   65 +
 .../share/                   |   20 +
 .../share/TRT_ClockNoiseResidualPlots.C       |  612 ++++++
 .../share/TRT_ClockNoiseResidualPlots.h       |  222 ++
 .../share/           |   19 +
 .../share/                |   19 +
 .../share/               |   20 +
 .../share/TRT_calculateTimingConstants.h      |  640 ++++++
 .../share/finedelays-avg0-chips.txt           |  208 ++
 .../share/shortStrawChips.txt                 |   12 +
 .../TRT_DetectorPerformance/share/swIndex.txt | 1649 +++++++++++++++
 .../src/TRT_ClockNoise.cxx                    |  653 ++++++
 .../src/TRT_DTMROC_HeaderCheck.cxx            |  348 +++
 .../src/TRT_DetectorPlots.cxx                 | 1863 +++++++++++++++++
 .../src/TRT_DetectorTiming.cxx                |  515 +++++
 .../src/TRT_EventPhaseAnalysis.cxx            |  545 +++++
 .../src/TRT_StrawMap.cxx                      |  352 ++++
 .../TRT_DetectorPerformance_entries.cxx       |   25 +
 .../TRT_DetectorPerformance_load.cxx          |    2 +
 .../TRT_DetectorPerformance/src/mapping.txt   |  120 ++
 27 files changed, 8973 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 InnerDetector/InDetPerformance/TRT_DetectorPerformance/TRT_DetectorPerformance/ITRT_StrawMap.h
 create mode 100644 InnerDetector/InDetPerformance/TRT_DetectorPerformance/TRT_DetectorPerformance/TRT_ClockNoise.h
 create mode 100644 InnerDetector/InDetPerformance/TRT_DetectorPerformance/TRT_DetectorPerformance/TRT_DTMROC_HeaderCheck.h
 create mode 100644 InnerDetector/InDetPerformance/TRT_DetectorPerformance/TRT_DetectorPerformance/TRT_DetectorPlots.h
 create mode 100644 InnerDetector/InDetPerformance/TRT_DetectorPerformance/TRT_DetectorPerformance/TRT_DetectorTiming.h
 create mode 100644 InnerDetector/InDetPerformance/TRT_DetectorPerformance/TRT_DetectorPerformance/TRT_EventPhaseAnalysis.h
 create mode 100644 InnerDetector/InDetPerformance/TRT_DetectorPerformance/TRT_DetectorPerformance/TRT_StrawMap.h
 create mode 100644 InnerDetector/InDetPerformance/TRT_DetectorPerformance/cmt/requirements
 create mode 100644 InnerDetector/InDetPerformance/TRT_DetectorPerformance/share/
 create mode 100644 InnerDetector/InDetPerformance/TRT_DetectorPerformance/share/TRT_ClockNoiseResidualPlots.C
 create mode 100644 InnerDetector/InDetPerformance/TRT_DetectorPerformance/share/TRT_ClockNoiseResidualPlots.h
 create mode 100644 InnerDetector/InDetPerformance/TRT_DetectorPerformance/share/
 create mode 100644 InnerDetector/InDetPerformance/TRT_DetectorPerformance/share/
 create mode 100644 InnerDetector/InDetPerformance/TRT_DetectorPerformance/share/
 create mode 100644 InnerDetector/InDetPerformance/TRT_DetectorPerformance/share/TRT_calculateTimingConstants.h
 create mode 100644 InnerDetector/InDetPerformance/TRT_DetectorPerformance/share/finedelays-avg0-chips.txt
 create mode 100644 InnerDetector/InDetPerformance/TRT_DetectorPerformance/share/shortStrawChips.txt
 create mode 100644 InnerDetector/InDetPerformance/TRT_DetectorPerformance/share/swIndex.txt
 create mode 100644 InnerDetector/InDetPerformance/TRT_DetectorPerformance/src/TRT_ClockNoise.cxx
 create mode 100644 InnerDetector/InDetPerformance/TRT_DetectorPerformance/src/TRT_DTMROC_HeaderCheck.cxx
 create mode 100644 InnerDetector/InDetPerformance/TRT_DetectorPerformance/src/TRT_DetectorPlots.cxx
 create mode 100644 InnerDetector/InDetPerformance/TRT_DetectorPerformance/src/TRT_DetectorTiming.cxx
 create mode 100644 InnerDetector/InDetPerformance/TRT_DetectorPerformance/src/TRT_EventPhaseAnalysis.cxx
 create mode 100644 InnerDetector/InDetPerformance/TRT_DetectorPerformance/src/TRT_StrawMap.cxx
 create mode 100644 InnerDetector/InDetPerformance/TRT_DetectorPerformance/src/components/TRT_DetectorPerformance_entries.cxx
 create mode 100644 InnerDetector/InDetPerformance/TRT_DetectorPerformance/src/components/TRT_DetectorPerformance_load.cxx
 create mode 100644 InnerDetector/InDetPerformance/TRT_DetectorPerformance/src/mapping.txt

diff --git a/InnerDetector/InDetPerformance/TRT_DetectorPerformance/TRT_DetectorPerformance/ITRT_StrawMap.h b/InnerDetector/InDetPerformance/TRT_DetectorPerformance/TRT_DetectorPerformance/ITRT_StrawMap.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..15bfa3b47c20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/InnerDetector/InDetPerformance/TRT_DetectorPerformance/TRT_DetectorPerformance/ITRT_StrawMap.h
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+// ITRT_StrawMap.h, (c) ATLAS Detector software
+#include "GaudiKernel/IAlgTool.h"
+//#include "Identifier/Identifier.h"
+//class Identifier;
+namespace InDet 
+  static const InterfaceID IID_ITRT_StrawMap("InDet::ITRT_StrawMap", 1, 0);
+  class ITRT_StrawMap : virtual public IAlgTool {
+  public:
+    static const InterfaceID& interfaceID( ) ;
+    // enter declaration of your interface-defining member functions here
+// need these???
+//      ITRT_StrawMap(const std::string&,const std::string&,const IInterface*);
+//      virtual ~ITRT_StrawMap ();
+//      virtual StatusCode initialize();
+//      virtual StatusCode finalize  ();
+    /** return board number in range 0-28; 
+        0-8 for barrel (1S, 1L, 2S, 2L1, 2L2, 3S1, 3S2, 3L1, 3L2) 
+        9-28 for endcap (from smaller |z| to larger |z|) */
+//    virtual int board(Identifier id);
+    /** will return the board number of the last identifier that was set */
+//    virtual int board();
+    /** return board number based on a straw number */
+ //   virtual int strawToBoard(int straw);
+    /** takes as an input chip number that follows 0-343 convention described below */
+ //   virtual int chipToBoard(int chip);
+    /** return chip number in range 0-343; 
+        0-103 for barrel (same order as in hardware) 
+        103-343 for endcap (from smaller |z| to larger |z|, always 12 per board, 0-11 order same as in hardware) */
+//    virtual int chip(Identifier id);
+    /** will return the chip number of the last identifier set */
+//    virtual int chip();
+    /** need side and phi information due to reversed numbering in some endcap phi stacks */
+  //  virtual int strawToChip(int straw, int side, int phi);
+    /** return straw number in range 0-5481; 
+        0-1641 for barrel (same order as in hardware) 
+        1642-5481 for endcap (from smaller |z| to larger |z|, same order as in hardware) */
+//    virtual int straw(Identifier id);
+ //   virtual int straw();
+    /** set private members appropriately: m_id, m_straw (index), m_reverse */
+ //   virtual void setNewIdentifier(Identifier id, int *index = 0);
+    /** prints out comparison with TRTStrawNeighbour tool (to debug the later) - very long output file! */
+//    virtual void compareWithTRTStrawNeighbour();
+  };
+  inline const InterfaceID& InDet::ITRT_StrawMap::interfaceID()
+    { 
+      return IID_ITRT_StrawMap; 
+    }
+} // end of namespace
diff --git a/InnerDetector/InDetPerformance/TRT_DetectorPerformance/TRT_DetectorPerformance/TRT_ClockNoise.h b/InnerDetector/InDetPerformance/TRT_DetectorPerformance/TRT_DetectorPerformance/TRT_ClockNoise.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..820783cf7835
--- /dev/null
+++ b/InnerDetector/InDetPerformance/TRT_DetectorPerformance/TRT_DetectorPerformance/TRT_ClockNoise.h
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+#ifndef TRT_DetectorPerformance_TRT_ClockNoise_H
+#define TRT_DetectorPerformance_TRT_ClockNoise_H
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <map>
+#include <utility>
+#include "AthenaBaseComps/AthAlgorithm.h"
+#include "GaudiKernel/ToolHandle.h"
+#include "GaudiKernel/ITHistSvc.h"
+#include "GaudiKernel/ServiceHandle.h"
+//#include "StoreGate/StoreGateSvc.h"
+#include "StoreGate/DataHandle.h"
+#include "TRT_ConditionsServices/ITRT_StrawStatusSummarySvc.h"
+//#include "DataModel/DataVector.h"
+namespace InDetDD {
+  class TRT_DetectorManager;
+class ITRT_StrawNeighbourSvc;
+namespace InDet {
+  class TRT_StrawMap;
+class ITHistSvc;
+class TTree;
+// constants for numbers of detector elements, time bins
+#define nPhi 32
+#define nSide 2
+#define nStrawB 1642 // number of straws in a barrel stack
+#define nStraw 5482 // number of straws in a barrel + endcap stack
+#define nBin 24
+// noise periods
+#define PERIOD_40MHZ 8
+#define PERIOD_80MHZ 4
+namespace InDet 
+  class TRT_ClockNoise : public AthAlgorithm {
+  public:
+    TRT_ClockNoise (const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator);
+    StatusCode initialize();
+    StatusCode execute();
+    StatusCode finalize();
+  private:
+//    const InDetDD::TRT_DetectorManager *m_trtDetMgr;
+    ServiceHandle<ITRT_StrawNeighbourSvc> m_trtStrawNeighbourTool;
+    ToolHandle<InDet::TRT_StrawMap> m_trtStrawMap;
+    ServiceHandle<ITRT_StrawStatusSummarySvc> m_TRTStrawStatusSummarySvc;
+    // flag to write ntuple
+    bool m_print_ntuple;
+    // output text file
+    std::string m_textfile;
+    // ----------------------------------
+    // for clock noise cut:
+    // ----------------------------------
+    // minimum number of noise hits
+    int m_min_noise_hits;
+    // minimum asymmetry value
+    float m_min_asym;
+    // ----------------------------------
+    // methods to look for clock noise
+    int classify_noise(); 
+    float find_max_asymmetry(int occ[24], int period, int* phase, float* occ_above_thermal);
+    float find_asymmetry(int occ[24], int period, int phase, float* occ_above_thermal);
+    // implement definition of clock noise in this method
+    int clock_noise_cut(int totalocc, float asym);
+    // discrete fourier transform, to pick out the frequency of noise components
+    int DFT(int occ[24], float* comp0mhz, float* comp40mhz, int* phase40mhz, float* comp80mhz, int* phase80mhz);
+    // find the phase of a noise component, from DFT output
+    int find_dft_phase(float re, float im, int period, int offset);
+    // convert (0,1) for (C,A) side back to standard (-2,-1,1,2)
+    int recover_side(int AorC, int straw);
+    // array for storing the occupancy for each straw, by LEbin
+    // indices are: phi, side (0 for C, 1 for A), straw#, LEbin
+    int m_straw_bin_occ[nPhi][nSide][nStraw][nBin]; 
+    // ---- for output tree ---------------  
+    ServiceHandle<ITHistSvc> m_histSvc;
+    TTree* m_ntuple;
+    int    m_leadingEdgeBin; 
+    int    m_board;
+    int    m_chip;
+    int    m_pad;
+    int    m_side; 
+    int    m_phi;
+    int    m_straw; 
+    int    m_strawLayer;
+    int    m_layer;
+    int    m_evtNum;
+  };
+} // end namespace 
diff --git a/InnerDetector/InDetPerformance/TRT_DetectorPerformance/TRT_DetectorPerformance/TRT_DTMROC_HeaderCheck.h b/InnerDetector/InDetPerformance/TRT_DetectorPerformance/TRT_DetectorPerformance/TRT_DTMROC_HeaderCheck.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..b915be69264c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/InnerDetector/InDetPerformance/TRT_DetectorPerformance/TRT_DetectorPerformance/TRT_DTMROC_HeaderCheck.h
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+// TRT_DTMROC_HeaderCheck.h, (c) ATLAS Detector software
+#include "AthenaBaseComps/AthAlgorithm.h"
+#include "GaudiKernel/MsgStream.h"
+#include "GaudiKernel/ITHistSvc.h"
+#include "TRT_ConditionsServices/ITRT_ByteStream_ConditionsSvc.h"
+#include "StoreGate/StoreGateSvc.h"
+#include "InDetRawData/InDetTimeCollection.h"
+#include "EventInfo/EventInfo.h"
+#include "EventInfo/EventID.h"
+#include <string>
+#include <map>
+//#include "InDetByteStreamErrors/TRT_BSErrContainer.h"
+//#include "InDetByteStreamErrors/TRT_BSIdErrContainer.h"
+#include "TTree.h"
+#include "TH2.h"
+class AtlasDetectorID;
+class Identifier;
+class StoreGateSvc;
+namespace InDet 
+  /** @class TRT_DTMROC_HeaderCheck
+      Algorithm to pull DTMROC Headers from events for analysis
+      @author  Jonathan Stahlman <>
+  */  
+  class TRT_DTMROC_HeaderCheck : public AthAlgorithm
+    {
+    public:
+       /** Standard Athena-Algorithm Constructor */
+       TRT_DTMROC_HeaderCheck(const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator);
+       /** Default Destructor */
+       ~TRT_DTMROC_HeaderCheck();
+       /** standard Athena-Algorithm method */
+       StatusCode          initialize();
+       /** standard Athena-Algorithm method */
+       StatusCode          execute();
+       /** standard Athena-Algorithm method */
+       StatusCode          finalize();
+    private:
+       bool BCID_Comparison(int rod_bcid, int dtmroc_bcid);
+      ServiceHandle<StoreGateSvc>  m_sgSvc;
+      ServiceHandle<ITHistSvc> m_histSvc;
+      ServiceHandle<ITRT_ByteStream_ConditionsSvc> m_bytestream_conditionsSvc;
+      const InDetTimeCollection* TRT_BCIDColl;
+      const InDetTimeCollection* TRT_L1IDColl;
+      std::map<uint32_t,uint32_t>* dtmroc_map;
+      TTree* m_tree;
+      int eventCount;
+      unsigned int m_event_number;
+      unsigned int m_time_stamp;
+      unsigned int m_time_stamp_ns_offset;
+      unsigned int m_total_num_l1id;
+      unsigned int m_total_num_bcid;
+      unsigned int m_total_num_missing;
+      unsigned int m_total_num_general;
+      unsigned int m_total_num_sendid;
+      int m_bcid_returned_by_ROD;
+      int m_l1id_returned_by_ROD;
+      std::vector<uint32_t>* m_l1id_dtmroc_index;
+      std::vector<uint32_t>* m_l1id_dtmroc_index_remap;
+      std::vector<uint32_t>* m_l1id_rod_index;
+      std::vector<uint32_t>* m_l1id_returned_l1id;
+      std::vector<uint32_t>* m_bcid_dtmroc_index;
+      std::vector<uint32_t>* m_bcid_dtmroc_index_remap; 
+      std::vector<uint32_t>* m_bcid_rod_index;
+      std::vector<uint32_t>* m_bcid_returned_bcid;
+      std::vector<uint32_t>* m_missing_dtmroc_index;
+      std::vector<uint32_t>* m_missing_dtmroc_index_remap;
+      std::vector<uint32_t>* m_missing_rod_index;
+      std::vector<uint32_t>* m_general_dtmroc_index;
+      std::vector<uint32_t>* m_general_dtmroc_index_remap;
+      std::vector<uint32_t>* m_general_rod_index;
+      std::vector<uint32_t>* m_sendid_dtmroc_index;
+      std::vector<uint32_t>* m_sendid_dtmroc_index_remap;
+      std::vector<uint32_t>* m_sendid_rod_index;
+    }; 
+} // end of namespace
diff --git a/InnerDetector/InDetPerformance/TRT_DetectorPerformance/TRT_DetectorPerformance/TRT_DetectorPlots.h b/InnerDetector/InDetPerformance/TRT_DetectorPerformance/TRT_DetectorPerformance/TRT_DetectorPlots.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..b688c28b1ae2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/InnerDetector/InDetPerformance/TRT_DetectorPerformance/TRT_DetectorPerformance/TRT_DetectorPlots.h
@@ -0,0 +1,265 @@
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+#ifndef TRT_DetectorPerformance_TRT_DetectorPlots_H
+#define TRT_DetectorPerformance_TRT_DetectorPlots_H
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include "AthenaBaseComps/AthAlgorithm.h"
+#include "GaudiKernel/ToolHandle.h"
+#include "GaudiKernel/ITHistSvc.h"
+#include "GaudiKernel/ServiceHandle.h"
+#include "StoreGate/DataHandle.h"
+#include "DataModel/DataVector.h"
+#include "EventInfo/EventInfo.h"
+#include "Identifier/Identifier.h"
+#include "InDetPrepRawData/TRT_DriftCircleContainer.h"
+#include "InDetRawData/TRT_RDO_Container.h"
+namespace InDetDD { 
+  class TRT_DetectorManager;
+  class SCT_DetectorManager;
+  class PixelDetectorManager;
+class TRT_ID;
+class SCT_ID;
+class PixelID;
+class ITRT_CalDbSvc;
+class ITRT_StrawNeighbourSvc;
+namespace InDet {
+  class TRT_StrawMap;
+namespace Trk {
+  class Segment;
+  class Track;
+class PRD_MultiTruthCollection;
+class ITHistSvc;
+class TTree;
+namespace InDet
+  /**
+   * TRT_DetectorPlots: Algorithm to produce an ntuple containing track, track segment, 
+   * and hit information used in viewing the detector performance
+  */
+  class TRT_DetectorPlots : public AthAlgorithm {
+  public:
+    TRT_DetectorPlots (const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator);
+    StatusCode initialize();
+    StatusCode execute();
+    StatusCode finalize();
+  protected:
+    int m_doMC;
+    int m_doRDO;
+    int m_numNoise;
+    int m_doSegments;
+    std::string m_barrelSegmentsName;         
+    std::string m_endcapSegmentsName;         	
+    std::string m_tracksName;         
+    std::string m_fileName;         
+  private:
+    StatusCode load(); // load private members from StoreGate
+    void fillEventAndTrackTrees(const EventInfo *eventInfo);
+    void fillSegmentTree();
+    void fillHitsTree();
+    /* print 8BC time information form pixel hits */
+    void pixelRDOhits(int runNumber);
+    void RDOhits();
+    void DriftCircleHits();
+    void makeSegments();
+    void MC();
+    ServiceHandle<ITHistSvc> m_histSvc;
+    TTree* m_treeEvent;
+    TTree* m_treeTrack;
+    TTree* m_treeSegment;
+    TTree* m_treeHits;
+    TTree* m_treePixel;
+    ///////////////////////
+    /// Track Parameters
+    ///////////////////////
+    int m_eventNumberOfTracks;
+    int m_eventNumberOfHitsOnTracks[7];
+    int m_eventL1Type;
+    int m_eventL1TagName;
+    double m_eventTrackInfo[5];
+    double m_eventPixelTimeBin;
+    std::vector<double>* m_eventPixelX;
+    std::vector<double>* m_eventPixelY;
+    std::vector<double>* m_eventPixelZ;
+    std::vector<int>* m_eventPixelHitTimeBin;
+    std::vector<double>* m_eventSCTX;
+    std::vector<double>* m_eventSCTY;
+    std::vector<double>* m_eventSCTZ;
+    std::vector<int>* m_eventSCTHitTimeBin;	
+    std::vector<double>* m_eventTRTX;
+    std::vector<double>* m_eventTRTY;
+    std::vector<double>* m_eventTRTZ;
+    int m_eventL2Alg[3]; // 1: SiTrack, 2: IdScan, 3: TRTSegFinder
+    int m_siSP[2]; // N si  upper, 
+    int m_trackRunNumber;
+    int m_trackEventNumber;
+    int m_trackTrigL1Type;
+    int m_trackTrigStreamSize;      // number of trigger streams
+    int m_trackTrig1MU1;            // TGC trigger
+    int m_trackTrig1MU2;            // RPC trigger - non-pointing
+    int m_trackTrig1MU3;            // RPC trigger - pointing
+    int m_trackTrigL1Calo;          // Calo trigger
+    int m_trackTrigNIM0;            // Tile trigger
+    int m_trackTrigNIM4;            // ID scintillator trigger
+    int m_trackTrigMBTS;            // min bias trigger
+    int m_trackTrigEML1Calo; 
+    int m_trackTrigHLTerror;
+    int m_trackTrigAllTeIDSelected; // LVL 2 trigger
+    int m_trackTrigAllTePixel;      // L2 pixel volume
+    int m_trackNumTracks;
+    int m_trackNumTrtTracks;
+    int m_trackNumSctHits;
+    int m_trackNumTrtHits;
+    int m_trackNumTrtHitsBarrelA;
+    int m_trackNumTrtHitsBarrelC;
+    int m_trackNumTrtHitsEcA;
+    int m_trackNumTrtHitsEcC;
+    int m_trackNdf;
+    double m_trackChi2;
+    double m_trackTheta;
+    double m_trackD0;
+    double m_trackZ0;
+    double m_trackPhi0;
+    double m_trackEventPhase;
+    ///////////////////////////////////////
+    /// Hit parameters for hits on track
+    ///////////////////////////////////////
+    std::vector<int>* m_trackSide;
+    std::vector<int>* m_trackLayerOrWheel;
+    std::vector<int>* m_trackPhi; // phi module or stack number 
+    std::vector<int>* m_trackStrawLayer;
+    std::vector<int>* m_trackStraw;
+    std::vector<int>* m_trackStrawNum;
+    std::vector<int>* m_trackChip;
+    std::vector<int>* m_trackBoard;
+    std::vector<int>* m_trackDriftTimeBin;
+    std::vector<int>* m_trackTrailingEdge;
+    std::vector<int>* m_trackHighThreshold;
+    std::vector<int>* m_trackDriftCircleWord;
+    std::vector<double>* m_trackX;
+    std::vector<double>* m_trackY;
+    std::vector<double>* m_trackZ;
+    std::vector<double>* m_trackT0;
+    std::vector<double>* m_trackTrackR;
+    std::vector<double>* m_trackLocR;
+    std::vector<double>* m_trackErrR;
+    //////////////////////////////////
+    /// Hit parameters for all hits
+    //////////////////////////////////
+    std::vector<int>* m_segmentSide;
+    std::vector<int>* m_segmentLayerOrWheel;
+    std::vector<int>* m_segmentPhi; // phi module or stack number 
+    std::vector<int>* m_segmentStrawLayer;
+    std::vector<int>* m_segmentStraw;
+    std::vector<int>* m_segmentStrawNum;
+    std::vector<int>* m_segmentChip;
+    std::vector<int>* m_segmentBoard;
+    std::vector<int>* m_segmentDriftTimeBin;
+    std::vector<int>* m_segmentTrailingEdge;
+    std::vector<int>* m_segmentDriftCircleWord;
+    std::vector<int>* m_segmentHitOnTrack;
+    std::vector<double>* m_segmentX;
+    std::vector<double>* m_segmentY;
+    std::vector<double>* m_segmentZ;
+    std::vector<double>* m_segmentT0;
+    //////////////////////////////////
+    /// Hit parameters for all hits
+    //////////////////////////////////
+    int m_hitsSide;
+    int m_hitsLayerOrWheel;
+    int m_hitsPhi; // phi module or stack number 
+    int m_hitsStrawLayer;
+    int m_hitsStraw;
+    int m_hitsStrawNum;
+    int m_hitsChip;
+    int m_hitsBoard;
+    int m_hitsDriftTimeBin;
+    int m_hitsTrailingEdge;
+    int m_hitsDriftCircleWord;
+    int m_hitsHitOnTrack;
+    double m_hitsX;
+    double m_hitsY;
+    double m_hitsZ;
+    double m_hitsT0;
+    //////////////////////////////////
+    /// Pixel related
+    //////////////////////////////////
+    int m_pixelNumberOfPixelHits;
+    int m_pixelMaxNumberOfTRTBarrelHitsOnTrack;
+    double m_pixelTRTtrackD0;
+    double m_pixelTRTtrackPhi0;
+    double m_pixelTRTtrackEP;
+    double m_pixelComTime;
+    std::vector<int>* m_pixelL1TimeBin;
+    std::vector<Identifier>* m_onTrackIdentifiers; // used in selecting hits on track
+    const InDetDD::TRT_DetectorManager *m_trtDetMgr;
+    const TRT_ID *m_trtHelper;
+    const InDetDD::SCT_DetectorManager *m_SCTDetMgr;
+    const SCT_ID *m_SCTHelper;
+    const InDetDD::PixelDetectorManager *m_PixelDetMgr;
+    const PixelID *m_PixelHelper;
+    ServiceHandle<ITRT_CalDbSvc>          m_trtCondDbTool;
+    ServiceHandle<ITRT_StrawNeighbourSvc> m_trtStrawNeighbourTool;
+    ToolHandle<InDet::TRT_StrawMap>   m_trtStrawMap;
+    const TRT_RDO_Container*               m_rdoContainer;
+    const InDet::TRT_DriftCircleContainer* m_trtDriftCircleContainer;
+    const DataVector<Trk::Segment>*   	   m_segmentCollectionBarrel; 
+    const DataVector<Trk::Segment>*   	   m_segmentCollectionEc; 
+    const DataVector<Trk::Track>*     	   m_trkCollection;
+    const PRD_MultiTruthCollection*   	   m_truthTrt;
+    int m_runNumber;	
+  };
+} // end namespace
diff --git a/InnerDetector/InDetPerformance/TRT_DetectorPerformance/TRT_DetectorPerformance/TRT_DetectorTiming.h b/InnerDetector/InDetPerformance/TRT_DetectorPerformance/TRT_DetectorPerformance/TRT_DetectorTiming.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..1265b2148c38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/InnerDetector/InDetPerformance/TRT_DetectorPerformance/TRT_DetectorPerformance/TRT_DetectorTiming.h
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+#ifndef TRT_DetectorPerformance_TRT_DetectorTiming_H
+#define TRT_DetectorPerformance_TRT_DetectorTiming_H
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <map>
+#include <utility>
+#include "AthenaBaseComps/AthAlgorithm.h"
+#include "GaudiKernel/ToolHandle.h"
+#include "GaudiKernel/ITHistSvc.h"
+#include "GaudiKernel/ServiceHandle.h"
+//#include "StoreGate/StoreGateSvc.h"
+#include "StoreGate/DataHandle.h"
+//#include "DataModel/DataVector.h"
+#include "Identifier/Identifier.h"
+#include "InDetPrepRawData/TRT_DriftCircleContainer.h"
+#include "InDetRawData/TRT_RDO_Container.h"
+namespace InDetDD {
+  class TRT_DetectorManager;
+class ITRT_CalDbSvc;
+class ITRT_StrawNeighbourSvc;
+namespace InDet {
+  class TRT_StrawMap;
+class ITHistSvc;
+class TTree;
+class TRTCalDbTool ;
+namespace InDet 
+  class TRT_DetectorTiming : public AthAlgorithm {
+  public:
+    TRT_DetectorTiming (const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator);
+    StatusCode initialize();
+    StatusCode execute();
+    StatusCode finalize();
+    class hitParams;
+  private:
+//    const InDetDD::TRT_DetectorManager *m_trtDetMgr;
+    int m_numTrtOnlyTracks;
+    int m_numTrtSctTracks;  
+    ServiceHandle<ITRT_CalDbSvc> m_trtCondDbTool ;//!< TRT Calibration DB tool
+    ServiceHandle<ITRT_StrawNeighbourSvc> m_trtStrawNeighbourTool;
+    ToolHandle<InDet::TRT_StrawMap> m_trtStrawMap;
+    ServiceHandle<ITHistSvc> m_histSvc;
+    TTree* m_ntuple;
+    double m_correctedLeadingEdge;  
+    double m_timeCor; 
+    double m_timeOverThreshold; 
+    int    m_trailingEdgeBin;
+    int    m_leadingEdgeBin; 
+    int    m_wrongSide;
+    int    m_board;
+    double m_locR; 
+    double m_timeCorChip;
+    int    m_chip;
+    int    m_side; 
+    double m_t0;
+    int    m_phi;
+    int    m_straw; 
+    int    m_strawLayer;
+    int    m_layer;
+    int    m_nTrtBarHits; 
+    int    m_nTrtEcHits;
+    int    m_nTrtHitsBarrelA; 
+    int    m_nTrtHitsBarrelC; 
+    int    m_nTrtHitsEcA; 
+    int    m_nTrtHitsEcC; 
+    int    m_nSctHits; 
+    int    m_nPixHits; 
+    double m_theta;
+    double m_eta;
+    double m_chi2Ndf; 
+    double m_phi0; 
+    double m_z0; 
+    double m_d0; 
+    int    m_tubeHit;
+    double m_locRPat;
+  };
+ // struct to hold all relevant params for a given hit
+ // -- don't need eventPhase since that is constant for an event
+  class TRT_DetectorTiming::hitParams {
+  public:
+    double x;
+    double y;
+    int    leadingEdgeBin;
+    int    trailingEdgeBin;
+    double leadingEdge;
+    double correctedLeadingEdge;
+    int    side;
+    int    wrongSide;
+    double timeOverThreshold;
+    int    board;  
+    double locR;
+    double localPos;
+    double timeCorChip;
+    int    chip;
+    double t0;
+    int    phi;
+    int    straw;
+    int    strawLayer;
+    int    layer;
+    int    tubeHit;
+    double locRPat;
+  };
+} // end namespace 
diff --git a/InnerDetector/InDetPerformance/TRT_DetectorPerformance/TRT_DetectorPerformance/TRT_EventPhaseAnalysis.h b/InnerDetector/InDetPerformance/TRT_DetectorPerformance/TRT_DetectorPerformance/TRT_EventPhaseAnalysis.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..c61cd3587353
--- /dev/null
+++ b/InnerDetector/InDetPerformance/TRT_DetectorPerformance/TRT_DetectorPerformance/TRT_EventPhaseAnalysis.h
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+// TRT_EventPhaseAnalysis.h, (c) ATLAS Detector software
+// Gaudi includes
+//#include "GaudiKernel/Algorithm.h"
+#include "AthenaBaseComps/AthAlgorithm.h"
+#include "GaudiKernel/ToolHandle.h"
+#include "GaudiKernel/ServiceHandle.h"
+#include "GaudiKernel/ITHistSvc.h"
+#include "InDetIdentifier/TRT_ID.h"
+#include "InDetCosmicsEventPhase/InDetCosmicsEventPhaseTool.h" //~~~brett~~~
+#include "TRT_ConditionsServices/ITRT_CalDbSvc.h"
+#include "InDetTrackSplitterTool/IInDetTrackSplitterTool.h"
+#include <string>
+#include "TTree.h"
+class AtlasDetectorID;
+class Identifier;
+namespace InDet 
+  /** @class TRT_EventPhaseAnalysis
+  This is for the Doxygen-Documentation.  
+  Please delete these lines and fill in information about
+  the Algorithm!
+  Please precede every member function declaration with a
+  short Doxygen comment stating the purpose of this function.
+  @author  Brett Jackson <>
+  */  
+  class TRT_EventPhaseAnalysis : public AthAlgorithm
+    {
+    public:
+      /** Standard Athena-Algorithm Constructor */
+      TRT_EventPhaseAnalysis(const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator);
+      /** Default Destructor */
+      ~TRT_EventPhaseAnalysis();
+      /** standard Athena-Algorithm method */
+      StatusCode          initialize();
+      /** standard Athena-Algorithm method */
+      StatusCode          beginRun();
+      /** standard Athena-Algorithm method */
+      StatusCode          execute();
+      /** standard Athena-Algorithm method */
+      StatusCode          finalize();
+    private:
+      struct trackData
+      {
+	Trk::Track* track;
+	int& nTRTBarrelHits;
+	int& nTRTEndcapHits;
+	int& nSCTHits;
+	int& nPixelHits; 
+	double& EP;
+	double& EPFromTE;
+	float& tofFitPar0;
+	float& tofFitPar1;
+	float& tofChi2OverNdf;
+	std::vector<float>* timeDiff;
+	std::vector<float>* x; 
+	std::vector<float>* y;
+	std::vector<float>* z; 
+	std::vector<float>* dbT0;
+      };
+      StatusCode load();
+      bool analyzeTrack(Trk::Track* track, int& nTRTBarrelHits, int& nTRTEndcapHits, int& nSCTHits, int& nPixelHits, double& EP, double& EPFromTE, 
+			float& tofFitPar0, float& tofFitPar1, float& tofChi2OverNdf, std::vector<float>* timeDiff, 
+			std::vector<float>* x, std::vector<float>* y, std::vector<float>* z, std::vector<float>* dbT0);
+      ///////////////////////////////////////////
+      /// Helpers, tools, and date vectors
+      ///////////////////////////////////////////
+      ServiceHandle<ITHistSvc>     m_histSvc;
+      ServiceHandle<ITRT_CalDbSvc> m_trtCondDbTool;
+      ToolHandle<IInDetTrackSplitterTool>            m_tracksplitter;
+      ToolHandle<InDet::IInDetCosmicsEventPhaseTool> m_eventPhaseTool;
+      const DataVector<Trk::Track>* m_tracksCollection;
+      const TRT_ID *m_trtHelper;
+      TTree* m_tree;
+      std::string m_tracksName;
+      int eventCount;
+      /////////////////////////////////////
+      /// Variables to be stored in tree
+      /////////////////////////////////////
+      int m_nTrtBarrelHits_trk;
+      int m_nTrtBarrelHits_top;
+      int m_nTrtBarrelHits_bot;
+      int m_nTrtEndcapHits_trk;
+      int m_nTrtEndcapHits_top;
+      int m_nTrtEndcapHits_bot;
+      int m_nSctHits_trk;
+      int m_nSctHits_top;
+      int m_nSctHits_bot;
+      int m_nPixelHits_trk;
+      int m_nPixelHits_top;
+      int m_nPixelHits_bot;
+      double m_EP_trk;
+      double m_EP_top;
+      double m_EP_bot;
+      double m_EPFromTE_trk;
+      double m_EPFromTE_top;
+      double m_EPFromTE_bot;
+      float m_tofFitPar0_trk;
+      float m_tofFitPar0_top;
+      float m_tofFitPar0_bot;
+      float m_tofFitPar1_trk;
+      float m_tofFitPar1_top;
+      float m_tofFitPar1_bot;
+      float m_tofChi2OverNdf_trk;
+      float m_tofChi2OverNdf_top;
+      float m_tofChi2OverNdf_bot;
+      double m_trtPhase;
+      double m_d0;
+      double m_z0;
+      double m_phi;
+      double m_theta;
+      std::vector<float>* m_x_trk;
+      std::vector<float>* m_x_top;
+      std::vector<float>* m_x_bot;
+      std::vector<float>* m_y_trk;
+      std::vector<float>* m_y_top;
+      std::vector<float>* m_y_bot;
+      std::vector<float>* m_z_trk;
+      std::vector<float>* m_z_top;
+      std::vector<float>* m_z_bot;
+      std::vector<float>* m_timeDiff_trk;
+      std::vector<float>* m_timeDiff_top;
+      std::vector<float>* m_timeDiff_bot;
+      std::vector<float>* m_dbT0_trk;
+      std::vector<float>* m_dbT0_top;
+      std::vector<float>* m_dbT0_bot;
+    }; 
+} // end of namespace
diff --git a/InnerDetector/InDetPerformance/TRT_DetectorPerformance/TRT_DetectorPerformance/TRT_StrawMap.h b/InnerDetector/InDetPerformance/TRT_DetectorPerformance/TRT_DetectorPerformance/TRT_StrawMap.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..1fe44e23f373
--- /dev/null
+++ b/InnerDetector/InDetPerformance/TRT_DetectorPerformance/TRT_DetectorPerformance/TRT_StrawMap.h
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+// TRT_StrawMap.h, (c) ATLAS Detector software
+#include "TRT_DetectorPerformance/ITRT_StrawMap.h"
+#include "AthenaBaseComps/AthAlgTool.h"
+//#include "GaudiKernel/MsgStream.h"
+//#include "GaudiKernel/ToolHandle.h"
+#include "GaudiKernel/ServiceHandle.h" 
+#include "StoreGate/StoreGateSvc.h"
+#include "DataModel/DataVector.h"
+#include "Identifier/Identifier.h"
+#include "InDetIdentifier/TRT_ID.h"
+#include "InDetReadoutGeometry/TRT_DetectorManager.h"
+#include "TRT_ConditionsTools/TRTStrawNeighbourTool.h"
+#include "Identifier/Identifier.h"
+class TRT_ID;
+namespace InDetDD { class TRT_DetectorManager; }
+class ITRT_StrawNeighbourSvc;
+namespace InDet 
+  /** @class TRT_StrawMap 
+  This tool provides a numbering scheme that is common to all algorithms 
+  in TRT_DetectorPerformance package.
+  For any other user, TRTStrawNeighbourTool is a recommended and default option.
+  Once TRTStrawNeighbour tool is fully debugged and available for the endcap, 
+  this tool can only serve as an interface.
+  @author  Sasa Fratina <>
+  */  
+  class TRT_StrawMap : virtual public ITRT_StrawMap, public AthAlgTool
+    {
+    public:
+      TRT_StrawMap(const std::string&,const std::string&,const IInterface*);
+      virtual ~TRT_StrawMap ();
+      virtual StatusCode initialize();
+      virtual StatusCode finalize  ();
+      /** return board number in range 0-28; 
+          0-8 for barrel (1S, 1L, 2S, 2L1, 2L2, 3S1, 3S2, 3L1, 3L2) 
+          9-28 for endcap (from smaller |z| to larger |z|) */
+      int board(Identifier id);
+      /** will return the board number of the last identifier that was set */
+      int board(); 
+      /** return board number based on a straw number */
+      int strawToBoard(int straw); 
+      /** takes as an input chip number that follows 0-343 convention described below */
+      int chipToBoard(int chip); 
+      /** return chip number in range 0-343; 
+	  0-103 for barrel (same order as in hardware) 
+	  103-343 for endcap (from smaller |z| to larger |z|, always 12 per board, 0-11 order same as in hardware) */
+      int chip(Identifier id); 
+      /** will return the chip number of the last identifier set */
+      int chip(); 
+      /** need side and phi information due to reversed numbering in some endcap phi stacks */ 
+      int strawToChip(int straw, int side, int phi);
+    private:
+      int strawToChip(int straw, int reversed); 
+    public:
+      /** return straw number in range 0-5481; 
+	  0-1641 for barrel (same order as in hardware) 
+	  1642-5481 for endcap (from smaller |z| to larger |z|, same order as in hardware) */
+      int straw(Identifier id); 
+      int straw();
+      /** set private members appropriately: m_id, m_straw (index), m_reverse */
+      void setNewIdentifier(Identifier id, int *index = 0);
+      inline int nBarrelStraws() { return m_nBarrelStraws; }
+      inline int nAllStraws() { return m_nAllStraws; }
+      inline int nBarrelChips() { return m_nBarrelChips; }
+      /** prints out comparison with TRTStrawNeighbour tool (to debug the later) - very long output file! */
+      void compareWithTRTStrawNeighbour();       
+      static const InterfaceID& interfaceID(){
+      	static const InterfaceID id("TRT_StrawMap",1,0);
+      	return id;
+      }
+      virtual StatusCode queryInterface( const InterfaceID& riid, void** ppvIf ){
+      	if ( riid == interfaceID() )  {
+      	  *ppvIf = this;
+      	  addRef();
+      	  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+      	}
+      	return AthAlgTool::queryInterface( riid, ppvIf );
+      }
+    private:
+      const InDetDD::TRT_DetectorManager *m_TRTDetMgr;
+      const TRT_ID *m_TRTHelper;
+      Identifier m_id;
+      int m_straw;
+      int m_reverse; // needed for phi sectors 0-7 and 16-23 that have reversed chip order in the endcap
+      int m_strawToPadMap[5482]; // 5482: number of all straws in one phi stack, one side 
+      int m_nBarrelStraws;// = 1642;
+      int m_nAllStraws;// = 5482;
+      int m_nBarrelChips;// = 104;
+      /** member variables for algorithm properties: */
+      // int/double/bool  m_propertyName;
+      ServiceHandle<ITRT_StrawNeighbourSvc> m_TRTStrawNeighbourTool;
+    }; 
+  //	int TRT_StrawMap::s_nBarrelStraws = 1642; 
+  //	int TRT_StrawMap::s_nAllStraws = 5482; 
+  //	int TRT_StrawMap::s_nBarrelChips = 104; 
+} // end of namespace
diff --git a/InnerDetector/InDetPerformance/TRT_DetectorPerformance/cmt/requirements b/InnerDetector/InDetPerformance/TRT_DetectorPerformance/cmt/requirements
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..1703f4d6c59e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/InnerDetector/InDetPerformance/TRT_DetectorPerformance/cmt/requirements
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+package TRT_DetectorPerformance
+author Sasa Fratina <>
+author Brett Jackson <>
+author Dominick Olivito <>
+use AtlasPolicy                 AtlasPolicy-*
+use GaudiInterface              GaudiInterface-*                External
+use AtlasROOT                   AtlasROOT-*                     External
+use Identifier                  Identifier-*                 	DetectorDescription
+use AthenaBaseComps             AthenaBaseComps-*               Control
+use StoreGate                   StoreGate-*                     Control
+use DataModel                   DataModel-*                  	Control
+use InDetPrepRawData            InDetPrepRawData-*           	InnerDetector/InDetRecEvent
+use InDetRawData                InDetRawData-*               	InnerDetector/InDetRawEvent
+use TRT_ConditionsServices      TRT_ConditionsServices-*        InnerDetector/InDetConditions
+use EventInfo                   EventInfo-*                     Event
+use InDetCosmicsEventPhase      InDetCosmicsEventPhase-*        InnerDetector/InDetCosmics
+use InDetIdentifier             InDetIdentifier-*               InnerDetector/InDetDetDescr
+use InDetTrackSplitterTool      InDetTrackSplitterTool-*        InnerDetector/InDetValidation
+use AtlasHepMC                  AtlasHepMC-*                    External
+use PathResolver                PathResolver-*                  Tools
+use InDetReadoutGeometry        InDetReadoutGeometry-*          InnerDetector/InDetDetDescr
+use InDetRIO_OnTrack            InDetRIO_OnTrack-*              InnerDetector/InDetRecEvent
+use InDetSimData                InDetSimData-*                  InnerDetector/InDetRawEvent
+use TRT_ConditionsData          TRT_ConditionsData-*            InnerDetector/InDetConditions
+use InDetRecToolInterfaces      InDetRecToolInterfaces-*        InnerDetector/InDetRecTools
+use TRT_TrackSegmentsFinder     TRT_TrackSegmentsFinder-*       InnerDetector/InDetRecAlgs
+use TrkParameters               TrkParameters-*                 Tracking/TrkEvent
+use TrkTrackSummary             TrkTrackSummary-*               Tracking/TrkEvent
+use TrkTrack                    TrkTrack-*                      Tracking/TrkEvent
+use TrkTruthData                TrkTruthData-*                  Tracking/TrkEvent
+use TrkEventPrimitives          TrkEventPrimitives-*            Tracking/TrkEvent
+use TrkSegment                  TrkSegment-*                    Tracking/TrkEvent
+use CommissionEvent             CommissionEvent-*               Commission
+use TrigConfL1Data  		TrigConfL1Data-* 		Trigger/TrigConfiguration
+use TrigConfHLTData  		TrigConfHLTData-* 		Trigger/TrigConfiguration
+use TrigInterfaces              TrigInterfaces-*                Trigger/TrigSteer
+use TrigSteering                TrigSteering-*                  Trigger/TrigSteer
+use TrigSteeringEvent           TrigSteeringEvent-*             Trigger/TrigEvent
+use TrigInDetEvent              TrigInDetEvent-*        	Trigger/TrigEvent
+apply_pattern component_library
+library TRT_DetectorPerformance *.cxx components/*.cxx
+apply_pattern declare_joboptions files="*.py"
diff --git a/InnerDetector/InDetPerformance/TRT_DetectorPerformance/share/ b/InnerDetector/InDetPerformance/TRT_DetectorPerformance/share/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..301c8aee013b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/InnerDetector/InDetPerformance/TRT_DetectorPerformance/share/
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+# Private Application Configuration options
+# Full job is a list of algorithms
+from AthenaCommon.AlgSequence import AlgSequence
+job = AlgSequence()
+print job
+# Add top algorithms to be run
+from TRT_DetectorPerformance.TRT_DetectorPerformanceConf import InDet__TRT_ClockNoise
+job += InDet__TRT_ClockNoise( "TRT_ClockNoise" )   # 1 alg
+# Set output level threshold (DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, FATAL)
+job.TRT_ClockNoise.OutputLevel = INFO
+# Event related parameters
+# Number of events to be processed (default is 10)
+#theApp.EvtMax = 10
diff --git a/InnerDetector/InDetPerformance/TRT_DetectorPerformance/share/TRT_ClockNoiseResidualPlots.C b/InnerDetector/InDetPerformance/TRT_DetectorPerformance/share/TRT_ClockNoiseResidualPlots.C
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..9c6698cfabab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/InnerDetector/InDetPerformance/TRT_DetectorPerformance/share/TRT_ClockNoiseResidualPlots.C
@@ -0,0 +1,612 @@
+#define TRT_ClockNoiseResidualPlots_cxx
+#include "TRT_ClockNoiseResidualPlots.h"
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ------------------------------- TRT_ClockNoiseResidualPlots.C ----------------------------------------------------
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+//  - this is a macro for making plots of clock noise effect on residual distributions
+//    - it takes a list of clock noisy straws, and groups them based on the phase of the noise
+//    - then it makes the residual distributions for all hits on these straws, binned by Leading Edge bin
+//    - it compares the mean and sigma of these to the average overall residual distribution mean and sigma
+//  - the inputs to the macro are:
+//    - an ntuple with hit timing information for hits on track, output from the athena alg TRT_DetectorTiming
+//    - a text file with noisy straw info (one of two formats)
+//      - the simpler format is the output of the athena alg TRT_ClockNoise and contains a list of noisy straws
+//      - the more advanced version contains several noise parameters for all straws, and is the output of private code
+//  - these can be specified by hardcoding them into the .h file (s_noisetextfile and s_default), or when running in root
+//  - Usage: Compile in a ROOT session and run:
+//      Root > .L TRT_ClockNoiseResidualPlots.C+
+//      Root > TRT_ClockNoiseResidualPlots t("ntuple.root","noisystrawlist.dat")
+//      Root > t.Loop();       // Loop on all entries
+//  - based on a ROOT MakeClass() macro
+//  - author: Dominick Olivito <>
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ********************************************************************
+TRT_ClockNoiseResidualPlots::TRT_ClockNoiseResidualPlots(TString s_file,TString s_textfile)
+   s_noisetextfile = s_textfile;
+   TTree* tree = 0;
+// if parameter tree is not specified (or zero), connect the file
+// used to generate this class and read the Tree.
+   if (tree == 0) {
+      TFile *f = (TFile*)gROOT->GetListOfFiles()->FindObject(s_file);
+      if (!f) {
+         f = new TFile(s_file);
+      }
+      tree = (TTree*)gDirectory->Get("ntuple");
+   }
+   Init(tree);
+// ********************************************************************
+   if (!fChain) return;
+   delete fChain->GetCurrentFile();
+Int_t TRT_ClockNoiseResidualPlots::GetEntry(Long64_t entry)
+// Read contents of entry.
+   if (!fChain) return 0;
+   return fChain->GetEntry(entry);
+// ********************************************************************
+Long64_t TRT_ClockNoiseResidualPlots::LoadTree(Long64_t entry)
+// Set the environment to read one entry
+   if (!fChain) return -5;
+   Long64_t centry = fChain->LoadTree(entry);
+   if (centry < 0) return centry;
+   if (!fChain->InheritsFrom(TChain::Class()))  return centry;
+   TChain *chain = (TChain*)fChain;
+   if (chain->GetTreeNumber() != fCurrent) {
+      fCurrent = chain->GetTreeNumber();
+      Notify();
+   }
+   return centry;
+// ********************************************************************
+void TRT_ClockNoiseResidualPlots::Init(TTree *tree)
+   // The Init() function is called when the selector needs to initialize
+   // a new tree or chain. Typically here the branch addresses and branch
+   // pointers of the tree will be set.
+   // It is normally not necessary to make changes to the generated
+   // code, but the routine can be extended by the user if needed.
+   // Init() will be called many times when running on PROOF
+   // (once per file to be processed).
+   // Set branch addresses and branch pointers
+   if (!tree) return;
+   fChain = tree;
+   fCurrent = -1;
+   fChain->SetMakeClass(1);
+   fChain->SetBranchAddress("corLE", &corLE, &b_corLE);
+   fChain->SetBranchAddress("EP", &EP, &b_EP);
+   fChain->SetBranchAddress("TOT", &TOT, &b_TOT);
+   fChain->SetBranchAddress("TEbin", &TEbin, &b_TEbin);
+   fChain->SetBranchAddress("LEbin", &LEbin, &b_LEbin);
+   fChain->SetBranchAddress("wrongSide", &wrongSide, &b_wrongSide);
+   fChain->SetBranchAddress("board", &board, &b_board);
+   fChain->SetBranchAddress("locR", &locR, &b_locR);
+   fChain->SetBranchAddress("timeCorChip", &timeCorChip, &b_timeCorChip);
+   fChain->SetBranchAddress("chip", &chip, &b_chip);
+   fChain->SetBranchAddress("side", &side, &b_side);
+   fChain->SetBranchAddress("t0", &t0, &b_t0);
+   fChain->SetBranchAddress("phi", &phi, &b_phi);
+   fChain->SetBranchAddress("straw", &straw, &b_straw);
+   fChain->SetBranchAddress("strawLayer", &strawLayer, &b_strawLayer);
+   fChain->SetBranchAddress("layer", &layer, &b_layer);
+   fChain->SetBranchAddress("nBarHits", &nBarHits, &b_nBarHits);
+   fChain->SetBranchAddress("nEcHits", &nEcHits, &b_nEcHits);
+   fChain->SetBranchAddress("nTRThits_barrelA", &nTRThits_barrelA, &b_nTRThits_barrelA);
+   fChain->SetBranchAddress("nTRThits_barrelC", &nTRThits_barrelC, &b_nTRThits_barrelC);
+   fChain->SetBranchAddress("nTRThits_ecA", &nTRThits_ecA, &b_nTRThits_ecA);
+   fChain->SetBranchAddress("nTRThits_ecC", &nTRThits_ecC, &b_nTRThits_ecC);
+   fChain->SetBranchAddress("nSCThits", &nSCThits, &b_nSCThits);
+   fChain->SetBranchAddress("nPixHits", &nPixHits, &b_nPixHits);
+   fChain->SetBranchAddress("theta", &theta, &b_theta);
+   fChain->SetBranchAddress("eta", &eta, &b_eta);
+   fChain->SetBranchAddress("chi2ndf", &chi2ndf, &b_chi2ndf);
+   fChain->SetBranchAddress("phi0", &phi0, &b_phi0);
+   fChain->SetBranchAddress("z0", &z0, &b_z0);
+   fChain->SetBranchAddress("d0", &d0, &b_d0);
+   fChain->SetBranchAddress("tubeHit", &tubeHit, &b_tubeHit);
+   fChain->SetBranchAddress("locRpat", &locRpat, &b_locRpat);
+   Notify();
+// ********************************************************************
+Bool_t TRT_ClockNoiseResidualPlots::Notify()
+   // The Notify() function is called when a new file is opened. This
+   // can be either for a new TTree in a TChain or when when a new TTree
+   // is started when using PROOF. It is normally not necessary to make changes
+   // to the generated code, but the routine can be extended by the
+   // user if needed. The return value is currently not used.
+   return kTRUE;
+// ********************************************************************
+void TRT_ClockNoiseResidualPlots::Show(Long64_t entry)
+// Print contents of entry.
+// If entry is not specified, print current entry
+   if (!fChain) return;
+   fChain->Show(entry);
+// ********************************************************************
+int TRT_ClockNoiseResidualPlots::initialize() {
+  fout = new TFile(s_outfile,"RECREATE");
+  fill_noise_map();
+  book_histograms();
+  cout << "-- initialize(): complete" << endl;
+  return 0;
+// ********************************************************************
+int TRT_ClockNoiseResidualPlots::book_histograms() {
+  ctemp = new TCanvas("c_temp","temp");
+  //style settings for all histograms
+  gStyle->SetOptStat(1110); // no name
+  gStyle->SetOptFit(111); // only display fit param values and chi2
+  // -------------------------------------------------------
+  // plots for all hits on track
+  hres = new TH1F("hres","residuals for all hits on track",rbins,-rmax,rmax);
+  hres->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("residual [mm]");
+  for (int ibin=0; ibin<24; ibin++) {
+    hresLEbin[ibin] = new TH1F(Form("hresLEbin[%d]",ibin),Form("residuals for all hits on track with LEbin == %d",ibin),rbins,-rmax,rmax);
+    hresLEbin[ibin]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("residual [mm]");    
+  }
+  gresMean = new TGraphErrors(24);
+  gresMean->SetTitle("residuals mean by time bin, all hits on track");
+  gresMean->SetName("gresMean");
+  gresSigma = new TGraphErrors(24);
+  gresSigma->SetTitle("residuals sigma by time bin, all hits on track");
+  gresSigma->SetName("gresSigma");  
+  // -------------------------------------------------------
+  // plots for hits on straws with 40MHz noise
+  for (int iphase=0;iphase<PERIOD_40MHZ;iphase++) {
+    hres40mhz[iphase] = new TH1F(Form("hres40mhz[%d]",iphase),Form("residuals for hits on straws with 40MHz noise, phase == %d",iphase),rbins,-rmax,rmax);
+    hres40mhz[iphase]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("residual [mm]");
+    for (int ibin=0; ibin<24; ibin++) {
+      hresLEbin40mhz[iphase][ibin] = new TH1F(Form("hresLEbin40mhz[%d][%d]",iphase,ibin),Form("residuals for hits on straws with 40MHz noise, phase == %d, with LEbin == %d",iphase,ibin),rbins,-rmax,rmax);
+      hresLEbin40mhz[iphase][ibin]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("residual [mm]");    
+    }
+    gresMean40mhz[iphase] = new TGraphErrors(24);
+    gresMean40mhz[iphase]->SetTitle(Form("residuals mean by time bin, hits on straws with 40MHz noise, phase == %d",iphase));
+    gresMean40mhz[iphase]->SetName(Form("gresMean40mhz[%d]",iphase));
+    gresSigma40mhz[iphase] = new TGraphErrors(24);
+    gresSigma40mhz[iphase]->SetTitle(Form("residuals sigma by time bin, hits on straws with 40MHz noise, phase == %d",iphase));
+    gresSigma40mhz[iphase]->SetName(Form("gresSigma40mhz[%d]",iphase));  
+    // these diff graphs get replaced later, so we need to title them in finalize()
+    gdiffMean40mhz[iphase] = new TGraphErrors(24);
+    gdiffSigma40mhz[iphase] = new TGraphErrors(24);
+    gdiffMeanColor40mhz[iphase] = new TMultiGraph();
+    gdiffSigmaColor40mhz[iphase] = new TMultiGraph();
+  } // end 40mhz phase loop
+  return 0;
+// ********************************************************************
+// do gaussian fits, etc for all relevant histograms here
+int TRT_ClockNoiseResidualPlots::fit_all_histos() {
+  gaus_fit(hres);
+  gaus_fit(hresLEbin);
+  for (int iphase=0;iphase<PERIOD_40MHZ;iphase++) {
+    gaus_fit(hres40mhz[iphase]);
+    gaus_fit(hresLEbin40mhz[iphase]);
+  }
+  return 0;
+// ********************************************************************
+// be sure to write graphs to the TFile here!
+// also need to set labels for graphs here (after they have points in them), for some asinine reason...
+int TRT_ClockNoiseResidualPlots::finalize() {
+  // -------------------------------------------------------
+  // plots for all hits on track
+  gresMean->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("LEbin");
+  gresMean->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("residual mean [mm]");
+  gresMean->Write();  
+  gresSigma->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("LEbin");
+  gresSigma->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("residual sigma [mm]");
+  gresSigma->Write();
+  // -------------------------------------------------------
+  // plots for hits on straws with 40MHz noise
+  for (int iphase=0;iphase<PERIOD_40MHZ;iphase++) {
+    gresMean40mhz[iphase]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("LEbin");
+    gresMean40mhz[iphase]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("residual mean [mm]");
+    gresMean40mhz[iphase]->Write();
+    gresSigma40mhz[iphase]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("LEbin");
+    gresSigma40mhz[iphase]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("residual sigma [mm]");
+    gresSigma40mhz[iphase]->Write();
+    // these diff plots were created outside of book_histograms(), 
+    //   so give them titles and names here as well
+    gdiffMean40mhz[iphase]->SetTitle(Form("residuals mean diff by time bin, hits on straws with 40MHz noise, phase == %d",iphase));
+    gdiffMean40mhz[iphase]->SetName(Form("gdiffMean40mhz[%d]",iphase));
+    gdiffMean40mhz[iphase]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("LEbin");
+    gdiffMean40mhz[iphase]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("diff in residual mean [mm]");
+    gdiffMean40mhz[iphase]->Write();
+    gdiffSigma40mhz[iphase]->SetTitle(Form("residuals sigma diff by time bin, hits on straws with 40MHz noise, phase == %d",iphase));
+    gdiffSigma40mhz[iphase]->SetName(Form("gdiffSigma40mhz[%d]",iphase));
+    gdiffSigma40mhz[iphase]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("LEbin");
+    gdiffSigma40mhz[iphase]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("diff in residual sigma [mm]");
+    gdiffSigma40mhz[iphase]->Write();
+    // for the TMultiGraphs, record the canvas to file instead of the graphs themselves
+    //  not sure if this is necessary or optimal, but it might be.
+    cdiffMeanColor40mhz[iphase] = new TCanvas(Form("cdiffMeanColor40mhz[%d]",iphase),Form("colored diff mean for 40MHz, phase %d",iphase));
+    cdiffMeanColor40mhz[iphase]->cd();
+    gdiffMeanColor40mhz[iphase]->SetTitle(Form("residuals mean diff by time bin, hits on straws with 40MHz noise, phase == %d",iphase));
+    gdiffMeanColor40mhz[iphase]->SetName(Form("gdiffMeanColor40mhz[%d]",iphase));
+    // need to draw before we can access the axes on a TMultiGraph -- otherwise we segfault!!
+    gdiffMeanColor40mhz[iphase]->Draw("AP"); 
+    gdiffMeanColor40mhz[iphase]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("LEbin");
+    gdiffMeanColor40mhz[iphase]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("diff in residual mean [mm]");
+    gdiffMeanColor40mhz[iphase]->Draw("AP"); 
+    cdiffMeanColor40mhz[iphase]->Write();
+    cdiffMeanColor40mhz[iphase]->Close();
+    cdiffSigmaColor40mhz[iphase] = new TCanvas(Form("cdiffSigmaColor40mhz[%d]",iphase),Form("colored diff sigma for 40MHz, phase %d",iphase));
+    cdiffSigmaColor40mhz[iphase]->cd();
+    gdiffSigmaColor40mhz[iphase]->SetTitle(Form("residuals sigma diff by time bin, hits on straws with 40MHz noise, phase == %d",iphase));
+    gdiffSigmaColor40mhz[iphase]->SetName(Form("gdiffSigmaColor40mhz[%d]",iphase));
+    // need to draw before we can access the axes on a TMultiGraph -- otherwise we segfault!!
+    gdiffSigmaColor40mhz[iphase]->Draw("AP");
+    gdiffSigmaColor40mhz[iphase]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("LEbin");
+    gdiffSigmaColor40mhz[iphase]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("diff in residual sigma [mm]");
+    gdiffSigmaColor40mhz[iphase]->Draw("AP");
+    cdiffSigmaColor40mhz[iphase]->Write();
+    cdiffSigmaColor40mhz[iphase]->Close();
+  } // end 40mhz phase loop
+  // -------------------------------------------------------
+  // write everything else to the TFile
+  fout->Write();
+  ctemp->Close();
+  // if we close the TFile here, all the histograms disappear from memory
+//  fout->Close();
+  cout << "-- finalize(): complete" << endl
+       << "   histograms written to file " << s_outfile << endl << endl;
+  return 0;
+// ********************************************************************
+int TRT_ClockNoiseResidualPlots::fill_noise_map() {
+   //first initialize the noise map arrays
+  for (int i=0;i<nPhi;i++) {
+    for (int j=0; j<2; j++) {
+      for (int k=0; k<nTotStraw; k++) {
+        noisy_straw_phase_map[i][j][k] = -1;
+        noise_info_map[i][j][k] = NULL;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  ifstream in;
+  int lines = 0;
+  // read in a list of noisy straws to look at
+  if (use_noisy_straw_list) {
+    int phi,side,straw,frequency,phase,totalocc;
+    while(1) {
+      in >> phi >> side >> straw >> frequency >> phase >> totalocc;
+      if (!in.good() || in.eof()) break;
+      int AorC = 0;
+      if (side > 0) AorC = 1;
+      if (frequency == 40)
+        noisy_straw_phase_map[phi][AorC][straw] = phase;
+      lines++;
+    }
+  } else { // read in file with detailed info
+    int phi,side,straw,strawLayer,layer,chip,board;
+    while(1) {
+      strawNoiseInfo* s = new strawNoiseInfo();
+      in >> phi >> side >> straw >> strawLayer >> layer >> chip >> board
+         >> s->noiseType >> s->phase80 >> s->asym80 >> s->phase40 >> s->asym40
+         >> s->occbins >> s->totalocc;
+      if (!in.good() || in.eof()) break;
+      int AorC = 0;
+      if (side > 0) AorC = 1;
+      noise_info_map[phi][AorC][straw] = s;
+      lines++;
+    }
+  }
+  // check that the file contained something
+  if (lines == 0) {
+    cerr << "!! problem with file " << s_noisetextfile << endl;
+    assert(lines > 0);
+  }
+  return 0;
+// ********************************************************************
+// put quality cuts on hits here
+// !!! need some event phase cut
+int TRT_ClockNoiseResidualPlots::cut_hit() {
+  if ((TOT>7) && (TEbin<24) && (LEbin>0) && (LEbin<24) && (tubeHit<1))
+    return 1;
+  // failed the cut
+  return -1;
+// ********************************************************************
+// select the noisy straws here
+//  - if we're using a list of noisy straws, just check that this straw is on the list
+//  - if we're using detailed info, impose a cut based on occupancy, asymmetry, etc
+int TRT_ClockNoiseResidualPlots::cut_noise() {
+  int AorC = 0;
+  if (side > 0) AorC = 1;
+  if (use_noisy_straw_list) { // noisy straw list
+    if (noisy_straw_phase_map[phi][AorC][straw] > -1)
+      return 1;
+  } else { // detailed info
+    strawNoiseInfo* s = noise_info_map[phi][AorC][straw];
+    if ((s->asym40 > 0.99) && (s->totalocc >= min_occ)) 
+      return 1;
+  }
+  // failed the cut
+  return -1;
+// ********************************************************************
+// fit with a gaussian from -0.5 to 0.5
+// for fitting residual distributions
+void TRT_ClockNoiseResidualPlots::gaus_fit(TH1F* h) {
+  h->Fit("gaus","Q","",-0.5,0.5);
+  return;
+// ********************************************************************
+// overloaded version of gaus_fit for arrays of histograms
+void TRT_ClockNoiseResidualPlots::gaus_fit(TH1F* h[24]) {
+  for (int ibin=0;ibin<24;ibin++) {
+    gaus_fit(h[ibin]);
+  }
+  return;
+// ********************************************************************
+// this will graph the residuals as a function of LEbin, given an output graph and a set of residual histos
+// !! the histograms need to be fit with Gaussians before calling this function
+void TRT_ClockNoiseResidualPlots::graph_residuals_vs_LEbin( TH1F* h[24], TGraphErrors* gMean, TGraphErrors* gSigma ) {
+  for (int ibin=0; ibin<24; ibin++) {
+    double mean,err,sigma,sigmaerr;
+    // make sure there are at least some entries in the residual histo
+    if (h[ibin]->GetEntries() >= min_entries) {
+      TF1* myfunc = h[ibin]->GetFunction("gaus");
+      mean = myfunc->GetParameter(1);
+      sigma = myfunc->GetParameter(2);
+      sigmaerr = myfunc->GetParError(2);
+      err = sigma / sqrt(h[ibin]->GetEntries());
+    } else { // too few entries: set the mean, sigma, errors to 0
+      mean = 0.;
+      err = 0.;
+      sigma = 0.;
+      sigmaerr = 0.;
+    }
+    gMean->SetPoint(ibin,ibin,mean);
+    gMean->SetPointError(ibin,0.,err);
+    gSigma->SetPoint(ibin,ibin,sigma);
+    gSigma->SetPointError(ibin,0.,sigmaerr);
+  }
+  return;
+// ********************************************************************
+// subtracts two TGraphErrors: g - gref, and returns the resulting graph
+TGraphErrors* TRT_ClockNoiseResidualPlots::subtract_graphs(TGraphErrors* g, TGraphErrors* gref) {
+  TGraphErrors* gdiff = new TGraphErrors(24);
+  for (int ibin=0; ibin<24; ibin++) {
+    double xdummy = 0.;
+    double y = 0.;
+    double yref = 0.;
+    double yerr = g->GetErrorY(ibin);
+    double yreferr = gref->GetErrorY(ibin);
+    g->GetPoint(ibin,xdummy,y);
+    gref->GetPoint(ibin,xdummy,yref);
+    double ynew = y - yref;
+    double ynewerr = sqrt(yerr*yerr+yreferr*yreferr);
+    // if yerr == 0 or yreferr == 0, the point is bogus
+    // set the values to 0 here as well
+    if ((yerr == 0.) || (yreferr == 0.)) {
+      ynew = 0.;
+      ynewerr = 0.;
+    } 
+    gdiff->SetPoint(ibin,ibin,ynew);
+    gdiff->SetPointError(ibin,0.,ynewerr);
+  }
+  return gdiff;
+// ********************************************************************
+// colors the points on a graph to make periodic effects easier to see by eye
+//   points separated by N*period are the same color
+TMultiGraph* TRT_ClockNoiseResidualPlots::graph_with_colors(TGraphErrors* g, int period, int phase) {
+  TMultiGraph* mg = new TMultiGraph();
+  for (int i=0; i<period; i++) {
+    int numbins = int(24/period);
+    TGraphErrors* gPhase = new TGraphErrors(numbins);
+    for (int j=0; j<numbins; j++) {
+      int k = j*period + i;
+      if (k > 23) std::cout << "!! graph_with_colors: bin index k == " << k << std::endl;
+      double x = 0.;
+      double y = 0.;
+      g->GetPoint(k,x,y);
+      double erry = g->GetErrorY(k);
+      gPhase->SetPoint(j,x,y);
+      gPhase->SetPointError(j,0.,erry);
+    }
+    gPhase->SetLineColor((period-phase+i)%period+1);
+    mg->Add(gPhase,"P");
+  }
+  return mg;
+// ********************************************************************
+void TRT_ClockNoiseResidualPlots::Loop(bool noisy_straw_list)
+//     This is the loop skeleton where:
+//    jentry is the global entry number in the chain
+//    ientry is the entry number in the current Tree
+//  Note that the argument to GetEntry must be:
+//    jentry for TChain::GetEntry
+//    ientry for TTree::GetEntry and TBranch::GetEntry
+  use_noisy_straw_list = noisy_straw_list;
+  if (use_noisy_straw_list) {
+    cout << "-- will read in noisy straw list from file: " << s_noisetextfile << endl;
+  } else {
+    cout << "-- will read in detailed noise info from file: " << s_noisetextfile << endl;
+  }
+  initialize();
+  if (fChain == 0) return;
+  Long64_t nentries = fChain->GetEntriesFast();
+  Long64_t nbytes = 0, nb = 0;
+  for (Long64_t jentry=0; jentry<nentries;jentry++) {
+     Long64_t ientry = LoadTree(jentry);
+     if (ientry < 0) break;
+     nb = fChain->GetEntry(jentry);   nbytes += nb;
+     // cut on hit/track quality first
+     if (cut_hit() < 0) continue;
+     hres->Fill(locR - locRpat);
+     hresLEbin[LEbin]->Fill(locR - locRpat);
+     // select out only the noise we want
+     if (cut_noise() < 0) continue;
+     int AorC = 0;
+     if (side > 0) AorC = 1;
+     int phase = -1;
+     if (use_noisy_straw_list) {
+       phase = noisy_straw_phase_map[phi][AorC][straw];
+     } else {
+       phase = noise_info_map[phi][AorC][straw]->phase40;
+     }
+     hres40mhz[phase]->Fill(locR - locRpat);
+     hresLEbin40mhz[phase][LEbin]->Fill(locR - locRpat);
+  } // loop over ntuple
+  cout << "-- Loop(): finished loop over ntuple" << endl;
+  fit_all_histos();
+  graph_residuals_vs_LEbin(hresLEbin,gresMean,gresSigma);
+  for (int iphase = 0;iphase<PERIOD_40MHZ;iphase++) {
+    graph_residuals_vs_LEbin(hresLEbin40mhz[iphase],gresMean40mhz[iphase],gresSigma40mhz[iphase]);
+    gdiffMean40mhz[iphase] = subtract_graphs(gresMean40mhz[iphase],gresMean);
+    gdiffSigma40mhz[iphase] = subtract_graphs(gresSigma40mhz[iphase],gresSigma);
+    gdiffMeanColor40mhz[iphase] = graph_with_colors(gdiffMean40mhz[iphase],PERIOD_40MHZ,iphase);
+    gdiffSigmaColor40mhz[iphase] = graph_with_colors(gdiffSigma40mhz[iphase],PERIOD_40MHZ,iphase);
+  } // end loop over 40mhz phases
+  cout << "-- Loop(): finished making plots" << endl;  
+  finalize();
diff --git a/InnerDetector/InDetPerformance/TRT_DetectorPerformance/share/TRT_ClockNoiseResidualPlots.h b/InnerDetector/InDetPerformance/TRT_DetectorPerformance/share/TRT_ClockNoiseResidualPlots.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..e0f5bfe6f142
--- /dev/null
+++ b/InnerDetector/InDetPerformance/TRT_DetectorPerformance/share/TRT_ClockNoiseResidualPlots.h
@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
+// This class has been automatically generated on
+// Wed Oct 22 10:24:41 2008 by ROOT version 5.18/00d
+// from TTree ntuple/ntuple
+// found on file: timinginfo.root
+#ifndef TRT_ClockNoiseResidualPlots_h
+#define TRT_ClockNoiseResidualPlots_h
+#include <TROOT.h>
+#include <TChain.h>
+#include <TFile.h>
+#include "Riostream.h"
+#include <iostream>
+#include <vector>
+#include <cmath>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <ctime>
+#include <vector>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <TH1.h>
+#include <TH2.h>
+#include <TStyle.h>
+#include <TCanvas.h>
+#include <TGraph.h>
+#include <TProfile.h>
+#include "Riostream.h"
+#include <TGraphErrors.h>
+#include <TF1.h>
+#include <THStack.h>
+#include <TLegend.h>
+#include <TMultiGraph.h>
+#include <TNtuple.h>
+#include <TPaveStats.h>
+// detector constants
+#define nPhi 32
+#define nSide 5
+#define nChipB 104
+#define nBoardB 9
+#define nStrawB 1642
+#define nChipE 120
+#define nBoardE 20
+#define nStrawE 3840
+// barrel/endcap designations
+#define ecC -2
+#define barC -1
+#define barA 1
+#define ecA 2
+// period for each frequency of noise
+#define PERIOD_40MHZ 8
+#define PERIOD_80MHZ 4
+// minimum number of noise hits to consider a straw
+#define min_occ 100
+// parameters for residual plots
+#define rmax 2.0
+#define rbins 40
+// minimum number of entries to fit a gaussian to a residual plot -- must be >= 1
+#define min_entries 100
+using namespace std;
+TString s_default = "timinginfo.root";
+TString s_outfile = "clocknoise.plots.root";
+TString s_noisetextfile = "clocknoise.dat";
+const int nTotStraw = nStrawB + nStrawE;
+class strawNoiseInfo{
+    float asym80;
+    int phase80;
+    float asym40;
+    int phase40;
+    int occbins;
+    int totalocc;
+    int noiseType;
+class TRT_ClockNoiseResidualPlots {
+public :
+   TTree          *fChain;   //!pointer to the analyzed TTree or TChain
+   Int_t           fCurrent; //!current Tree number in a TChain
+   // Declaration of leaf types
+   Double_t        corLE;
+   Double_t        EP;
+   Double_t        TOT;
+   Int_t           TEbin;
+   Int_t           LEbin;
+   Int_t           wrongSide;
+   Int_t           board;
+   Double_t        locR;
+   Double_t        timeCorChip;
+   Int_t           chip;
+   Int_t           side;
+   Double_t        t0;
+   Int_t           phi;
+   Int_t           straw;
+   Int_t           strawLayer;
+   Int_t           layer;
+   Int_t           nBarHits;
+   Int_t           nEcHits;
+   Int_t           nTRThits_barrelA;
+   Int_t           nTRThits_barrelC;
+   Int_t           nTRThits_ecA;
+   Int_t           nTRThits_ecC;
+   Int_t           nSCThits;
+   Int_t           nPixHits;
+   Double_t        theta;
+   Double_t        eta;
+   Double_t        chi2ndf;
+   Double_t        phi0;
+   Double_t        z0;
+   Double_t        d0;
+   Int_t           tubeHit;
+   Double_t        locRpat;
+   // List of branches
+   TBranch        *b_corLE;   //!
+   TBranch        *b_EP;   //!
+   TBranch        *b_TOT;   //!
+   TBranch        *b_TEbin;   //!
+   TBranch        *b_LEbin;   //!
+   TBranch        *b_wrongSide;   //!
+   TBranch        *b_board;   //!
+   TBranch        *b_locR;   //!
+   TBranch        *b_timeCorChip;   //!
+   TBranch        *b_chip;   //!
+   TBranch        *b_side;   //!
+   TBranch        *b_t0;   //!
+   TBranch        *b_phi;   //!
+   TBranch        *b_straw;   //!
+   TBranch        *b_strawLayer;   //!
+   TBranch        *b_layer;   //!
+   TBranch        *b_nBarHits;   //!
+   TBranch        *b_nEcHits;   //!
+   TBranch        *b_nTRThits_barrelA;   //!
+   TBranch        *b_nTRThits_barrelC;   //!
+   TBranch        *b_nTRThits_ecA;   //!
+   TBranch        *b_nTRThits_ecC;   //!
+   TBranch        *b_nSCThits;   //!
+   TBranch        *b_nPixHits;   //!
+   TBranch        *b_theta;   //!
+   TBranch        *b_eta;   //!
+   TBranch        *b_chi2ndf;   //!
+   TBranch        *b_phi0;   //!
+   TBranch        *b_z0;   //!
+   TBranch        *b_d0;   //!
+   TBranch        *b_tubeHit;   //!
+   TBranch        *b_locRpat;   //!
+   // -------- MakeClass methods ------------------------------------------
+   TRT_ClockNoiseResidualPlots(TString s_file = s_default, TString s_textfile = s_noisetextfile);
+   virtual ~TRT_ClockNoiseResidualPlots();
+   virtual Int_t    GetEntry(Long64_t entry);
+   virtual Long64_t LoadTree(Long64_t entry);
+   virtual void     Init(TTree *tree);
+   virtual void     Loop(bool noisy_straw_list = true);
+   virtual Bool_t   Notify();
+   virtual void     Show(Long64_t entry = -1);
+   // ----------- user methods ----------------------------------------------
+   virtual int               initialize();
+   virtual int               book_histograms();
+   virtual int               fit_all_histos();
+   virtual int               finalize();
+   virtual int               fill_noise_map();
+   virtual int               cut_hit();
+   virtual int               cut_noise();
+   virtual void              gaus_fit(TH1F* h);
+   virtual void              gaus_fit(TH1F* h[24]);
+   virtual void              graph_residuals_vs_LEbin(TH1F* h[24],TGraphErrors* gMean,TGraphErrors* gSigma);
+   virtual TGraphErrors*     subtract_graphs(TGraphErrors* g, TGraphErrors* gref);
+   virtual TMultiGraph*      graph_with_colors(TGraphErrors* g, int period, int phase);
+   // ---------- user variables ---------------------------------------------
+   strawNoiseInfo*  noise_info_map[nPhi][2][nTotStraw]; //map to hold all the noise info
+   int              noisy_straw_phase_map[nPhi][2][nTotStraw]; // holds phase for noisy straw, -1 if not noisy
+   TFile*           fout;  // output file for histograms
+   // if this is set to true, then the text file read in contains just noisy straws, not full info
+   bool             use_noisy_straw_list;
+   // ---------- user histos and graphs --------------------------------------
+   TCanvas*        ctemp;
+   // for all hits on track
+   TH1F*           hres;
+   TH1F*           hresLEbin[24];
+   TGraphErrors*   gresMean;
+   TGraphErrors*   gresSigma;
+   // for hits on straws with 40MHz noise
+   TH1F*           hres40mhz[PERIOD_40MHZ];
+   TH1F*           hresLEbin40mhz[PERIOD_40MHZ][24];
+   TGraphErrors*   gresMean40mhz[PERIOD_40MHZ];
+   TGraphErrors*   gresSigma40mhz[PERIOD_40MHZ];
+   TGraphErrors*   gdiffMean40mhz[PERIOD_40MHZ];
+   TGraphErrors*   gdiffSigma40mhz[PERIOD_40MHZ];
+   TMultiGraph*    gdiffMeanColor40mhz[PERIOD_40MHZ];
+   TCanvas*        cdiffMeanColor40mhz[PERIOD_40MHZ];
+   TMultiGraph*    gdiffSigmaColor40mhz[PERIOD_40MHZ];
+   TCanvas*        cdiffSigmaColor40mhz[PERIOD_40MHZ];
+#ifdef TRT_ClockNoiseResidualPlots_cxx
+#endif // #ifdef TRT_ClockNoiseResidualPlots_cxx
diff --git a/InnerDetector/InDetPerformance/TRT_DetectorPerformance/share/ b/InnerDetector/InDetPerformance/TRT_DetectorPerformance/share/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..70fd0dea25fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/InnerDetector/InDetPerformance/TRT_DetectorPerformance/share/
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# Private Application Configuration options
+# Full job is a list of algorithms
+from AthenaCommon.AlgSequence import AlgSequence
+job = AlgSequence()
+# Add top algorithms to be run
+from TRT_DetectorPerformance.TRT_DetectorPerformanceConf import InDet__TRT_DTMROC_HeaderCheck
+job += InDet__TRT_DTMROC_HeaderCheck( "TRT_DTMROC_HeaderCheck" )   # 1 alg
+# Set output level threshold (DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, FATAL)
+job.TRT_DTMROC_HeaderCheck.OutputLevel = INFO
+# Event related parameters
+# Number of events to be processed (default is 10)
+#theApp.EvtMax = -1
diff --git a/InnerDetector/InDetPerformance/TRT_DetectorPerformance/share/ b/InnerDetector/InDetPerformance/TRT_DetectorPerformance/share/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..04c4c1b9ec48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/InnerDetector/InDetPerformance/TRT_DetectorPerformance/share/
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# Private Application Configuration options
+# Full job is a list of algorithms
+from AthenaCommon.AlgSequence import AlgSequence
+job = AlgSequence()
+# Add top algorithms to be run
+from TRT_DetectorPerformance.TRT_DetectorPerformanceConf import InDet__TRT_DetectorPlots
+job += InDet__TRT_DetectorPlots( "TRT_DetectorPlots" )   # 1 alg
+# Set output level threshold (DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, FATAL)
+job.TRT_DetectorPlots.OutputLevel = INFO
+# Event related parameters
+# Number of events to be processed (default is 10)
+#theApp.EvtMax = -1
diff --git a/InnerDetector/InDetPerformance/TRT_DetectorPerformance/share/ b/InnerDetector/InDetPerformance/TRT_DetectorPerformance/share/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..22e071075766
--- /dev/null
+++ b/InnerDetector/InDetPerformance/TRT_DetectorPerformance/share/
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+# Private Application Configuration options
+# Full job is a list of algorithms
+from AthenaCommon.AlgSequence import AlgSequence
+job = AlgSequence()
+print job
+# Add top algorithms to be run
+from TRT_DetectorPerformance.TRT_DetectorPerformanceConf import InDet__TRT_DetectorTiming
+job += InDet__TRT_DetectorTiming( "TRT_DetectorTiming" )   # 1 alg
+# Set output level threshold (DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, FATAL)
+job.TRT_DetectorTiming.OutputLevel = INFO
+# Event related parameters
+# Number of events to be processed (default is 10)
+#theApp.EvtMax = 10
diff --git a/InnerDetector/InDetPerformance/TRT_DetectorPerformance/share/TRT_calculateTimingConstants.h b/InnerDetector/InDetPerformance/TRT_DetectorPerformance/share/TRT_calculateTimingConstants.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..a943e7e1c3f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/InnerDetector/InDetPerformance/TRT_DetectorPerformance/share/TRT_calculateTimingConstants.h
@@ -0,0 +1,640 @@
+// This class has been automtically generated on
+// Wed Feb  6 10:04:15 2008 by ROOT version 5.17/02
+// from TTree ntuple/data from ascii file
+// found on file: ../root/rt.chafik_m4_huge.root
+// Author: Brett Jackson <>
+// Author: Dominick Olivito <>
+#ifndef TRT_calculateTimingConstants_h
+#define TRT_calculateTimingConstants_h
+#include <TROOT.h>
+#include <TChain.h>
+#include <TFile.h>
+#include "Riostream.h"
+#include <iostream>
+#include <vector>
+#include <cmath>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <TH1.h>
+#include <TH2.h>
+#include <TStyle.h>
+#include <TCanvas.h>
+#include <TGraph.h>
+#include <vector>
+#include <TProfile.h>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <cmath>
+#include "Riostream.h"
+#include <iostream>
+#include <TGraphErrors.h>
+#include <TF1.h>
+#include <THStack.h>
+#include <TLegend.h>
+#include <TMultiGraph.h>
+#include <TNtuple.h>
+#include <TPaveStats.h>
+/// Parameters to describe the 
+/// binning in radius histograms
+const int rbins   = 40;
+const float rmin  = 0.;
+const float rmax  = 2.;
+const int rbinsBd = 20;
+/// Parameters to describe the 
+/// binning in time histograms
+//const int tbins  = 48;
+//const float tmin = -12.5;
+//const float tmax = 37.5;
+//const int tbins  = 60;
+//const float tmin = -12.5;
+//const float tmax = 50.0;
+const int tbins  = 68;
+const float tmin = -12.5;
+const float tmax = 75.0;
+/// Parameters to describe the 
+/// binning in time residual histograms
+//const int trbins = 16;
+const int trbins    = 75;
+const float trmin   = -25.;
+const float trmax   = 50.;
+const float trwidth = 8.;
+/// Values used in the cut when
+/// determining residuals 
+const float fitmin = -5.;
+const float fitmax = 30.;
+/// number of short layers
+const int shortLayers = 9;
+/// Number of chips, phi modules, "sides", boards and straws
+//const int nChip  = 120;
+//const int nPhi   = 32;
+//const int nSide  = 5;
+//const int nBoard = 9;
+//const int nStraw = 1642;
+const int nChip  = 224;
+const int nPhi   = 32;
+const int nSide  = 5;
+const int nSide_new = 4;
+const int nBoard = 29;
+const int nStraw = 5482;
+/// Number of chips, boards and straws in barrel region
+//const int nChip_barrel  = 104;
+//const int nBoard_barrel = 9;
+//const int nStraw_barrel = 1642;
+const int nChip_barrel  = nChip;
+const int nBoard_barrel = nBoard;
+const int nStraw_barrel = nStraw;
+/// Number of chips, boards and straws in endcap region
+//const int nChip_ec  = 120; 
+//const int nBoard_ec = 20;
+//const int nStraw_ec = 3840;
+const int nChip_ec  = nChip; 
+const int nBoard_ec = nBoard;
+const int nStraw_ec = nStraw;
+// barrel/endcap designations for the side variable
+const int ecC  = -2;
+const int barC = -1;
+const int barA = 1;
+const int ecA  = 2;
+/// used to distinguish between upper 
+/// and lower stacks - This is only 
+/// used as an array index
+const int UPPER = 1;
+const int LOWER = 0;
+/// Minimum number of entries required to
+/// compute tr rt relation or the residual
+const int minEntriesTR  = 500;
+const int minEntriesRes = 100;
+//const int minEntriesRes = 50;
+/// Other parameters to determine the
+/// quality of the fit
+//const float deltat0Thresh = 7.;
+const float deltat0Thresh = 15.;
+const float chi2Thresh    = 10.;
+const float sigmaMin      = 2.; // we expect a sigma around 3ns for the time residual
+//const float sigmaMax      = 4.;
+//const float sigmaMin      = 1.5; // we expect a sigma around 3ns for the time residual
+const float sigmaMax      = 5;
+/// RMS of pull distribution for boards and chips
+/// use to scale up errors
+const float boardFactor = 1.6;
+const float chipFactor  = 1.5;
+// std::cout << "<<<<<<<<<<<<< rt.C usage: >>>>>>>>>>>>>" << std::endl
+//           << "  > TRT_calculateTimingConstants t" << std::endl
+//           << "  > t.Loop(boards = {false,true}, chips = {false,true}, layers = {ALL,INNER,OUTER}, absRes = {false,true}, rtCuts = {true,false})" << std::endl
+//           << "[defaults are listed first]" << std::endl << std::endl;
+Double_t  p[4]   = {0,0.1,-0.00087,0}; // chafik's values
+Double_t  ptr[4] = {0,7.5,3.5,-0.5}; // from previous fit
+Int_t     boardChips[nBoard_barrel]     = {10, 21, 36, 45, 54, 65, 77, 90, 104};
+Int_t     boardChipCount[nBoard_barrel] = {10, 11, 15, 9, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14};
+enum strawlayers { ALL, SHORT, LONG0, LONGALL, BAR, EC };
+// std::cout << "<<<<<<<<<<<<< rt.C usage: >>>>>>>>>>>>>" << std::endl
+//           << "  > rt t" << std::endl
+//           << "  > t.Loop(boards = {false,true}, chips = {false,true}, layers = {ALL,INNER,OUTER}, absRes = {false,true}, rtCuts = {true,false})" << std::endl
+//           << "[defaults are listed first]" << std::endl << std::endl;
+struct t0Data {
+  double t0;
+  double sigma;
+  double entries;
+class TRT_calculateTimingConstants {
+  public :
+    // constructor and destructor
+    TRT_calculateTimingConstants(TString inputdir, TString runnum, TString outputdir = "./");
+  virtual ~TRT_calculateTimingConstants();
+  ///////////////// Loop: this is the only function one needs to call from the root prompt///////////////////////
+  //
+  //   - loops over all events in the specified ntuple and performs all other calculations
+  //   - this has lots of options that can be passed to change what is input and output
+  //
+  virtual void     Loop(bool bds = false, bool chps = false, bool drawErr = false, bool internets = false, bool tres = true, strawlayers lyrs = ALL, bool absRes = false, bool rtcut = true);
+  //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  // private:
+  TTree          *fChain;   //!pointer to the analyzed TTree or TChain
+  Int_t           fCurrent; //!current Tree number in a TChain
+  ////////////////////////////////
+  // Declaration of leave types
+  ////////////////////////////////
+  Double_t   corLE;
+  Double_t   EP;
+  Double_t   TOT;
+  Int_t      TEbin;
+  Int_t      LEbin;
+  Int_t      wrongSide;
+  Int_t      board;
+  Double_t   locR;
+  Double_t   timeCorChip;
+  Int_t      chip;
+  Int_t      side;
+  Double_t   t0;
+  Int_t      phi;
+  Int_t      straw;
+  Int_t      strawLayer;
+  Int_t      layer;
+  Int_t      nBarHits;
+  Int_t      nEcHits;
+  Int_t      nSCThits;
+  Int_t      nPixHits;
+  Double_t   theta;
+  Double_t   eta;
+  Double_t   chi2ndf;
+  Double_t   phi0;
+  Double_t   z0;
+  Double_t   d0;
+  //////////////////////
+  // List of branches
+  //////////////////////
+  TBranch        *b_corLE;   //!
+  TBranch        *b_EP;   //!
+  TBranch        *b_TOT;   //!
+  TBranch        *b_TEbin;   //!
+  TBranch        *b_LEbin;   //!
+  TBranch        *b_wrongSide;   //!
+  TBranch        *b_board;   //!
+  TBranch        *b_locR;   //!
+  TBranch        *b_timeCorChip;   //!
+  TBranch        *b_chip;   //!
+  TBranch        *b_side;   //!
+  TBranch        *b_t0;   //!
+  TBranch        *b_phi;   //!
+  TBranch        *b_straw;   //!
+  TBranch        *b_strawLayer;   //!
+  TBranch        *b_layer;   //!
+  TBranch        *b_nBarHits;   //!
+  TBranch        *b_nEcHits;   //!
+  TBranch        *b_nSCThits;   //!
+  TBranch        *b_nPixHits;   //!
+  TBranch        *b_theta;   //!
+  TBranch        *b_eta;   //!
+  TBranch        *b_chi2ndf;   //!
+  TBranch        *b_phi0;   //!
+  TBranch        *b_z0;   //!
+  TBranch        *b_d0;   //!
+  ///////////////////////////
+  /// Histgrams and graphs
+  ///////////////////////////
+  TH2F*          hrt;
+  TH2F*          hrt_side[nSide_new]; //~~~
+  TH2F*          hrt_barrel;
+  TH2F*          hrt_ec;
+  TH2F*          htr;
+  TH2F*          htr_side[nSide_new]; //~~~
+  TH2F*          htr_barrel;
+  TH2F*          htr_ec;
+  //TH2F*          htrBoard[nPhi][nSide][nBoard_ec];
+  //TH2F*          htrChip[nPhi][nSide][nChip_ec];
+  TH2F*          htrBoard[nPhi][nSide_new][nBoard];
+  TH2F*          htrChip[nPhi][nSide_new][nChip];
+  TH1D*          hProjBin[rbins];
+  //TH1D*          hProjBin_side[nSide_new][rbins]; //~~~
+  //TH1D*          hProjBin_barrel[rbins];
+  //TH1D*          hProjBin_ec[rbins];
+  TGraphErrors*  grt;
+  TGraphErrors*  grt_side[nSide_new]; //~~~
+  TGraphErrors*  grt_barrel;
+  TGraphErrors*  grt_ec;
+  TGraphErrors*  gtr;
+  TGraphErrors*  gtr_side[nSide_new]; //~~~
+  TGraphErrors*  gtr_barrel;
+  TGraphErrors*  gtr_ec;
+  //TGraphErrors*  gtrBoard[nPhi][nSide][nBoard_ec];
+  //TGraphErrors*  gtrChip[nPhi][nSide][nChip_ec];
+  TGraphErrors*  gtrBoard[nPhi][nSide_new][nBoard];
+  TGraphErrors*  gtrChip[nPhi][nSide_new][nChip];
+  TGraphErrors*  gBoardt0[nPhi][nSide_new];
+  TGraphErrors*  gChipt0[nPhi][nSide_new];
+  TH1F*          hBoardt0Diff;
+  TH1F*          hChipt0Diff;
+  TH1F*          hRes;
+  TH1F*          hRes_side[nSide_new]; //~~~
+  TH1F*          hRes_barrel;
+  TH1F*          hRes_ec;
+  TH1F*          hResBin[rbins];
+  TH1F*          hResBin_side[nSide_new][rbins]; //~~~
+  TH1F*          hResBin_barrel[rbins];
+  TH1F*          hResBin_ec[rbins];
+  TGraphErrors*  gRes;
+  TGraphErrors*  gRes_side[nSide_new]; //~~~
+  TGraphErrors*  gRes_barrel;
+  TGraphErrors*  gRes_ec;
+  TH2F*          hrTE;
+  TH2F*          hrTE_side[nSide_new]; //~~~
+  TH2F*          hrTE_barrel;
+  TH2F*          hrTE_ec;
+  TH2F*          hTEr;
+  TH2F*          hTEr_side[nSide_new]; //~~~
+  TH2F*          hTEr_barrel;
+  TH2F*          hTEr_ec;
+  TGraphErrors*  gTEr;
+  TGraphErrors*  gTEr_side[nSide_new]; //~~~
+  TGraphErrors*  gTEr_barrel;
+  TGraphErrors*  gTEr_ec;
+  TH2F*          ht0Err;
+  TH1F*          hChi2Board;
+  TH1F*          hChi2Chip;
+  //TH1F*          htResBoard[nPhi][nSide][nBoard_ec];
+  //TH1F*          htResChip[nPhi][nSide][nChip_ec];
+  //TGraphErrors*  gChipt0s[nSide][nBoard_ec];
+  //TGraph*        gChipt0sFD[nSide][nBoard_ec];
+  //TH1F*          ht0FDdiff[nSide][nBoard_ec];
+  //TH1F*          htResChipStacked[nSide][nChip_ec];
+  //TLine*         lBoard[nBoard_ec];
+  //TH1F*          hChipt0[nPhi][nSide][nBoard_ec];
+  TH1F*          htResBoard[nPhi][nSide_new][nBoard];
+  TH1F*          htResChip[nPhi][nSide_new][nChip];
+  TGraphErrors*  gChipt0s[nSide_new][nBoard];
+  TGraph*        gChipt0sFD[nSide_new][nBoard];
+  TH1F*          ht0FDdiff[nSide_new][nBoard];
+  TH1F*          htResChipStacked[nSide_new][nChip];
+  TLine*         lBoard[nBoard];
+  TH1F*          hChipt0[nPhi][nSide_new][nBoard];
+  TH1F*          hBoardt0Side[nSide_new][2];
+  TH1F*          htRes;
+  TH1F*          htRes_side[nSide_new]; //~~~
+  TH1F*          htRes_barrel;
+  TH1F*          htRes_ec;
+  TH1F*          hTEres;
+  TH1F*          hTEres_side[nSide_new]; //~~~
+  TH1F*          hTEres_barrel;
+  TH1F*          hTEres_ec;
+  TH1F*          hTOTcut;
+  TGraphErrors*  gVdrift;
+  TH1F*          ht0Bcomp;
+  TH1F*          ht0Ccomp;
+  TF1*      rtRel;
+  TF1*      rtRel_side[nSide_new]; //~~~
+  TF1*      rtRel_barrel;
+  TF1*      rtRel_ec;
+  TF1*      trRel;
+  TF1*      trRel_side[nSide_new]; //~~~
+  TF1*      trRel_barrel;
+  TF1*      trRel_ec;
+  //TF1*      trRelBoard[nPhi][nSide][nBoard_ec];
+  //TF1*      trRelChip[nPhi][nSide][nChip_ec];
+  TF1*      trRelBoard[nPhi][nSide_new][nBoard];
+  TF1*      trRelChip[nPhi][nSide_new][nChip];
+  TF1*      rtChafik;
+  TF1*      TErRel;
+  TF1*      TErRel_side[nSide_new]; //~~~
+  TF1*      TErRel_barrel;
+  TF1*      TErRel_ec;
+  //////////////////////
+  /// Other variables
+  //////////////////////
+  TString   s_inputdir;
+  TString   s_runnum;
+  TString   s_outputdir;
+  TString   s_boardFile;
+  TString   s_chipFile;
+  TString   s_logFile;
+  TString   s_chipSideFile;
+  TFile*    fout;
+  ofstream  outBoard;
+  ofstream  outChip;
+  ofstream  log;
+  ofstream  outChipSide;
+  TString   s_save;
+  TString   s_histoSave;
+  Double_t  rtmin;
+  Double_t  rtmax;
+  Double_t  rdelta;
+  Double_t  rdeltaBd;
+  Double_t  tdelta;
+  TCanvas*  c1;
+  bool      saveForInternets;
+  bool      savePDF;
+  bool      t0FromRes;
+  bool      drawErrors;
+  bool      boards;
+  bool      chips;
+  bool      showRT;
+  bool      showRes;
+  bool      showt0;
+  //bool      fullB[nPhi][nSide][nBoard_ec];
+  bool      fullB[nPhi][nSide_new][nBoard];
+  bool      drawTails;
+  //t0Data    t0Board[nPhi][nSide][nBoard_ec];
+  //t0Data    t0Chip[nPhi][nSide][nChip_ec];
+  t0Data    t0Board[nPhi][nSide_new][nBoard];
+  t0Data    t0Chip[nPhi][nSide_new][nChip];
+  Int_t     histoIndex;
+  // !!! chipCor should be ADDED to LE, not subtracted like a t0...
+  strawlayers  layers; // int?
+  //Double_t  chipCor[nSide][nChip_ec];
+  //Int_t     shortStrawChips[nChip_barrel];
+  //Float_t   newt0B[nPhi][nSide][nBoard_ec];
+  //Float_t   newt0C[nPhi][nSide][nChip_ec];
+  //Float_t   dbt0[nPhi][nSide][nStraw_ec];
+  //Int_t     strawToChip[nStraw_ec];
+  Double_t  chipCor[nSide_new][nChip];
+  Int_t     shortStrawChips[nChip];
+  Float_t   newt0B[nPhi][nSide_new][nBoard];
+  Float_t   newt0C[nPhi][nSide_new][nChip];
+  Float_t   dbt0[nPhi][nSide_new][nStraw];
+//  Int_t     strawToChip[nStraw];
+  //////////////////////
+  /// Basic functions
+  //////////////////////
+  virtual Int_t    GetEntry(Long64_t entry);
+  virtual Long64_t LoadTree(Long64_t entry);
+  virtual void     Init(TTree *tree);
+  virtual Bool_t   Notify();
+  virtual void     Show(Long64_t entry = -1);
+  inline unsigned int getSideIndex(int side);
+  ////////////////////////////////////
+  /// Initialization-type functions
+  ////////////////////////////////////
+  // initialize: this defines some basic names and things, may need to be changed occasionally
+  //  -- also contains bools for controlling which histograms are displayed/saved
+  virtual void     initialize();
+  // histoprep: this sets up all the histograms and graphs.  new histos should be added here
+  virtual void     histoPrep();
+  // fillChipCor: this fills an array with fine delay chip-to-chip corrections, from an input file
+  virtual void     fillChipCor();
+  // shortStrawInfo: fills an array with # of short straws on each chip, from an input file
+  virtual void     shortStrawInfo();
+  // fillStrawToChipMapping: fills an array with chip numbers for each straw from input file
+//  virtual void     fillStrawToChipMapping(); 
+  // closingTime: closes any open files, writes all graphs and TF1s to the open TFile
+  virtual void     closingTime();
+  /////////////////////////////////////////
+  /// Loop cuts:
+  ///
+  /// These are for use inside of Loop()
+  /////////////////////////////////////////
+  // Cut: this is where cuts on TOT, LEbin, TEbin, and wrongSide are implemented
+  //   -- also incorporates layerCut
+  virtual Int_t    Cut(Long64_t entry);
+  // rtCut: throws out points with t such that r(t) > 2 or r(t) < 0
+  //   -- used only for calculating residuals
+  virtual Int_t    rtCut(Long64_t entry);
+  // layerCut: select short or long straws (or all)
+  virtual Int_t    layerCut(Long64_t entry);
+  /////////////////
+  /// Other cuts
+  /////////////////
+  // phi/sideCut: these select which parts of the detector are in the data sample
+  virtual Int_t    phiCut(int iPhi);
+  virtual Int_t    sideCut(int iSide);
+  // skipBoard/Chip: here I list bad boards/chips to be skipped when calculating t0s
+  virtual bool     skipBoard(int iPhi, int iSide, int iBoard);
+  virtual bool     skipChip(int iPhi, int iSide, int iChip);
+  /////////////////////////
+  /// Major calculations
+  /////////////////////////
+  // tResCalc: calculates t0s for boards/chips by forming a time residual distribution and fitting a gaussian to that
+  //   -- this is very similar to how chafik determines t0s
+  //   -- also, I trust the errors more for this t0 determination, based on pull distributions
+  //   -- also calculates chip t0 by summing over all stacks on a given side, to compare to fine delay chip values
+  virtual void     tResCalc();
+  // sliceNfit: this takes a 2d rt or tr plot, slices it in distance bins, and fits gaussians to the slices
+  virtual void     sliceNfit(TH2F* h, TGraphErrors* g, bool xaxis = true, bool global = true);
+  // curvefits: these fit either an rt or tr curve to a graph made from sliceNfit
+  virtual void     rtCurveFit(TGraphErrors* g, TF1* rtrel);
+  virtual void     trCurveFit(TGraphErrors* g, TF1* rtrel, bool global = true);
+  // resBins: makes residual plots for bins in locR
+  virtual void     resBins(bool absRes = false);
+  // resCalc: calculates resolution as a function of locR by binning in distance
+  virtual void     resCalc();
+  // boardTR: fits for the constant parameter of a TR relation for each board to find t0
+  virtual void     boardTR();
+  // chipTR: fits for the constant parameter of a TR relation for each chip to find t0
+  virtual void     chipTR();
+  // removeOutlier: for fitting TR curves at board/chip level
+  //   -- try removing one point to improve chi2 (in case there's an outlier)
+  virtual void     removeOutlier(TGraphErrors* g, TF1* f1);
+  //////////////////////////
+  /// simple calculations
+  //////////////////////////
+  // chipToBoardMapping: looks up which board a given chip belongs to
+  // --- Currently only works for barrel region. May phase this out 
+  //     to be replaced by another entry in the ntuple to store board
+  //     number for each hit in both the barrel and endcap
+  virtual Int_t    chipToBoardMapping(int iChip);
+  // chipOnBoard: looks up the relative chip # (i.e. 0-X) for a given chip on a board
+  // --- Again only for barrel region
+  virtual Int_t    chipOnBoard(int iBoard, int iChip);
+  // RofT: calculates r(t) using chafik's constants
+  virtual Double_t RofT( Double_t t );
+  // ResAbsCuts: calculates the distance residual as
+  //  residual = fabs(locR) - fabs(r(t))
+  //   - cuts off r(t) at > 2mm, <0mm
+  virtual Double_t ResAbsCuts( Double_t t, Double_t locR );
+  // ResAbs: calculates the distance residual as
+  //  residual = fabs(locR) - fabs(r(t))
+  virtual Double_t ResAbs( Double_t t, Double_t locR );
+  // ResSignCuts: calculates the distance residual as
+  //  residual = +- fabs(locR - r(t))
+  //   - cuts off r(t) at > 2mm, <0mm
+  virtual Double_t ResSignCuts( Double_t t, Double_t locR );
+  // gausFit: fits a gaussian from -0.5 to 0.5
+  virtual void     gausFit(TH1F* h);
+  // gausFitPeak: fits a gaussian where the peak is not at 0, from peak-trwidth to peak+trwidth
+  virtual void     gausFitPeak(TH1F* h);
+  // chi2NDF: calculates chi2/ndf for a given function
+  virtual Double_t chi2NDF(TF1* f1);
+  // getNboard: returns the number of boards, which differs endcap to barrel
+  virtual Int_t getNboard( int iSide );
+  // getNchip: returns the number of chips, which differs endcap to barrel
+  virtual Int_t getNchip( int iSide );
+  // getNstraw: returns the number of straws, which differs endcap to barrel
+  virtual Int_t getNstraw( int iSide );
+  // isUpper: returns 1 if the phi stack is in the upper half of the detector, 0 if lower
+  virtual Int_t isUpper( int iPhi );
+  // strawToBoardMapping: returns the board for a given straw
+//  virtual Int_t strawToBoardMapping( int iStraw );
+  ////////////////////////
+  /// Drawing functions
+  ////////////////////////
+  // drawTR/RT: these draw the rt plots to the screen and/or to file
+  virtual void     drawRT(bool chafik);
+  virtual void     drawTR();
+  virtual void     drawTEr();
+  virtual void     drawTR(TCanvas* c2, int iPhi, int iSide, int iBoard, int iChip, bool save);
+  // graphResR: draws resolution as a function of locR to screen/file
+  virtual void     graphResR();
+  // saveCanvas: saves a canvas as pdf with the given name
+  virtual void     saveCanvas(TCanvas* c2, TString name);
+  // saveGIF: saves the canvas as a GIF with a generic name for website use
+  virtual void     saveGIF(TCanvas* c2);
+  // drawFlows: draws a histogram with over/underflows
+  virtual void     drawFlows(TH1F* h, TString name);
+  // graphChipt0s: this graphs chipt0s from the time residual calculation vs fine delay
+  virtual void     graphChipt0s(int iSide);
+  // drawBoardLines: draws lines to seperate chips on different boards, for graphChipt0s
+  virtual void     drawBoardLines(double ymin, double ymax);
+  // graphVdrift: approximates Vdrift at a few points in locR and graphs these
+  virtual void     graphVdrift();
+  // plott0Comp: makes histos comparing new t0s with DB on board/chip level
+//  virtual void     plott0Comp();
+#ifdef rt_cxx
+#endif // #ifdef rt_cxx
diff --git a/InnerDetector/InDetPerformance/TRT_DetectorPerformance/share/finedelays-avg0-chips.txt b/InnerDetector/InDetPerformance/TRT_DetectorPerformance/share/finedelays-avg0-chips.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..15013a078038
--- /dev/null
+++ b/InnerDetector/InDetPerformance/TRT_DetectorPerformance/share/finedelays-avg0-chips.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
+-1 0 0.708
+-1 1 0.568
+-1 2 0.308
+-1 3 0.268
+-1 4 0.0779999
+-1 5 -0.0720001
+-1 6 -0.132
+-1 7 -0.362
+-1 8 -0.582
+-1 9 -0.782
+-1 10 0.99
+-1 11 0.68
+-1 12 0.46
+-1 13 0.45
+-1 14 0.24
+-1 15 -0.0200001
+-1 16 -0.16
+-1 17 -0.37
+-1 18 -0.58
+-1 19 -0.72
+-1 20 -0.97
+-1 21 1.39333
+-1 22 1.10333
+-1 23 0.963333
+-1 24 0.743333
+-1 25 0.523333
+-1 26 0.303333
+-1 27 0.203333
+-1 28 0.0533332
+-1 29 -0.0466669
+-1 30 -0.476667
+-1 31 -0.536667
+-1 32 -0.766667
+-1 33 -0.916667
+-1 34 -1.17667
+-1 35 -1.36667
+-1 36 -0.694444
+-1 37 -0.514444
+-1 38 -0.264444
+-1 39 -0.244444
+-1 40 -0.0144444
+-1 41 0.0655556
+-1 42 0.255556
+-1 43 0.615556
+-1 44 0.795556
+-1 45 0.798889
+-1 46 0.698889
+-1 47 0.338889
+-1 48 0.168889
+-1 49 0.0688889
+-1 50 -0.101111
+-1 51 -0.481111
+-1 52 -0.611111
+-1 53 -0.881111
+-1 54 0.959091
+-1 55 0.729091
+-1 56 0.509091
+-1 57 0.369091
+-1 58 0.229091
+-1 59 -0.140909
+-1 60 -0.290909
+-1 61 -0.370909
+-1 62 -0.490909
+-1 63 -0.670909
+-1 64 -0.830909
+-1 65 1.20083
+-1 66 0.930833
+-1 67 0.730833
+-1 68 0.550833
+-1 69 0.390833
+-1 70 0.160833
+-1 71 0.0808332
+-1 72 -0.309167
+-1 73 -0.639167
+-1 74 -0.839167
+-1 75 -0.999167
+-1 76 -1.25917
+-1 77 1.18231
+-1 78 0.972308
+-1 79 0.752308
+-1 80 0.602308
+-1 81 0.412308
+-1 82 0.172308
+-1 83 0.0223076
+-1 84 -0.107692
+-1 85 -0.267692
+-1 86 -0.697692
+-1 87 -0.887692
+-1 88 -0.987692
+-1 89 -1.16769
+-1 90 1.50357
+-1 91 1.16357
+-1 92 0.883571
+-1 93 0.783571
+-1 94 0.413571
+-1 95 0.183571
+-1 96 0.113571
+-1 97 -0.0264286
+-1 98 -0.286429
+-1 99 -0.656429
+-1 100 -0.756429
+-1 101 -0.816429
+-1 102 -1.12643
+-1 103 -1.37643
+1 0 0.893
+1 1 0.663
+1 2 0.553
+1 3 0.313
+1 4 0.0630001
+1 5 -0.157
+1 6 -0.127
+1 7 -0.427
+1 8 -0.727
+1 9 -1.047
+1 10 0.916364
+1 11 0.826364
+1 12 0.696364
+1 13 0.526364
+1 14 0.356364
+1 15 -0.0136362
+1 16 -0.243636
+1 17 -0.433636
+1 18 -0.643636
+1 19 -0.793636
+1 20 -1.19364
+1 21 0.733333
+1 22 0.803333
+1 23 1.13333
+1 24 1.32333
+1 25 1.52333
+1 26 -0.256667
+1 27 -0.0466667
+1 28 0.123333
+1 29 0.283333
+1 30 -0.746667
+1 31 -0.526667
+1 32 -0.496667
+1 33 -1.21667
+1 34 -1.13667
+1 35 -1.49667
+1 36 -0.753333
+1 37 -0.513333
+1 38 -0.343333
+1 39 -0.193333
+1 40 0.0566667
+1 41 0.116667
+1 42 0.456667
+1 43 0.446667
+1 44 0.726667
+1 45 1.00778
+1 46 0.707778
+1 47 0.497778
+1 48 0.337778
+1 49 -0.0522221
+1 50 -0.262222
+1 51 -0.552222
+1 52 -0.802222
+1 53 -0.882222
+1 54 0.937273
+1 55 0.807273
+1 56 0.687273
+1 57 0.397273
+1 58 0.267273
+1 59 0.0472728
+1 60 -0.282727
+1 61 -0.502727
+1 62 -0.642727
+1 63 -0.752727
+1 64 -0.962727
+1 65 1.325
+1 66 1.105
+1 67 1.065
+1 68 0.765
+1 69 0.375
+1 70 0.145
+1 71 -0.0650001
+1 72 -0.385
+1 73 -0.635
+1 74 -1.025
+1 75 -1.425
+1 76 -1.245
+1 77 0.320769
+1 78 0.140769
+1 79 0.0107692
+1 80 -0.219231
+1 81 -0.369231
+1 82 -0.799231
+1 83 -0.859231
+1 84 -1.29923
+1 85 -1.31923
+1 86 1.53077
+1 87 1.22077
+1 88 0.940769
+1 89 0.700769
+1 90 0.224286
+1 91 0.394286
+1 92 0.614286
+1 93 0.804286
+1 94 1.04429
+1 95 1.36429
+1 96 1.52429
+1 97 -0.215714
+1 98 -0.0657144
+1 99 -0.645714
+1 100 -0.835714
+1 101 -1.12571
+1 102 -1.61571
+1 103 -1.46571
diff --git a/InnerDetector/InDetPerformance/TRT_DetectorPerformance/share/shortStrawChips.txt b/InnerDetector/InDetPerformance/TRT_DetectorPerformance/share/shortStrawChips.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..b4e1eb18e04b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/InnerDetector/InDetPerformance/TRT_DetectorPerformance/share/shortStrawChips.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+0 16
+1 12
+2 15
+3 16
+4 16
+5 14
+6 16
+7 4
+8 4
+18 8
+19 10
+20 16
diff --git a/InnerDetector/InDetPerformance/TRT_DetectorPerformance/share/swIndex.txt b/InnerDetector/InDetPerformance/TRT_DetectorPerformance/share/swIndex.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..987bacc3f657
--- /dev/null
+++ b/InnerDetector/InDetPerformance/TRT_DetectorPerformance/share/swIndex.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,1649 @@
+# lxplus: ~sfratina/public/TRT/swIndex.txt, columns:
+# barrel only, perhaps order of chips for side C is slightly different in one board
+# - straw number 0-1641
+# - chip number 0-103
+# - layer number 0-2
+# - straw layer number 0-29
+# - straw number within a layer 0-15
+   0   0 0  0 14
+   1   0 0  0 13
+   2   0 0  0 12
+   3   1 0  0 11
+   4   1 0  0 10
+   5   1 0  0  9
+   6   1 0  0  8
+   7   2 0  0  7
+   8   2 0  0  6
+   9   2 0  0  5
+  10   2 0  0  4
+  11   3 0  0  3
+  12   3 0  0  2
+  13   3 0  0  1
+  14   3 0  0  0
+  15   0 0  1 15
+  16   0 0  1 14
+  17   0 0  1 13
+  18   0 0  1 12
+  19   1 0  1 11
+  20   1 0  1 10
+  21   1 0  1  9
+  22   2 0  1  8
+  23   2 0  1  7
+  24   2 0  1  6
+  25   2 0  1  5
+  26   3 0  1  4
+  27   3 0  1  3
+  28   3 0  1  2
+  29   3 0  1  1
+  30   3 0  1  0
+  31   0 0  2 15
+  32   0 0  2 14
+  33   0 0  2 13
+  34   0 0  2 12
+  35   1 0  2 11
+  36   1 0  2 10
+  37   1 0  2  9
+  38   2 0  2  8
+  39   2 0  2  7
+  40   2 0  2  6
+  41   3 0  2  5
+  42   3 0  2  4
+  43   3 0  2  3
+  44   3 0  2  2
+  45  20 0  2  1
+  46  20 0  2  0
+  47   0 0  3 15
+  48   0 0  3 14
+  49   0 0  3 13
+  50   0 0  3 12
+  51   1 0  3 11
+  52   1 0  3 10
+  53   2 0  3  9
+  54   2 0  3  8
+  55   2 0  3  7
+  56   2 0  3  6
+  57   3 0  3  5
+  58   3 0  3  4
+  59   3 0  3  3
+  60  20 0  3  2
+  61  20 0  3  1
+  62  20 0  3  0
+  63   0 0  4 15
+  64   6 0  4 14
+  65   6 0  4 13
+  66   6 0  4 12
+  67   6 0  4 11
+  68   5 0  4 10
+  69   5 0  4  9
+  70   5 0  4  8
+  71   4 0  4  7
+  72   4 0  4  6
+  73   4 0  4  5
+  74   4 0  4  4
+  75   4 0  4  3
+  76  20 0  4  2
+  77  20 0  4  1
+  78  20 0  4  0
+  79   6 0  5 16
+  80   6 0  5 15
+  81   6 0  5 14
+  82   6 0  5 13
+  83   5 0  5 12
+  84   5 0  5 11
+  85   5 0  5 10
+  86   5 0  5  9
+  87   4 0  5  8
+  88   4 0  5  7
+  89   4 0  5  6
+  90   4 0  5  5
+  91  20 0  5  4
+  92  20 0  5  3
+  93  20 0  5  2
+  94  20 0  5  1
+  95  20 0  5  0
+  96   6 0  6 16
+  97   6 0  6 15
+  98   6 0  6 14
+  99   6 0  6 13
+ 100   5 0  6 12
+ 101   5 0  6 11
+ 102   5 0  6 10
+ 103   5 0  6  9
+ 104   4 0  6  8
+ 105   4 0  6  7
+ 106   4 0  6  6
+ 107  19 0  6  5
+ 108  19 0  6  4
+ 109  20 0  6  3
+ 110  20 0  6  2
+ 111  20 0  6  1
+ 112  18 0  6  0
+ 113   6 0  7 16
+ 114   6 0  7 15
+ 115   6 0  7 14
+ 116   6 0  7 13
+ 117   5 0  7 12
+ 118   5 0  7 11
+ 119   5 0  7 10
+ 120   4 0  7  9
+ 121   4 0  7  8
+ 122   4 0  7  7
+ 123  19 0  7  6
+ 124  19 0  7  5
+ 125  19 0  7  4
+ 126  19 0  7  3
+ 127  18 0  7  2
+ 128  18 0  7  1
+ 129  18 0  7  0
+ 130   7 0  8 16
+ 131   7 0  8 15
+ 132   7 0  8 14
+ 133   7 0  8 13
+ 134   8 0  8 12
+ 135   8 0  8 11
+ 136   8 0  8 10
+ 137   8 0  8  9
+ 138   4 0  8  8
+ 139  19 0  8  7
+ 140  19 0  8  6
+ 141  19 0  8  5
+ 142  19 0  8  4
+ 143  18 0  8  3
+ 144  18 0  8  2
+ 145  18 0  8  1
+ 146  18 0  8  0
+ 147   7 0  9 16
+ 148   7 0  9 15
+ 149   7 0  9 14
+ 150   8 0  9 13
+ 151   8 0  9 12
+ 152   8 0  9 11
+ 153   8 0  9 10
+ 154  19 0  9  9
+ 155  19 0  9  8
+ 156  19 0  9  7
+ 157  19 0  9  6
+ 158  19 0  9  5
+ 159  18 0  9  4
+ 160  18 0  9  3
+ 161  18 0  9  2
+ 162  18 0  9  1
+ 163  18 0  9  0
+ 164   7 0 10 17
+ 165   7 0 10 16
+ 166   7 0 10 15
+ 167   8 0 10 14
+ 168   8 0 10 13
+ 169   8 0 10 12
+ 170   8 0 10 11
+ 171  15 0 10 10
+ 172  15 0 10  9
+ 173  19 0 10  8
+ 174  15 0 10  7
+ 175  16 0 10  6
+ 176  16 0 10  5
+ 177  18 0 10  4
+ 178  18 0 10  3
+ 179  18 0 10  2
+ 180  17 0 10  1
+ 181  17 0 10  0
+ 182   7 0 11 17
+ 183   7 0 11 16
+ 184   7 0 11 15
+ 185   8 0 11 14
+ 186   8 0 11 13
+ 187   8 0 11 12
+ 188   8 0 11 11
+ 189  15 0 11 10
+ 190  15 0 11  9
+ 191  15 0 11  8
+ 192  16 0 11  7
+ 193  16 0 11  6
+ 194  16 0 11  5
+ 195  16 0 11  4
+ 196  17 0 11  3
+ 197  17 0 11  2
+ 198  17 0 11  1
+ 199  17 0 11  0
+ 200   7 0 12 17
+ 201   7 0 12 16
+ 202   7 0 12 15
+ 203   9 0 12 14
+ 204   9 0 12 13
+ 205  15 0 12 12
+ 206  15 0 12 11
+ 207  15 0 12 10
+ 208  15 0 12  9
+ 209  15 0 12  8
+ 210  16 0 12  7
+ 211  16 0 12  6
+ 212  16 0 12  5
+ 213  16 0 12  4
+ 214  17 0 12  3
+ 215  17 0 12  2
+ 216  17 0 12  1
+ 217  17 0 12  0
+ 218   9 0 13 17
+ 219   9 0 13 16
+ 220   9 0 13 15
+ 221   9 0 13 14
+ 222  14 0 13 13
+ 223  13 0 13 12
+ 224  15 0 13 11
+ 225  15 0 13 10
+ 226  15 0 13  9
+ 227  16 0 13  8
+ 228  16 0 13  7
+ 229  16 0 13  6
+ 230  16 0 13  5
+ 231  16 0 13  4
+ 232  17 0 13  3
+ 233  17 0 13  2
+ 234  17 0 13  1
+ 235  17 0 13  0
+ 236   9 0 14 17
+ 237   9 0 14 16
+ 238   9 0 14 15
+ 239  14 0 14 14
+ 240  14 0 14 13
+ 241  15 0 14 12
+ 242  15 0 14 11
+ 243  13 0 14 10
+ 244  13 0 14  9
+ 245  12 0 14  8
+ 246  12 0 14  7
+ 247  12 0 14  6
+ 248  16 0 14  5
+ 249  17 0 14  4
+ 250  17 0 14  3
+ 251  10 0 14  2
+ 252  10 0 14  1
+ 253  10 0 14  0
+ 254   9 0 15 18
+ 255   9 0 15 17
+ 256   9 0 15 16
+ 257  14 0 15 15
+ 258  14 0 15 14
+ 259  13 0 15 13
+ 260  13 0 15 12
+ 261  13 0 15 11
+ 262  13 0 15 10
+ 263  12 0 15  9
+ 264  12 0 15  8
+ 265  12 0 15  7
+ 266  11 0 15  6
+ 267  11 0 15  5
+ 268  11 0 15  4
+ 269  11 0 15  3
+ 270  10 0 15  2
+ 271  10 0 15  1
+ 272  10 0 15  0
+ 273   9 0 16 18
+ 274   9 0 16 17
+ 275  14 0 16 16
+ 276  14 0 16 15
+ 277  14 0 16 14
+ 278  13 0 16 13
+ 279  13 0 16 12
+ 280  13 0 16 11
+ 281  13 0 16 10
+ 282  12 0 16  9
+ 283  12 0 16  8
+ 284  12 0 16  7
+ 285  11 0 16  6
+ 286  11 0 16  5
+ 287  11 0 16  4
+ 288  11 0 16  3
+ 289  10 0 16  2
+ 290  10 0 16  1
+ 291  10 0 16  0
+ 292   9 0 17 18
+ 293  14 0 17 17
+ 294  14 0 17 16
+ 295  14 0 17 15
+ 296  14 0 17 14
+ 297  13 0 17 13
+ 298  13 0 17 12
+ 299  13 0 17 11
+ 300  12 0 17 10
+ 301  12 0 17  9
+ 302  12 0 17  8
+ 303  11 0 17  7
+ 304  11 0 17  6
+ 305  11 0 17  5
+ 306  11 0 17  4
+ 307  10 0 17  3
+ 308  10 0 17  2
+ 309  10 0 17  1
+ 310  10 0 17  0
+ 311   9 0 18 17
+ 312  14 0 18 16
+ 313  14 0 18 15
+ 314  14 0 18 14
+ 315  14 0 18 13
+ 316  13 0 18 12
+ 317  13 0 18 11
+ 318  12 0 18 10
+ 319  12 0 18  9
+ 320  12 0 18  8
+ 321  12 0 18  7
+ 322  11 0 18  6
+ 323  11 0 18  5
+ 324  11 0 18  4
+ 325  11 0 18  3
+ 326  10 0 18  2
+ 327  10 0 18  1
+ 328  10 0 18  0
+ 329  25 1  0 18
+ 330  25 1  0 17
+ 331  25 1  0 16
+ 332  25 1  0 15
+ 333  24 1  0 14
+ 334  24 1  0 13
+ 335  24 1  0 12
+ 336  24 1  0 11
+ 337  23 1  0 10
+ 338  23 1  0  9
+ 339  23 1  0  8
+ 340  23 1  0  7
+ 341  22 1  0  6
+ 342  22 1  0  5
+ 343  22 1  0  4
+ 344  21 1  0  3
+ 345  21 1  0  2
+ 346  21 1  0  1
+ 347  21 1  0  0
+ 348  25 1  1 19
+ 349  25 1  1 18
+ 350  25 1  1 17
+ 351  25 1  1 16
+ 352  24 1  1 15
+ 353  24 1  1 14
+ 354  24 1  1 13
+ 355  24 1  1 12
+ 356  23 1  1 11
+ 357  23 1  1 10
+ 358  23 1  1  9
+ 359  23 1  1  8
+ 360  22 1  1  7
+ 361  22 1  1  6
+ 362  22 1  1  5
+ 363  22 1  1  4
+ 364  21 1  1  3
+ 365  21 1  1  2
+ 366  21 1  1  1
+ 367  21 1  1  0
+ 368  53 1  2 19
+ 369  25 1  2 18
+ 370  25 1  2 17
+ 371  24 1  2 16
+ 372  24 1  2 15
+ 373  24 1  2 14
+ 374  24 1  2 13
+ 375  24 1  2 12
+ 376  23 1  2 11
+ 377  23 1  2 10
+ 378  23 1  2  9
+ 379  23 1  2  8
+ 380  22 1  2  7
+ 381  22 1  2  6
+ 382  22 1  2  5
+ 383  22 1  2  4
+ 384  21 1  2  3
+ 385  21 1  2  2
+ 386  21 1  2  1
+ 387  21 1  2  0
+ 388  53 1  3 19
+ 389  53 1  3 18
+ 390  53 1  3 17
+ 391  25 1  3 16
+ 392  25 1  3 15
+ 393  25 1  3 14
+ 394  24 1  3 13
+ 395  24 1  3 12
+ 396  24 1  3 11
+ 397  23 1  3 10
+ 398  23 1  3  9
+ 399  23 1  3  8
+ 400  22 1  3  7
+ 401  22 1  3  6
+ 402  22 1  3  5
+ 403  22 1  3  4
+ 404  22 1  3  3
+ 405  21 1  3  2
+ 406  21 1  3  1
+ 407  21 1  3  0
+ 408  53 1  4 19
+ 409  53 1  4 18
+ 410  53 1  4 17
+ 411  53 1  4 16
+ 412  25 1  4 15
+ 413  26 1  4 14
+ 414  27 1  4 13
+ 415  27 1  4 12
+ 416  23 1  4 11
+ 417  27 1  4 10
+ 418  27 1  4  9
+ 419  28 1  4  8
+ 420  28 1  4  7
+ 421  28 1  4  6
+ 422  28 1  4  5
+ 423  29 1  4  4
+ 424  29 1  4  3
+ 425  29 1  4  2
+ 426  29 1  4  1
+ 427  21 1  4  0
+ 428  53 1  5 19
+ 429  53 1  5 18
+ 430  53 1  5 17
+ 431  25 1  5 16
+ 432  25 1  5 15
+ 433  26 1  5 14
+ 434  26 1  5 13
+ 435  26 1  5 12
+ 436  26 1  5 11
+ 437  27 1  5 10
+ 438  27 1  5  9
+ 439  27 1  5  8
+ 440  28 1  5  7
+ 441  28 1  5  6
+ 442  28 1  5  5
+ 443  28 1  5  4
+ 444  29 1  5  3
+ 445  29 1  5  2
+ 446  29 1  5  1
+ 447  29 1  5  0
+ 448  53 1  6 20
+ 449  53 1  6 19
+ 450  53 1  6 18
+ 451  53 1  6 17
+ 452  53 1  6 16
+ 453  26 1  6 15
+ 454  26 1  6 14
+ 455  26 1  6 13
+ 456  27 1  6 12
+ 457  27 1  6 11
+ 458  27 1  6 10
+ 459  27 1  6  9
+ 460  27 1  6  8
+ 461  28 1  6  7
+ 462  28 1  6  6
+ 463  28 1  6  5
+ 464  28 1  6  4
+ 465  29 1  6  3
+ 466  29 1  6  2
+ 467  29 1  6  1
+ 468  29 1  6  0
+ 469  52 1  7 20
+ 470  52 1  7 19
+ 471  51 1  7 18
+ 472  51 1  7 17
+ 473  51 1  7 16
+ 474  26 1  7 15
+ 475  26 1  7 14
+ 476  26 1  7 13
+ 477  26 1  7 12
+ 478  26 1  7 11
+ 479  27 1  7 10
+ 480  27 1  7  9
+ 481  27 1  7  8
+ 482  28 1  7  7
+ 483  28 1  7  6
+ 484  28 1  7  5
+ 485  28 1  7  4
+ 486  29 1  7  3
+ 487  29 1  7  2
+ 488  29 1  7  1
+ 489  29 1  7  0
+ 490  52 1  8 20
+ 491  52 1  8 19
+ 492  52 1  8 18
+ 493  51 1  8 17
+ 494  51 1  8 16
+ 495  51 1  8 15
+ 496  51 1  8 14
+ 497  26 1  8 13
+ 498  26 1  8 12
+ 499  27 1  8 11
+ 500  32 1  8 10
+ 501  32 1  8  9
+ 502  32 1  8  8
+ 503  31 1  8  7
+ 504  31 1  8  6
+ 505  31 1  8  5
+ 506  31 1  8  4
+ 507  30 1  8  3
+ 508  30 1  8  2
+ 509  30 1  8  1
+ 510  30 1  8  0
+ 511  52 1  9 20
+ 512  52 1  9 19
+ 513  52 1  9 18
+ 514  52 1  9 17
+ 515  51 1  9 16
+ 516  51 1  9 15
+ 517  51 1  9 14
+ 518  51 1  9 13
+ 519  26 1  9 12
+ 520  32 1  9 11
+ 521  32 1  9 10
+ 522  32 1  9  9
+ 523  32 1  9  8
+ 524  31 1  9  7
+ 525  31 1  9  6
+ 526  31 1  9  5
+ 527  31 1  9  4
+ 528  30 1  9  3
+ 529  30 1  9  2
+ 530  30 1  9  1
+ 531  30 1  9  0
+ 532  52 1 10 20
+ 533  52 1 10 19
+ 534  52 1 10 18
+ 535  52 1 10 17
+ 536  51 1 10 16
+ 537  51 1 10 15
+ 538  51 1 10 14
+ 539  51 1 10 13
+ 540  49 1 10 12
+ 541  32 1 10 11
+ 542  32 1 10 10
+ 543  32 1 10  9
+ 544  32 1 10  8
+ 545  31 1 10  7
+ 546  31 1 10  6
+ 547  31 1 10  5
+ 548  31 1 10  4
+ 549  30 1 10  3
+ 550  30 1 10  2
+ 551  30 1 10  1
+ 552  30 1 10  0
+ 553  47 1 11 21
+ 554  47 1 11 20
+ 555  52 1 11 19
+ 556  52 1 11 18
+ 557  52 1 11 17
+ 558  51 1 11 16
+ 559  49 1 11 15
+ 560  49 1 11 14
+ 561  49 1 11 13
+ 562  49 1 11 12
+ 563  49 1 11 11
+ 564  32 1 11 10
+ 565  32 1 11  9
+ 566  32 1 11  8
+ 567  31 1 11  7
+ 568  31 1 11  6
+ 569  31 1 11  5
+ 570  31 1 11  4
+ 571  30 1 11  3
+ 572  30 1 11  2
+ 573  30 1 11  1
+ 574  30 1 11  0
+ 575  47 1 12 21
+ 576  47 1 12 20
+ 577  47 1 12 19
+ 578  48 1 12 18
+ 579  48 1 12 17
+ 580  48 1 12 16
+ 581  48 1 12 15
+ 582  49 1 12 14
+ 583  49 1 12 13
+ 584  49 1 12 12
+ 585  50 1 12 11
+ 586  50 1 12 10
+ 587  32 1 12  9
+ 588  32 1 12  8
+ 589  33 1 12  7
+ 590  33 1 12  6
+ 591  33 1 12  5
+ 592  33 1 12  4
+ 593  34 1 12  3
+ 594  34 1 12  2
+ 595  34 1 12  1
+ 596  34 1 12  0
+ 597  47 1 13 21
+ 598  47 1 13 20
+ 599  47 1 13 19
+ 600  48 1 13 18
+ 601  48 1 13 17
+ 602  48 1 13 16
+ 603  48 1 13 15
+ 604  49 1 13 14
+ 605  49 1 13 13
+ 606  49 1 13 12
+ 607  50 1 13 11
+ 608  50 1 13 10
+ 609  50 1 13  9
+ 610  50 1 13  8
+ 611  33 1 13  7
+ 612  33 1 13  6
+ 613  33 1 13  5
+ 614  33 1 13  4
+ 615  34 1 13  3
+ 616  34 1 13  2
+ 617  34 1 13  1
+ 618  34 1 13  0
+ 619  47 1 14 21
+ 620  47 1 14 20
+ 621  47 1 14 19
+ 622  47 1 14 18
+ 623  48 1 14 17
+ 624  48 1 14 16
+ 625  48 1 14 15
+ 626  48 1 14 14
+ 627  49 1 14 13
+ 628  49 1 14 12
+ 629  50 1 14 11
+ 630  50 1 14 10
+ 631  50 1 14  9
+ 632  50 1 14  8
+ 633  50 1 14  7
+ 634  33 1 14  6
+ 635  33 1 14  5
+ 636  33 1 14  4
+ 637  34 1 14  3
+ 638  34 1 14  2
+ 639  34 1 14  1
+ 640  34 1 14  0
+ 641  47 1 15 21
+ 642  47 1 15 20
+ 643  47 1 15 19
+ 644  47 1 15 18
+ 645  48 1 15 17
+ 646  48 1 15 16
+ 647  48 1 15 15
+ 648  48 1 15 14
+ 649  49 1 15 13
+ 650  49 1 15 12
+ 651  50 1 15 11
+ 652  50 1 15 10
+ 653  50 1 15  9
+ 654  50 1 15  8
+ 655  50 1 15  7
+ 656  33 1 15  6
+ 657  33 1 15  5
+ 658  33 1 15  4
+ 659  34 1 15  3
+ 660  34 1 15  2
+ 661  34 1 15  1
+ 662  34 1 15  0
+ 663  46 1 16 22
+ 664  46 1 16 21
+ 665  46 1 16 20
+ 666  46 1 16 19
+ 667  45 1 16 18
+ 668  45 1 16 17
+ 669  45 1 16 16
+ 670  44 1 16 15
+ 671  44 1 16 14
+ 672  44 1 16 13
+ 673  43 1 16 12
+ 674  43 1 16 11
+ 675  43 1 16 10
+ 676  43 1 16  9
+ 677  42 1 16  8
+ 678  42 1 16  7
+ 679  42 1 16  6
+ 680  33 1 16  5
+ 681  33 1 16  4
+ 682  35 1 16  3
+ 683  35 1 16  2
+ 684  35 1 16  1
+ 685  35 1 16  0
+ 686  46 1 17 22
+ 687  46 1 17 21
+ 688  46 1 17 20
+ 689  46 1 17 19
+ 690  45 1 17 18
+ 691  45 1 17 17
+ 692  45 1 17 16
+ 693  45 1 17 15
+ 694  44 1 17 14
+ 695  44 1 17 13
+ 696  44 1 17 12
+ 697  43 1 17 11
+ 698  43 1 17 10
+ 699  43 1 17  9
+ 700  43 1 17  8
+ 701  42 1 17  7
+ 702  42 1 17  6
+ 703  42 1 17  5
+ 704  42 1 17  4
+ 705  35 1 17  3
+ 706  35 1 17  2
+ 707  35 1 17  1
+ 708  35 1 17  0
+ 709  46 1 18 22
+ 710  46 1 18 21
+ 711  46 1 18 20
+ 712  46 1 18 19
+ 713  45 1 18 18
+ 714  45 1 18 17
+ 715  45 1 18 16
+ 716  45 1 18 15
+ 717  45 1 18 14
+ 718  44 1 18 13
+ 719  44 1 18 12
+ 720  43 1 18 11
+ 721  43 1 18 10
+ 722  43 1 18  9
+ 723  43 1 18  8
+ 724  42 1 18  7
+ 725  42 1 18  6
+ 726  42 1 18  5
+ 727  42 1 18  4
+ 728  42 1 18  3
+ 729  35 1 18  2
+ 730  35 1 18  1
+ 731  35 1 18  0
+ 732  36 1 19 22
+ 733  46 1 19 21
+ 734  46 1 19 20
+ 735  46 1 19 19
+ 736  46 1 19 18
+ 737  45 1 19 17
+ 738  45 1 19 16
+ 739  45 1 19 15
+ 740  45 1 19 14
+ 741  44 1 19 13
+ 742  44 1 19 12
+ 743  43 1 19 11
+ 744  43 1 19 10
+ 745  43 1 19  9
+ 746  43 1 19  8
+ 747  42 1 19  7
+ 748  42 1 19  6
+ 749  40 1 19  5
+ 750  42 1 19  4
+ 751  42 1 19  3
+ 752  35 1 19  2
+ 753  35 1 19  1
+ 754  35 1 19  0
+ 755  36 1 20 22
+ 756  36 1 20 21
+ 757  36 1 20 20
+ 758  36 1 20 19
+ 759  37 1 20 18
+ 760  37 1 20 17
+ 761  37 1 20 16
+ 762  37 1 20 15
+ 763  38 1 20 14
+ 764  38 1 20 13
+ 765  38 1 20 12
+ 766  39 1 20 11
+ 767  39 1 20 10
+ 768  39 1 20  9
+ 769  39 1 20  8
+ 770  40 1 20  7
+ 771  40 1 20  6
+ 772  40 1 20  5
+ 773  41 1 20  4
+ 774  41 1 20  3
+ 775  41 1 20  2
+ 776  35 1 20  1
+ 777  35 1 20  0
+ 778  36 1 21 23
+ 779  36 1 21 22
+ 780  36 1 21 21
+ 781  36 1 21 20
+ 782  37 1 21 19
+ 783  37 1 21 18
+ 784  37 1 21 17
+ 785  37 1 21 16
+ 786  38 1 21 15
+ 787  38 1 21 14
+ 788  38 1 21 13
+ 789  38 1 21 12
+ 790  39 1 21 11
+ 791  39 1 21 10
+ 792  39 1 21  9
+ 793  40 1 21  8
+ 794  40 1 21  7
+ 795  40 1 21  6
+ 796  40 1 21  5
+ 797  41 1 21  4
+ 798  41 1 21  3
+ 799  41 1 21  2
+ 800  41 1 21  1
+ 801  41 1 21  0
+ 802  36 1 22 23
+ 803  36 1 22 22
+ 804  36 1 22 21
+ 805  36 1 22 20
+ 806  37 1 22 19
+ 807  37 1 22 18
+ 808  37 1 22 17
+ 809  37 1 22 16
+ 810  38 1 22 15
+ 811  38 1 22 14
+ 812  38 1 22 13
+ 813  38 1 22 12
+ 814  39 1 22 11
+ 815  39 1 22 10
+ 816  39 1 22  9
+ 817  39 1 22  8
+ 818  40 1 22  7
+ 819  40 1 22  6
+ 820  40 1 22  5
+ 821  40 1 22  4
+ 822  41 1 22  3
+ 823  41 1 22  2
+ 824  41 1 22  1
+ 825  41 1 22  0
+ 826  36 1 23 22
+ 827  36 1 23 21
+ 828  36 1 23 20
+ 829  37 1 23 19
+ 830  37 1 23 18
+ 831  37 1 23 17
+ 832  37 1 23 16
+ 833  38 1 23 15
+ 834  38 1 23 14
+ 835  38 1 23 13
+ 836  38 1 23 12
+ 837  38 1 23 11
+ 838  39 1 23 10
+ 839  39 1 23  9
+ 840  39 1 23  8
+ 841  40 1 23  7
+ 842  40 1 23  6
+ 843  40 1 23  5
+ 844  40 1 23  4
+ 845  41 1 23  3
+ 846  41 1 23  2
+ 847  41 1 23  1
+ 848  41 1 23  0
+ 849  54 2  0 22
+ 850  54 2  0 21
+ 851  54 2  0 20
+ 852  54 2  0 19
+ 853  55 2  0 18
+ 854  55 2  0 17
+ 855  55 2  0 16
+ 856  55 2  0 15
+ 857  56 2  0 14
+ 858  56 2  0 13
+ 859  56 2  0 12
+ 860  56 2  0 11
+ 861  57 2  0 10
+ 862  57 2  0  9
+ 863  57 2  0  8
+ 864  58 2  0  7
+ 865  58 2  0  6
+ 866  58 2  0  5
+ 867  58 2  0  4
+ 868  59 2  0  3
+ 869  59 2  0  2
+ 870  59 2  0  1
+ 871  59 2  0  0
+ 872  54 2  1 23
+ 873  54 2  1 22
+ 874  54 2  1 21
+ 875  54 2  1 20
+ 876  55 2  1 19
+ 877  55 2  1 18
+ 878  55 2  1 17
+ 879  55 2  1 16
+ 880  56 2  1 15
+ 881  56 2  1 14
+ 882  56 2  1 13
+ 883  56 2  1 12
+ 884  57 2  1 11
+ 885  57 2  1 10
+ 886  57 2  1  9
+ 887  57 2  1  8
+ 888  58 2  1  7
+ 889  58 2  1  6
+ 890  58 2  1  5
+ 891  58 2  1  4
+ 892  59 2  1  3
+ 893  59 2  1  2
+ 894  59 2  1  1
+ 895  59 2  1  0
+ 896  54 2  2 23
+ 897  54 2  2 22
+ 898  54 2  2 21
+ 899  54 2  2 20
+ 900  55 2  2 19
+ 901  55 2  2 18
+ 902  55 2  2 17
+ 903  55 2  2 16
+ 904  56 2  2 15
+ 905  56 2  2 14
+ 906  56 2  2 13
+ 907  56 2  2 12
+ 908  57 2  2 11
+ 909  57 2  2 10
+ 910  57 2  2  9
+ 911  58 2  2  8
+ 912  58 2  2  7
+ 913  58 2  2  6
+ 914  58 2  2  5
+ 915  59 2  2  4
+ 916  59 2  2  3
+ 917  59 2  2  2
+ 918 103 2  2  1
+ 919 103 2  2  0
+ 920  54 2  3 23
+ 921  54 2  3 22
+ 922  54 2  3 21
+ 923  55 2  3 20
+ 924  55 2  3 19
+ 925  55 2  3 18
+ 926  55 2  3 17
+ 927  56 2  3 16
+ 928  56 2  3 15
+ 929  56 2  3 14
+ 930  56 2  3 13
+ 931  57 2  3 12
+ 932  57 2  3 11
+ 933  57 2  3 10
+ 934  57 2  3  9
+ 935  58 2  3  8
+ 936  58 2  3  7
+ 937  58 2  3  6
+ 938  59 2  3  5
+ 939  59 2  3  4
+ 940  59 2  3  3
+ 941 103 2  3  2
+ 942 103 2  3  1
+ 943 103 2  3  0
+ 944  54 2  4 23
+ 945  64 2  4 22
+ 946  64 2  4 21
+ 947  64 2  4 20
+ 948  64 2  4 19
+ 949  63 2  4 18
+ 950  63 2  4 17
+ 951  63 2  4 16
+ 952  62 2  4 15
+ 953  62 2  4 14
+ 954  62 2  4 13
+ 955  62 2  4 12
+ 956  61 2  4 11
+ 957  61 2  4 10
+ 958  61 2  4  9
+ 959  60 2  4  8
+ 960  60 2  4  7
+ 961  58 2  4  6
+ 962  60 2  4  5
+ 963  59 2  4  4
+ 964  59 2  4  3
+ 965 103 2  4  2
+ 966 103 2  4  1
+ 967 103 2  4  0
+ 968  64 2  5 24
+ 969  64 2  5 23
+ 970  64 2  5 22
+ 971  64 2  5 21
+ 972  63 2  5 20
+ 973  63 2  5 19
+ 974  63 2  5 18
+ 975  63 2  5 17
+ 976  63 2  5 16
+ 977  62 2  5 15
+ 978  62 2  5 14
+ 979  62 2  5 13
+ 980  61 2  5 12
+ 981  61 2  5 11
+ 982  61 2  5 10
+ 983  61 2  5  9
+ 984  60 2  5  8
+ 985  60 2  5  7
+ 986  60 2  5  6
+ 987  60 2  5  5
+ 988 103 2  5  4
+ 989 103 2  5  3
+ 990 103 2  5  2
+ 991 103 2  5  1
+ 992 103 2  5  0
+ 993  64 2  6 24
+ 994  64 2  6 23
+ 995  64 2  6 22
+ 996  64 2  6 21
+ 997  63 2  6 20
+ 998  63 2  6 19
+ 999  63 2  6 18
+1000  63 2  6 17
+1001  62 2  6 16
+1002  62 2  6 15
+1003  62 2  6 14
+1004  62 2  6 13
+1005  61 2  6 12
+1006  61 2  6 11
+1007  61 2  6 10
+1008  61 2  6  9
+1009  60 2  6  8
+1010  60 2  6  7
+1011  60 2  6  6
+1012  60 2  6  5
+1013 103 2  6  4
+1014 103 2  6  3
+1015 102 2  6  2
+1016 102 2  6  1
+1017 102 2  6  0
+1018  64 2  7 24
+1019  64 2  7 23
+1020  64 2  7 22
+1021  64 2  7 21
+1022  63 2  7 20
+1023  63 2  7 19
+1024  63 2  7 18
+1025  63 2  7 17
+1026  62 2  7 16
+1027  62 2  7 15
+1028  62 2  7 14
+1029  62 2  7 13
+1030  61 2  7 12
+1031  61 2  7 11
+1032  61 2  7 10
+1033  60 2  7  9
+1034  60 2  7  8
+1035  60 2  7  7
+1036  60 2  7  6
+1037 103 2  7  5
+1038 102 2  7  4
+1039 102 2  7  3
+1040 102 2  7  2
+1041 102 2  7  1
+1042 102 2  7  0
+1043  65 2  8 24
+1044  65 2  8 23
+1045  65 2  8 22
+1046  65 2  8 21
+1047  66 2  8 20
+1048  66 2  8 19
+1049  66 2  8 18
+1050  66 2  8 17
+1051  67 2  8 16
+1052  67 2  8 15
+1053  67 2  8 14
+1054  67 2  8 13
+1055  68 2  8 12
+1056  68 2  8 11
+1057  68 2  8 10
+1058  68 2  8  9
+1059  61 2  8  8
+1060  60 2  8  7
+1061 101 2  8  6
+1062 100 2  8  5
+1063 102 2  8  4
+1064 102 2  8  3
+1065 102 2  8  2
+1066 102 2  8  1
+1067 102 2  8  0
+1068  65 2  9 24
+1069  65 2  9 23
+1070  65 2  9 22
+1071  65 2  9 21
+1072  66 2  9 20
+1073  66 2  9 19
+1074  66 2  9 18
+1075  66 2  9 17
+1076  67 2  9 16
+1077  67 2  9 15
+1078  67 2  9 14
+1079  67 2  9 13
+1080  68 2  9 12
+1081  68 2  9 11
+1082  68 2  9 10
+1083  68 2  9  9
+1084  68 2  9  8
+1085 101 2  9  7
+1086 101 2  9  6
+1087 100 2  9  5
+1088 100 2  9  4
+1089 102 2  9  3
+1090 102 2  9  2
+1091 102 2  9  1
+1092  99 2  9  0
+1093  65 2 10 25
+1094  65 2 10 24
+1095  65 2 10 23
+1096  65 2 10 22
+1097  66 2 10 21
+1098  66 2 10 20
+1099  66 2 10 19
+1100  66 2 10 18
+1101  67 2 10 17
+1102  67 2 10 16
+1103  67 2 10 15
+1104  68 2 10 14
+1105  68 2 10 13
+1106  68 2 10 12
+1107  68 2 10 11
+1108  68 2 10 10
+1109  68 2 10  9
+1110 101 2 10  8
+1111 101 2 10  7
+1112 100 2 10  6
+1113 100 2 10  5
+1114 100 2 10  4
+1115 100 2 10  3
+1116  99 2 10  2
+1117  99 2 10  1
+1118  99 2 10  0
+1119  65 2 11 25
+1120  65 2 11 24
+1121  65 2 11 23
+1122  65 2 11 22
+1123  66 2 11 21
+1124  66 2 11 20
+1125  66 2 11 19
+1126  66 2 11 18
+1127  67 2 11 17
+1128  67 2 11 16
+1129  67 2 11 15
+1130  67 2 11 14
+1131  68 2 11 13
+1132  69 2 11 12
+1133  69 2 11 11
+1134 101 2 11 10
+1135 101 2 11  9
+1136 101 2 11  8
+1137 101 2 11  7
+1138 100 2 11  6
+1139 100 2 11  5
+1140 100 2 11  4
+1141  99 2 11  3
+1142  99 2 11  2
+1143  99 2 11  1
+1144  99 2 11  0
+1145  71 2 12 25
+1146  71 2 12 24
+1147  71 2 12 23
+1148  71 2 12 22
+1149  71 2 12 21
+1150  70 2 12 20
+1151  70 2 12 19
+1152  70 2 12 18
+1153  70 2 12 17
+1154  69 2 12 16
+1155  69 2 12 15
+1156  69 2 12 14
+1157  69 2 12 13
+1158  69 2 12 12
+1159  69 2 12 11
+1160 101 2 12 10
+1161 101 2 12  9
+1162 101 2 12  8
+1163 100 2 12  7
+1164 100 2 12  6
+1165 100 2 12  5
+1166 100 2 12  4
+1167  99 2 12  3
+1168  99 2 12  2
+1169  99 2 12  1
+1170  99 2 12  0
+1171  71 2 13 25
+1172  71 2 13 24
+1173  71 2 13 23
+1174  71 2 13 22
+1175  71 2 13 21
+1176  70 2 13 20
+1177  70 2 13 19
+1178  70 2 13 18
+1179  70 2 13 17
+1180  69 2 13 16
+1181  69 2 13 15
+1182  69 2 13 14
+1183  69 2 13 13
+1184  95 2 13 12
+1185 101 2 13 11
+1186 101 2 13 10
+1187 101 2 13  9
+1188 101 2 13  8
+1189 100 2 13  7
+1190 100 2 13  6
+1191  97 2 13  5
+1192  99 2 13  4
+1193  99 2 13  3
+1194  99 2 13  2
+1195  98 2 13  1
+1196  99 2 13  0
+1197  71 2 14 25
+1198  71 2 14 24
+1199  71 2 14 23
+1200  71 2 14 22
+1201  70 2 14 21
+1202  70 2 14 20
+1203  70 2 14 19
+1204  70 2 14 18
+1205  70 2 14 17
+1206  69 2 14 16
+1207  69 2 14 15
+1208  69 2 14 14
+1209  95 2 14 13
+1210  95 2 14 12
+1211  95 2 14 11
+1212  96 2 14 10
+1213  96 2 14  9
+1214  96 2 14  8
+1215  96 2 14  7
+1216  96 2 14  6
+1217  97 2 14  5
+1218  97 2 14  4
+1219  97 2 14  3
+1220  98 2 14  2
+1221  98 2 14  1
+1222  98 2 14  0
+1223  71 2 15 26
+1224  71 2 15 25
+1225  72 2 15 24
+1226  72 2 15 23
+1227  72 2 15 22
+1228  70 2 15 21
+1229  70 2 15 20
+1230  70 2 15 19
+1231  73 2 15 18
+1232  73 2 15 17
+1233  73 2 15 16
+1234  69 2 15 15
+1235  95 2 15 14
+1236  95 2 15 13
+1237  95 2 15 12
+1238  95 2 15 11
+1239  96 2 15 10
+1240  96 2 15  9
+1241  96 2 15  8
+1242  96 2 15  7
+1243  97 2 15  6
+1244  97 2 15  5
+1245  97 2 15  4
+1246  98 2 15  3
+1247  98 2 15  2
+1248  98 2 15  1
+1249  98 2 15  0
+1250  72 2 16 26
+1251  72 2 16 25
+1252  72 2 16 24
+1253  72 2 16 23
+1254  72 2 16 22
+1255  72 2 16 21
+1256  73 2 16 20
+1257  73 2 16 19
+1258  73 2 16 18
+1259  73 2 16 17
+1260  73 2 16 16
+1261  95 2 16 15
+1262  95 2 16 14
+1263  95 2 16 13
+1264  95 2 16 12
+1265  96 2 16 11
+1266  96 2 16 10
+1267  96 2 16  9
+1268  96 2 16  8
+1269  97 2 16  7
+1270  97 2 16  6
+1271  97 2 16  5
+1272  97 2 16  4
+1273  98 2 16  3
+1274  98 2 16  2
+1275  98 2 16  1
+1276  98 2 16  0
+1277  72 2 17 26
+1278  72 2 17 25
+1279  72 2 17 24
+1280  72 2 17 23
+1281  72 2 17 22
+1282  73 2 17 21
+1283  73 2 17 20
+1284  73 2 17 19
+1285  73 2 17 18
+1286  73 2 17 17
+1287  73 2 17 16
+1288  95 2 17 15
+1289  95 2 17 14
+1290  95 2 17 13
+1291  95 2 17 12
+1292  96 2 17 11
+1293  96 2 17 10
+1294  96 2 17  9
+1295  97 2 17  8
+1296  97 2 17  7
+1297  97 2 17  6
+1298  97 2 17  5
+1299  97 2 17  4
+1300  98 2 17  3
+1301  98 2 17  2
+1302  98 2 17  1
+1303  98 2 17  0
+1304  75 2 18 26
+1305  75 2 18 25
+1306  75 2 18 24
+1307  72 2 18 23
+1308  72 2 18 22
+1309  74 2 18 21
+1310  74 2 18 20
+1311  73 2 18 19
+1312  73 2 18 18
+1313  94 2 18 17
+1314  94 2 18 16
+1315  94 2 18 15
+1316  94 2 18 14
+1317  93 2 18 13
+1318  93 2 18 12
+1319  93 2 18 11
+1320  93 2 18 10
+1321  92 2 18  9
+1322  92 2 18  8
+1323  92 2 18  7
+1324  92 2 18  6
+1325  91 2 18  5
+1326  91 2 18  4
+1327  91 2 18  3
+1328  90 2 18  2
+1329  90 2 18  1
+1330  90 2 18  0
+1331  75 2 19 26
+1332  75 2 19 25
+1333  75 2 19 24
+1334  75 2 19 23
+1335  74 2 19 22
+1336  74 2 19 21
+1337  74 2 19 20
+1338  74 2 19 19
+1339  74 2 19 18
+1340  94 2 19 17
+1341  94 2 19 16
+1342  94 2 19 15
+1343  94 2 19 14
+1344  93 2 19 13
+1345  93 2 19 12
+1346  93 2 19 11
+1347  92 2 19 10
+1348  92 2 19  9
+1349  92 2 19  8
+1350  92 2 19  7
+1351  92 2 19  6
+1352  91 2 19  5
+1353  91 2 19  4
+1354  91 2 19  3
+1355  91 2 19  2
+1356  90 2 19  1
+1357  90 2 19  0
+1358  75 2 20 27
+1359  75 2 20 26
+1360  75 2 20 25
+1361  75 2 20 24
+1362  74 2 20 23
+1363  74 2 20 22
+1364  74 2 20 21
+1365  74 2 20 20
+1366  94 2 20 19
+1367  94 2 20 18
+1368  94 2 20 17
+1369  94 2 20 16
+1370  94 2 20 15
+1371  93 2 20 14
+1372  93 2 20 13
+1373  93 2 20 12
+1374  93 2 20 11
+1375  92 2 20 10
+1376  92 2 20  9
+1377  92 2 20  8
+1378  91 2 20  7
+1379  91 2 20  6
+1380  91 2 20  5
+1381  91 2 20  4
+1382  91 2 20  3
+1383  90 2 20  2
+1384  90 2 20  1
+1385  90 2 20  0
+1386  75 2 21 27
+1387  75 2 21 26
+1388  75 2 21 25
+1389  75 2 21 24
+1390  74 2 21 23
+1391  74 2 21 22
+1392  74 2 21 21
+1393  84 2 21 20
+1394  85 2 21 19
+1395  85 2 21 18
+1396  94 2 21 17
+1397  94 2 21 16
+1398  94 2 21 15
+1399  93 2 21 14
+1400  93 2 21 13
+1401  93 2 21 12
+1402  92 2 21 11
+1403  92 2 21 10
+1404  92 2 21  9
+1405  92 2 21  8
+1406  91 2 21  7
+1407  91 2 21  6
+1408  91 2 21  5
+1409  88 2 21  4
+1410  90 2 21  3
+1411  90 2 21  2
+1412  90 2 21  1
+1413  90 2 21  0
+1414  75 2 22 27
+1415  76 2 22 26
+1416  76 2 22 25
+1417  76 2 22 24
+1418  74 2 22 23
+1419  74 2 22 22
+1420  84 2 22 21
+1421  84 2 22 20
+1422  84 2 22 19
+1423  85 2 22 18
+1424  85 2 22 17
+1425  85 2 22 16
+1426  86 2 22 15
+1427  86 2 22 14
+1428  86 2 22 13
+1429  86 2 22 12
+1430  87 2 22 11
+1431  87 2 22 10
+1432  87 2 22  9
+1433  87 2 22  8
+1434  91 2 22  7
+1435  88 2 22  6
+1436  88 2 22  5
+1437  88 2 22  4
+1438  90 2 22  3
+1439  90 2 22  2
+1440  90 2 22  1
+1441  90 2 22  0
+1442  76 2 23 27
+1443  76 2 23 26
+1444  76 2 23 25
+1445  76 2 23 24
+1446  76 2 23 23
+1447  84 2 23 22
+1448  84 2 23 21
+1449  84 2 23 20
+1450  84 2 23 19
+1451  85 2 23 18
+1452  85 2 23 17
+1453  85 2 23 16
+1454  86 2 23 15
+1455  86 2 23 14
+1456  86 2 23 13
+1457  86 2 23 12
+1458  87 2 23 11
+1459  87 2 23 10
+1460  87 2 23  9
+1461  87 2 23  8
+1462  88 2 23  7
+1463  88 2 23  6
+1464  88 2 23  5
+1465  88 2 23  4
+1466  89 2 23  3
+1467  89 2 23  2
+1468  89 2 23  1
+1469  89 2 23  0
+1470  76 2 24 27
+1471  76 2 24 26
+1472  76 2 24 25
+1473  76 2 24 24
+1474  84 2 24 23
+1475  84 2 24 22
+1476  84 2 24 21
+1477  84 2 24 20
+1478  85 2 24 19
+1479  85 2 24 18
+1480  85 2 24 17
+1481  85 2 24 16
+1482  86 2 24 15
+1483  86 2 24 14
+1484  86 2 24 13
+1485  86 2 24 12
+1486  87 2 24 11
+1487  87 2 24 10
+1488  87 2 24  9
+1489  87 2 24  8
+1490  88 2 24  7
+1491  88 2 24  6
+1492  88 2 24  5
+1493  89 2 24  4
+1494  89 2 24  3
+1495  89 2 24  2
+1496  89 2 24  1
+1497  89 2 24  0
+1498  76 2 25 28
+1499  76 2 25 27
+1500  76 2 25 26
+1501  84 2 25 25
+1502  84 2 25 24
+1503  84 2 25 23
+1504  82 2 25 22
+1505  84 2 25 21
+1506  85 2 25 20
+1507  85 2 25 19
+1508  85 2 25 18
+1509  85 2 25 17
+1510  86 2 25 16
+1511  86 2 25 15
+1512  86 2 25 14
+1513  86 2 25 13
+1514  87 2 25 12
+1515  87 2 25 11
+1516  87 2 25 10
+1517  87 2 25  9
+1518  88 2 25  8
+1519  88 2 25  7
+1520  88 2 25  6
+1521  89 2 25  5
+1522  89 2 25  4
+1523  89 2 25  3
+1524  89 2 25  2
+1525  89 2 25  1
+1526  77 2 25  0
+1527  76 2 26 28
+1528  83 2 26 27
+1529  83 2 26 26
+1530  83 2 26 25
+1531  82 2 26 24
+1532  82 2 26 23
+1533  82 2 26 22
+1534  82 2 26 21
+1535  81 2 26 20
+1536  81 2 26 19
+1537  81 2 26 18
+1538  81 2 26 17
+1539  80 2 26 16
+1540  80 2 26 15
+1541  80 2 26 14
+1542  80 2 26 13
+1543  79 2 26 12
+1544  79 2 26 11
+1545  79 2 26 10
+1546  79 2 26  9
+1547  88 2 26  8
+1548  88 2 26  7
+1549  78 2 26  6
+1550  78 2 26  5
+1551  78 2 26  4
+1552  89 2 26  3
+1553  89 2 26  2
+1554  77 2 26  1
+1555  77 2 26  0
+1556  83 2 27 28
+1557  83 2 27 27
+1558  83 2 27 26
+1559  83 2 27 25
+1560  83 2 27 24
+1561  82 2 27 23
+1562  82 2 27 22
+1563  82 2 27 21
+1564  81 2 27 20
+1565  81 2 27 19
+1566  81 2 27 18
+1567  81 2 27 17
+1568  80 2 27 16
+1569  80 2 27 15
+1570  80 2 27 14
+1571  80 2 27 13
+1572  79 2 27 12
+1573  79 2 27 11
+1574  79 2 27 10
+1575  79 2 27  9
+1576  78 2 27  8
+1577  78 2 27  7
+1578  78 2 27  6
+1579  78 2 27  5
+1580  78 2 27  4
+1581  77 2 27  3
+1582  77 2 27  2
+1583  77 2 27  1
+1584  77 2 27  0
+1585  83 2 28 28
+1586  83 2 28 27
+1587  83 2 28 26
+1588  83 2 28 25
+1589  82 2 28 24
+1590  82 2 28 23
+1591  82 2 28 22
+1592  82 2 28 21
+1593  81 2 28 20
+1594  81 2 28 19
+1595  81 2 28 18
+1596  81 2 28 17
+1597  80 2 28 16
+1598  80 2 28 15
+1599  80 2 28 14
+1600  80 2 28 13
+1601  79 2 28 12
+1602  79 2 28 11
+1603  79 2 28 10
+1604  79 2 28  9
+1605  78 2 28  8
+1606  78 2 28  7
+1607  78 2 28  6
+1608  78 2 28  5
+1609  77 2 28  4
+1610  77 2 28  3
+1611  77 2 28  2
+1612  77 2 28  1
+1613  77 2 28  0
+1614  83 2 29 27
+1615  83 2 29 26
+1616  83 2 29 25
+1617  83 2 29 24
+1618  82 2 29 23
+1619  82 2 29 22
+1620  82 2 29 21
+1621  82 2 29 20
+1622  81 2 29 19
+1623  81 2 29 18
+1624  81 2 29 17
+1625  81 2 29 16
+1626  80 2 29 15
+1627  80 2 29 14
+1628  80 2 29 13
+1629  80 2 29 12
+1630  79 2 29 11
+1631  79 2 29 10
+1632  79 2 29  9
+1633  79 2 29  8
+1634  78 2 29  7
+1635  78 2 29  6
+1636  78 2 29  5
+1637  78 2 29  4
+1638  77 2 29  3
+1639  77 2 29  2
+1640  77 2 29  1
+1641  77 2 29  0
diff --git a/InnerDetector/InDetPerformance/TRT_DetectorPerformance/src/TRT_ClockNoise.cxx b/InnerDetector/InDetPerformance/TRT_DetectorPerformance/src/TRT_ClockNoise.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..0f9a9f023d58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/InnerDetector/InDetPerformance/TRT_DetectorPerformance/src/TRT_ClockNoise.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,653 @@
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+#include "TRT_DetectorPerformance/TRT_ClockNoise.h"
+//#include "GaudiKernel/IJobOptionsSvc.h"
+//#include "GaudiKernel/ITHistSvc.h"
+//#include "GaudiKernel/ToolHandle.h"
+#include "StoreGate/DataHandle.h"
+#include "DataModel/DataVector.h"
+#include "Identifier/Identifier.h"
+#include "Identifier/IdentifierHash.h"
+#include "InDetIdentifier/TRT_ID.h"
+#include "InDetReadoutGeometry/TRT_DetectorManager.h"
+#include "InDetReadoutGeometry/TRT_Numerology.h"
+#include "InDetRawData/InDetRawDataContainer.h"
+#include "InDetRawData/InDetRawDataCLASS_DEF.h"
+#include "InDetRIO_OnTrack/TRT_DriftCircleOnTrack.h"
+#include "InDetRIO_OnTrack/SCT_ClusterOnTrack.h"
+#include "InDetRIO_OnTrack/PixelClusterOnTrack.h"
+#include "InDetPrepRawData/TRT_DriftCircle.h"
+//#include "TrkParameters/MeasuredPerigee.h"
+#include "TrkParameters/TrackParameters.h"
+//#include "TrkTrackSummaryTool/ITrackSummaryTool.h"
+#include "TrkTrackSummary/TrackSummary.h"
+//#include "TrkParameters/MeasuredAtaStraightLine.h"
+#include "TRT_ConditionsServices/ITRT_StrawNeighbourSvc.h"
+#include "TRT_ConditionsServices/ITRT_StrawStatusSummarySvc.h"
+#include "TrkTrack/Track.h"
+#include "TrkTrack/TrackCollection.h"
+#include "TRT_DetectorPerformance/TRT_StrawMap.h"
+#include "TTree.h"
+//#include "TVirtualFFT.h"
+#include "TComplex.h"
+InDet::TRT_ClockNoise::TRT_ClockNoise(const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator) :
+  AthAlgorithm(name, pSvcLocator),
+  m_trtStrawNeighbourTool("TRT_StrawNeighbourSvc", name),
+  m_trtStrawMap("InDet::TRT_StrawMap"),
+  m_TRTStrawStatusSummarySvc("TRT_StrawStatusSummarySvc", name),
+  m_print_ntuple(false),
+  m_textfile("clocknoise.dat"),
+  m_min_noise_hits(100),
+  m_min_asym(0.9),
+  m_histSvc("THistSvc", name)
+  declareProperty("printNtuple", m_print_ntuple);
+  declareProperty("outputTextFileName", m_textfile);
+  declareProperty("histogramService", m_histSvc);
+  declareProperty("minNoiseHits",m_min_noise_hits);
+  declareProperty("minAsymmetry",m_min_asym);
+  m_ntuple = 0;
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
+StatusCode InDet::TRT_ClockNoise::initialize(){
+  if (msgLvl(MSG::INFO)) msg() << "TRT_ClockNoise::initialize()" << endreq;
+  m_evtNum = 0;
+  // initialize occupancy array
+  for (int iphi=0; iphi<nPhi; ++iphi) {
+    for (int iside=0; iside<nSide; ++iside) {
+      for (int istraw=0; istraw<nStraw; ++istraw) {
+        for (int ibin=0; ibin<nBin; ++ibin) {
+          m_straw_bin_occ[iphi][iside][istraw][ibin] = 0;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  if (m_print_ntuple) {
+    //////////////////////////////////////////////
+    // Create TTree and register it to THistSvc
+    //////////////////////////////////////////////
+    // get StoreGate service
+    if ( m_histSvc.retrieve().isFailure() ){
+      msg(MSG::FATAL) << "histogram service not found" << endreq;
+      return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+    } else 
+      if (msgLvl(MSG::INFO)) msg() << "retrieved histogramService" << endreq;
+    if (m_TRTStrawStatusSummarySvc.retrieve().isFailure()) {
+      msg(MSG::ERROR) << "could not retrieve m_TRTStrawStatusSummarySvc" << endreq;
+    } else {
+      msg(MSG::INFO) << "retrieved m_TRTStrawStatusSummarySvc" << endreq; 
+    }
+    m_ntuple = new TTree("ntuple" , "ntuple");
+    std::string fullTreeName_ntuple =  "/noise/ntuple" ;
+    if((m_histSvc->regTree(fullTreeName_ntuple, m_ntuple)).isFailure())
+      {
+        msg(MSG::ERROR) << "Unable to register TTree : " << fullTreeName_ntuple << endreq;
+        return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+      }
+    //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    /// Book variables to be added to the output ntuple
+    //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    m_ntuple->Branch("LEbin"           , &m_leadingEdgeBin      , "LEbin/I"); 
+    m_ntuple->Branch("board"           , &m_board		, "board/I"); 
+    m_ntuple->Branch("chip"	       , &m_chip                , "chip/I"); 
+    m_ntuple->Branch("pad"	       , &m_pad                 , "pad/I"); 
+    m_ntuple->Branch("side"	       , &m_side                , "side/I"); 
+    m_ntuple->Branch("phi"             , &m_phi                 , "phi/I"); 
+    m_ntuple->Branch("straw"           , &m_straw               , "straw/I"); 
+    m_ntuple->Branch("strawLayer"      , &m_strawLayer          , "strawLayer/I"); 
+    m_ntuple->Branch("layer"           , &m_layer               , "layer/I"); 
+    m_ntuple->Branch("evtNum"          , &m_evtNum              , "evtNum/I"); 
+  }
+  if (msgLvl(MSG::INFO)) msg() << "end initialize()" << endreq;
+  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
+StatusCode InDet::TRT_ClockNoise::execute() {
+  if (msgLvl(MSG::DEBUG)) msg() << "execute()" << endreq;
+  // TRT helper
+  const TRT_ID * m_trtHelper;
+  if (detStore()->retrieve(m_trtHelper, "TRT_ID").isFailure()) {
+    msg(MSG::FATAL) << "Could not get TRT ID helper" << endreq;
+    return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+  }
+  const DataVector<Trk::Track> *trkCollection = 0;
+  StatusCode sc = evtStore()->retrieve( trkCollection, "Tracks" );
+  if ( sc.isFailure() ) {
+    msg(MSG::ERROR) << "Could not find Tracks Collection" << endreq;
+    return sc;  
+  }
+  assert( trkCollection );
+  if ( trkCollection == 0 ) msg(MSG::ERROR) << "trkCollection == 0 " << endreq;
+  sc = m_trtStrawNeighbourTool.retrieve() ;
+  if (sc.isFailure()) {
+    msg(MSG::ERROR) << "Could not find TRTStrawNeighbourTool " << endreq;
+    return sc;
+  }
+  // vector to keep track of the identifiers for hits on track, so we can exclude them later
+  std::vector<Identifier> associatedRDO;
+  int nTracks = trkCollection->size();
+  int countTracks = 0;
+  if (msgLvl(MSG::VERBOSE)) msg() << "starting DataVector<Trk::Track> loop over nTracks = " << nTracks << endreq;
+  // loop over all tracks 
+  for ( DataVector<Trk::Track>::const_iterator trackIt = trkCollection->begin(); trackIt != trkCollection->end(); ++trackIt ) {
+    assert( countTracks < nTracks ); ++countTracks; 
+    if (msgLvl(MSG::VERBOSE)) msg() << "start DataVector<const Trk::TrackStateOnSurface>* trackStates " << endreq;
+    const DataVector<const Trk::TrackStateOnSurface>* trackStates = (**trackIt).trackStateOnSurfaces();   
+    if ( trackStates == 0 ) {
+      if (msgLvl(MSG::WARNING)) msg() << "Trk::TrackStateOnSurface empty" << endreq;
+      continue;
+    } 
+    if (msgLvl(MSG::VERBOSE)) msg() << "start DataVector<const Trk::TrackStateOnSurface>* trackStatesIt " << trackStates->size() << endreq;
+    int countTrackStates(0); 
+    // loop over all "trackStates", in principle one state is associated to each measurement + one more trackState for track parameters at the Interaction Point
+    for ( DataVector<const Trk::TrackStateOnSurface>::const_iterator trackStatesIt = trackStates->begin(); trackStatesIt != trackStates->end(); ++trackStatesIt ) {
+      if (msgLvl(MSG::VERBOSE)) msg() << "countTrackStates " << countTrackStates << endreq;
+      assert( countTrackStates < (int) trackStates->size() ); ++countTrackStates; 
+      assert( (*trackStatesIt) != 0 );
+      if ( *trackStatesIt == 0 ) { if (msgLvl(MSG::WARNING)) msg() << "*trackStatesIt == 0" << endreq; }
+      //CLHEP::Hep3Vector pos(0., 0., 0.);
+      //CLHEP::Hep3Vector mom(0., 0., 0.);
+      Amg::Vector3D pos(0., 0., 0.);
+      Amg::Vector3D mom(0., 0., 0.);
+      const Trk::TrackParameters* trackParam = (*trackStatesIt)->trackParameters();
+      if ( trackParam != 0 ) {
+        pos = trackParam->position();
+        mom = trackParam->momentum();
+      } else { 
+	if (msgLvl(MSG::WARNING)) msg() << "(*trackStatesIt)->trackParameters() == NULL" << endreq; 
+      }
+      if ( (*trackStatesIt)->type(Trk::TrackStateOnSurface::Measurement) ) {
+        // try to dynamic cast as SCT space points etc to count the number of silicon hits
+        if (dynamic_cast<const InDet::SCT_ClusterOnTrack*>((*trackStatesIt)->measurementOnTrack())!=0) {
+          continue;
+        }
+        if (dynamic_cast<const InDet::PixelClusterOnTrack*>((*trackStatesIt)->measurementOnTrack())!=0) {
+          continue;
+        }
+        if (msgLvl(MSG::VERBOSE)) msg() << "drift Circle " << endreq;
+        const InDet::TRT_DriftCircleOnTrack *driftCircleOnTrack = dynamic_cast<const InDet::TRT_DriftCircleOnTrack *>( (*trackStatesIt)->measurementOnTrack() );
+        if ( driftCircleOnTrack == 0 ) { 
+//          if (msgLvl(MSG::WARNING)) msg() << "driftCircleOnTrack == 0" << endreq; 
+          continue; 
+        }
+	//HepGeom::Point3D<double> hit = driftCircleOnTrack->globalPosition();
+	Amg::Vector3D hit = driftCircleOnTrack->globalPosition();
+        if (msgLvl(MSG::VERBOSE)) msg() << "driftCircleOnTrack global position " << hit << endreq;
+        const InDet::TRT_DriftCircle *driftCircle = dynamic_cast<const InDet::TRT_DriftCircle*> (driftCircleOnTrack->prepRawData());
+        if ( driftCircle == 0 ) { 
+//          if (msgLvl(MSG::WARNING)) msg() << "driftCircle == 0" << endreq; 
+          continue; 
+        }
+        if (msgLvl(MSG::VERBOSE)) msg() << "track measurement trail. edge " << driftCircle->trailingEdge() << " " 
+	       << ((int) driftCircle->driftTimeValid()) 
+	       << " Base valid " << ( (driftCircleOnTrack->detectorElement() == 0) ? 0 : 1 ) << endreq;  
+// add this drift circle to me vector of Identifiers from hits on track
+	const std::vector<Identifier> &listRDO = driftCircle->rdoList();
+    //         log << MSG::INFO << "test RDO " << listRDO.size() << endreq;
+	for (unsigned int i=0; i<listRDO.size(); ++i) associatedRDO.push_back(listRDO[i]);
+      }  // end if(measurement)
+    } // end loop over trackstates
+  } // end loop over tracks
+// --------------------------------------------------------
+// loop over RDO hits, record hits NOT on track:
+  const TRT_RDO_Container* rdoContainer;
+  sc = evtStore()->retrieve(rdoContainer, "TRT_RDOs");
+  if ( sc.isFailure() ) {
+    msg(MSG::ERROR) << "no TRT_RDOs container available " << endreq;
+    return sc;
+  }
+  for (TRT_RDO_Container::const_iterator rdoIt = rdoContainer->begin(); rdoIt != rdoContainer->end(); ++rdoIt) {
+    const InDetRawDataCollection<TRT_RDORawData>* TRTCollection(*rdoIt);
+    if (TRTCollection==0) continue;
+    for (DataVector<TRT_RDORawData>::const_iterator trtIt = TRTCollection->begin(); trtIt != TRTCollection->end(); ++trtIt) {
+      Identifier elID = (*trtIt)->identify();
+      // check whether this is a dead straw -- will return 1 if dead
+      if (m_TRTStrawStatusSummarySvc->get_status(elID) == 1) continue;
+      // use std::find to see if this identifier is in our vector of hits on track
+      //   if we find the identifier, skip this hit
+      //   if the identifier is not found, std::find returns associatedRDO.end()
+      if (std::find(associatedRDO.begin(),associatedRDO.end(),elID) != associatedRDO.end()) continue;
+      m_trtStrawMap->setNewIdentifier(elID);
+      // note that valid leading edge bins are 1-23
+      // 0 is not a valid bin, and instead this method will return 24
+      int leadingEdgeBin = (*trtIt)->driftTimeBin();      
+      int side           = m_trtHelper->barrel_ec(elID);  
+      int layer          = m_trtHelper->layer_or_wheel(elID);
+      int phi            = m_trtHelper->phi_module(elID);
+      int strawLayer     = m_trtHelper->straw_layer(elID);
+      int myStrawNumber  = m_trtStrawMap->straw();
+      int chip; m_trtStrawNeighbourTool->getChip(elID, chip);
+      int pad; m_trtStrawNeighbourTool->getPad(elID, pad);
+      int myBoard        = m_trtStrawMap->board();
+      // need to correct chip numbers in barrel, not in endcap
+      if(abs(side) == 1)    // barrel
+        {
+          // set chip number to correct scale 
+          chip-=1; 
+          if(layer == 1)      chip+=21;
+          else if(layer == 2) chip+=54;
+        } 
+      if (myStrawNumber < 0 || myStrawNumber>=nStraw) { if (msgLvl(MSG::WARNING)) msg() << "invalid straw number !!! " << myStrawNumber << endreq; continue; }
+      // ------ add hit information to array ------------
+      int AorC = 0;
+      if (side > 0) AorC = 1;
+      // bin 24 is not valid, so don't consider those hits for calculating clock noise
+      if (leadingEdgeBin < 24) {
+        ++(m_straw_bin_occ[phi][AorC][myStrawNumber][leadingEdgeBin]);
+      }
+      if (m_print_ntuple) {
+        // ------ store hit info in ntuple ----------------
+        m_leadingEdgeBin     = leadingEdgeBin;
+        m_board		     = myBoard;
+        m_chip		     = chip;
+        m_pad                = pad;
+        m_side 		     = side;
+        m_phi		     = phi;
+        m_straw		     = myStrawNumber;
+        m_strawLayer	     = strawLayer;
+        m_layer		     = layer;
+        m_ntuple->Fill();
+      }
+    }
+  } // loop over RDO container
+  // increment our internal event counter
+  ++m_evtNum;
+  if (msgLvl(MSG::DEBUG)) msg() << "end execute()" << endreq;
+  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
+StatusCode InDet::TRT_ClockNoise::finalize() {
+  if (msgLvl(MSG::INFO)) msg() << "finalize()" << endreq;
+  if (msgLvl(MSG::INFO)) msg() << "Calculating noise -- this takes a few seconds" << endreq;
+  int numNoisyStraws = classify_noise();
+  if (msgLvl(MSG::INFO)) msg() << numNoisyStraws << " straws showed clock noise, printed to file " << m_textfile << endreq;  
+  if (m_print_ntuple) {
+    if (msgLvl(MSG::INFO)) msg() << "occupancy information printed to ntuple" << endreq;  
+  }
+  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------
+//  clock noise definition is implemented here
+int InDet::TRT_ClockNoise::clock_noise_cut(int totalocc, float asym) {
+  if ((totalocc >= m_min_noise_hits) && (asym > m_min_asym))
+    return 1;
+  return -1;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------
+int InDet::TRT_ClockNoise::classify_noise() {
+  // open an output text file
+  std::ofstream out;
+  int numNoisyStraws = 0;
+  // loop over all straws and look at occupancy for clock noise
+  for (int iphi=0; iphi < nPhi; ++iphi) {
+    for (int iside=0; iside < nSide; ++iside) {
+      for (int istraw = 0; istraw < nStraw; ++istraw) {
+        // get the occupancy info for this straw
+        int occ[24];
+        int totalocc = 0;
+        int occbins = 0;
+        for (int ibin=0;ibin<24;++ibin) {
+          occ[ibin] = m_straw_bin_occ[iphi][iside][istraw][ibin];
+          totalocc += occ[ibin];
+          if (occ[ibin] > 0) ++occbins;
+        }
+        // clock noise calculations:
+        //   find the maximum asymmetry and corresponding phase for 40MHz and 80MHz
+        //   then classify the type of noise being seen
+        int phase40 = -1;
+        float occ_above_thermal40 = 0;
+        bool noisy40 = false;
+        float asym40 = find_max_asymmetry(occ,PERIOD_40MHZ,&phase40,&occ_above_thermal40);
+        // see if this passes our definition of clock noise
+        if (clock_noise_cut(totalocc,asym40) > 0) noisy40 = true;
+        int phase80 = -1;
+        float occ_above_thermal80 = 0;
+        bool noisy80 = false;
+        float asym80 = find_max_asymmetry(occ,PERIOD_80MHZ,&phase80,&occ_above_thermal80);
+        // see if this passes our definition of clock noise
+        if (clock_noise_cut(totalocc,asym80) > 0) noisy80 = true;
+        // use a discrete fourier transform to pick out frequency components of the noise
+        float dft_thermal_comp = 0.;
+        float dft_40mhz_comp = 0.;
+        float dft_80mhz_comp = 0.;
+        int dft_phase40 = -1;
+        int dft_phase80 = -1;
+        DFT(occ,&dft_thermal_comp,&dft_40mhz_comp,&dft_phase40,&dft_80mhz_comp,&dft_phase80);
+        // the most interesting figures of merit from the DFT are:
+        // - the ratio of the 40mhz component to the thermal component
+        // - the ratio of the 80mhz component to the thermal component
+        float dft_40mhz_ratio = 0.;
+        float dft_80mhz_ratio = 0.;
+        if (dft_thermal_comp > 0) {
+          dft_40mhz_ratio = dft_40mhz_comp / dft_thermal_comp;
+          dft_80mhz_ratio = dft_80mhz_comp / dft_thermal_comp;
+        }
+        if(noisy40 || noisy80) { 
+          ++numNoisyStraws;
+          // if this straw passed the cut, print it to a text file along with some relevant info                
+          // text file format:
+          //    phi | side | straw | frequency | phase | asymmetry | dft_phase | dft_ratio | occ_above_thermal | totalocc
+          // make two entries if a straw shows both 40 and 80MHz noise
+          if (noisy40) {
+            out << std::setw(2) << iphi << std::setw(4) << recover_side(iside,istraw) 
+                << std::setw(6) << istraw << "  40" << std::setw(4) << phase40
+                << std::setw(12) << asym40
+                << std::setw(4) << dft_phase40
+                << std::setw(12) << dft_40mhz_ratio
+                << std::setw(10) << int(occ_above_thermal40)
+                << std::setw(10) << totalocc << std::endl;
+          }
+          if (noisy80) {
+            out << std::setw(2) << iphi << std::setw(4) << recover_side(iside,istraw) 
+                << std::setw(6) << istraw << "  80" << std::setw(4) << phase80
+                << std::setw(12) << asym80
+                << std::setw(4) << dft_phase80
+                << std::setw(12) << dft_80mhz_ratio
+                << std::setw(10) << int(occ_above_thermal80)
+                << std::setw(10) << totalocc << std::endl;
+          }
+        } // noisy straw
+      } // end straw loop
+    } // end side loop
+  } // end phi loop  
+  out.close();
+  return numNoisyStraws;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------
+float InDet::TRT_ClockNoise::find_max_asymmetry(int occ[24], int period, int* phase, float* occ_above_thermal) {
+  float max_asym = 0.;
+  *phase = -1;
+  *occ_above_thermal = 0;
+  // loop over all possible phases and find the maximum asymmetry
+  for (int p=0; p<period; ++p) {
+    float temp_occ;
+    float asym = find_asymmetry(occ,period,p,&temp_occ);
+    if (asym > max_asym) {
+      max_asym = asym;
+      *phase = p;
+      *occ_above_thermal = temp_occ;
+    }
+  }
+  // if none of the asym values are > 0, the return values will be
+  //  0. for asym and -1 for phase
+  return max_asym;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------
+float InDet::TRT_ClockNoise::find_asymmetry(int occ[24], int period, int phase, float* occ_above_thermal) {
+  float sum_max = 0;
+  float sum_min = 0;
+  int numbins = 0;
+  int numbins_to_sum = 24/period; // 6 for 80MHz, 3 for 40MHz
+  float thermal_occ = 0;
+  // sum up the occupancy from bins that should have the maximum number of hits
+  //   these are assumed to be integer multiples of the period away from the bin
+  //   with the max number of hits (which we know from the phase)
+  //
+  // note that bin 0 is not valid for leading edge, and there will never be any hits there
+  //   so we weight the sum differently if bin 0 is one of the summed bins (below)
+  for (int ibin=phase; ibin < 24; ibin += period) {
+    sum_max += occ[ibin];
+    ++numbins;
+  }
+  // check that we did the sum correctly
+  if (numbins != numbins_to_sum) {
+    if (msgLvl(MSG::WARNING)) msg() << "!! sum_max: only summed " << numbins << " bins for period " << period << endreq;
+  }
+  // do the same for the bins which should have the minimum number of hits
+  //   these occur a half period away from the maximum
+  //   this sum may need to wrap, depending on the phase
+  int start_bin = -1;
+  if ((phase - period/2) >= 0) {
+    start_bin = phase - period/2;
+  } else {
+    start_bin = phase + period/2;
+  }
+  numbins = 0;
+  for (int ibin = start_bin; ibin < 24; ibin += period) {
+    sum_min += occ[ibin];
+    ++numbins;
+  }
+  // check that we did the sum correctly
+  if (numbins != numbins_to_sum) {
+    if (msgLvl(MSG::WARNING)) msg() << "!! sum_min: only summed " << numbins << " bins for period " << period << endreq;
+  }
+  // find the thermal background:
+  //  just use sum_min / (number of bins summed)
+  thermal_occ = sum_min/float(numbins_to_sum);
+  // weight the sums differently if one of them included bin 0
+  if (phase == 0) { // sum_max includes bin 0
+    sum_min *= float(numbins_to_sum - 1)/float(numbins_to_sum);
+  } else if (start_bin == 0) { // sum_min includes bin 0
+    sum_max *= float(numbins_to_sum - 1)/float(numbins_to_sum);
+    thermal_occ = sum_min/float(numbins_to_sum - 1);
+  }
+  // now calculate the asymmetry
+  float asym = (sum_max - sum_min) / (sum_max + sum_min);
+  // calcuate the occupancy above the "thermal background"
+  //  if a bin is below the "thermal background," ignore it
+  *occ_above_thermal = 0;
+  for (int ibin = 1; ibin<24; ++ibin) {
+    float occ_extra = float(occ[ibin]) - thermal_occ;
+    if (occ_extra > 0) {
+      *occ_above_thermal += occ_extra;
+    }
+  }
+  return asym;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------
+int InDet::TRT_ClockNoise::DFT(int occ[24], float* comp0mhz, float* comp40mhz, int* phase40mhz, float* comp80mhz, int* phase80mhz) 
+  Int_t N = 16;
+  Double_t occf[16];
+  Int_t offset = 4;
+  for (int i=0; i<16; ++i) {
+    occf[i] = float(occ[i+offset]);
+  }
+  // the transform returns 16 (complex valued) bins
+  //  we're interested in the modulus of the following bins:
+  //  bin 0: thermal component (no frequency)
+  //  bin 2: 40Mhz component
+  //  bin 4: 80Mhz component
+//   // transform using ROOT class -- requires FFTW libraries to be installed with ROOT
+//   //   which isn't always the case for the LCG installs
+//   TVirtualFFT *dftr2c = TVirtualFFT::FFT(1, &N, "R2C");
+//   dftr2c->SetPoints(occf);
+//   dftr2c->Transform();
+//   Double_t re, im;
+//   dftr2c->GetPointComplex(0, re, im);
+//   *comp0mhz = sqrt(re*re + im*im);
+//   dftr2c->GetPointComplex(2, re, im);
+//   *comp40mhz = sqrt(re*re + im*im);
+//   *phase40mhz = find_dft_phase(re,im,PERIOD_40MHZ,offset);
+//   dftr2c->GetPointComplex(4, re, im);
+//   *comp80mhz = sqrt(re*re + im*im);
+//   *phase80mhz = find_dft_phase(re,im,PERIOD_80MHZ,offset);
+  // do the transform by hand -- had to resort to this because the ROOT install for LCG56a doesn't have
+  //   the FFTW libraries ROOT needs installed ....
+  TComplex* trans = new TComplex[N];
+  for (int k = 0; k < N; ++k) {
+    trans[k] = TComplex(0.,0.);
+    for (int n = 0; n < N; ++n) {
+      trans[k] += occf[n]*TComplex(1,-2*M_PI*k*n/N,true);
+    }
+  }
+  *comp0mhz = TComplex::Abs(trans[0]);
+  *comp40mhz = TComplex::Abs(trans[2]);
+  *phase40mhz = find_dft_phase(trans[2].Re(),trans[2].Im(),PERIOD_40MHZ,offset);
+  *comp80mhz = TComplex::Abs(trans[4]);
+  *phase80mhz = find_dft_phase(trans[4].Re(),trans[4].Im(),PERIOD_80MHZ,offset);
+  delete[] trans; 
+  return 0;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------
+int InDet::TRT_ClockNoise::find_dft_phase(float re, float im, int period, int offset)
+  // determined this relationship by playing around with toy distributions
+  int phase = int(floor((period*5/4 - ((period/4)*(((atan2(im,re) + M_PI) * 2/M_PI) - 1)))+0.5) + offset)%(period);
+  return phase;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------
+int InDet::TRT_ClockNoise::recover_side(int AorC, int straw)
+  if (AorC == 0) { // C side
+    if (straw >= nStrawB) { // endcap C
+      return -2;
+    } else { // barrel C
+      return -1;
+    }
+  } else { // A side
+    if (straw < nStrawB) { // barrel A
+      return 1;
+    } else { // endcap A
+      return 2;
+    }
+  }
+  // should never get here  
+  return 0;
diff --git a/InnerDetector/InDetPerformance/TRT_DetectorPerformance/src/TRT_DTMROC_HeaderCheck.cxx b/InnerDetector/InDetPerformance/TRT_DetectorPerformance/src/TRT_DTMROC_HeaderCheck.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..01c45536e9e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/InnerDetector/InDetPerformance/TRT_DetectorPerformance/src/TRT_DTMROC_HeaderCheck.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,348 @@
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+// TRT_DTMROC_HeaderCheck.cxx, (c) ATLAS Detector software
+#include "TRT_DetectorPerformance/TRT_DTMROC_HeaderCheck.h"
+#include <set>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <string>
+using namespace std;
+//================ Constructor =================================================
+InDet::TRT_DTMROC_HeaderCheck::TRT_DTMROC_HeaderCheck(const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator)
+  :
+  AthAlgorithm(name,pSvcLocator),
+  m_sgSvc("StoreGateSvc",name),
+  m_histSvc("THistSvc", name),
+  m_bytestream_conditionsSvc("TRT_ByteStream_ConditionsSvc",name),
+  eventCount(-1)
+  declareProperty("StoreGateSvc", m_sgSvc);
+  declareProperty("THistSvc", m_histSvc);
+  declareProperty("TRT_ByteStream_ConditionsSvc", m_bytestream_conditionsSvc);
+//================ Destructor =================================================
+//================ Initialisation =================================================
+StatusCode InDet::TRT_DTMROC_HeaderCheck::initialize()
+  if (msgLvl(MSG::VERBOSE)) msg(MSG::INFO) << name() << " initialize()" << endreq;
+  // retrieve the StoreGate Service
+  if ( m_sgSvc.retrieve().isFailure() ) {
+    msg(MSG::FATAL) << "Failed to retrieve service " << m_sgSvc << endreq;
+    return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+  } else 
+    msg(MSG::INFO) << "Retrieved service " << m_sgSvc << endreq;
+  //retrieve Bytestream_conditions Service
+  if ( m_bytestream_conditionsSvc.retrieve().isFailure() ) {
+    msg(MSG::FATAL) << "Failed to retrieve service " <<  m_bytestream_conditionsSvc << endreq;
+    return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+  } else 
+    if (msgLvl(MSG::VERBOSE)) msg(MSG::INFO) << "Retrieved service " << m_bytestream_conditionsSvc << endreq;
+  //retrieve Histogramming Service
+  if ( m_histSvc.retrieve().isFailure() ){
+    msg(MSG::FATAL) << "Failed to retrieve service " <<  m_histSvc << endreq;
+    return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+  } else 
+    if (msgLvl(MSG::VERBOSE)) msg(MSG::INFO) << "Retrieved service " << m_histSvc << endreq;
+  //create map for DTMROC id's
+  ifstream f("../src/mapping.txt"); //This assumes that the jobOptions are run from a run directory at the same leves as src
+  if ( {
+     msg(MSG::FATAL) << "Unable to find mapping file" << endreq;
+     return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+  }	
+  dtmroc_map = new std::map<uint32_t,uint32_t>;
+  uint32_t header_word;
+  uint32_t output_id;
+  std::string line;
+  while (getline(f, line)){
+    sscanf(line.c_str(),"%x, %u", &header_word, &output_id);
+    dtmroc_map->insert(std::pair<uint32_t,uint32_t>(header_word, output_id));
+  }
+  ///////////////
+  //Initialize TTree and register with THistSvc
+  ///////////////
+  m_tree   = new TTree("dtmrocHeaders", "dtmrocHeaders");
+  std::string fullTreeName =  "/AANT/dtmrocHeaders" ;
+  if((m_histSvc->regTree(fullTreeName, m_tree)).isFailure()) {
+    msg(MSG::ERROR) << "Unable to register TTree : " << fullTreeName << endreq;
+    return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+  }
+  ////////////
+  //Add Branches to TTree to be output to Ntuple
+  ////////////
+  m_tree->Branch("event_number", &m_event_number, "event_number/i");
+  m_tree->Branch("time_stamp", &m_time_stamp, "time_stamp/i");
+  m_tree->Branch("time_stamp_ns_offset", &m_time_stamp_ns_offset, "time_stamp_ns_offset/i");
+  m_tree->Branch("total_num_l1id_err",  &m_total_num_l1id, "total_num_l1id_err/i");
+  m_tree->Branch("total_num_bcid_err",  &m_total_num_bcid, "total_num_bcid_err/i");
+  m_tree->Branch("total_num_missing_err",  &m_total_num_missing, "total_num_missing_err/i");
+  m_tree->Branch("total_num_general_err",  &m_total_num_general, "total_num_general_err/i");
+  m_tree->Branch("total_num_sendid_err",  &m_total_num_sendid, "total_num_sendid_err/i");
+  m_tree->Branch("bcid_returned_by_ROD", &m_bcid_returned_by_ROD, "bcid_returned_by_ROD/i");
+  m_tree->Branch("l1id_returned_by_ROD", &m_l1id_returned_by_ROD, "l1id_returned_by_ROD/i");
+  m_tree->Branch("l1id_dtmroc_index",  &m_l1id_dtmroc_index);
+  m_tree->Branch("l1id_dtmroc_index_remap",  &m_l1id_dtmroc_index_remap);
+  m_tree->Branch("l1id_rod_index",  &m_l1id_rod_index);
+  m_tree->Branch("l1id_returned_l1id",  &m_l1id_returned_l1id);
+  m_tree->Branch("bcid_dtmroc_index",  &m_bcid_dtmroc_index);
+  m_tree->Branch("bcid_dtmroc_index_remap",  &m_bcid_dtmroc_index_remap); 
+  m_tree->Branch("bcid_rod_index",  &m_bcid_rod_index);
+  m_tree->Branch("bcid_returned_bcid",  &m_bcid_returned_bcid);
+  m_tree->Branch("missing_dtmroc_index",  &m_missing_dtmroc_index);
+  m_tree->Branch("missing_dtmroc_index_remap",  &m_missing_dtmroc_index_remap);
+  m_tree->Branch("missing_rod_index",  &m_missing_rod_index);
+  m_tree->Branch("general_dtmroc_index",  &m_general_dtmroc_index);
+  m_tree->Branch("general_dtmroc_index_remap",  &m_general_dtmroc_index_remap);
+  m_tree->Branch("general_rod_index",  &m_general_rod_index);
+  m_tree->Branch("sendid_dtmroc_index",  &m_sendid_dtmroc_index);
+  m_tree->Branch("sendid_dtmroc_index_remap",  &m_sendid_dtmroc_index_remap);
+  m_tree->Branch("sendid_rod_index",  &m_sendid_rod_index);
+  //Initialize variables
+  m_event_number = 0;
+  m_time_stamp = 0;
+  m_time_stamp_ns_offset = 0;
+  m_total_num_l1id=0;
+  m_total_num_bcid=0;
+  m_total_num_missing=0;
+  m_total_num_general=0;
+  m_total_num_sendid=0;
+  m_bcid_returned_by_ROD = 0;
+  m_l1id_returned_by_ROD = 0;
+  m_l1id_dtmroc_index = new std::vector<uint32_t>;
+  m_l1id_dtmroc_index_remap = new std::vector<uint32_t>;
+  m_l1id_rod_index = new std::vector<uint32_t>;
+  m_l1id_returned_l1id = new std::vector<uint32_t>;
+  m_bcid_dtmroc_index = new std::vector<uint32_t>;
+  m_bcid_dtmroc_index_remap = new std::vector<uint32_t>;
+  m_bcid_rod_index = new std::vector<uint32_t>;
+  m_bcid_returned_bcid = new std::vector<uint32_t>; 
+  m_missing_dtmroc_index = new std::vector<uint32_t>;
+  m_missing_dtmroc_index_remap = new std::vector<uint32_t>;
+  m_missing_rod_index = new std::vector<uint32_t>;
+  m_general_dtmroc_index = new std::vector<uint32_t>;
+  m_general_dtmroc_index_remap = new std::vector<uint32_t>;
+  m_general_rod_index = new std::vector<uint32_t>;
+  m_sendid_dtmroc_index = new std::vector<uint32_t>;
+  m_sendid_dtmroc_index_remap = new std::vector<uint32_t>;
+  m_sendid_rod_index = new std::vector<uint32_t>;
+  if (msgLvl(MSG::VERBOSE)) msg(MSG::INFO) << "initialize() successful in " << name() << endreq;
+  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+//================ Finalisation =================================================
+StatusCode InDet::TRT_DTMROC_HeaderCheck::finalize()
+  // Code entered here will be executed once at the end of the program run.
+  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+//================ Execution ====================================================
+StatusCode InDet::TRT_DTMROC_HeaderCheck::execute()
+  ++eventCount;
+  if (msgLvl(MSG::DEBUG)) msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "InDet::TRT_DetectorPlots::execute() event " << eventCount << endreq;
+  //////////////////////////
+  /// Retrieve event info
+  //////////////////////////
+  if(msgLvl(MSG::VERBOSE)) msg(MSG::VERBOSE) << "Retrieving event info for event " << eventCount << endreq;
+  m_bcid_returned_by_ROD = 0;
+  TRT_BCIDColl = 0;
+  StatusCode sc = m_sgSvc->retrieve(TRT_BCIDColl,"TRT_BCID");
+  if (sc.isFailure()){
+    msg(MSG::ERROR) << "BCID Collection not found in Store Gate" <<endreq;
+    m_bcid_returned_by_ROD = -1;
+  } else {
+    InDetTimeCollection::const_iterator itrt_bcid = TRT_BCIDColl->begin();
+    m_bcid_returned_by_ROD = (*itrt_bcid)->second; // perhaps not the best method - just trusting the first ROD to always have the right BCID
+  }
+  m_l1id_returned_by_ROD = 0;
+  TRT_L1IDColl = 0;
+  sc = m_sgSvc->retrieve(TRT_L1IDColl,"TRT_LVL1ID");
+  if (sc.isFailure()){
+    msg(MSG::ERROR) << "L1ID Collection not found in Store Gate" <<endreq;
+    m_l1id_returned_by_ROD = -1;
+  } else {
+    InDetTimeCollection::const_iterator itrt_l1id = TRT_L1IDColl->begin();
+    m_l1id_returned_by_ROD = (*itrt_l1id)->second; // perhaps not the best method - just trusting the first ROD to always have the right L1ID
+  }
+  */
+  const EventInfo* eventInfo;
+  if (m_sgSvc->retrieve(eventInfo).isFailure()) {
+    msg(MSG::ERROR) << "Could not retrieve event identifier from Store Gate"<<endreq;
+    m_event_number =0;
+  } else {
+    EventID* evtid = eventInfo->event_ID();
+    m_event_number = evtid->event_number();
+    m_time_stamp = evtid->time_stamp();
+    m_time_stamp_ns_offset = evtid->time_stamp_ns_offset();
+  }    
+  if (msgLvl(MSG::VERBOSE)) msg(MSG::VERBOSE) << "InDet::TRT_DTMROC_HeaderCheck:: execute() retrieved event info for event " << eventCount << endreq;
+  ///////////////////
+  //Initialize containers
+  ///////////////////
+  m_l1id_dtmroc_index->clear();
+  m_l1id_dtmroc_index_remap->clear();
+  m_l1id_rod_index->clear();
+  m_l1id_returned_l1id->clear();
+  m_bcid_dtmroc_index->clear();
+  m_bcid_dtmroc_index_remap->clear();
+  m_bcid_rod_index->clear();
+  m_bcid_returned_bcid->clear();
+  m_missing_dtmroc_index->clear();
+  m_missing_dtmroc_index_remap->clear();
+  m_missing_rod_index->clear();
+  m_general_dtmroc_index->clear();
+  m_general_dtmroc_index_remap->clear();
+  m_general_rod_index->clear();
+  m_sendid_dtmroc_index->clear();
+  m_sendid_dtmroc_index_remap->clear();
+  m_sendid_rod_index->clear();
+  /////////////////////////
+  //Load/derive Ntuple Data
+  /////////////////////////
+  m_total_num_l1id = m_bytestream_conditionsSvc->getNumberOfErrors(0);
+  m_total_num_bcid = m_bytestream_conditionsSvc->getNumberOfErrors(1);
+  m_total_num_missing = m_bytestream_conditionsSvc->getNumberOfErrors(2);
+  m_total_num_general = m_bytestream_conditionsSvc->getNumberOfErrors(3);
+  m_total_num_sendid = m_bytestream_conditionsSvc->getNumberOfErrors(4);
+  std::set<std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t> >::iterator errIt;
+  errIt = m_bytestream_conditionsSvc->getL1idErrorSet().begin();
+  int size = m_bytestream_conditionsSvc->getL1idErrorSet().size();
+  for (int i =0; i != size; i++) {
+    m_l1id_dtmroc_index_remap->push_back(dtmroc_map->find(errIt->first &0xff)->second); 
+    m_l1id_dtmroc_index->push_back(errIt->first & 0xff); 
+    m_l1id_rod_index->push_back((errIt->first & 0xffffff00)/0x100);
+    m_l1id_returned_l1id->push_back(errIt->second);
+    ++errIt;
+  }
+  errIt = m_bytestream_conditionsSvc->getBcidErrorSet().begin();
+  size = m_bytestream_conditionsSvc->getBcidErrorSet().size();
+  for (int i =0; i != size; i++) {
+     m_bcid_dtmroc_index_remap->push_back(dtmroc_map->find(errIt->first &0xff)->second);
+     m_bcid_dtmroc_index->push_back(errIt->first & 0xff);
+     m_bcid_rod_index->push_back((errIt->first & 0xffffff00)/0x100);
+     m_bcid_returned_bcid->push_back(errIt->second);
+     ++errIt;
+  }
+  std::set<uint32_t>::iterator errIt2;
+  errIt2 = m_bytestream_conditionsSvc->getMissingErrorSet().begin();
+  size = m_bytestream_conditionsSvc->getMissingErrorSet().size();
+  for (int i =0; i != size; i++) {
+    m_missing_dtmroc_index_remap->push_back(dtmroc_map->find(*errIt2 & 0xff)->second);
+    m_missing_dtmroc_index->push_back(*errIt2 & 0xff); 
+    m_missing_rod_index->push_back((*errIt2 & 0xffffff00)/0x100);
+    ++errIt2;
+  }
+  errIt2 = m_bytestream_conditionsSvc->getErrorErrorSet().begin();
+  size = m_bytestream_conditionsSvc->getErrorErrorSet().size();
+  for (int i =0; i != size; i++) {
+    m_general_dtmroc_index_remap->push_back(dtmroc_map->find(*errIt2 & 0xff)->second); 
+    m_general_dtmroc_index->push_back(*errIt2 & 0xff); 
+    m_general_rod_index->push_back((*errIt2 & 0xffffff00)/0x100);
+    ++errIt2;
+  }
+  errIt2 = m_bytestream_conditionsSvc->getSidErrorSet().begin();
+  size = m_bytestream_conditionsSvc->getSidErrorSet().size();
+  for (int i =0; i != size; i++) {
+    m_sendid_dtmroc_index_remap->push_back(dtmroc_map->find(*errIt2 & 0xff)->second); 
+    m_sendid_dtmroc_index->push_back(*errIt2 & 0xff); 
+    m_sendid_rod_index->push_back((*errIt2 & 0xffffff00)/0x100);
+    ++errIt2;
+  }
+  if (m_total_num_missing > 4000){
+    if (msgLvl(MSG::DEBUG)) msg(MSG::DEBUG) << m_total_num_missing <<" Missing Chips in Event #: " <<eventCount << endreq;
+    if (msgLvl(MSG::DEBUG)) msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "ROD BCID is : 0x" << hex << m_bcid_returned_by_ROD << " and L1ID is : 0x" << m_l1id_returned_by_ROD << endreq;
+    if (msgLvl(MSG::DEBUG)) msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "Number of bcid errors is : " << dec << m_total_num_bcid << endreq;
+    if (msgLvl(MSG::DEBUG)) msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "Number of L1id errors is : " << m_total_num_l1id << endreq;
+    if (msgLvl(MSG::DEBUG)) msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "Number of generalized error bits set is : " <<  m_total_num_sendid <<endreq;
+    if (msgLvl(MSG::DEBUG)) msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "Number of sendid errors is : " << m_total_num_sendid<< endreq;
+  }
+  m_tree->Fill();
+  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
diff --git a/InnerDetector/InDetPerformance/TRT_DetectorPerformance/src/TRT_DetectorPlots.cxx b/InnerDetector/InDetPerformance/TRT_DetectorPerformance/src/TRT_DetectorPlots.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..843de912f47d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/InnerDetector/InDetPerformance/TRT_DetectorPerformance/src/TRT_DetectorPlots.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,1863 @@
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+#include "TRT_DetectorPerformance/TRT_DetectorPlots.h"
+#include "HepMC/GenParticle.h"
+#include "HepMC/GenVertex.h"
+#include "TrkTruthData/TrackTruthCollection.h"
+#include "TrkTruthData/PRD_MultiTruthCollection.h"
+#include "InDetSimData/InDetSimDataCollection.h"
+#include "DataModel/DataVector.h"
+#include "Identifier/Identifier.h"
+#include "Identifier/IdentifierHash.h"
+#include "InDetIdentifier/TRT_ID.h"
+#include "InDetReadoutGeometry/TRT_DetectorManager.h"
+#include "InDetReadoutGeometry/TRT_Numerology.h"
+#include "InDetRawData/InDetRawDataContainer.h"
+#include "InDetRawData/InDetRawDataCLASS_DEF.h"
+#include "InDetRIO_OnTrack/SCT_ClusterOnTrack.h"
+#include "InDetRIO_OnTrack/TRT_DriftCircleOnTrack.h"
+#include "InDetPrepRawData/TRT_DriftCircle.h"
+#include "TrkEventPrimitives/FitQuality.h"
+//#include "TrkParameters/MeasuredPerigee.h"
+#include "TrkParameters/TrackParameters.h"
+#include "TrkTrack/Track.h"
+#include "TrkTrack/TrackCollection.h"
+#include "TrkSegment/SegmentCollection.h"
+#include "TRT_ConditionsServices/ITRT_CalDbSvc.h"
+#include "TRT_ConditionsServices/ITRT_StrawNeighbourSvc.h"
+#include "TRT_ConditionsData/RtRelation.h"
+#include "TRT_ConditionsData/BasicRtRelation.h"
+#include "CommissionEvent/ComTime.h"
+#include "InDetRecToolInterfaces/ITRT_TrackSegmentsMaker.h"
+#include "TRT_TrackSegmentsFinder/TRT_TrackSegmentsFinder.h"
+//#include "TRT_TrackSegmentsTool_xk/TRT_TrackSegmentsMaker_BarrelCosmics.h"
+//#include "TRT_TrackSegmentsTool_xk/TRT_TrackSegmentsMaker_ATLxk.h"
+#include "InDetIdentifier/SCT_ID.h"
+#include "InDetReadoutGeometry/SCT_DetectorManager.h"
+#include "InDetIdentifier/PixelID.h"
+#include "InDetReadoutGeometry/PixelDetectorManager.h"
+#include "TTree.h"
+#include "TRT_DetectorPerformance/TRT_StrawMap.h"
+//#include "TrkEventPrimitives/GlobalPosition.h"
+#include "EventInfo/EventInfo.h"
+#include "EventInfo/EventID.h"
+#include "EventInfo/TriggerInfo.h"
+#include "EventInfo/EventInfo.h"
+#include "EventInfo/TriggerInfo.h"
+#include "TrigSteeringEvent/Lvl1Result.h"
+//#include "TrigSteering/Chain.h"
+#include "TrigSteering/StreamTag.h"
+#include "TrigSteering/Signature.h"
+#include "TrigSteering/Sequence.h"
+#include "TrigInterfaces/AlgoConfig.h"
+#include "TrigInterfaces/Algo.h"
+#include "TrigConfHLTData/HLTChain.h"
+#include "TrigConfHLTData/HLTChainList.h"
+#include "TrigConfL1Data/TriggerItem.h"
+#include "TrigConfL1Data/CTPConfig.h"
+#include "TrigConfL1Data/Menu.h"
+//#include "TrkParameters/MeasuredAtaStraightLine.h"
+#include "InDetRIO_OnTrack/PixelClusterOnTrack.h"
+#include "InDetRIO_OnTrack/SCT_ClusterOnTrack.h"
+#include "InDetRawData/PixelRDORawData.h"
+#include "InDetRawData/SCT3_RawData.h"
+#include "TrigInDetEvent/TrigInDetTrackCollection.h" 
+#include "TrigInDetEvent/TrigSiSpacePoint.h"
+InDet::TRT_DetectorPlots::TRT_DetectorPlots( const std::string& name
+                         , ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator
+                         ) : AthAlgorithm(name, pSvcLocator)
+                           , m_doMC(0)
+                           , m_doRDO(0)
+                           , m_numNoise(0)
+                           , m_doSegments(0)
+                           , m_barrelSegmentsName("TRT_SegmentsBC")
+                           , m_endcapSegmentsName("TRT_Segments_EC")
+                           , m_tracksName("CombinedInDetTracks")
+                           //, SCT_Cosmic_Tracks
+                           //, Tracks
+                           //, TRT_Cosmic_Tracks
+                           //, InDetCosmic_Tracks
+                           , m_fileName("TRT_DetectorPlots.L2eff.txt")
+                           , m_histSvc("THistSvc", name)
+                           , m_trtDetMgr(0)
+                           , m_trtHelper(0)
+                           , m_trtCondDbTool("TRT_CalDbSvc", name)
+                           , m_trtStrawNeighbourTool("TRT_StrawNeighbourSvc", name)
+                           , m_trtStrawMap("InDet::TRT_StrawMap")
+                           , m_rdoContainer(0)
+                           , m_trtDriftCircleContainer(0)
+                           , m_segmentCollectionBarrel(0)
+                           , m_segmentCollectionEc(0)
+                           , m_trkCollection(0)
+                           , m_truthTrt(0)
+                           , m_runNumber(0)  
+{ // Properties
+  declareProperty("histogramService", m_histSvc);
+  declareProperty("doMC", m_doMC);
+  declareProperty("doRDO", m_doRDO);
+  declareProperty("numNoise", m_numNoise);
+  declareProperty("doSegments", m_doSegments);
+  declareProperty("barrelSegmentsCollection", m_barrelSegmentsName);
+  declareProperty("endcapSegmentsCollection", m_endcapSegmentsName);
+  declareProperty("tracksCollection", m_tracksName);
+  declareProperty("fileName", m_fileName);
+  return;
+StatusCode InDet::TRT_DetectorPlots::initialize()
+  if (msgLvl(MSG::INFO)) msg(MSG::INFO) << "InDet::TRT_DetectorPlots::initialize(), doSegments: " << m_doSegments 
+                                        << " do Noise: " << m_numNoise 
+                                        << endreq; 
+  if (msgLvl(MSG::INFO)) msg(MSG::INFO) << "InDet::TRT_DetectorPlots::initialize(), tracks collection: " << m_tracksName 
+                                        << " segment collections: " << m_barrelSegmentsName << ", " << m_endcapSegmentsName
+                                        << endreq;
+  /////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  // Create TTrees and register them to THistSvc
+  /////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  if ( m_histSvc.retrieve().isFailure() )
+    {
+      if(msgLvl(MSG::FATAL)) msg(MSG::FATAL) << "histogram service not found" << endreq;
+      return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+    }
+  else 
+    {
+      if (msgLvl(MSG::INFO)) msg(MSG::INFO) << "retrieved histogramService" << endreq;
+    }
+  m_treeEvent   = new TTree("event"  , "event"  );
+  m_treeTrack   = new TTree("track"  , "track"  );
+  m_treeSegment = new TTree("segment", "segment");
+  m_treeHits    = new TTree("hits"   , "hits"   );
+  m_treePixel   = new TTree("pixel"  , "pixel"  );
+  std::string fullTreeNameEvent =  "/AANT/event" ;
+  if((m_histSvc->regTree(fullTreeNameEvent, m_treeEvent)).isFailure()) 
+    {
+      if(msgLvl(MSG::ERROR)) msg(MSG::ERROR) << "Unable to register TTree : " << fullTreeNameEvent << endreq;
+      return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+    }
+  std::string fullTreeNameTrack =  "/AANT/track" ;
+  if((m_histSvc->regTree(fullTreeNameTrack, m_treeTrack)).isFailure()) 
+    {
+      if(msgLvl(MSG::ERROR)) msg(MSG::ERROR) << "Unable to register TTree : " << fullTreeNameTrack << endreq;
+      return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+    }
+  std::string fullTreeNameSegment =  "/AANT/segment" ;
+  if((m_histSvc->regTree(fullTreeNameSegment, m_treeSegment)).isFailure()) 
+    {
+      if(msgLvl(MSG::ERROR)) msg(MSG::ERROR) << "Unable to register TTree : " << fullTreeNameSegment << endreq;
+      return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+    }
+  std::string fullTreeNameHits =  "/AANT/hits" ;
+  if((m_histSvc->regTree(fullTreeNameHits, m_treeHits)).isFailure()) 
+    {
+      if(msgLvl(MSG::ERROR)) msg(MSG::ERROR) << "Unable to register TTree : " << fullTreeNameHits << endreq;
+      return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+    }
+  std::string fullTreeNamePixel =  "/AANT/pixel" ;
+  if((m_histSvc->regTree(fullTreeNamePixel, m_treePixel)).isFailure()) 
+    {
+      if(msgLvl(MSG::ERROR)) msg(MSG::ERROR) << "Unable to register TTree : " << fullTreeNamePixel << endreq;
+      return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+    }
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////
+  /// Declare vectors that are used in filling 
+  /// the output ntuple
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////
+  m_trackSide            = new std::vector<int>;
+  m_trackLayerOrWheel    = new std::vector<int>;
+  m_trackPhi             = new std::vector<int>;
+  m_trackStrawLayer      = new std::vector<int>;
+  m_trackStraw           = new std::vector<int>;
+  m_trackStrawNum        = new std::vector<int>;
+  m_trackChip            = new std::vector<int>;
+  m_trackBoard           = new std::vector<int>;
+  m_trackDriftTimeBin    = new std::vector<int>;
+  m_trackTrailingEdge    = new std::vector<int>;
+  m_trackHighThreshold   = new std::vector<int>;
+  m_trackDriftCircleWord = new std::vector<int>;
+  m_trackX               = new std::vector<double>;
+  m_trackY               = new std::vector<double>;
+  m_trackZ               = new std::vector<double>;
+  m_trackT0              = new std::vector<double>;
+  m_trackTrackR = new std::vector<double>;
+  m_trackLocR   = new std::vector<double>;
+  m_trackErrR   = new std::vector<double>;
+  m_eventPixelX          = new std::vector<double>;
+  m_eventPixelY          = new std::vector<double>;
+  m_eventPixelZ          = new std::vector<double>;
+  m_eventPixelHitTimeBin = new std::vector<int>;
+  m_eventSCTX            = new std::vector<double>;
+  m_eventSCTY            = new std::vector<double>;
+  m_eventSCTZ            = new std::vector<double>;
+  m_eventSCTHitTimeBin   = new std::vector<int>;  
+  m_eventTRTX            = new std::vector<double>;
+  m_eventTRTY            = new std::vector<double>;
+  m_eventTRTZ            = new std::vector<double>;
+  m_segmentSide            = new std::vector<int>;
+  m_segmentLayerOrWheel    = new std::vector<int>;
+  m_segmentPhi             = new std::vector<int>;
+  m_segmentStrawLayer      = new std::vector<int>;
+  m_segmentStraw           = new std::vector<int>;
+  m_segmentStrawNum        = new std::vector<int>;
+  m_segmentChip            = new std::vector<int>;
+  m_segmentBoard           = new std::vector<int>;
+  m_segmentDriftTimeBin    = new std::vector<int>;
+  m_segmentTrailingEdge    = new std::vector<int>;
+  m_segmentDriftCircleWord = new std::vector<int>;
+  m_segmentHitOnTrack      = new std::vector<int>;
+  m_segmentX                 = new std::vector<double>;
+  m_segmentY                 = new std::vector<double>;
+  m_segmentZ                 = new std::vector<double>;
+  m_segmentT0              = new std::vector<double>;
+  m_onTrackIdentifiers = new std::vector<Identifier>;
+  m_pixelL1TimeBin = new std::vector<int>;
+  //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  /// Book variables to be added to the output ntuple
+  //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  m_treeEvent->Branch("run_number"  , &m_trackRunNumber     , "run_number/I"   );
+  m_treeEvent->Branch("event_number", &m_trackEventNumber   , "event_number/I" );
+  m_treeEvent->Branch("n_tracks"    , &m_eventNumberOfTracks, "n_tracks/I"     ); 
+  m_treeEvent->Branch("n_TRT_hits"              , m_eventNumberOfHitsOnTracks  , "n_TRT_hits/I"               );
+  m_treeEvent->Branch("n_TRT_barrel_hits"       , m_eventNumberOfHitsOnTracks+1, "n_TRT_barrel_hits/I"        );
+  m_treeEvent->Branch("n_TRT_maxonlybarrel_hits", m_eventNumberOfHitsOnTracks+2, "n_TRT_maxonlybarrel_hits/I" );
+  m_treeEvent->Branch("n_SCT_hits"              , m_eventNumberOfHitsOnTracks+3, "n_SCT_hits/I"               );
+  m_treeEvent->Branch("n_SCT_barrel_hits"       , m_eventNumberOfHitsOnTracks+4, "n_SCT_barrel_hits/I"        );
+  m_treeEvent->Branch("n_pixel_hits"            , m_eventNumberOfHitsOnTracks+5, "n_pixel_hits/I"             );
+  m_treeEvent->Branch("n_pixel_barrel_hits"     , m_eventNumberOfHitsOnTracks+6, "n_pixel_barrel_hits/I"      );
+  m_treeEvent->Branch("n_sp_upper"  , m_siSP        , "n_sp_upper/I"   );
+  m_treeEvent->Branch("n_sp_lower"  , m_siSP+1      , "n_sp_lower/I"   );
+  m_treeEvent->Branch("SiTrack"     , m_eventL2Alg  , "SiTrack/I"      );
+  m_treeEvent->Branch("IDScan"      , m_eventL2Alg+1, "IDScan/I"       );
+  m_treeEvent->Branch("TRTSegFinder", m_eventL2Alg+2, "TRTSegFinder/I" );
+  m_treeEvent->Branch("trigger_L1Type"  , &m_eventL1Type             , "trigger_L1Type/I"   ); 
+  m_treeEvent->Branch("trigger_TGC"     , &m_trackTrig1MU1           , "trigger_TGC/I"      );
+  m_treeEvent->Branch("trigger_RPC"     , &m_trackTrig1MU2           , "trigger_RPC/I"      );
+  m_treeEvent->Branch("trigger_L1Calo"  , &m_trackTrigL1Calo           , "trigger_L1Calo/I"   );
+  m_treeEvent->Branch("trigger_IDCosmic", &m_trackTrigAllTeIDSelected, "trigger_IDCosmic/I" );
+  m_treeEvent->Branch("phi0"  , m_eventTrackInfo  , "phi0/D"   );
+  m_treeEvent->Branch("d0"    , m_eventTrackInfo+1, "d0/D"     );
+  m_treeEvent->Branch("z0"    , m_eventTrackInfo+2, "z0/D"     );
+  m_treeEvent->Branch("theta" , m_eventTrackInfo+3, "theta/D"  );
+  m_treeEvent->Branch("qOverP", m_eventTrackInfo+4, "qOverP/D" );
+  m_treeEvent->Branch("comTime"     , &m_pixelComTime     , "comTime/D"      ); 
+  m_treeEvent->Branch("pixelTimeBin", &m_eventPixelTimeBin, "pixelTimeBin/D" ); 
+  m_treeEvent->Branch("pixelX"         , &m_eventPixelX          );
+  m_treeEvent->Branch("pixelY"         , &m_eventPixelY          );
+  m_treeEvent->Branch("pixelZ"         , &m_eventPixelZ          );
+  m_treeEvent->Branch("pixelHitTimeBin", &m_eventPixelHitTimeBin );
+  m_treeEvent->Branch("sctX"           , &m_eventSCTX            );
+  m_treeEvent->Branch("sctY"           , &m_eventSCTY            );
+  m_treeEvent->Branch("sctZ"           , &m_eventSCTZ            );
+  m_treeEvent->Branch("sctHitTimeBin"  , &m_eventSCTHitTimeBin   );  
+  m_treeEvent->Branch("trtX"           , &m_eventTRTX            );
+  m_treeEvent->Branch("trtY"           , &m_eventTRTY            );
+  m_treeEvent->Branch("trtZ"           , &m_eventTRTZ            );
+  m_treeTrack->Branch("run_number"             , &m_trackRunNumber          , "run_number/I"              );
+  m_treeTrack->Branch("event_number"           , &m_trackEventNumber        , "event_number/I"            );
+  m_treeTrack->Branch("trigger_L1Type"         , &m_trackTrigL1Type         , "trigger_L1Type/I"          );
+  m_treeTrack->Branch("trigger_stream_size"    , &m_trackTrigStreamSize     , "trigger_stream_size/I"     );
+  m_treeTrack->Branch("trigger_1MU1"           , &m_trackTrig1MU1           , "trigger_1MU1/I"            );
+  m_treeTrack->Branch("trigger_1MU2"           , &m_trackTrig1MU2           , "trigger_1MU2/I"            );
+  m_treeTrack->Branch("trigger_1MU3"           , &m_trackTrig1MU3           , "trigger_1MU3/I"            );
+  m_treeTrack->Branch("trigger_L1Calo"         , &m_trackTrigL1Calo         , "trigger_L1Calo/I"          );
+  m_treeTrack->Branch("trigger_NIM0"           , &m_trackTrigNIM0           , "trigger_NIM0/I"            );
+  m_treeTrack->Branch("trigger_NIM4"           , &m_trackTrigNIM4           , "trigger_NIM4/I"            );
+  m_treeTrack->Branch("trigger_MBTS"           , &m_trackTrigMBTS           , "trigger_MBTS/I"            );
+  m_treeTrack->Branch("trigger_EMCalo"         , &m_trackTrigEML1Calo       , "trigger_EMCalo/I"          );
+  m_treeTrack->Branch("trigger_HLTerror"       , &m_trackTrigHLTerror       , "trigger_HLTerror/I"        );
+  m_treeTrack->Branch("trigger_AllTeIDSelected", &m_trackTrigAllTeIDSelected, "trigger_AllTeIDSelected/I" );
+  m_treeTrack->Branch("trigger_AllTePixel"     , &m_trackTrigAllTePixel     , "trigger_AllTePixel/I"      );
+  m_treeTrack->Branch("n_TRT_tracks"           , &m_trackNumTrtTracks       , "n_TRT_tracks/I"            );
+  m_treeTrack->Branch("n_tracks"               , &m_trackNumTracks          , "n_tracks/I"                );
+  m_treeTrack->Branch("n_SCT_hits"             , &m_trackNumSctHits         , "n_SCT_hits/I"              );
+  m_treeTrack->Branch("n_TRT_hits"             , &m_trackNumTrtHits         , "n_TRT_hits/I"              );
+  m_treeTrack->Branch("n_TRT_hits_barrelA"     , &m_trackNumTrtHitsBarrelA  , "n_TRT_hits_barrelA/I"      );
+  m_treeTrack->Branch("n_TRT_hits_barrelC"     , &m_trackNumTrtHitsBarrelC  , "n_TRT_hits_barrelC/I"      );
+  m_treeTrack->Branch("n_TRT_hits_ecA"         , &m_trackNumTrtHitsEcA      , "n_TRT_hits_ecA/I"          );
+  m_treeTrack->Branch("n_TRT_hits_ecC"         , &m_trackNumTrtHitsEcC      , "n_TRT_hits_ecC/I"          );
+  m_treeTrack->Branch("ndf"                    , &m_trackNdf                , "ndf/I"                     );
+  m_treeTrack->Branch("chi2"                   , &m_trackChi2               , "chi2/D"                    );
+  m_treeTrack->Branch("theta"                  , &m_trackTheta              , "theta/D"                   );
+  m_treeTrack->Branch("d0"                     , &m_trackD0                 , "d0/D"                      );
+  m_treeTrack->Branch("z0"                     , &m_trackZ0                 , "z0/D"                      );
+  m_treeTrack->Branch("phi0"                   , &m_trackPhi0               , "phi0/D"                    );
+  m_treeTrack->Branch("EP"                     , &m_trackEventPhase         , "EP/D"                      );
+  m_treeTrack->Branch("comTime"                , &m_pixelComTime            , "comTime/D"                 ); 
+  m_treeTrack->Branch("side"          , &m_trackSide            );
+  m_treeTrack->Branch("layer_or_wheel", &m_trackLayerOrWheel    );
+  m_treeTrack->Branch("phi"           , &m_trackPhi             );
+  m_treeTrack->Branch("straw_layer"   , &m_trackStrawLayer      );
+  m_treeTrack->Branch("straw"         , &m_trackStraw           );
+  m_treeTrack->Branch("straw_number"  , &m_trackStrawNum        );
+  m_treeTrack->Branch("chip"          , &m_trackChip            );
+  m_treeTrack->Branch("board"         , &m_trackBoard           );
+  m_treeTrack->Branch("LE"            , &m_trackDriftTimeBin    );
+  m_treeTrack->Branch("TE"            , &m_trackTrailingEdge    );
+  m_treeTrack->Branch("HT"            , &m_trackHighThreshold   );
+  m_treeTrack->Branch("word"          , &m_trackDriftCircleWord );
+  m_treeTrack->Branch("x"             , &m_trackX               );
+  m_treeTrack->Branch("y"             , &m_trackY               );
+  m_treeTrack->Branch("z"             , &m_trackZ               );
+  m_treeTrack->Branch("t0"            , &m_trackT0              );
+  m_treeTrack->Branch("trackR", &m_trackTrackR );
+  m_treeTrack->Branch("locR"  , &m_trackLocR   );
+  m_treeTrack->Branch("errR"  , &m_trackErrR   );
+  m_treeSegment->Branch("side"          , &m_segmentSide            );
+  m_treeSegment->Branch("layer_or_wheel", &m_segmentLayerOrWheel    );
+  m_treeSegment->Branch("phi"           , &m_segmentPhi             );
+  m_treeSegment->Branch("straw_layer"   , &m_segmentStrawLayer      );
+  m_treeSegment->Branch("straw"         , &m_segmentStraw           );
+  m_treeSegment->Branch("straw_number"  , &m_segmentStrawNum        );
+  m_treeSegment->Branch("chip"          , &m_segmentChip            );
+  m_treeSegment->Branch("board"         , &m_segmentBoard           );
+  m_treeSegment->Branch("LE"            , &m_segmentDriftTimeBin    );
+  m_treeSegment->Branch("TE"            , &m_segmentTrailingEdge    );
+  m_treeSegment->Branch("word"          , &m_segmentDriftCircleWord );
+  m_treeSegment->Branch("hit_on_track"  , &m_segmentHitOnTrack      );
+  m_treeSegment->Branch("x"             , &m_segmentX               );
+  m_treeSegment->Branch("y"             , &m_segmentY               );
+  m_treeSegment->Branch("z"             , &m_segmentZ               );
+  m_treeSegment->Branch("t0"            , &m_segmentT0              );
+  m_treeHits->Branch("side"          , &m_hitsSide           , "side/I"           );
+  m_treeHits->Branch("layer_or_wheel", &m_hitsLayerOrWheel   , "layer_or_wheel/I" );
+  m_treeHits->Branch("phi"           , &m_hitsPhi            , "phi/I"            );
+  m_treeHits->Branch("straw_layer"   , &m_hitsStrawLayer     , "straw_layer/I"    );
+  m_treeHits->Branch("straw"         , &m_hitsStraw          , "straw/I"          );
+  m_treeHits->Branch("straw_number"  , &m_hitsStrawNum       , "straw_number/I"   );
+  m_treeHits->Branch("chip"          , &m_hitsChip           , "chip/I"           );
+  m_treeHits->Branch("board"         , &m_hitsBoard          , "board/I"          );
+  m_treeHits->Branch("LE"            , &m_hitsDriftTimeBin   , "LE/I"             );
+  m_treeHits->Branch("TE"            , &m_hitsTrailingEdge   , "TE/I"             );
+  m_treeHits->Branch("word"          , &m_hitsDriftCircleWord, "word/I"           );
+  m_treeHits->Branch("hit_on_track"  , &m_hitsHitOnTrack     , "hit_on_track/I"   );
+  m_treeHits->Branch("x"             , &m_hitsX              , "x/D"              );
+  m_treeHits->Branch("y"             , &m_hitsY              , "y/D"              );
+  m_treeHits->Branch("z"             , &m_hitsZ              , "z/D"              );
+  m_treeHits->Branch("t0"            , &m_hitsT0             , "t0/D"             );
+  m_treePixel->Branch("run_number"        , &m_trackRunNumber                      , "run_number/I");
+  m_treePixel->Branch("n_pixel_hits"      , &m_pixelNumberOfPixelHits              , "n_pixel_hits/I");
+  m_treePixel->Branch("n_TRT_hits"        , &m_pixelMaxNumberOfTRTBarrelHitsOnTrack, "n_TRT_hits/I");
+  m_treePixel->Branch("n_TRT_hits_barrelA", &m_trackNumTrtHitsBarrelA              , "n_TRT_hits_barrelA/I");
+  m_treePixel->Branch("n_TRT_hits_barrelC", &m_trackNumTrtHitsBarrelC              , "n_TRT_hits_barrelC/I");
+  m_treePixel->Branch("n_TRT_hits_ecA"    , &m_trackNumTrtHitsEcA                  , "n_TRT_hits_ecA/I");
+  m_treePixel->Branch("n_TRT_hits_ecC"    , &m_trackNumTrtHitsEcC                  , "n_TRT_hits_ecC/I");
+  m_treePixel->Branch("d0"                 , &m_pixelTRTtrackD0    , "d0/D"                  );
+  m_treePixel->Branch("phi0"               , &m_pixelTRTtrackPhi0  , "phi0/D"                );
+  m_treePixel->Branch("EP"                 , &m_pixelTRTtrackEP    , "EP/D"                  );
+  m_treePixel->Branch("comTime"            , &m_pixelComTime       , "comTime/D"             );
+  m_treePixel->Branch("trigger_L1Type"     , &m_trackTrigL1Type    , "trigger_L1Type/I"      );
+  m_treePixel->Branch("trigger_stream_size", &m_trackTrigStreamSize, "trigger_stream_size/I" );
+  m_treePixel->Branch("trigger_1MU1"       , &m_trackTrig1MU1      , "trigger_1MU1/I"        );
+  m_treePixel->Branch("trigger_1MU2"       , &m_trackTrig1MU2      , "trigger_1MU2/I"        );
+  m_treePixel->Branch("trigger_1MU3"       , &m_trackTrig1MU3      , "trigger_1MU3/I"        );
+  m_treePixel->Branch("trigger_L1Calo"     , &m_trackTrigL1Calo    , "trigger_L1Calo/I"      );
+  m_treePixel->Branch("trigger_NIM0"       , &m_trackTrigNIM0      , "trigger_NIM0/I"        );
+  m_treePixel->Branch("trigger_NIM4"       , &m_trackTrigNIM4      , "trigger_NIM4/I"        );
+  m_treePixel->Branch("trigger_MBTS"       , &m_trackTrigMBTS      , "trigger_MBTS/I"        );
+  m_treePixel->Branch("trigger_EMCalo"     , &m_trackTrigEML1Calo  , "trigger_EMCalo/I"      );
+  m_treePixel->Branch("time_bin", &m_pixelL1TimeBin);
+  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+StatusCode InDet::TRT_DetectorPlots::execute() 
+  static int eventCount(-1); eventCount++;
+  // FILE *myFile = fopen("myTRT_DetectorPlots.txt", eventCount?"a":"w");
+  if (msgLvl(MSG::DEBUG)) msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "InDet::TRT_DetectorPlots::execute() event " << eventCount << endreq;
+  if (!eventCount) // compare straw mapping
+    {
+      m_trtStrawMap->compareWithTRTStrawNeighbour();
+      FILE *f = fopen("strawToChipMap.txt", "w");
+      for (int i=0; i<m_trtStrawMap->nAllStraws(); i++) 
+    {
+      fprintf(f, "0 %4d %3d %2d\n", i, m_trtStrawMap->strawToChip(i, 1, 10), m_trtStrawMap->strawToBoard(i));
+      if (i>=m_trtStrawMap->nBarrelStraws()) 
+        fprintf(f, "1 %4d %3d %2d\n", i, m_trtStrawMap->strawToChip(i, 1, 0), m_trtStrawMap->strawToBoard(i)); // reversed endcap
+    }
+      fclose(f);
+    }
+  StatusCode sc = load();
+  if (sc.isFailure()) 
+    {
+      msg(MSG::ERROR) << "InDet::TRT_DetectorPlots::load() failed, exiting" << endreq;
+      return sc;
+    }   
+  if (m_trkCollection->size() > 100) 
+    {
+      if (msgLvl(MSG::INFO)) msg(MSG::INFO) << "N tracks greater than 100: " << m_trkCollection->size() << " for event " << eventCount << ", exiting" << endreq; 
+      return sc;
+    }
+  const EventInfo *eventInfo = 0;
+  sc = evtStore()->retrieve(eventInfo);
+  if ( sc.isFailure() )
+    {
+      msg(MSG::ERROR) << "Unable to retrieve Event Info " << endreq;
+      return sc;
+    } 
+  if (msgLvl(MSG::DEBUG)) msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "InDet::TRT_DetectorPlots::execute() retrieved eventInfo " << eventCount << endreq;
+  if (m_doRDO) RDOhits();
+  if (m_doMC) MC();
+  if (msgLvl(MSG::DEBUG)) msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "InDet::TRT_DetectorPlots::execute() retrieved eventInfo " << eventCount << endreq;
+  fillEventAndTrackTrees(eventInfo);
+  if (1) { // special print
+    //if (false) { // special print
+    char fileName[300]; 
+    snprintf(fileName, 300, "%s",  m_fileName.c_str());
+    FILE *f = fopen(fileName, eventCount?"a":"w");
+    fprintf(f, "%d %d %d %d ", m_eventNumberOfTracks, m_eventNumberOfHitsOnTracks[1], m_eventNumberOfHitsOnTracks[3], m_eventNumberOfHitsOnTracks[5]); // N tracks, TRT barrel hits, SCt hits, pixel hits
+    fprintf(f, "%d %d ", m_siSP[0], m_siSP[1]); // n_sp_upper, lower
+    if (!m_trackTrigAllTeIDSelected) for (int i=0; i<3; i++) m_eventL2Alg[i] *= -1;
+    fprintf(f, "%d %d %d %d ", m_eventL1Type, m_eventL2Alg[0], m_eventL2Alg[1], m_eventL2Alg[2]);
+    for (int i=0; i<5; i++) fprintf(f, "%f ", m_eventTrackInfo[i] );
+    fprintf(f, "\n");
+    fclose(f);
+  }
+  pixelRDOhits(m_runNumber);
+  if (m_doSegments) 
+    { 
+        fillSegmentTree();
+    }
+  if(m_numNoise)
+  {
+      fillHitsTree();
+  }
+  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+StatusCode InDet::TRT_DetectorPlots::finalize() {
+  if (msgLvl(MSG::INFO)) msg(MSG::INFO) << "InDet::TRT_DetectorPlots::finalize()" << endreq;
+  if(m_trackSide)            delete m_trackSide;
+  if(m_trackLayerOrWheel)    delete m_trackLayerOrWheel;
+  if(m_trackPhi)             delete m_trackPhi;
+  if(m_trackStrawLayer)      delete m_trackStrawLayer;
+  if(m_trackStraw)           delete m_trackStraw;
+  if(m_trackStrawNum)        delete m_trackStrawNum;
+  if(m_trackChip)            delete m_trackChip;
+  if(m_trackBoard)           delete m_trackBoard;
+  if(m_trackDriftTimeBin)    delete m_trackDriftTimeBin;
+  if(m_trackTrailingEdge)    delete m_trackTrailingEdge ;
+  if(m_trackDriftCircleWord) delete m_trackDriftCircleWord;
+  if(m_trackX)               delete m_trackX;
+  if(m_trackY)               delete m_trackY;
+  if(m_trackZ)               delete m_trackZ;
+  if(m_trackT0)              delete m_trackT0;
+  if(m_segmentSide)            delete m_segmentSide;
+  if(m_segmentPhi)             delete m_segmentPhi;
+  if(m_segmentStrawLayer)      delete m_segmentStrawLayer;
+  if(m_segmentStraw)           delete m_segmentStraw;
+  if(m_segmentStrawNum)        delete m_segmentStrawNum;
+  if(m_segmentChip)            delete m_segmentChip;
+  if(m_segmentBoard)           delete m_segmentBoard;
+  if(m_segmentDriftTimeBin)    delete m_segmentDriftTimeBin;
+  if(m_segmentTrailingEdge)    delete m_segmentTrailingEdge;
+  if(m_segmentDriftCircleWord) delete m_segmentDriftCircleWord;
+  if(m_segmentX)               delete m_segmentX;
+  if(m_segmentY)               delete m_segmentY;
+  if(m_segmentZ)               delete m_segmentZ;
+  if(m_segmentT0)              delete m_segmentT0;
+  if(m_onTrackIdentifiers) delete m_onTrackIdentifiers;
+  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+StatusCode InDet::TRT_DetectorPlots::load() {
+  if (msgLvl(MSG::DEBUG)) msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "InDet::TRT_DetectorPlots::load()" << endreq;
+  StatusCode sc = detStore()->retrieve(m_trtDetMgr, "TRT");
+  if ( sc.isFailure() ) {
+    msg(MSG::ERROR) << "Unable to retrieve TRT Detector Manager " << endreq;
+    return sc;
+  } else {
+    if (msgLvl(MSG::DEBUG)) msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "retrieved TRT Detector Manager " << endreq;
+  }
+  // TRT helper
+  if (detStore()->retrieve(m_trtHelper, "TRT_ID").isFailure()) {
+    msg(MSG::FATAL) << "Could not get TRT ID helper" << endreq;
+    return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+  }
+  sc = detStore()->retrieve(m_SCTDetMgr, "SCT");
+  if ( sc.isFailure() ) {
+    msg(MSG::ERROR) << "Unable to retrieve SCT Detector Manager " << endreq;
+    return sc;
+  }
+  // SCT
+  if (detStore()->retrieve(m_SCTHelper, "SCT_ID").isFailure()) {
+    msg(MSG::FATAL) << "Could not get SCT ID helper" << endreq;
+    return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+  }
+  sc = detStore()->retrieve(m_PixelDetMgr, "Pixel");
+  if ( sc.isFailure() ) {
+    msg(MSG::ERROR) << "Unable to retrieve Pixel Detector Manager " << endreq;
+    return sc;
+  }
+  // Pixel
+  if (detStore()->retrieve(m_PixelHelper, "PixelID").isFailure()) {
+    msg(MSG::FATAL) << "Could not get Pixel ID helper" << endreq;
+    return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+  }
+  sc = m_trtCondDbTool.retrieve() ;
+  if (sc.isFailure()) {
+    msg(MSG::ERROR) << "Could not find TRTCalDbTool " << endreq;
+    return sc;
+  }
+  sc = evtStore()->retrieve(m_rdoContainer, "TRT_RDOs");
+  if ( sc.isFailure() ) {
+    msg(MSG::ERROR) << "no TRT_RDO container available " << endreq;
+    return sc;
+  } else {
+    if (msgLvl(MSG::DEBUG)) msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "retrieved TRT RDOs" << endreq;
+  }
+  sc = evtStore()->retrieve( m_trtDriftCircleContainer, "TRT_DriftCircles" );
+  if (sc.isFailure()) {
+    msg(MSG::ERROR) << "Could not find TRT_DriftCircles collection " << endreq;
+    return sc;
+  }
+  sc = m_trtStrawNeighbourTool.retrieve() ;
+  if (sc.isFailure()) {
+    msg(MSG::ERROR) << "Could not find TRTStrawNeighbourTool " << endreq;
+    return sc;
+  }
+  if (m_doSegments) {
+    sc = evtStore()->retrieve( m_segmentCollectionBarrel, m_barrelSegmentsName);// TRT_SegmentsBC "InDetCosmic_Segments" ); //"TRT_Segments" );
+    if ( sc.isFailure() ) {    
+      msg(MSG::ERROR) << "Could not find TRT Segments Collection" << endreq;
+      return sc;
+    } else {
+      if (msgLvl(MSG::INFO)) msg(MSG::INFO) << "TRT_Segments collection found, size = " << m_segmentCollectionBarrel->size() << endreq;
+    }
+    sc = evtStore()->retrieve( m_segmentCollectionEc, m_barrelSegmentsName );// "TRT_Segments_EC" );
+    if ( sc.isFailure() ) {    
+      msg(MSG::ERROR) << "Could not find TRT EC Segments Collection" << endreq;
+      return sc;
+    } else {
+      if (msgLvl(MSG::INFO)) msg(MSG::INFO) << "TRT_Segments_ECC collection found, size = " << m_segmentCollectionEc->size() << endreq;
+    }
+  } // end if (m_doSegments)
+  sc = evtStore()->retrieve( m_trkCollection, m_tracksName );
+  if ( sc.isFailure() ) {
+    msg(MSG::ERROR) << "Could not find Tracks Collectioni " << m_tracksName << endreq;
+    return sc;  
+  }
+  if (m_doMC) {
+    sc = evtStore()->retrieve(m_truthTrt,"PRD_MultiTruthTRT");
+    if (sc.isFailure()) {
+      msg(MSG::ERROR) << "Could not retrieve TruthTRT info PRD_MultiTruthTRT" << endreq;
+      return sc;
+    }   
+  } 
+  // get the TRT_Phase -- also called the Event Phase
+  m_pixelComTime = 999.;
+  ComTime* theComTime;
+  sc = evtStore()->retrieve(theComTime, "TRT_Phase");
+  if (sc.isFailure()) {
+    msg(MSG::ERROR) << "ComTime object not found with name TRT_Phase !!!" << endreq;
+    sc = StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+  } else {
+    m_pixelComTime = theComTime->getTime();
+    if ( fabs(m_pixelComTime) > 100. ) m_pixelComTime = 999.;
+  }
+  return sc;
+void InDet::TRT_DetectorPlots::pixelRDOhits(int runNumber) 
+  if (runNumber != m_runNumber) {  // first call or new run
+    ;
+  }
+  m_pixelL1TimeBin->clear();    
+  const DataHandle<PixelRDO_Container> m_rdocontainer; //container for pixel RDO
+  StatusCode sc = evtStore()->retrieve(m_rdocontainer, "PixelRDOs");
+  if (sc.isFailure() || !m_rdocontainer) {
+    msg(MSG::ERROR) << "Could not find the data object PixelRDOs !" << endreq;
+    return;
+  } else {
+    if (msgLvl(MSG::DEBUG)) msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "Data object PixelRDOs found" << endreq;
+  }
+  //  char line[300];
+  //  static int event(-1); event++;
+  //  int count(0);
+  m_pixelNumberOfPixelHits = 0;
+  for (PixelRDO_Container::const_iterator it = m_rdocontainer->begin(); it != m_rdocontainer->end(); it++) {
+    const InDetRawDataCollection<PixelRDORawData>* PixelCollection(*it);
+    if (!PixelCollection) continue;
+    for(DataVector<PixelRDORawData>::const_iterator p_rdo = PixelCollection->begin(); p_rdo != PixelCollection->end(); p_rdo++) {
+      //      sprintf(line, "pixelRDOhits: event %3d, hit %2d, getLVL1ID: %2d TOT: %3d, BCID: %3d", event, count++, (*p_rdo)->getLVL1A(),
+      //                    (*p_rdo)->getToT(), (*p_rdo)->getBCID());
+      //      if (msgLvl(MSG::INFO)) msg(MSG::INFO) << line << endreq;
+      m_pixelL1TimeBin->push_back( (*p_rdo)->getLVL1A() );
+      m_pixelNumberOfPixelHits++;
+    }
+  }
+  m_treePixel->Fill();
+  return;
+void InDet::TRT_DetectorPlots::RDOhits() 
+  if (msgLvl(MSG::INFO)) msg(MSG::INFO) << "InDet::TRT_DetectorPlots::RDOhits()" << endreq;
+  static int eventCount(-1); eventCount++;
+  if (!eventCount) {
+    FILE *f = fopen("TRT_DetectorPlots.TRT_StrawMap.txt", "w");
+    for (std::vector<Identifier>::const_iterator it = m_trtHelper->straw_layer_begin(); it != m_trtHelper->straw_layer_end(); it++  ) {
+      int nStrawsInLayer = m_trtHelper->straw_max(*it);
+      for (int i=0; i<=nStrawsInLayer; i++) {
+        Identifier id = m_trtHelper->straw_id(*it, i);
+        int index[5];
+        m_trtStrawMap->setNewIdentifier(id, index);
+        //const HepGeom::Point3D<double> &centerRef = m_trtDetMgr->getElement( id )->center( id );
+	Amg::Vector3D centerRef = m_trtDetMgr->getElement( id )->center( id );
+        for (int i=0; i<5; i++) fprintf(f, "%2d ", index[i]);
+        fprintf(f, "%4d %3d %2d ", m_trtStrawMap->straw(), m_trtStrawMap->chip(), m_trtStrawMap->board() );
+        fprintf(f, "%f %f %f\n", centerRef.x(), centerRef.y(), centerRef.z());
+      }
+    }
+    fclose(f);
+  }
+  char fileName[300]; snprintf(fileName, 300, "/tmp/sfratina/TRT_DetectorPlots.RDOhits.%07d.txt", m_trackRunNumber);
+  FILE *f = fopen(fileName, eventCount?"a":"w");
+  for (TRT_RDO_Container::const_iterator rdoIt = m_rdoContainer->begin(); rdoIt != m_rdoContainer->end(); rdoIt++) {
+    const InDetRawDataCollection<TRT_RDORawData>* TRTCollection(*rdoIt);
+    if (TRTCollection==0) continue;
+    for (DataVector<TRT_RDORawData>::const_iterator trtIt = TRTCollection->begin(); trtIt != TRTCollection->end(); trtIt++) {
+      // possible functions to call: 
+      // unsigned int getWord(), int driftTimeBin() [bins], double timeOverThreshold() [ns], bool highLevel(), Identifier identify().
+      //if ((*trtIt)->timeOverThreshold() < 10.) continue;
+      Identifier id = (*trtIt)->identify();
+      int index[6];
+      m_trtStrawMap->setNewIdentifier(id, index);
+      index[5] = m_trtStrawMap->straw();
+      //const HepGeom::Point3D<double> &centerRef = mTRTDetMgr->getElement( id )->center( id );
+      fprintf(f, "%3d %2d %2d %4d %2d %d %2d %2d %9d\n", eventCount, index[0], index[1], index[5], m_trtStrawMap->board(), (*trtIt)->highLevel(), (*trtIt)->driftTimeBin(), (int) ( (*trtIt)->driftTimeBin() + (*trtIt)->timeOverThreshold()/3.125 ), (*trtIt)->getWord() );      
+    }
+  } 
+  fclose(f);
+  return;
+void InDet::TRT_DetectorPlots::MC() 
+  if (msgLvl(MSG::INFO)) msg(MSG::INFO) << "InDet::TRT_DetectorPlots::MC()" << endreq;
+  std::vector<const HepMC::GenParticle*> genParticleList;
+  for (PRD_MultiTruthCollection::const_iterator mc=m_truthTrt->begin(); mc != m_truthTrt->end(); mc++){
+    Identifier id = (*mc).first;
+    if ( abs(m_trtHelper->barrel_ec(id)) != 1) continue; // barrel hits only
+    const HepMC::GenParticle* pa = (*mc).second.cptr();
+    if (!pa) { if (msgLvl(MSG::WARNING)) msg(MSG::WARNING) << "PRD_MultiTruthCollection loop, particle link missing" << endreq; continue; }
+    int isListed(-1);
+    for (unsigned int i=0; i<genParticleList.size(); i++) if (pa==genParticleList[i]) {isListed = i; break;}
+    if (isListed==-1)
+      { 
+    isListed = (int) genParticleList.size(); 
+    genParticleList.push_back(pa); 
+      }
+  }
+  return; 
+void InDet::TRT_DetectorPlots::fillEventAndTrackTrees(const EventInfo *eventInfo)
+    m_trackTrigL1Type          = 0;  
+    m_trackTrig1MU1            = 0;    
+    m_trackTrig1MU2            = 0;
+    m_trackTrig1MU3            = 0;
+    m_trackTrigL1Calo          = 0;
+    m_trackTrigNIM0            = 0;
+    m_trackTrigNIM4            = 0;  
+    m_trackTrigMBTS            = 0;  
+    m_trackTrigEML1Calo        = 0;
+    m_trackTrigHLTerror        = 0;
+    m_trackTrigAllTeIDSelected = 0;
+    m_trackTrigAllTePixel      = 0;  
+    TriggerInfo *triggerInfo = eventInfo->trigger_info();
+    if (msgLvl(MSG::DEBUG)) msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "retrieved TriggerInfo " << endreq;
+    if (triggerInfo==0) 
+      { 
+        msg(MSG::ERROR) << "no Trigger Info available" << endreq;
+      } 
+    else 
+      {
+        m_trackTrigL1Type = triggerInfo->level1TriggerType();  
+        const std::vector<TriggerInfo::StreamTag> &getStreamTag = triggerInfo->streamTags();
+        m_trackTrigStreamSize = getStreamTag.size();
+        for (int i=0; i < m_trackTrigStreamSize; ++i) 
+      {
+        if( getStreamTag[i].name() == "IDCosmic" ) // L2 - can be in combination with any of the others
+          {
+            m_trackTrigAllTeIDSelected  = 1; 
+            continue; 
+          }
+        if( getStreamTag[i].name() == "HLT_Cosmic_AllTePixel" ) // L2 - can be in combination with any of the others
+          {
+            m_trackTrigAllTePixel = 1; 
+            continue;
+          }
+        if( getStreamTag[i].name() == "TGCwBeam" )
+          {
+            m_trackTrig1MU1 = 1;
+            continue; 
+          }
+        if( getStreamTag[i].name() == "RPCwBeam" )
+          {
+            m_trackTrig1MU2 = 1;
+            continue;
+          }
+        if( getStreamTag[i].name() == "CosmicDownwardMuons" )
+          {
+            m_trackTrig1MU2 = 2;
+            continue;
+          }
+        if( getStreamTag[i].name() == "RNDM" )
+          {
+            m_trackTrig1MU3 = 1;
+            continue;
+          }
+        if( getStreamTag[i].name() == "L1Calo" )
+          {
+            m_trackTrigL1Calo = 1;
+            continue;
+          }
+        if( getStreamTag[i].name() == "IDTracks" )
+          {
+            m_trackTrigNIM0 = 1;
+            continue;
+          }
+        if( getStreamTag[i].name() == "NIM4" )
+          {
+            m_trackTrigNIM4 = 1;
+            continue;
+          }
+        if( getStreamTag[i].name() == "MBTS_BCM_LUCID" )
+          {
+            m_trackTrigMBTS = 1;
+            continue;
+          }
+        if( getStreamTag[i].name() == "CosmicMuons" )
+          {
+            m_trackTrigEML1Calo = 1;
+            continue;
+          }
+        if( getStreamTag[i].name() == "hlterror" )
+          {
+            m_trackTrigHLTerror = 1;
+            continue;
+          }
+        else
+          {
+            if (msgLvl(MSG::WARNING)) msg(MSG::WARNING) << "new unknown trigger name: " << getStreamTag[i].name() << endreq;
+          }
+      }
+        if( !(  m_trackTrig1MU1 
+            || m_trackTrig1MU2 
+            || m_trackTrig1MU3 
+            || m_trackTrigL1Calo 
+            || m_trackTrigNIM0 
+            || m_trackTrigNIM4 
+            || m_trackTrigMBTS 
+            || m_trackTrigEML1Calo 
+            || m_trackTrigHLTerror 
+            )
+        )
+      {
+        if (msgLvl(MSG::WARNING)) msg(MSG::WARNING) << "no L1 trigger information available, tag names below, level1TriggerType: " << m_trackTrigL1Type << endreq;
+        for (int i=0; i<m_trackTrigStreamSize; i++) 
+          if (msgLvl(MSG::WARNING)) msg(MSG::WARNING) << "L1 type, stream: " << getStreamTag[i].type() << " " << getStreamTag[i].name() << endreq;
+        if (msgLvl(MSG::WARNING)) msg(MSG::WARNING) << "L1 error, run and event number: " << m_trackRunNumber << " " << eventInfo->event_ID()->event_number() << " counting only input events, event N: " << m_trackEventNumber << endreq;
+      } // end debug missing L1 trigger
+      } // end if (triggerInfo==0) {  } else {  }
+    if (msgLvl(MSG::DEBUG)) msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "end TriggerInfo " << endreq;
+    for (int i=0; i<3; i++) 
+      m_eventL2Alg[i] = 0;
+    for (int i=0; i<2; i++) 
+      m_siSP[i] = 0;
+    // L2 trigger info
+    const DataHandle<TrigInDetTrackCollection> trackCollection;
+    const DataHandle<TrigInDetTrackCollection> lastTrackCollection;
+    StatusCode sc = evtStore()->retrieve(trackCollection, lastTrackCollection);
+    if (sc.isFailure()) 
+      {
+        if(msgLvl(MSG::ERROR)) msg(MSG::ERROR) << " didn't find any TrigInDetTrackCollection objects" << endreq;
+        //   return sc;
+        sc = StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+      } 
+    else 
+      {
+        for (int iTrackColl=0; trackCollection != lastTrackCollection; ++trackCollection, ++iTrackColl)
+          {
+     //       int iTrack = 0;
+            for (TrigInDetTrackCollection::const_iterator track = trackCollection->begin(); track != trackCollection->end(); track++) 
+              {
+                int algID = static_cast<int> ((*track)->algorithmId());
+                if (algID < 1 || algID > 3) 
+                  { 
+                    msg(MSG::ERROR) << "TrigInDetTrack algID error: " << algID << endreq;
+                    continue; 
+                  }
+                ++m_eventL2Alg[algID-1];
+                continue;
+                int nSiSpacePoints(0);
+                if ((*track)->siSpacePoints()) nSiSpacePoints = (int) (*track)->siSpacePoints()->size();
+                const TrigInDetTrackFitPar *fitPar = (*track)->param();
+                int surfaceType = (int) fitPar->surfaceType();//  dynamic_cast<int>(fitPar->surfaceType());
+                std::vector <const TrigSiSpacePoint*>* siHits = (*track)->siSpacePoints();
+                if (msgLvl(MSG::INFO)) msg(MSG::INFO) << "track "            << iTrack 
+                                                      << " ID "              << algID 
+                                                      << " par a0 "          << fitPar->a0() 
+                                                      << " z0 "              << fitPar->z0() 
+                                                      << " phi "             << fitPar->phi0() 
+                                                      << " eta "             << fitPar->eta() 
+                                                      << " pT "              << fitPar->pT() 
+                                                      << " N TRT hits "      << (*track)->NStrawHits()
+                                                      << " N passed straws " << (*track)->NStraw() 
+                                                      << " N straw time "    << (*track)->NStrawTime()
+                                                      << " nSiSpacePoints "  << nSiSpacePoints 
+                                                      <<  " si hits "        << ( (siHits) ? siHits->size() : 9999 ) 
+                                                      << " chi2 "            << (*track)->chi2() 
+                                                      << " surface "         << surfaceType 
+                                                      << " coordinate "      << fitPar->surfaceCoordinate() 
+                                                      <<  endreq;
+              }
+          }
+      } // if failed TrigInDetTrackCollection else
+    /////////////////////////////////
+    /// Loop over track collection 
+    /////////////////////////////////
+    m_eventNumberOfTracks = 0;
+    int m_eventNumberOfTRT_HitsOnTracks = 0;
+    int m_eventNumberOfSCT_HitsOnTracks = 0;
+    m_eventL1Type = m_trackTrigL1Type;
+    m_eventL1TagName = 0;
+    m_eventL1TagName += 2 * m_trackTrig1MU1;
+    m_eventL1TagName += 4 * m_trackTrig1MU2;
+    m_eventL1TagName += 8 * m_trackTrig1MU3;
+    m_eventL1TagName += 16 * m_trackTrigL1Calo;
+    m_eventL1TagName += 32 * m_trackTrigEML1Calo;
+    m_eventL1TagName += 64 * m_trackTrigNIM0;
+    m_eventL1TagName += 128 * m_trackTrigNIM4;
+    m_eventL1TagName += 256 * m_trackTrigMBTS;
+    m_eventPixelX->clear();
+    m_eventPixelY->clear();
+    m_eventPixelZ->clear();
+    m_eventPixelHitTimeBin->clear();
+    m_eventSCTHitTimeBin->clear();
+    m_eventSCTX->clear();
+    m_eventSCTY->clear();
+    m_eventSCTZ->clear();
+    m_eventTRTX->clear();
+    m_eventTRTY->clear();
+    m_eventTRTZ->clear();
+    for (int i=0; i<7; i++) 
+      m_eventNumberOfHitsOnTracks[i] = 0; 
+    for (int i=0; i<5; i++) 
+      m_eventTrackInfo[i] = 0.;
+    m_eventPixelTimeBin = 0.;
+    DataVector<Trk::Track>::const_iterator bestTrackIt = m_trkCollection->end();
+    for ( DataVector<Trk::Track>::const_iterator trackIt = m_trkCollection->begin(); trackIt != m_trkCollection->end(); trackIt++ )
+      {
+        const DataVector<const Trk::TrackStateOnSurface>* trackStates = (**trackIt).trackStateOnSurfaces();
+        if ( trackStates == 0 ) 
+      continue; 
+        int count_eventNumberOfHitsOnTracks[7];
+        for (int i=0; i<7; i++) 
+      count_eventNumberOfHitsOnTracks[i] = 0; 
+        int eventPixelTimeBin = 0;
+        for ( DataVector<const Trk::TrackStateOnSurface>::const_iterator trackStatesIt = trackStates->begin(); trackStatesIt != trackStates->end(); trackStatesIt++ ) 
+      {
+        if ( *trackStatesIt == 0 ) 
+          { 
+            msg(MSG::ERROR) << "*trackStatesIt == 0" << endreq; 
+            continue; 
+          }
+        if ( !( (*trackStatesIt)->type(Trk::TrackStateOnSurface::Measurement) ) ) 
+          continue;
+        if ( dynamic_cast<const InDet::TRT_DriftCircleOnTrack *>( (*trackStatesIt)->measurementOnTrack() ) ) // TRT hit
+          {
+            ++count_eventNumberOfHitsOnTracks[0];
+            const InDet::TRT_DriftCircleOnTrack *driftCircleOnTrack = dynamic_cast<const InDet::TRT_DriftCircleOnTrack *>( (*trackStatesIt)->measurementOnTrack() );
+            Identifier id = (driftCircleOnTrack->prepRawData())->identify(); 
+            if ( abs(m_trtHelper->barrel_ec( id )) == 1 ) // barrel TRT hit
+          {
+            count_eventNumberOfHitsOnTracks[1]++; 
+            count_eventNumberOfHitsOnTracks[2]++; 
+          }
+            //const CLHEP::Hep3Vector &p3d = (driftCircleOnTrack->prepRawData())->detectorElement()->surface( id ).center();
+            Amg::Vector3D p3d = (driftCircleOnTrack->prepRawData())->detectorElement()->surface( id ).center();
+            m_eventTRTX->push_back(p3d.x());
+            m_eventTRTY->push_back(p3d.y());
+            m_eventTRTZ->push_back(p3d.z());
+          }
+        else if ( dynamic_cast<const InDet::SCT_ClusterOnTrack*>((*trackStatesIt)->measurementOnTrack()) ) // SCT hit 
+          { 
+            count_eventNumberOfHitsOnTracks[3]++;
+            Identifier id = dynamic_cast<const InDet::SCT_ClusterOnTrack*>((*trackStatesIt)->measurementOnTrack())->prepRawData()->identify();
+            if ( m_SCTHelper->barrel_ec( id )==0 ) // barrel hits
+          count_eventNumberOfHitsOnTracks[4]++;
+            //Trk::GlobalPosition p3d = dynamic_cast<const InDet::SCT_ClusterOnTrack*>((*trackStatesIt)->measurementOnTrack())->globalPosition();
+             Amg::Vector3D p3d = dynamic_cast<const InDet::SCT_ClusterOnTrack*>((*trackStatesIt)->measurementOnTrack())->globalPosition();
+            m_eventSCTX->push_back(p3d.x());
+            m_eventSCTY->push_back(p3d.y());
+            m_eventSCTZ->push_back(p3d.z()); 
+            const InDet::SCT_Cluster *p_rdo = dynamic_cast<const InDet::SCT_Cluster *> ( (dynamic_cast<const InDet::SCT_ClusterOnTrack*>((*trackStatesIt)->measurementOnTrack()))->prepRawData() );
+            const SCT3_RawData* rdo3 = dynamic_cast<const SCT3_RawData*>(p_rdo);
+            m_eventSCTHitTimeBin->push_back( rdo3 ? (rdo3)->getTimeBin() : 999 );
+          } 
+        else if ( dynamic_cast<const InDet::PixelClusterOnTrack*>((*trackStatesIt)->measurementOnTrack()) ) // pixel hit 
+          {
+            const InDet::PixelClusterOnTrack *pixelCluster = dynamic_cast<const InDet::PixelClusterOnTrack*>((*trackStatesIt)->measurementOnTrack());
+            count_eventNumberOfHitsOnTracks[5]++;
+            Identifier id = pixelCluster->prepRawData()->identify();
+            if ( m_PixelHelper->barrel_ec( id ) == 0 ) // barrel hits
+          {
+            count_eventNumberOfHitsOnTracks[6]++;
+            eventPixelTimeBin += pixelCluster->prepRawData()->LVL1A();
+          } 
+            m_eventPixelHitTimeBin->push_back( pixelCluster->prepRawData()->LVL1A() );
+            //sprintf(line, "pixelRDOhits: event %3d, hit %2d, getLVL1ID: %2d TOT: %3d, BCID: %3d", event, count++, (*p_rdo)->getLVL1A(),
+            //              (*p_rdo)->getToT(), (*p_rdo)->getBCID());
+            //if (msgLvl(MSG::INFO)) msg(MSG::INFO) << line << endreq;
+            //  m_pixelL1TimeBin->push_back( (*p_rdo)->getLVL1A() );
+            //  InDetDD::SiDetectorElement* si_hit = m_PixelDetMgr->getDetectorElement( id )->surface( id );
+            //  HepGeom::Point3D<double> p3d = m_PixelDetMgr->getDetectorElement( id )->surface( id ).center();
+            //Trk::GlobalPosition p3d = pixelCluster->globalPosition();
+            Amg::Vector3D p3d = pixelCluster->globalPosition();
+            m_eventPixelX->push_back(p3d.x());
+            m_eventPixelY->push_back(p3d.y());
+            m_eventPixelZ->push_back(p3d.z()); 
+          } else 
+            {
+          if (msgLvl(MSG::DEBUG)) msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "which measurement error?" << endreq;
+            }
+      } // end measurements loop
+        for (int i=0; i<7; i+=2) 
+      {
+        if (count_eventNumberOfHitsOnTracks[i]>m_eventNumberOfHitsOnTracks[i]) 
+          {
+            for (int j=0; j<2; j++) 
+          m_eventNumberOfHitsOnTracks[i+j] = count_eventNumberOfHitsOnTracks[i+j];
+            if ( i==5 && m_eventNumberOfHitsOnTracks[6] ) // pixel hits
+          m_eventPixelTimeBin = (1.*eventPixelTimeBin) / (1.*m_eventNumberOfHitsOnTracks[6]); 
+            if (i==0 && !m_eventNumberOfHitsOnTracks[5] && !m_eventNumberOfHitsOnTracks[3]) // based on TRT if no pixel and SCT hits
+          bestTrackIt = trackIt; 
+            if (i==3 && !m_eventNumberOfHitsOnTracks[5]) // based on SCT if no pixel hits
+          bestTrackIt = trackIt;  
+            if (i==5) 
+          bestTrackIt = trackIt;
+          }   
+        if (!i) // special for TRT - three values 
+          ++i;
+      }
+        if (count_eventNumberOfHitsOnTracks[2]>m_eventNumberOfHitsOnTracks[2]) 
+      m_eventNumberOfHitsOnTracks[2] = count_eventNumberOfHitsOnTracks[2];
+      } // end TrkCollection loop
+    if ( bestTrackIt != m_trkCollection->end() ) // set track parameters
+      {
+        //CLHEP::HepVector perigeeParameters = (**bestTrackIt).perigeeParameters()->parameters();
+	const Trk::Perigee* per = (**bestTrackIt).perigeeParameters();
+	AmgVector(5)     perigeeParameters = per->parameters();
+        //m_eventTrackInfo[0] = perigeeParameters[Trk::phi0];  if (m_eventTrackInfo[0]>0.) m_eventTrackInfo[0] -= M_PI;
+        m_eventTrackInfo[0] = (perigeeParameters[Trk::phi0] <= 0) ? perigeeParameters[Trk::phi0]       : perigeeParameters[Trk::phi0] - M_PI;
+        m_eventTrackInfo[1] = perigeeParameters[Trk::d0];
+        m_eventTrackInfo[2] = perigeeParameters[Trk::z0];
+        m_eventTrackInfo[3] = perigeeParameters[Trk::theta];
+        m_eventTrackInfo[4] = perigeeParameters[Trk::qOverP];
+        const DataVector<const Trk::TrackStateOnSurface>* trackStates = (**bestTrackIt).trackStateOnSurfaces();
+        if ( trackStates == 0 ) 
+      {
+        msg(MSG::ERROR) << "bestTrackIt states 0 ptr" << endreq;
+      } 
+        else 
+      {
+        for ( DataVector<const Trk::TrackStateOnSurface>::const_iterator trackStatesIt = trackStates->begin(); trackStatesIt != trackStates->end(); trackStatesIt++ ) 
+          {
+            if ( *trackStatesIt == 0 ) 
+          { 
+            msg(MSG::ERROR) << "*trackStatesIt == 0" << endreq; 
+            continue; 
+          }
+            if ( !((*trackStatesIt)->type(Trk::TrackStateOnSurface::Measurement)) ) 
+          continue;
+            if ( dynamic_cast<const InDet::SCT_ClusterOnTrack*>((*trackStatesIt)->measurementOnTrack()) ) // SCT hit 
+          {
+            Identifier id = dynamic_cast<const InDet::SCT_ClusterOnTrack*>((*trackStatesIt)->measurementOnTrack())->prepRawData()->identify();
+            if ( m_SCTHelper->barrel_ec( id )==0 ) 
+              {
+                //Trk::GlobalPosition p3d = dynamic_cast<const InDet::SCT_ClusterOnTrack*>((*trackStatesIt)->measurementOnTrack())->globalPosition();
+                 Amg::Vector3D p3d = dynamic_cast<const InDet::SCT_ClusterOnTrack*>((*trackStatesIt)->measurementOnTrack())->globalPosition();
+                ++m_siSP[(p3d.y()>0.)?0:1];
+              }
+          } 
+            else if ( dynamic_cast<const InDet::PixelClusterOnTrack*>((*trackStatesIt)->measurementOnTrack()) ) // pixel hit
+          { 
+            const InDet::PixelClusterOnTrack *pixelCluster = dynamic_cast<const InDet::PixelClusterOnTrack*>((*trackStatesIt)->measurementOnTrack());
+            Identifier id = pixelCluster->prepRawData()->identify();
+            if ( m_PixelHelper->barrel_ec( id ) == 0 ) // barrel hits       
+              { 
+                //Trk::GlobalPosition p3d = pixelCluster->globalPosition();
+                 Amg::Vector3D p3d = pixelCluster->globalPosition();
+                m_siSP[(p3d.y()>0.)?0:1]++;
+              } 
+          } // end pixel hit  
+          } 
+      }   
+      }
+    if ( !m_eventL2Alg[2] && bestTrackIt != m_trkCollection->end() ) // !m_trackTrigAllTeIDSelected 
+      {
+        for (TRT_RDO_Container::const_iterator rdoIt = m_rdoContainer->begin(); rdoIt != m_rdoContainer->end(); rdoIt++) 
+      {
+        const InDetRawDataCollection<TRT_RDORawData>* TRTCollection(*rdoIt);
+        if (TRTCollection==0)
+          continue;
+        for (DataVector<TRT_RDORawData>::const_iterator trtIt = TRTCollection->begin(); trtIt != TRTCollection->end(); trtIt++) 
+          {
+            if ((*trtIt)->timeOverThreshold()<10.) 
+          continue; 
+            Identifier id = (*trtIt)->identify();
+            //const HepGeom::Point3D<double> &p3d = m_trtDetMgr->getElement( id )->center( id );
+	    Amg::Vector3D p3d	= m_trtDetMgr->getElement( id )->center( id );
+            m_eventTRTX->push_back(p3d.x());
+            m_eventTRTY->push_back(p3d.y());
+            m_eventTRTZ->push_back(p3d.z()+10000.);
+          }
+      }
+      } // end if () do RDO   
+    m_pixelMaxNumberOfTRTBarrelHitsOnTrack = 0;
+    m_pixelTRTtrackD0 = 0.; 
+    m_pixelTRTtrackPhi0 = 0.;
+    m_pixelTRTtrackEP  = 0.;
+    int maxTRThits(0), countTRThits(0), countTRTbarrelHits(0), maxSCThits(0), countSCThits(0);
+//    double SCTphi(0.), SCTd0(0.), SCTtheta(0.), TRTphi(0.), TRTd0(0.);
+    m_trackNumTrtTracks = 0; 
+    m_trackNumTracks = 0;
+    for ( DataVector<Trk::Track>::const_iterator trackIt = m_trkCollection->begin(); trackIt != m_trkCollection->end(); trackIt++ ) 
+      {
+        const DataVector<const Trk::TrackStateOnSurface>* trackStates = (**trackIt).trackStateOnSurfaces();
+        if ( trackStates == 0 ) 
+      { 
+        if(msgLvl(MSG::ERROR)) msg(MSG::ERROR) << "Trk::TrackStateOnSurface empty" << endreq; 
+        continue; 
+      }
+        m_trackNumTracks++;
+        int countNumTrtHitsOnTrack(0);
+        for ( DataVector<const Trk::TrackStateOnSurface>::const_iterator trackStatesIt = trackStates->begin(); trackStatesIt != trackStates->end(); trackStatesIt++ )
+      {
+        if ( *trackStatesIt == 0 ) 
+          { 
+            if(msgLvl(MSG::ERROR)) msg(MSG::ERROR) << "*trackStatesIt == 0" << endreq; 
+            continue; 
+          }
+        if ( !((*trackStatesIt)->type(Trk::TrackStateOnSurface::Measurement)) ) 
+          continue;
+        if ( dynamic_cast<const InDet::TRT_DriftCircleOnTrack *>( (*trackStatesIt)->measurementOnTrack() ) ) 
+          ++countNumTrtHitsOnTrack; 
+      } 
+        if (countNumTrtHitsOnTrack>=10) 
+      ++m_trackNumTrtTracks;
+      }
+    for ( DataVector<Trk::Track>::const_iterator trackIt = m_trkCollection->begin()
+        ; trackIt != m_trkCollection->end()
+        ; trackIt++ 
+      ) 
+      {
+        if (msgLvl(MSG::DEBUG)) msg(MSG::DEBUG) << " track loop start" << endreq;
+        ++m_eventNumberOfTracks;
+        const DataVector<const Trk::TrackStateOnSurface>* trackStates = (**trackIt).trackStateOnSurfaces();
+        if ( trackStates == 0 ) 
+      { 
+        if(msgLvl(MSG::ERROR)) msg(MSG::ERROR) << "Trk::TrackStateOnSurface empty" << endreq; 
+        continue; 
+      }
+        double theta = (**trackIt).perigeeParameters()->parameters()[Trk::theta];
+        double d0    = (**trackIt).perigeeParameters()->parameters()[Trk::d0];
+        double z0    = (**trackIt).perigeeParameters()->parameters()[Trk::z0];
+        double phi0  = (**trackIt).perigeeParameters()->parameters()[Trk::phi0];
+        int nSctHits        = 0;
+        int nTrtHits        = 0;
+        int nTrtHitsBarrelA = 0;
+        int nTrtHitsBarrelC = 0;
+        int nTrtHitsEcA     = 0;
+        int nTrtHitsEcC     = 0;
+        int ndf     = 0; 
+        double chi2 = 0;
+        const Trk::FitQuality *fitQuality = (**trackIt).fitQuality();
+        if (fitQuality) 
+      { 
+        ndf = fitQuality->numberDoF(); 
+        chi2 = fitQuality->chiSquared(); 
+      }
+        ///////////////////////////////////////////////
+        /// Loop over track states within this track 
+        /// essentially hits on track
+        ///////////////////////////////////////////////
+        for ( DataVector<const Trk::TrackStateOnSurface>::const_iterator trackStatesIt = trackStates->begin()
+            ; trackStatesIt != trackStates->end()
+            ; trackStatesIt++ 
+          ) 
+      {
+        if ( *trackStatesIt == 0 ) 
+          { 
+            if(msgLvl(MSG::ERROR)) msg(MSG::ERROR) << "*trackStatesIt == 0" << endreq; 
+            continue; 
+          }
+        if ( !( (*trackStatesIt)->type(Trk::TrackStateOnSurface::Measurement) ) ) 
+          continue;
+        if (dynamic_cast<const InDet::SCT_ClusterOnTrack*>((*trackStatesIt)->measurementOnTrack()) != 0) 
+          { 
+            ++nSctHits; 
+            ++m_eventNumberOfSCT_HitsOnTracks; 
+            ++countSCThits; 
+            continue; 
+          }
+        const InDet::TRT_DriftCircleOnTrack *driftCircleOnTrack = dynamic_cast<const InDet::TRT_DriftCircleOnTrack *>( (*trackStatesIt)->measurementOnTrack() );
+        if(  ((*trackStatesIt)->type(Trk::TrackStateOnSurface::Outlier)) 
+             && msgLvl(MSG::INFO)
+             )
+          msg(MSG::INFO) << "Outlier on track " << endreq;
+        if( driftCircleOnTrack == 0 ) 
+          { 
+            if(msgLvl(MSG::DEBUG)) msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "driftCircleOnTrack == 0 " << ( ((*trackStatesIt)->type(Trk::TrackStateOnSurface::Outlier)) ? "Outlier" : "." )  <<  endreq;
+            continue; 
+          }
+        double locR(999.);
+        //const Trk::MeasuredAtaStraightLine *trackMeasuredAtLine = dynamic_cast<const Trk::MeasuredAtaStraightLine*>( (**trackIt).perigeeParameters() );
+//        if ( trackMeasuredAtLine ) // point of track's closest approach, I believe
+	   locR 	= ((**trackIt).perigeeParameters())->parameters()[Trk::locR]; 
+          //locR = trackMeasuredAtLine->parameters()[Trk::locR];
+        const Trk::MeasurementBase* mesb = (*trackStatesIt)->measurementOnTrack();
+        if(mesb == 0) 
+          {
+            msg(MSG::ERROR) << "measurementBase == 0, and we should have had it!!!" << endreq;
+            continue;
+          }
+        float locRPat = mesb->localParameters()[Trk::locR];
+        //float errLocR = mesb->localErrorMatrix().covValue(Trk::locR);
+        float errLocR = mesb->localCovariance()(Trk::locX,Trk::locX) ;
+        m_eventNumberOfTRT_HitsOnTracks++;
+        countTRThits++;
+        if(driftCircleOnTrack->prepRawData()==0)  {
+          //const Trk::GlobalPosition& gloPos = driftCircleOnTrack->globalPosition();
+           Amg::Vector3D gloPos = driftCircleOnTrack->globalPosition();
+          msg(MSG::ERROR) << "driftCircleOnTrack->prepRawData()==0, global pos: " << gloPos.x() << " " << gloPos.y() << " " << gloPos.z() << endreq;
+          continue;
+        }
+        if( abs(m_trtHelper->barrel_ec((driftCircleOnTrack->prepRawData())->identify())) == 1 ) 
+          countTRTbarrelHits++;
+        nTrtHits++;
+        switch( m_trtHelper->barrel_ec((driftCircleOnTrack->prepRawData())->identify()) )
+          {
+            // if barrel hit, incriment barrel hit count
+          case 1:
+            nTrtHitsBarrelA++;
+            break;
+          case 2:
+            nTrtHitsEcA++;
+            break;
+          case -1:
+            nTrtHitsBarrelC++;
+            break;
+          case -2:
+            nTrtHitsEcC++;
+            break;
+          default:
+            msg(MSG::ERROR) << "invalid value for side: " 
+                    << m_trtHelper->barrel_ec((driftCircleOnTrack->prepRawData())->identify()) 
+                    << endreq;
+            break;
+          }
+        const InDet::TRT_DriftCircle *driftCircle = driftCircleOnTrack->prepRawData();
+        if ( driftCircle == 0 ) 
+          { 
+            msg(MSG::ERROR) << "driftCircle == 0" << endreq; 
+            continue; 
+          }
+        /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+        /// Find drift circle parameters to be filled into the "on track" tree
+        /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+        Identifier id = driftCircle->identify();
+        m_trtStrawMap->setNewIdentifier(id);
+        int side         = m_trtHelper->barrel_ec(id);
+        int layerOrWheel = m_trtHelper->layer_or_wheel(id);
+        int phi          = m_trtHelper->phi_module(id);
+        int strawLayer   = m_trtHelper->straw_layer(id);
+        int straw        = m_trtHelper->straw(id);
+        int strawNumber  = m_trtStrawMap->straw();
+        int board        = m_trtStrawMap->board();
+        int chip; 
+        m_trtStrawNeighbourTool->getChip(id, chip);
+        if(abs(side) == 1) // barrel
+          {
+            // set chip number to correct scale 
+            chip-=1; 
+            if(layerOrWheel == 1)      
+          chip+=21;
+            else if(layerOrWheel == 2) 
+          chip+=54;
+          } 
+        else // endcap
+          {
+            if(chip > 11) 
+          chip-=20;
+            chip+=(104+12*board);
+          }
+        //const CLHEP::Hep3Vector &center = driftCircle->detectorElement()->surface( id ).center();
+        Amg::Vector3D  center = driftCircle->detectorElement()->surface( id ).center();
+        double dbT0 = m_trtCondDbTool->getT0(id, TRTCond::ExpandedIdentifier::STRAW);
+        m_trackSide->push_back(side);
+        m_trackLayerOrWheel->push_back(layerOrWheel);
+        m_trackPhi->push_back(phi);
+        m_trackStrawLayer->push_back(strawLayer);
+        m_trackStraw->push_back(straw);
+        m_trackStrawNum->push_back(strawNumber);
+        m_trackChip->push_back(chip);
+        m_trackBoard->push_back(board);
+        m_trackDriftTimeBin->push_back(driftCircle->driftTimeBin());
+        m_trackTrailingEdge->push_back(driftCircle->trailingEdge()); 
+        m_trackHighThreshold->push_back(driftCircle->highLevel());
+        m_trackDriftCircleWord->push_back(driftCircle->getWord());
+        m_trackX->push_back(center.x());
+        m_trackY->push_back(center.y());
+        m_trackZ->push_back(center.z());
+        m_trackT0->push_back(dbT0);
+        m_trackTrackR->push_back(locR);
+        m_trackLocR->push_back(locRPat);
+        m_trackErrR->push_back(errLocR);
+        m_onTrackIdentifiers->push_back(driftCircle->identify());
+      }
+        if (msgLvl(MSG::DEBUG)) msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "track loop start filling tree" << endreq;
+        if (nSctHits>maxSCThits) 
+      { 
+        //SCTphi = phi0; 
+        //SCTd0 = d0; 
+        //SCTtheta = theta; 
+        maxSCThits = nSctHits; 
+      }
+        if (nTrtHits>maxTRThits) 
+      { 
+        //TRTphi = phi0; 
+        //TRTd0 = d0;
+        maxTRThits = nTrtHits; 
+      }
+        m_trackNumSctHits        = nSctHits;
+        m_trackNumTrtHits        = nTrtHits;
+        m_trackNumTrtHitsBarrelA = nTrtHitsBarrelA;
+        m_trackNumTrtHitsBarrelC = nTrtHitsBarrelC;
+        m_trackNumTrtHitsEcA     = nTrtHitsEcA;
+        m_trackNumTrtHitsEcC     = nTrtHitsEcC;
+        m_trackNdf                 = ndf;
+        m_trackChi2                = chi2;
+        m_trackTheta               = theta;
+        m_trackD0                  = d0;
+        m_trackZ0                  = z0;
+        m_trackPhi0              = phi0;
+        ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+        /// Find event phase for this track and use it to set 
+        /// event phase for all hits in this track
+        ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+        m_trackEventPhase = 0.;
+        for(unsigned int hitItr = 0; hitItr < m_trackTrailingEdge->size(); hitItr++) 
+      {
+        m_trackEventPhase += (double) m_trackTrailingEdge->at(hitItr);
+      }
+        m_trackEventPhase /= (double)  m_trackTrailingEdge->size();
+        if (countTRTbarrelHits>m_pixelMaxNumberOfTRTBarrelHitsOnTrack) 
+      { 
+        m_pixelTRTtrackD0 = d0; 
+        m_pixelTRTtrackPhi0 = phi0; 
+        m_pixelMaxNumberOfTRTBarrelHitsOnTrack = countTRTbarrelHits;
+        m_pixelTRTtrackEP = m_trackEventPhase;
+      }
+        /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+        /// Fill "on track" tree and clear all vectors linked to this tree
+        /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+        m_treeTrack->Fill();
+        m_trackSide->clear();
+        m_trackLayerOrWheel->clear();
+        m_trackPhi->clear();
+        m_trackStrawLayer->clear();
+        m_trackStraw->clear();
+        m_trackStrawNum->clear();
+        m_trackChip->clear();
+        m_trackBoard->clear();
+        m_trackDriftTimeBin->clear();
+        m_trackTrailingEdge->clear();
+        m_trackHighThreshold->clear();
+        m_trackDriftCircleWord->clear();
+        m_trackX->clear();
+        m_trackY->clear();
+        m_trackZ->clear();
+        m_trackT0->clear();
+        m_trackTrackR->clear();
+        m_trackLocR->clear(); 
+        m_trackErrR->clear();
+      }
+    if (msgLvl(MSG::DEBUG)) msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "end track info ttree" << endreq;
+    m_eventNumberOfTRT_HitsOnTracks = maxTRThits;
+    m_eventNumberOfSCT_HitsOnTracks = maxSCThits;
+    m_treeEvent->Fill();
+void InDet::TRT_DetectorPlots::fillSegmentTree()
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////
+  /// Loop over barrel track segments in event
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////
+    for ( DataVector<Trk::Segment>::const_iterator segIt = m_segmentCollectionBarrel->begin(); segIt != m_segmentCollectionBarrel->end(); segIt++ ) 
+    {
+        const Trk::TrackSegment *segment = dynamic_cast<const Trk::TrackSegment *>(*segIt);
+        if (segment==0) 
+        { 
+            if(msgLvl(MSG::ERROR)) msg(MSG::ERROR) << "no segment from segIt???" << endreq; 
+            continue; 
+        }
+        unsigned int numberOfHits = segment->numberOfMeasurementBases(); // number of TRT hits in this segment
+        for (unsigned int i=0; i<numberOfHits; i++) // access the hits
+        { 
+            const InDet::TRT_DriftCircleOnTrack *circle = dynamic_cast<const InDet::TRT_DriftCircleOnTrack *>(segment->measurement(i));
+            if (circle==0) 
+                continue;
+            const InDet::TRT_DriftCircle *driftCircle = circle->prepRawData();
+            if ( driftCircle == 0 ) 
+            { 
+                if (msgLvl(MSG::INFO)) msg(MSG::INFO) << "driftCircleOnTrack == 0" << endreq; 
+                continue; 
+            }
+          /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+          /// Find drift circle parameters to be filled into the "segment" tree
+          /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+            Identifier id = driftCircle->identify();
+            m_trtStrawMap->setNewIdentifier(id);
+            int side         = m_trtHelper->barrel_ec(id);
+            int layerOrWheel = m_trtHelper->layer_or_wheel(id);
+            int phi          = m_trtHelper->phi_module(id);
+            int strawLayer   = m_trtHelper->straw_layer(id);
+            int straw        = m_trtHelper->straw(id);
+            int strawNumber  = m_trtStrawMap->straw();
+            int board        = m_trtStrawMap->board();
+            int chip; 
+            m_trtStrawNeighbourTool->getChip(id, chip);
+            if(abs(side) == 1)    // barrel
+            {
+          // set chip number to correct scale 
+                chip-=1; 
+                if(layerOrWheel == 1)      chip+=21;
+                else if(layerOrWheel == 2) chip+=54;
+            } 
+            else // endcap
+            {
+                if(chip > 11) chip-=20;
+                chip+=(104+12*board);
+            }
+            //const CLHEP::Hep3Vector &center = driftCircle->detectorElement()->surface( id ).center();
+            Amg::Vector3D  center = driftCircle->detectorElement()->surface( id ).center();
+            unsigned int word = driftCircle->getWord();
+            double dbT0 = m_trtCondDbTool->getT0(id, TRTCond::ExpandedIdentifier::STRAW);
+            m_segmentSide->push_back(side);
+            m_segmentLayerOrWheel->push_back(layerOrWheel);
+            m_segmentPhi->push_back(phi);
+            m_segmentStrawLayer->push_back(strawLayer);
+            m_segmentStraw->push_back(straw);
+            m_segmentStrawNum->push_back(strawNumber);
+            m_segmentChip->push_back(chip);
+            m_segmentBoard->push_back(board);
+            m_segmentDriftTimeBin->push_back(driftCircle->driftTimeBin());
+            m_segmentTrailingEdge->push_back(driftCircle->trailingEdge()); 
+            m_segmentDriftCircleWord->push_back(word);
+          //m_segmentHitOnTrack->push_back(_onTrack);
+            m_segmentX->push_back(center.x());
+            m_segmentY->push_back(center.y());
+            m_segmentZ->push_back(center.z());
+            m_segmentT0->push_back(dbT0);
+        } // end hits loop
+    } 
+      ///////////////////////////////////////////////
+      /// Loop over endcap track segments in event
+      ///////////////////////////////////////////////
+    for ( DataVector<Trk::Segment>::const_iterator segIt = m_segmentCollectionEc->begin(); segIt != m_segmentCollectionEc->end(); segIt++ ) {
+        const Trk::TrackSegment *segment = dynamic_cast<const Trk::TrackSegment *>(*segIt);
+        if (segment==0) { msg(MSG::ERROR) << "no segment from segIt???" << endreq; continue; }
+        unsigned int numberOfHits = segment->numberOfMeasurementBases(); // number of TRT hits in this segment
+        for (unsigned int i=0; i<numberOfHits; i++) { // access the hits
+            const InDet::TRT_DriftCircleOnTrack *circle = dynamic_cast<const InDet::TRT_DriftCircleOnTrack *>(segment->measurement(i));
+            if (circle==0) continue;
+            const InDet::TRT_DriftCircle *driftCircle = circle->prepRawData();
+            if ( driftCircle == 0 ) { if (msgLvl(MSG::INFO)) msg(MSG::INFO) << "driftCircleOnTrack == 0" << endreq; continue; }
+      /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+      /// Find drift circle parameters to be filled into the "segment" tree
+      /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+            Identifier id = driftCircle->identify();
+            m_trtStrawMap->setNewIdentifier(id);
+            int side         = m_trtHelper->barrel_ec(id);
+            int layerOrWheel = m_trtHelper->layer_or_wheel(id);
+            int phi          = m_trtHelper->phi_module(id);
+            int strawLayer   = m_trtHelper->straw_layer(id);
+            int straw        = m_trtHelper->straw(id);
+            int strawNumber  = m_trtStrawMap->straw();
+            int board        = m_trtStrawMap->board();
+            int chip; 
+            m_trtStrawNeighbourTool->getChip(id, chip);
+            if(abs(side) == 1)    // barrel
+            {
+          // set chip number to correct scale 
+                chip-=1; 
+                if(layerOrWheel == 1)      chip+=21;
+                else if(layerOrWheel == 2) chip+=54;
+            } 
+            else // endcap
+            {
+          // set all chips on a scale from 0-11
+                if(chip > 11) chip-=20;
+                chip+=(104+12*board);
+            }
+            //const CLHEP::Hep3Vector &center = driftCircle->detectorElement()->surface( id ).center();
+            Amg::Vector3D center = driftCircle->detectorElement()->surface( id ).center();
+            unsigned int word = driftCircle->getWord();
+            double dbT0 = m_trtCondDbTool->getT0(id, TRTCond::ExpandedIdentifier::STRAW);
+            m_segmentSide->push_back(side);
+            m_segmentLayerOrWheel->push_back(layerOrWheel);
+            m_segmentPhi->push_back(phi);
+            m_segmentStrawLayer->push_back(strawLayer);
+            m_segmentStraw->push_back(straw);
+            m_segmentStrawNum->push_back(strawNumber);
+            m_segmentChip->push_back(chip);
+            m_segmentBoard->push_back(board);
+            m_segmentDriftTimeBin->push_back(driftCircle->driftTimeBin());
+            m_segmentTrailingEdge->push_back(driftCircle->trailingEdge()); 
+            m_segmentDriftCircleWord->push_back(word);
+            m_segmentX->push_back(center.x());
+            m_segmentY->push_back(center.y());
+            m_segmentZ->push_back(center.z());
+            m_segmentT0->push_back(dbT0);
+        } // end hits loop
+    } 
+  /////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  /// Fill tree and clear vectors for next event
+  /////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    m_treeSegment->Fill();
+    m_segmentSide->clear();
+    m_segmentLayerOrWheel->clear();
+    m_segmentPhi->clear();
+    m_segmentStrawLayer->clear();
+    m_segmentStraw->clear();
+    m_segmentStrawNum->clear();
+    m_segmentChip->clear();
+    m_segmentBoard->clear();
+    m_segmentDriftTimeBin->clear();
+    m_segmentTrailingEdge->clear();
+    m_segmentDriftCircleWord->clear();
+    m_segmentHitOnTrack->clear();
+    m_segmentX->clear();
+    m_segmentY->clear();
+    m_segmentZ->clear();
+    m_segmentT0->clear();
+void InDet::TRT_DetectorPlots::fillHitsTree()
+    ///////////////////////////////////////////
+    /// Loop over all drift circles in event
+    ///////////////////////////////////////////
+    if (msgLvl(MSG::DEBUG)) msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "start loop over all hits" << endreq;
+    int count=0;
+    for( InDet::TRT_DriftCircleContainer::const_iterator it=m_trtDriftCircleContainer->begin()
+        ; it!=m_trtDriftCircleContainer->end() && count<m_numNoise
+        ; ++it, ++count
+        ) 
+    {
+        const InDet::TRT_DriftCircleCollection *colNext = &(**it);    
+        if (!colNext) 
+        { 
+            if (msgLvl(MSG::INFO)) msg(MSG::INFO) << "!colNext (mTRTDriftCircleContainer loop)" << endreq; 
+            continue; 
+        }    
+        for( DataVector<InDet::TRT_DriftCircle>::const_iterator circleit = (*colNext).begin()
+            ; circleit!=(*colNext).end()
+            ; ++circleit
+            ) 
+        {
+            const InDet::TRT_DriftCircle *driftCircle = *circleit;
+            if ( driftCircle == 0 ) 
+            { 
+                if(msgLvl(MSG::ERROR)) msg(MSG::ERROR) << "driftCircle == 0" << endreq; 
+                continue; 
+            }
+            Identifier id = driftCircle->identify();
+            m_trtStrawMap->setNewIdentifier(id);
+            ////////////////////////////////
+            /// Is drift circle on track?
+            ////////////////////////////////
+            bool onTrack = false;
+            //int trackNumber = 0;
+            for(unsigned int onTrackItr = 0; onTrackItr < m_onTrackIdentifiers->size(); onTrackItr++) 
+            {
+                if(id == m_onTrackIdentifiers->at(onTrackItr)) 
+                {
+                    onTrack = true;
+                    m_onTrackIdentifiers->erase(m_onTrackIdentifiers->begin()+onTrackItr);
+                    continue;
+                }
+            }
+            /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+            /// Find drift circle parameters to be filled into the "hits" tree
+            /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+            int side         = m_trtHelper->barrel_ec(id);
+            int layerOrWheel = m_trtHelper->layer_or_wheel(id);
+            int phi          = m_trtHelper->phi_module(id);
+            int strawLayer   = m_trtHelper->straw_layer(id);
+            int straw        = m_trtHelper->straw(id);
+            int strawNumber  = m_trtStrawMap->straw();
+            int board        = m_trtStrawMap->board();
+            int chip; 
+            m_trtStrawNeighbourTool->getChip(id, chip);
+            if(abs(side) == 1)    // barrel
+            {
+                // set chip number to correct scale 
+                chip-=1; 
+                if(layerOrWheel == 1)      chip+=21;
+                else if(layerOrWheel == 2) chip+=54;
+            } 
+            else // endcap
+            {
+                // set all chips on a scale from 0-11
+                if(chip > 11) chip-=20;
+                chip+=(104+12*board);
+            }
+            //const CLHEP::Hep3Vector &center = driftCircle->detectorElement()->surface( id ).center();
+            Amg::Vector3D center = driftCircle->detectorElement()->surface( id ).center();
+            unsigned int word = driftCircle->getWord();
+            double dbT0 = m_trtCondDbTool->getT0(id, TRTCond::ExpandedIdentifier::STRAW);
+            m_hitsSide            = (side);
+            m_hitsLayerOrWheel    = (layerOrWheel);
+            m_hitsPhi             = (phi);
+            m_hitsStrawLayer      = (strawLayer);
+            m_hitsStraw           = (straw);
+            m_hitsStrawNum        = (strawNumber);
+            m_hitsChip            = (chip);
+            m_hitsBoard           = (board);
+            m_hitsDriftTimeBin    = (driftCircle->driftTimeBin());
+            m_hitsTrailingEdge    = (driftCircle->trailingEdge()); 
+            m_hitsDriftCircleWord = (word);
+            m_hitsHitOnTrack      = (int) (onTrack);
+            m_hitsX               = (center.x());
+            m_hitsY               = (center.y());
+            m_hitsZ               = (center.z());
+            m_hitsT0              = (dbT0);
+            m_treeHits->Fill();
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/InnerDetector/InDetPerformance/TRT_DetectorPerformance/src/TRT_DetectorTiming.cxx b/InnerDetector/InDetPerformance/TRT_DetectorPerformance/src/TRT_DetectorTiming.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..592f687fc657
--- /dev/null
+++ b/InnerDetector/InDetPerformance/TRT_DetectorPerformance/src/TRT_DetectorTiming.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,515 @@
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+#include "TRT_DetectorPerformance/TRT_DetectorTiming.h"
+#include "GaudiKernel/Algorithm.h"
+#include "GaudiKernel/MsgStream.h"
+#include "GaudiKernel/IJobOptionsSvc.h"
+#include "GaudiKernel/ITHistSvc.h"
+#include "GaudiKernel/ToolHandle.h"
+#include "StoreGate/DataHandle.h"
+#include "DataModel/DataVector.h"
+#include "Identifier/Identifier.h"
+#include "Identifier/IdentifierHash.h"
+#include "InDetIdentifier/TRT_ID.h"
+#include "InDetReadoutGeometry/TRT_DetectorManager.h"
+#include "InDetReadoutGeometry/TRT_Numerology.h"
+#include "InDetRawData/InDetRawDataContainer.h"
+#include "InDetRawData/InDetRawDataCLASS_DEF.h"
+#include "InDetRIO_OnTrack/TRT_DriftCircleOnTrack.h"
+#include "InDetRIO_OnTrack/SCT_ClusterOnTrack.h"
+#include "InDetRIO_OnTrack/PixelClusterOnTrack.h"
+#include "InDetPrepRawData/TRT_DriftCircle.h"
+//#include "TrkParameters/MeasuredPerigee.h"
+#include "TrkParameters/TrackParameters.h"
+// #include "TrkTrackSummaryTool/ITrackSummaryTool.h"
+#include "TrkTrackSummary/TrackSummary.h"
+//#include "TrkParameters/MeasuredAtaStraightLine.h"
+#include "TRT_ConditionsServices/ITRT_StrawNeighbourSvc.h"
+#include "TRT_ConditionsServices/ITRT_CalDbSvc.h"
+#include "TrkTrack/Track.h"
+#include "TrkTrack/TrackCollection.h"
+#include "CommissionEvent/ComTime.h"
+#include "TRT_DetectorPerformance/TRT_StrawMap.h"
+#include "TTree.h"
+InDet::TRT_DetectorTiming::TRT_DetectorTiming(const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator) :
+  AthAlgorithm(name, pSvcLocator),
+  m_trtCondDbTool("TRT_CalDbSvc", name),
+  m_trtStrawNeighbourTool("TRT_StrawNeighbourSvc", name),
+  m_trtStrawMap("InDet::TRT_StrawMap"),
+  m_histSvc("THistSvc", name)
+  declareProperty("histogramService", m_histSvc);
+  m_ntuple = 0;
+bool MySortCriteria(InDet::TRT_DetectorTiming::hitParams* hp1, InDet::TRT_DetectorTiming::hitParams* hp2) {
+  return (hp1->y > hp2->y);
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
+StatusCode InDet::TRT_DetectorTiming::initialize(){
+  if (msgLvl(MSG::INFO)) msg()<< "initialize()" << endreq;
+  m_numTrtOnlyTracks = 0;
+  m_numTrtSctTracks = 0;
+  //////////////////////////////////////////////
+  // Create TTree and register it to THistSvc
+  //////////////////////////////////////////////
+  if ( m_histSvc.retrieve().isFailure() ){
+    msg(MSG::FATAL) << "histogram service not found" << endreq;
+    return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+  } else 
+    if (msgLvl(MSG::INFO)) msg() << "retrieved histogramService" << endreq;
+  m_ntuple = new TTree("ntuple" , "ntuple");
+  std::string fullTreeName_ntuple =  "/AANT/ntuple" ;
+  if((m_histSvc->regTree(fullTreeName_ntuple, m_ntuple)).isFailure())
+    {
+      msg(MSG::ERROR) << "Unable to register TTree : " << fullTreeName_ntuple << endreq;
+      return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+    }
+  //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  /// Book variables to be added to the output ntuple
+  //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  m_ntuple->Branch("corLE"           , &m_correctedLeadingEdge, "corLE/D");  
+  m_ntuple->Branch("EP"              , &m_timeCor             , "EP/D"); 
+  m_ntuple->Branch("TOT"             , &m_timeOverThreshold   , "TOT/D"); 
+  m_ntuple->Branch("TEbin"           , &m_trailingEdgeBin     , "TEbin/I"); 
+  m_ntuple->Branch("LEbin"           , &m_leadingEdgeBin      , "LEbin/I"); 
+  m_ntuple->Branch("wrongSide"       , &m_wrongSide           , "wrongSide/I");  // only valid for barrel tracks
+  m_ntuple->Branch("board"           , &m_board		      , "board/I"); 
+  m_ntuple->Branch("locR"            , &m_locR 		      , "locR/D"); 
+  m_ntuple->Branch("timeCorChip"     , &m_timeCorChip         , "timeCorChip/D"); // currently not implemented -- always 0
+  m_ntuple->Branch("chip"	     , &m_chip                , "chip/I"); 
+  m_ntuple->Branch("side"	     , &m_side                , "side/I"); 
+  m_ntuple->Branch("t0"              , &m_t0                  , "t0/D"); 
+  m_ntuple->Branch("phi"             , &m_phi                 , "phi/I"); 
+  m_ntuple->Branch("straw"           , &m_straw               , "straw/I"); 
+  m_ntuple->Branch("strawLayer"      , &m_strawLayer          , "strawLayer/I"); 
+  m_ntuple->Branch("layer"           , &m_layer               , "layer/I"); 
+  m_ntuple->Branch("nBarHits"        , &m_nTrtBarHits         , "nBarHits/I"); 
+  m_ntuple->Branch("nEcHits"         , &m_nTrtEcHits          , "nEcHits/I"); 
+  m_ntuple->Branch("nTRThits_barrelA", &m_nTrtHitsBarrelA     , "nTRThits_barrelA/I"); 
+  m_ntuple->Branch("nTRThits_barrelC", &m_nTrtHitsBarrelC     , "nTRThits_barrelC/I"); 
+  m_ntuple->Branch("nTRThits_ecA"    , &m_nTrtHitsEcA 	      , "nTRThits_ecA/I"); 
+  m_ntuple->Branch("nTRThits_ecC"    , &m_nTrtHitsEcC 	      , "nTRThits_ecC/I"); 
+  m_ntuple->Branch("nSCThits"        , &m_nSctHits    	      , "nSCThits/I"); 
+  m_ntuple->Branch("nPixHits"        , &m_nPixHits    	      , "nPixHits/I"); 
+  m_ntuple->Branch("theta"           , &m_theta       	      , "theta/D"); 
+  m_ntuple->Branch("eta"             , &m_eta         	      , "eta/D"); 
+  m_ntuple->Branch("chi2ndf"         , &m_chi2Ndf     	      , "chi2ndf/D"); 
+  m_ntuple->Branch("phi0"            , &m_phi0   	      , "phi0/D"); 
+  m_ntuple->Branch("z0"	       	     , &m_z0     	      , "z0/D"); 
+  m_ntuple->Branch("d0"	       	     , &m_d0 	              , "d0/D"); 
+  m_ntuple->Branch("tubeHit"         , &m_tubeHit	      , "tubeHit/I"); 
+  m_ntuple->Branch("locRpat"         , &m_locRPat	      , "locRpat/D"); 
+  if (msgLvl(MSG::INFO)) msg()<< "end initialize()" << endreq;
+  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
+StatusCode InDet::TRT_DetectorTiming::execute() {
+  if (msgLvl(MSG::DEBUG)) msg() << "execute()" << endreq;
+  // TRT helper
+  const TRT_ID * m_trtHelper;
+  if (detStore()->retrieve(m_trtHelper, "TRT_ID").isFailure()) {
+    msg(MSG::FATAL) << "Could not get TRT ID helper" << endreq;
+    return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+  }
+  const DataVector<Trk::Track> *trkCollection = 0;
+  StatusCode sc = evtStore()->retrieve( trkCollection, "Tracks" );
+  if ( sc.isFailure() ) {
+    msg(MSG::ERROR) << "Could not find Tracks Collection" << endreq;
+    return sc;  
+  }
+  if ( trkCollection == 0 ) {
+    msg(MSG::ERROR) << "trkCollection == 0 " << endreq;
+    assert( trkCollection );
+    return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+  }
+  // get the TRT_Phase -- also called the Event Phase
+  ComTime* theComTime;
+  sc = evtStore()->retrieve(theComTime, "TRT_Phase");
+  if(sc.isFailure())
+    {
+      msg(MSG::ERROR) << "ComTime object not found with name TRT_Phase !!!" << endreq;
+    }
+  if(StatusCode::SUCCESS!=m_trtCondDbTool.retrieve() ) {
+    msg(MSG::ERROR) <<"Could not get TRTCalDbTool !"<<endreq;
+    return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+  } 
+  sc = m_trtStrawNeighbourTool.retrieve() ;
+  if (sc.isFailure()) {
+    msg(MSG::ERROR) << "Could not find TRTStrawNeighbourTool " << endreq;
+    return sc;
+  }
+  // get the event phase - one phase for the entire event
+  double timeCor=0.;
+  if(theComTime)
+    {
+      timeCor = theComTime->getTime();
+    }
+  // watch out for sneaky infinity trying to set us up the bomb!
+  if (timeCor < -100 || timeCor > 100) {
+    timeCor = 0.;
+  }
+  const float tubeHitErr = 1.33333;
+  // open a file to print
+  static int firstCall = 0;
+  FILE *myFile = fopen("myTRToutput.dat", (firstCall)?"a":"w"); // overwrite the old file only at the first call
+  firstCall++; 
+  int nTracks = trkCollection->size();
+  int countTracks = 0;
+  if (msgLvl(MSG::VERBOSE)) msg() << "starting DataVector<Trk::Track> loop over nTracks = " << nTracks << endreq;
+  // loop over all tracks 
+  for ( DataVector<Trk::Track>::const_iterator trackIt = trkCollection->begin(); trackIt != trkCollection->end(); trackIt++ ) {
+    assert( countTracks < nTracks ); countTracks++; 
+    // want to record all these parameters to look for poor tracks
+    int   nTrtBarHits = 0;
+    int   nTrtEcHits = 0;
+    int   nTrtHitsBarrelA = 0;
+    int   nTrtHitsBarrelC = 0;
+    int   nTrtHitsEcA = 0;
+    int   nTrtHitsEcC = 0;
+    int   nSctHits = 0;
+    int   nPixHits = 0;
+    float theta = 0;
+    float eta = 0;
+    float chi2Ndf = 0;
+    float phi0 = 0;
+    float d0 = 0;
+    float z0 = 0;
+    std::vector<InDet::TRT_DetectorTiming::hitParams*> hitParamsVec;
+    // use perigee parameters to get theta/eta info
+    theta = (**trackIt).perigeeParameters()->parameters()[Trk::theta];
+    phi0 = (**trackIt).perigeeParameters()->parameters()[Trk::phi0];
+    d0 = (**trackIt).perigeeParameters()->parameters()[Trk::d0];
+    z0 = (**trackIt).perigeeParameters()->parameters()[Trk::z0];
+    eta = (**trackIt).perigeeParameters()->eta();
+    // use fitQuality to find chi2/ndf for track
+    float chi2 = (**trackIt).fitQuality()->chiSquared();
+    float ndf = (**trackIt).fitQuality()->numberDoF();
+    chi2Ndf = chi2/ndf;
+    if (msgLvl(MSG::VERBOSE)) msg() << "start DataVector<const Trk::TrackStateOnSurface>* trackStates " << endreq;
+    const DataVector<const Trk::TrackStateOnSurface>* trackStates = (**trackIt).trackStateOnSurfaces();   
+    if ( trackStates == 0 ) {
+      if (msgLvl(MSG::WARNING)) msg() << "Trk::TrackStateOnSurface empty" << endreq;
+      continue;
+    } 
+    if (msgLvl(MSG::VERBOSE)) msg() << "start DataVector<const Trk::TrackStateOnSurface>* trackStatesIt " << trackStates->size() << endreq;
+    unsigned int countTrackStates(0), countTrackSatesMeasurements(0); 
+    // loop over all "trackStates", in principle one state is associated to each measurement + one more trackState for track parameters at the Interaction Point
+    for ( DataVector<const Trk::TrackStateOnSurface>::const_iterator trackStatesIt = trackStates->begin(); trackStatesIt != trackStates->end(); trackStatesIt++ ) {
+      if (msgLvl(MSG::VERBOSE)) msg() << "countTrackStates " << countTrackStates << endreq;
+      assert( countTrackStates < trackStates->size() ); countTrackStates++; 
+      assert( (*trackStatesIt) != 0 );
+      if ( *trackStatesIt == 0 ) { if (msgLvl(MSG::WARNING)) msg() << "*trackStatesIt == 0" << endreq; }
+      //CLHEP::Hep3Vector pos(0., 0., 0.);
+      //CLHEP::Hep3Vector mom(0., 0., 0.);
+      Amg::Vector3D pos(0., 0., 0.);
+      Amg::Vector3D mom(0., 0., 0.);
+      const Trk::TrackParameters* trackParam = (*trackStatesIt)->trackParameters();
+      if ( trackParam != 0 ) {
+        pos = trackParam->position();
+        mom = trackParam->momentum();
+      } else { 
+	if (msgLvl(MSG::WARNING)) msg() << "(*trackStatesIt)->trackParameters() == NULL" << endreq; 
+      }
+      if ( (*trackStatesIt)->type(Trk::TrackStateOnSurface::Measurement) ) {
+        // try to dynamic cast as SCT space points etc to count the number of silicon hits
+        if (dynamic_cast<const InDet::SCT_ClusterOnTrack*>((*trackStatesIt)->measurementOnTrack())!=0) {
+          nSctHits++;
+          continue;
+        }
+        if (dynamic_cast<const InDet::PixelClusterOnTrack*>((*trackStatesIt)->measurementOnTrack())!=0) {
+          nPixHits++;
+          continue;
+        }
+        if (msgLvl(MSG::VERBOSE)) msg() << "drift Circle " << endreq;
+        const InDet::TRT_DriftCircleOnTrack *driftCircleOnTrack = dynamic_cast<const InDet::TRT_DriftCircleOnTrack *>( (*trackStatesIt)->measurementOnTrack() );
+        if ( driftCircleOnTrack == 0 ) { if (msgLvl(MSG::WARNING)) msg() << "driftCircleOnTrack == 0" << endreq; continue; }
+	//HepGeom::Point3D<double> hit = driftCircleOnTrack->globalPosition();
+	const Amg::Vector3D hit = driftCircleOnTrack->globalPosition();
+        if (msgLvl(MSG::VERBOSE)) msg() << "driftCircleOnTrack global position " << hit << endreq;
+        const InDet::TRT_DriftCircle *driftCircle = dynamic_cast<const InDet::TRT_DriftCircle*> (driftCircleOnTrack->prepRawData());
+        if ( driftCircle == 0 ) { if (msgLvl(MSG::WARNING)) msg() << "driftCircle == 0" << endreq; continue; }
+        if (msgLvl(MSG::VERBOSE)) msg() << "track measurement trail. edge " << driftCircle->trailingEdge() << " " 
+	       << ((int) driftCircle->driftTimeValid()) 
+	       << " Base valid " << ( (driftCircleOnTrack->detectorElement() == 0) ? 0 : 1 ) << endreq;  
+	// this flag checks to see if the t0-corrected drift time is in the range -10ns < t < 75ns (I think...) 
+        //  !!! this causes seg faults on specific events !!!   
+	if (!driftCircle->driftTimeValid()) continue;
+        Identifier elID = driftCircle->identify();
+	m_trtStrawMap->setNewIdentifier(elID);
+        int side       	  = m_trtHelper->barrel_ec(elID);  // -1 for side C, 1 for side A
+        int layer      	  = m_trtHelper->layer_or_wheel(elID);
+        int phi        	  = m_trtHelper->phi_module(elID);
+        int strawLayer 	  = m_trtHelper->straw_layer(elID);
+	int myStrawNumber = m_trtStrawMap->straw();
+        int chip; m_trtStrawNeighbourTool->getChip(elID, chip);
+	int myBoard       = m_trtStrawMap->board();
+	if(abs(side) == 1)    // barrel
+	  {
+	    // set chip number to correct scale 
+	    chip-=1; 
+	    if(layer == 1)      chip+=21;
+	    else if(layer == 2) chip+=54;
+	  } 
+	else // endcap
+	  {
+	    // set all chips on a scale from 0-11
+	    if(chip > 11) chip-=20;
+	    chip+=(104+12*myBoard);
+	  }
+	if (myStrawNumber < 0 || myStrawNumber>=5482) { if (msgLvl(MSG::WARNING)) msg() << MSG::WARNING << "invalid straw number !!! " << myStrawNumber << endreq; continue; }
+	// use the identifier to look up the t0
+	double t0 = m_trtCondDbTool->getT0(elID, TRTCond::ExpandedIdentifier::STRAW);     
+        double locR(999.);
+        //const Trk::MeasuredAtaStraightLine *trackMeasuredAtLine = dynamic_cast<const Trk::MeasuredAtaStraightLine*>( trackParam );
+        //if ( trackMeasuredAtLine ) locR = trackMeasuredAtLine->parameters()[Trk::locR];   // point of track's closest approach, I believe
+	locR 	= trackParam->parameters()[Trk::locR]; 
+        // determine if we just have a tube hit:
+        //   these have locR == 0
+        //   error on locR == 4/sqrt(12)
+        const Trk::MeasurementBase* mesb = (*trackStatesIt)->measurementOnTrack();
+        if (mesb == 0) {
+          if (msgLvl(MSG::WARNING)) msg() << "measurementBase == 0, and we should have had it!!!" << endreq;
+          continue;
+        }
+        float locRPat = mesb->localParameters()[Trk::locR];
+        //float errLocR = mesb->localErrorMatrix().covValue(Trk::locR);
+        float errLocR = mesb->localCovariance()(Trk::locX,Trk::locX) ;
+        int tubeHit = 0;
+        if ((fabs(locRPat - 0.) < 0.001) && (fabs(errLocR - tubeHitErr) < 0.01)) {
+          tubeHit = 1;
+        }
+        if (abs(side) == 1) {
+          nTrtBarHits++;
+        } else if (abs(side) == 2) {
+          nTrtEcHits++;
+        }
+	if(side == 1) ++nTrtHitsBarrelA;
+	else if(side == -1) ++nTrtHitsBarrelC;
+	else if(side == 2) ++nTrtHitsEcA;
+	else if(side == -2) ++nTrtHitsEcC;
+        InDet::TRT_DetectorTiming::hitParams* hps = new InDet::TRT_DetectorTiming::hitParams;
+        // fill hitParams object with values
+	hps->leadingEdgeBin = driftCircle->driftTimeBin();
+	hps->trailingEdgeBin = 	driftCircle->trailingEdge();
+	hps->leadingEdge = driftCircle->rawDriftTime();
+	hps->timeOverThreshold = driftCircle->timeOverThreshold();
+	hps->side = side;
+	hps->wrongSide = 0;
+        hps->correctedLeadingEdge = driftCircle->rawDriftTime() - timeCor;
+        hps->x = driftCircleOnTrack->globalPosition().x();
+        hps->y = driftCircleOnTrack->globalPosition().y();
+	hps->board = myBoard;
+	hps->locR = locR;
+	hps->localPos = driftCircle->localPosition()[Trk::driftRadius];
+        hps->timeCorChip = 0.; // currently not implemented
+        hps->chip = chip;
+        hps->t0 = t0;
+	hps->phi = phi;
+        hps->straw = myStrawNumber;
+        hps->strawLayer = strawLayer;
+        hps->layer = layer;
+        hps->tubeHit = tubeHit;
+        hps->locRPat = locRPat;
+	// add hit params object to vector
+	hitParamsVec.push_back(hps);
+        countTrackSatesMeasurements++;
+      } // end if "state==measurement"
+    } // end loop over "trackStates"
+    // sort by y to order the hits
+    std::sort(hitParamsVec.begin(), hitParamsVec.end(), MySortCriteria);
+    std::vector<InDet::TRT_DetectorTiming::hitParams*>::iterator hitParamsIt;
+    // now flag hits that have flipped in z
+    // !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+    //  this is currently only valid for the barrel !
+    //   needs to be fixed to use this in the endcap !
+    // !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+    // no need to check for vectors smaller than 2 entries
+    //  more importantly, we get seg faults if we go in to this loop!!
+    if (hitParamsVec.size() > 2) {
+      int last = 0;
+      int check = 0;
+      int next = 0;
+      for(hitParamsIt = hitParamsVec.begin(); hitParamsIt != hitParamsVec.end(); hitParamsIt++) {
+        // special cases for first, last hit
+        if (hitParamsIt == hitParamsVec.begin()) {
+          last = (*(hitParamsIt+2))->side;
+        }
+        if (hitParamsIt == (hitParamsVec.end()-1)) {
+          next = (*(hitParamsIt-1))->side;
+        } else {
+          next = (*(hitParamsIt+1))->side;
+        }
+        check = (*(hitParamsIt))->side;
+        // if the hits before and after this one are on the same side
+        //  but different from the current, flag this one
+        if ((last == next) && (check != next)) {
+          (*(hitParamsIt))->wrongSide = 1;
+        }
+        last = (*(hitParamsIt))->side;       
+      }
+    } // check on empty vector
+    // loop back through hits vector and print output to a file
+    for(hitParamsIt = hitParamsVec.begin(); hitParamsIt != hitParamsVec.end(); hitParamsIt++) {
+      m_correctedLeadingEdge = (*hitParamsIt)->correctedLeadingEdge; 
+      m_timeCor              = timeCor;
+      m_timeOverThreshold    = (*hitParamsIt)->timeOverThreshold;
+      m_trailingEdgeBin      = (*hitParamsIt)->trailingEdgeBin;
+      m_leadingEdgeBin       = (*hitParamsIt)->leadingEdgeBin;
+      m_wrongSide	     = (*hitParamsIt)->wrongSide;
+      m_board		     = (*hitParamsIt)->board;
+      m_locR 		     = (*hitParamsIt)->locR;
+      m_timeCorChip	     = (*hitParamsIt)->timeCorChip;
+      m_chip		     = (*hitParamsIt)->chip;
+      m_side 		     = (*hitParamsIt)->side;
+      m_t0		     = (*hitParamsIt)->t0;
+      m_phi		     = (*hitParamsIt)->phi;
+      m_straw		     = (*hitParamsIt)->straw;
+      m_strawLayer	     = (*hitParamsIt)->strawLayer;
+      m_layer		     = (*hitParamsIt)->layer;
+      m_nTrtBarHits	     = nTrtBarHits;
+      m_nTrtEcHits	     = nTrtEcHits;
+      m_nTrtHitsBarrelA      = nTrtHitsBarrelA;
+      m_nTrtHitsBarrelC      = nTrtHitsBarrelC;
+      m_nTrtHitsEcA	     = nTrtHitsEcA;
+      m_nTrtHitsEcC	     = nTrtHitsEcC;
+      m_nSctHits 	     = nSctHits;
+      m_nPixHits 	     = nPixHits;
+      m_theta		     = theta;
+      m_eta		     = eta;
+      m_chi2Ndf	             = chi2Ndf;
+      m_phi0		     = phi0;
+      m_z0		     = z0;
+      m_d0		     = d0;
+      m_tubeHit	             = (*hitParamsIt)->tubeHit;
+      m_locRPat              = (*hitParamsIt)->locRPat;
+      m_ntuple->Fill();
+    }
+    for (unsigned int i=0; i<hitParamsVec.size(); i++) { delete hitParamsVec[i]; hitParamsVec[i] = 0; } // need to first delete the members that were created with new!!    
+    hitParamsVec.clear();
+    if (nSctHits == 0) m_numTrtOnlyTracks++;
+    else m_numTrtSctTracks++;
+  } // end loop over tracks
+  fclose(myFile);
+  if (msgLvl(MSG::DEBUG)) msg() << "end execute()" << endreq;
+  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
+StatusCode InDet::TRT_DetectorTiming::finalize() {
+  if (msgLvl(MSG::INFO)) msg() << "finalize()" << endreq;
+  if (msgLvl(MSG::INFO)) msg() << "saw " << m_numTrtOnlyTracks << " TRT only tracks and " 
+                               << m_numTrtSctTracks << " combined tracks with the SCT" << endreq;
+  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
diff --git a/InnerDetector/InDetPerformance/TRT_DetectorPerformance/src/TRT_EventPhaseAnalysis.cxx b/InnerDetector/InDetPerformance/TRT_DetectorPerformance/src/TRT_EventPhaseAnalysis.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..6457cf076dff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/InnerDetector/InDetPerformance/TRT_DetectorPerformance/src/TRT_EventPhaseAnalysis.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,545 @@
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+// TRT_EventPhaseAnalysis.cxx, (c) ATLAS Detector software
+#include "TRT_DetectorPerformance/TRT_EventPhaseAnalysis.h"
+#include "InDetRIO_OnTrack/TRT_DriftCircleOnTrack.h"
+#include "InDetPrepRawData/TRT_DriftCircle.h"
+#include "InDetRIO_OnTrack/SCT_ClusterOnTrack.h"
+#include "InDetRIO_OnTrack/PixelClusterOnTrack.h"
+//#include "TrkParameters/MeasuredPerigee.h"
+//#include "TrkParameters/MeasuredAtaStraightLine.h"
+#include "TRT_ConditionsData/RtRelation.h"
+#include "CommissionEvent/ComTime.h"
+#include "TH2F.h"
+#include "TF1.h"
+//================ Constructor =================================================
+InDet::TRT_EventPhaseAnalysis::TRT_EventPhaseAnalysis( const std::string& name
+						     , ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator
+						     ) : AthAlgorithm(name,pSvcLocator)
+						       , m_histSvc("THistSvc", name)
+                                                       , m_trtCondDbTool("TRT_CalDbSvc", name)
+                                                       , m_tracksplitter("InDet::InDetTrackSplitterTool")
+						       , m_eventPhaseTool()
+						       , m_tracksCollection(0)
+						       , m_trtHelper(0)
+						       , m_tracksName("CombinedInDetTracks_CTB")
+						       , eventCount(-1)
+  declareProperty("histogramService", m_histSvc);
+  declareProperty("tracksCollection", m_tracksName);
+  declareProperty("EventPhaseTool", m_eventPhaseTool);
+  m_x_trk = 0;
+  m_x_top = 0;
+  m_x_bot = 0;
+  m_y_trk = 0;
+  m_y_top = 0;
+  m_y_bot = 0;
+  m_z_trk = 0;
+  m_z_top = 0;
+  m_z_bot = 0;
+  m_timeDiff_trk = 0;
+  m_timeDiff_top = 0;
+  m_timeDiff_bot = 0;
+  m_dbT0_trk = 0;
+  m_dbT0_top = 0;
+  m_dbT0_bot = 0; 
+//================ Destructor =================================================
+//================ Initialisation =================================================
+StatusCode InDet::TRT_EventPhaseAnalysis::initialize()
+  // Code entered here will be executed once at program start.
+  if(msgLvl(MSG::INFO)) msg(MSG::INFO) << name() << " initialize()" << endreq;
+  /////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  // Create TTrees and register them to THistSvc
+  /////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  StatusCode sc = m_histSvc.retrieve();
+  if ( sc.isFailure() )
+    {
+      msg(MSG::FATAL) << "histogram service not found" << endreq;
+      return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+    } else 
+      if (msgLvl(MSG::INFO)) msg(MSG::INFO) << "retrieved histogramService" << endreq;
+  m_tree   = new TTree("splitTracks", "splitTracks");
+  std::string fullTreeName =  "/AANT/splitTracks" ;
+  sc = (m_histSvc->regTree(fullTreeName, m_tree));
+  if( sc.isFailure() )
+    {
+      msg(MSG::ERROR) << "Unable to register TTree : " << fullTreeName << endreq;
+      return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+    }
+  sc = m_trtCondDbTool.retrieve() ;
+  if (sc.isFailure()) 
+    {
+      msg(MSG::ERROR) << "Could not find TRTCalDbTool " << endreq;
+      return sc;
+    }
+  //////////////////////////////
+  /// Initialize data vectors
+  //////////////////////////////
+  m_x_trk = new std::vector<float>;
+  m_x_top = new std::vector<float>;
+  m_x_bot = new std::vector<float>;
+  m_y_trk = new std::vector<float>;
+  m_y_top = new std::vector<float>;
+  m_y_bot = new std::vector<float>;
+  m_z_trk = new std::vector<float>;
+  m_z_top = new std::vector<float>;
+  m_z_bot = new std::vector<float>;
+  m_timeDiff_trk = new std::vector<float>;
+  m_timeDiff_top = new std::vector<float>;
+  m_timeDiff_bot = new std::vector<float>;
+  m_dbT0_trk = new std::vector<float>;
+  m_dbT0_top = new std::vector<float>;
+  m_dbT0_bot = new std::vector<float>;
+  //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  /// Book variables to be added to the output ntuple
+  //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  m_tree->Branch("nTrtBarrelHits_trk", &m_nTrtBarrelHits_trk, "nTrtBarrelHits_trk/I");
+  m_tree->Branch("nTrtBarrelHits_top", &m_nTrtBarrelHits_top, "nTrtBarrelHits_top/I");
+  m_tree->Branch("nTrtBarrelHits_bot", &m_nTrtBarrelHits_bot, "nTrtBarrelHits_bot/I");
+  m_tree->Branch("nTrtEndcapHits_trk", &m_nTrtEndcapHits_trk, "nTrtEndcapHits_trk/I");
+  m_tree->Branch("nTrtEndcapHits_top", &m_nTrtEndcapHits_top, "nTrtEndcapHits_top/I");
+  m_tree->Branch("nTrtEndcapHits_bot", &m_nTrtEndcapHits_bot, "nTrtEndcapHits_bot/I");
+  m_tree->Branch("nSctHits_trk", &m_nSctHits_trk, "nSctHits_trk/I");
+  m_tree->Branch("nSctHits_top", &m_nSctHits_top, "nSctHits_top/I");
+  m_tree->Branch("nSctHits_bot", &m_nSctHits_bot, "nSctHits_bot/I");
+  m_tree->Branch("nPixelHits_trk", &m_nPixelHits_trk, "nPixelHits_trk/I");
+  m_tree->Branch("nPixelHits_top", &m_nPixelHits_top, "nPixelHits_top/I");
+  m_tree->Branch("nPixelHits_bot", &m_nPixelHits_bot, "nPixelHits_bot/I");
+  m_tree->Branch("EP_trk", &m_EP_trk, "EP_trk/D");
+  m_tree->Branch("EP_top", &m_EP_top, "EP_top/D");
+  m_tree->Branch("EP_bot", &m_EP_bot, "EP_bot/D");
+  m_tree->Branch("EPFromTE_trk", &m_EPFromTE_trk, "EPFromTE_trk/D");
+  m_tree->Branch("EPFromTE_top", &m_EPFromTE_top, "EPFromTE_top/D");
+  m_tree->Branch("EPFromTE_bot", &m_EPFromTE_bot, "EPFromTE_bot/D");
+  m_tree->Branch("tofFitPar0_trk", &m_tofFitPar0_trk, "tofFitPar0_trk/F");
+  m_tree->Branch("tofFitPar0_top", &m_tofFitPar0_top, "tofFitPar0_top/F");
+  m_tree->Branch("tofFitPar0_bot", &m_tofFitPar0_bot, "tofFitPar0_bot/F");
+  m_tree->Branch("tofFitPar1_trk", &m_tofFitPar1_trk, "tofFitPar1_trk/F");
+  m_tree->Branch("tofFitPar1_top", &m_tofFitPar1_top, "tofFitPar1_top/F");
+  m_tree->Branch("tofFitPar1_bot", &m_tofFitPar1_bot, "tofFitPar1_bot/F");
+  m_tree->Branch("tofChi2OverNdf_trk", &m_tofChi2OverNdf_trk, "tofChi2OverNdf_trk/F");
+  m_tree->Branch("tofChi2OverNdf_top", &m_tofChi2OverNdf_top, "tofChi2OverNdf_top/F");
+  m_tree->Branch("tofChi2OverNdf_bot", &m_tofChi2OverNdf_bot, "tofChi2OverNdf_bot/F");
+  m_tree->Branch("trtPhase", &m_trtPhase, "trtPhase/D");
+  m_tree->Branch("d0",       &m_d0,    "d0/D");
+  m_tree->Branch("z0",       &m_z0,    "z0/D");
+  m_tree->Branch("phi",      &m_phi,   "phi/D");
+  m_tree->Branch("theta",    &m_theta, "theta/D");
+  m_tree->Branch("x_trk", &m_x_trk);
+  m_tree->Branch("x_top", &m_x_top);
+  m_tree->Branch("x_bot", &m_x_bot);
+  m_tree->Branch("y_trk", &m_y_trk);
+  m_tree->Branch("y_top", &m_y_top);
+  m_tree->Branch("y_bot", &m_y_bot);
+  m_tree->Branch("z_trk", &m_z_trk);
+  m_tree->Branch("z_top", &m_z_top);
+  m_tree->Branch("z_bot", &m_z_bot);
+  m_tree->Branch("timeDiff_trk", &m_timeDiff_trk);
+  m_tree->Branch("timeDiff_top", &m_timeDiff_top);
+  m_tree->Branch("timeDiff_bot", &m_timeDiff_bot);
+  m_tree->Branch("dbT0_trk", &m_dbT0_trk);
+  m_tree->Branch("dbT0_top", &m_dbT0_top);
+  m_tree->Branch("dbT0_bot", &m_dbT0_bot);
+  if(msgLvl(MSG::INFO)) msg(MSG::INFO) << "initialize() successful in " << name() << endreq;
+  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+//============== BeginRun =======================================================
+StatusCode InDet::TRT_EventPhaseAnalysis::beginRun()
+  m_eventPhaseTool->beginRun();
+  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+//================ Finalisation =================================================
+StatusCode InDet::TRT_EventPhaseAnalysis::finalize()
+  // Code entered here will be executed once at the end of the program run.
+  if(m_x_trk) delete m_x_trk;
+  if(m_x_top) delete m_x_top;
+  if(m_x_bot) delete m_x_bot;
+  if(m_y_trk) delete m_y_trk;
+  if(m_y_top) delete m_y_top;
+  if(m_y_bot) delete m_y_bot;
+  if(m_z_trk) delete m_z_trk;
+  if(m_z_top) delete m_z_top;
+  if(m_z_bot) delete m_z_bot;
+  if(m_timeDiff_trk) delete m_timeDiff_trk;
+  if(m_timeDiff_top) delete m_timeDiff_top;
+  if(m_timeDiff_bot) delete m_timeDiff_bot;
+  if(m_dbT0_trk) delete m_dbT0_trk;
+  if(m_dbT0_top) delete m_dbT0_top;
+  if(m_dbT0_bot) delete m_dbT0_bot;
+  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+//================ Execution ====================================================
+StatusCode InDet::TRT_EventPhaseAnalysis::execute()
+  ++eventCount;
+  if (msgLvl(MSG::DEBUG)) msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "InDet::TRT_DetectorPlots::execute() event " << eventCount << endreq;
+  //////////////////////////
+  /// Retrieve event info
+  //////////////////////////
+  StatusCode sc = load();
+  if (sc.isFailure())
+    {
+      msg(MSG::ERROR) << "InDet::TRT_DetectorPlots::load() failed, exiting" << endreq;
+      return sc;
+    }	
+  if (m_tracksCollection->size() > 100)
+    {
+      if (msgLvl(MSG::INFO)) msg(MSG::INFO) << "N tracks greater than 100: " << m_tracksCollection->size() << " for event " << eventCount << ", exiting" << endreq; 
+      return sc;
+    }
+  for ( DataVector<Trk::Track>::const_iterator trackIt = m_tracksCollection->begin(); trackIt != m_tracksCollection->end(); ++trackIt ) 
+    {
+      if (msgLvl(MSG::DEBUG)) msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "Track loop start" << endreq;
+      //////////////////
+      /// split tracks
+      //////////////////
+      std::pair<Trk::Track*, Trk::Track*> splitTracks =  std::pair<Trk::Track*, Trk::Track*> (0,0);
+      splitTracks = m_tracksplitter->splitInUpperLowerTrack( **trackIt );
+      /// Is there a top track?
+      if( splitTracks.first == 0 ) 
+	{
+	  if(msgLvl(MSG::DEBUG)) msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "No top track. Skipping track" << endreq;
+	  // no top track so delete bottom track if it exists 
+	  if(splitTracks.second) delete splitTracks.second;
+	  continue;
+	}
+      // is there a bottom track?
+      if( splitTracks.second == 0 )
+	{
+	  if(msgLvl(MSG::DEBUG)) msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "No bottom track, Skipping track" << endreq;
+	  // no bottom track so delete top track (we know it exists because we got here)
+	  delete splitTracks.first;
+	  continue;
+	}
+      const ComTime* comtime = 0;
+      evtStore()->retrieve(comtime,"TRT_Phase");
+      m_trtPhase = comtime->getTime();
+      m_d0    = (**trackIt).perigeeParameters()->parameters()[Trk::d0];
+      m_z0    = (**trackIt).perigeeParameters()->parameters()[Trk::z0];
+      m_phi   = (**trackIt).perigeeParameters()->parameters()[Trk::phi];
+      m_theta = (**trackIt).perigeeParameters()->parameters()[Trk::theta];
+      bool analysisFailed = false;
+      if( !analyzeTrack( (*trackIt)
+		       , m_nTrtBarrelHits_trk
+		       , m_nTrtEndcapHits_trk
+		       , m_nSctHits_trk
+		       , m_nPixelHits_trk
+		       , m_EP_trk
+		       , m_EPFromTE_trk
+		       , m_tofFitPar0_trk
+		       , m_tofFitPar1_trk
+		       , m_tofChi2OverNdf_trk
+		       , m_timeDiff_trk
+		       , m_x_trk
+		       , m_y_trk
+		       , m_z_trk
+		       , m_dbT0_trk
+		       ) ||
+	  !analyzeTrack( splitTracks.first
+		       , m_nTrtBarrelHits_top
+		       , m_nTrtEndcapHits_top
+		       , m_nSctHits_top
+		       , m_nPixelHits_top
+		       , m_EP_top
+		       , m_EPFromTE_top
+		       , m_tofFitPar0_top
+		       , m_tofFitPar1_top
+		       , m_tofChi2OverNdf_top
+		       , m_timeDiff_top
+		       , m_x_top
+		       , m_y_top
+		       , m_z_top
+		       , m_dbT0_top
+		       ) ||
+	  !analyzeTrack( splitTracks.second
+		       , m_nTrtBarrelHits_bot
+		       , m_nTrtEndcapHits_bot
+		       , m_nSctHits_bot
+		       , m_nPixelHits_bot
+		       , m_EP_bot
+		       , m_EPFromTE_bot
+		       , m_tofFitPar0_bot
+		       , m_tofFitPar1_bot
+		       , m_tofChi2OverNdf_bot
+		       , m_timeDiff_bot
+		       , m_x_bot
+		       , m_y_bot
+		       , m_z_bot
+		       , m_dbT0_bot
+		       ) 
+	  )
+	{
+	  if(msgLvl(MSG::INFO)) msg(MSG::INFO) << "analysis failed. skipping track." << endreq;
+	  analysisFailed = true;
+	}
+      if(!analysisFailed)
+	m_tree->Fill();
+      delete splitTracks.first;
+      delete splitTracks.second;
+    }
+  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+//================ Load =========================================================
+StatusCode InDet::TRT_EventPhaseAnalysis::load()
+  StatusCode sc = evtStore()->retrieve( m_tracksCollection, m_tracksName );
+  if ( sc.isFailure() )
+    {
+      msg(MSG::ERROR) << "Could not find Tracks Collectioni " << m_tracksName << endreq;
+      return sc;  
+    }
+  sc = detStore()->retrieve(m_trtHelper, "TRT_ID");
+  if ( sc.isFailure() )
+    {
+      msg(MSG::FATAL) << "Could not get TRT ID helper" << endreq;
+      return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+    }
+  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+//================ Load =========================================================
+bool InDet::TRT_EventPhaseAnalysis::analyzeTrack( Trk::Track* track
+						, int& nTrtBarrelHits
+						, int& nTrtEndcapHits
+						, int& nSctHits
+						, int& nPixelHits
+						, double& EP
+						, double& EPFromTE
+						, float& tofFitPar0
+						, float& tofFitPar1
+						, float& tofChi2OverNdf
+						, std::vector<float>* timeDiff
+						, std::vector<float>* x
+						, std::vector<float>* y
+						, std::vector<float>* z
+						, std::vector<float>* dbT0
+						)
+  const DataVector<const Trk::TrackStateOnSurface>* trackStates= track->trackStateOnSurfaces();
+  if ( trackStates == 0 ) 
+    {
+      msg(MSG::ERROR) << "Trk::TrackStateOnSurface empty" << endreq;
+      return false;
+    }
+  nTrtBarrelHits = 0;
+  nTrtEndcapHits = 0;
+  nSctHits       = 0;
+  nPixelHits     = 0;
+  EP       = m_eventPhaseTool->findPhase(track);
+  EPFromTE = m_eventPhaseTool->findPhaseFromTE(track);
+  x->clear();
+  y->clear();
+  z->clear();
+  timeDiff->clear();
+  dbT0->clear();
+  TH2F* timeDifferenceVsY = new TH2F("timeDifferenceVsY", "Time Difference vs Y", 8000, -1000, 1000, 400, -25, 75);
+  /////////////////////////////
+  /// loop over track states 
+  /////////////////////////////
+  for ( DataVector<const Trk::TrackStateOnSurface>::const_iterator trackStatesIt = trackStates->begin(); 
+	trackStatesIt != trackStates->end(); ++trackStatesIt ) 
+    {
+      // is there a track state?
+      if ( *trackStatesIt == 0 )
+	{
+	  msg(MSG::ERROR) << "*trackStatesIt == 0" << endreq; 
+	  continue;
+	}
+      // is there a measurement on that track state? 
+      if ( !((*trackStatesIt)->type(Trk::TrackStateOnSurface::Measurement)) ) 
+	continue;
+      // is this track state an SCT hit?
+      if (dynamic_cast<const InDet::SCT_ClusterOnTrack*>((*trackStatesIt)->measurementOnTrack())!=0) 
+	{
+	  if(msgLvl(MSG::DEBUG)) msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "SCT hit on track." << endreq;
+	  ++nSctHits;
+	  continue;
+	}
+      // is this track state a pixel hit?
+      if ( dynamic_cast<const InDet::PixelClusterOnTrack*>((*trackStatesIt)->measurementOnTrack()) ) // pixel hit 
+	{
+	  if(msgLvl(MSG::DEBUG)) msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "Pixel hit on track." << endreq;
+	  ++nPixelHits;
+	  continue;
+	}
+      const InDet::TRT_DriftCircleOnTrack *driftCircleOnTrack = dynamic_cast<const InDet::TRT_DriftCircleOnTrack *>( (*trackStatesIt)->measurementOnTrack() );
+      // is there a drift circle on this track state? 
+      if ( driftCircleOnTrack == 0 ) 
+	{
+	  if (msgLvl(MSG::DEBUG)) msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "driftCircleOnTrack == 0 " << ( ((*trackStatesIt)->type(Trk::TrackStateOnSurface::Outlier)) ? "Outlier" : "." )  <<  endreq;
+	  continue; 
+	}
+      // is there a measurement base?
+      if ( (*trackStatesIt)->measurementOnTrack() == 0 ) 
+	{
+	  msg(MSG::ERROR) << "measurementBase == 0, and we should have had it!!!" << endreq;
+	  continue;
+	}
+      // is it possible to prep raw data for this drift circle?
+      const InDet::TRT_DriftCircle *driftCircle = driftCircleOnTrack->prepRawData();
+      //delete driftCircleOnTrack;
+      if ( driftCircle == 0 ) 
+	{
+	  msg(MSG::ERROR) << "driftCircle == 0" << endreq; 
+	  continue;
+	}
+      Identifier id = driftCircle->identify();
+      // Count barrel hits or ec hits
+      if (abs( m_trtHelper->barrel_ec(id ) ) == 1) 
+	nTrtBarrelHits++;
+      else if (abs( m_trtHelper->barrel_ec(id) ) == 2) 
+	nTrtEndcapHits++;
+      //const CLHEP::Hep3Vector &center = driftCircle->detectorElement()->surface( id ).center();
+      const Amg::Vector3D  center = driftCircle->detectorElement()->surface( id ).center(); 
+      x->push_back(center.x());
+      y->push_back(center.y());
+      z->push_back(center.z());
+      //const Trk::MeasuredAtaStraightLine *trackMeasuredAtLine = dynamic_cast<const Trk::MeasuredAtaStraightLine*>( (*trackStatesIt)->trackParameters() );
+      const TRTCond::RtRelation *rtr = m_trtCondDbTool->getRtRelation(id);
+      double leadingEdge  = 3.125 * driftCircle->driftTimeBin();
+      double theDbT0      = m_trtCondDbTool->getT0(id, TRTCond::ExpandedIdentifier::STRAW);
+      //double estDriftTime = rtr->drifttime( fabs(trackMeasuredAtLine->parameters()[Trk::locR] ) );
+      double estDriftTime = rtr->drifttime( fabs(((*trackStatesIt)->trackParameters())->parameters()[Trk::locR] ) );
+      timeDifferenceVsY->Fill(center.y()/1000, leadingEdge - theDbT0 - estDriftTime); // y in meters
+      timeDiff->push_back(leadingEdge - theDbT0 - estDriftTime);
+      dbT0->push_back(theDbT0);
+    }
+  if(msgLvl(MSG::DEBUG)) msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "entries: " << timeDifferenceVsY->GetEntries() << endreq;
+  timeDifferenceVsY->Fit("pol1", "Q");
+  if(timeDifferenceVsY->GetFunction("pol1"))
+    {
+      if(msgLvl(MSG::DEBUG)) msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "constant: " << timeDifferenceVsY->GetFunction("pol1")->GetParameter(0) << " -- splope: " << timeDifferenceVsY->GetFunction("pol1")->GetParameter(1) << endreq;
+      tofFitPar0     = timeDifferenceVsY->GetFunction("pol1")->GetParameter(0);
+      tofFitPar1     = timeDifferenceVsY->GetFunction("pol1")->GetParameter(1);
+      tofChi2OverNdf = timeDifferenceVsY->GetFunction("pol1")->GetChisquare() / timeDifferenceVsY->GetFunction("pol1")->GetNDF();
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      tofFitPar0 = 0;
+      tofFitPar1 = 0; 
+      tofChi2OverNdf = -999;
+    }
+  delete timeDifferenceVsY;
+  return true;
diff --git a/InnerDetector/InDetPerformance/TRT_DetectorPerformance/src/TRT_StrawMap.cxx b/InnerDetector/InDetPerformance/TRT_DetectorPerformance/src/TRT_StrawMap.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..d9d0c436921f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/InnerDetector/InDetPerformance/TRT_DetectorPerformance/src/TRT_StrawMap.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,352 @@
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+// TRT_StrawMap.cxx, (c) ATLAS Detector software
+#include "TRT_DetectorPerformance/TRT_StrawMap.h"
+#include "DataModel/DataVector.h"
+#include "Identifier/Identifier.h"
+#include "InDetIdentifier/TRT_ID.h"
+#include "InDetReadoutGeometry/TRT_DetectorManager.h"
+#include "TRT_ConditionsServices/ITRT_StrawNeighbourSvc.h"
+#include "PathResolver/PathResolver.h"
+//================ Constructor =================================================
+InDet::TRT_StrawMap::TRT_StrawMap(const std::string& t,
+				  const std::string& n,
+				  const IInterface*  p )
+  :
+  AthAlgTool(t,n,p),
+  m_nBarrelStraws(1642), // = 1642;
+  m_nAllStraws(5482), // = 5482;
+  m_nBarrelChips(104), // = 104;
+  m_TRTStrawNeighbourTool("TRT_StrawNeighbourSvc", n)
+  declareInterface<ITRT_StrawMap>(this);
+  //  template for property decalration
+  //declareProperty("PropertyName", m_propertyName);
+//================ Destructor =================================================
+//================ Initialisation =================================================
+StatusCode InDet::TRT_StrawMap::initialize()
+  StatusCode sc = AthAlgTool::initialize();
+  if (sc.isFailure()) return sc;
+  if (msgLvl(MSG::VERBOSE)) msg() << name() << "InDet::TRT_StrawMap::initialize()" << endreq;
+/* only in 15 nightlies
+  if ( !(evtStore()) ) {
+    if (msgLvl(MSG::ERROR)) msg() << "missing evtStore StoreGate Svc!" << endreq;
+    return sc;
+  }
+  if ( !(detStore()) ) {
+    if (msgLvl(MSG::ERROR)) msg() << "missing detStore Svc!" << endreq;
+    return sc;
+  }
+  sc = detStore()->retrieve(m_TRTDetMgr, "TRT");
+  if ( sc.isFailure() ) {
+    if (msgLvl(MSG::ERROR)) msg() << "Unable to retrieve TRT Detector Manager " << endreq;
+    return sc;
+  }
+  sc = detStore()->retrieve(m_TRTDetMgr, "TRT");
+  if ( sc.isFailure() ) {
+    if (msgLvl(MSG::ERROR)) msg() << "Unable to retrieve TRT Detector Manager " << endreq;
+    return sc;
+  }
+  // TRT helper
+  if (detStore()->retrieve(m_TRTHelper, "TRT_ID").isFailure()) {
+    msg(MSG::FATAL) << "Could not get TRT ID helper" << endreq;
+    return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+  }
+  // set m_strawToPadMap
+  for (int i=0; i<m_nBarrelStraws; i++) m_strawToPadMap[i] = -1; // read strawToChip from the file
+  std::string sasa_filename=PathResolver::find_file ("swIndex.txt", "DATAPATH");
+  FILE *f = fopen(sasa_filename.c_str(), "r");
+  if (f==0) { 
+    if (msgLvl(MSG::ERROR)) msg() << "InDet::TRT_StrawMap::initialize() needs file swIndex.txt!!!" << endreq; 
+    return sc; 
+  }
+  char line[300];
+  int tmp[5];
+  while ( fgets(line, 300, f) != 0 ) {
+    if (line[0]=='#') continue;
+    sscanf(line, "%d %d %d %d %d\n", tmp, tmp+1, tmp+2, tmp+3, tmp+4);
+    m_strawToPadMap[ tmp[0] ] = 2 * tmp[1]; // chip -> pad
+  }
+  fclose(f);
+  for (int i=0; i<m_nBarrelStraws; i++) if (m_strawToPadMap[i]<0||m_strawToPadMap[i]>=m_nBarrelChips*2) { 
+    if (msgLvl(MSG::ERROR)) msg() << "InDet::TRT_StrawMap::initialize() m_strawToPadMap[" << i <<"] =  " << m_strawToPadMap[i] << " error (barrel)." << endreq; 
+    m_strawToPadMap[i] = 0; // avoid crashing later
+  }
+//  int endcapChipNumbers[] = {8, 11, 9, 10, 4, 7, 5, 6, 0, 3, 1, 2};
+  int endcapChipNumbers[] = {1, 2, 0, 3, 5, 6, 4, 7, 9, 10, 8, 11};
+  for (int board=0; board<20; board++) // do the same for endcap
+    for (int strawLayerNumber=0; strawLayerNumber<8; strawLayerNumber++) 
+      for (int strawNumber = 0; strawNumber<24; strawNumber++) {
+        int straw = board * 192 + strawNumber * 8 + strawLayerNumber ;
+        straw += m_nBarrelStraws;
+        int chip = (strawNumber - strawNumber%4) / 4;  // numbering 0-11, see few lines later for hardware numbering consistency
+        chip *= 2;
+        if (strawLayerNumber>=4) chip += 1; // this gives you chip number in 0-11 range 
+        chip = endcapChipNumbers[chip];
+        int pad = strawNumber%2; 
+ 	m_strawToPadMap[ straw ] = 2 * ( chip + board * 12 + m_nBarrelChips ) + pad;
+      }
+  for (int i=m_nBarrelStraws; i<m_nAllStraws; i++) { //  cross-check
+    if ( m_strawToPadMap[i] == -1 ) {
+	  if (msgLvl(MSG::ERROR)) msg() << "InDet::TRT_StrawMap::initialize() m_strawToPadMap[" << i <<"] =  " << m_strawToPadMap[i] << " error (endcap)." << endreq;
+      m_strawToPadMap[i] = m_nBarrelChips * 2;
+	}
+  }
+  return sc;
+//================ Finalisation =================================================
+StatusCode InDet::TRT_StrawMap::finalize()
+  StatusCode sc = AthAlgTool::finalize();
+  return sc;
+int InDet::TRT_StrawMap::board(Identifier id) {
+  if (id != m_id) setNewIdentifier(id);
+  return board();
+int InDet::TRT_StrawMap::board() {
+  return strawToBoard(m_straw);
+int InDet::TRT_StrawMap::strawToBoard(int straw) {
+  return chipToBoard( m_strawToPadMap[straw] / 2 );
+int InDet::TRT_StrawMap::chipToBoard(int chip) {
+  // return logical board index:
+  // barrel
+  // 0 for Board 1S (has 10 chips)  0 -  9
+  // 1 for 1L (11)                 10 - 20
+  // 2 for 2S (15)                 21 - 35
+  // 3 for 2L, first 9 chips       36 - 44
+  // 4 for 2L, second 9 chips      45 - 53
+  // 5 for 3S, first 11            54 - 64
+  // 6 for 3S, second 12           65 - 76
+  // 7 for 3L, first 13            77 - 89 
+  // 8 for 3L, second 14           90 - 103
+  // endcap
+  // 9-28 from smaller |z| to larger |z|
+  if (chip >= m_nBarrelChips)  return ( 9 + (chip-m_nBarrelChips) / 12 );
+                               // endcap: always 12 chips per board, easy; +9 such that range is 9-28
+  static int list[] = {10, 11, 15, 9, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14}; // N chips on each barrel board
+  int count = 0;
+  for (int i=0; i<9; i++) {
+    count += list[i];
+    if (chip < count) return i;
+  }
+  if (msgLvl(MSG::ERROR)) msg() << name() << "InDet::TRT_StrawMap::chipToBoard(), should never come this far! input chip number: " << chip << endreq;
+  return 0;
+int InDet::TRT_StrawMap::chip(Identifier id) {
+  if (id != m_id) setNewIdentifier(id);
+  return chip();
+int InDet::TRT_StrawMap::chip() {
+  return strawToChip(m_straw, m_reverse);
+int InDet::TRT_StrawMap::strawToChip(int straw, int side, int phi) {
+  int reversed = 0;
+  if (abs(side)==2&&(phi<8||(phi>=16&&phi<24))) reversed = 1;
+  if (side==-2) reversed = 3-reversed;
+  return strawToChip(straw, reversed);
+int InDet::TRT_StrawMap::strawToChip(int straw, int reversed) {
+  int chip = m_strawToPadMap[straw] / 2;
+  if (chip < m_nBarrelChips) return chip; // barrel 
+  int chipInBoard = ( chip - m_nBarrelChips ) % 12; // endcap
+  chip -= chipInBoard;
+  if (reversed%2==1) chipInBoard = 10 + 2 * ( chipInBoard % 2 ) - chipInBoard ; 
+  static int reverseSideC[] = {9, 8, 11, 10, 5, 4, 7, 6, 1, 0, 3, 2};  // {10, 11, 8, 9, 6, 7, 4, 5, 2, 3, 0, 1};
+  if (reversed>1) chipInBoard = reverseSideC[chipInBoard];
+  chip += chipInBoard; 
+  return chip;
+void InDet::TRT_StrawMap::setNewIdentifier(Identifier id, int *index) {
+  int side = m_TRTHelper->barrel_ec(id);
+  int phi = m_TRTHelper->phi_module(id);  
+  int layerNumber = m_TRTHelper->layer_or_wheel(id);
+  int strawLayerNumber = m_TRTHelper->straw_layer(id);
+  int strawNumber = m_TRTHelper->straw(id); 
+  if (index) { index[0] = side; index[1] = phi; index[2] = layerNumber; index[3] = strawLayerNumber; index[4] = strawNumber; }
+  int straw(0);
+  if (abs(side)==1) { // barrel
+    static int firstCall(1);
+    static int numberOfStraws[74];
+    if (firstCall) {
+      firstCall = 0;
+      int strawsPerStrawLayer[] = {14, 15, 15, 15, 15, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 18, 18, 18, 17, // layer 0, strawlayers 0-18
+				   18, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 23, 23, 22, // layer 1, strawLayers 0-23
+				   22, 23, 23, 23, 23, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 28, 28, 28, 28, 27 }; // layer 2, strawlayers 0-29
+      numberOfStraws[0] = 0;
+      for (int i=0; i<73; i++) numberOfStraws[i+1] = numberOfStraws[i] + strawsPerStrawLayer[i] + 1;
+    }
+    if (layerNumber==1) strawLayerNumber+= 19;
+    if (layerNumber==2) strawLayerNumber+= 43;
+    straw = ( numberOfStraws[strawLayerNumber+1] - strawNumber -1 );
+  } else if (abs(side)==2) { // endcap
+    int board = layerNumber;
+    if (layerNumber<6) { //  A-type wheels, two wheels (boards) per "layer"
+      board *= 2;
+      if (strawLayerNumber>=8) board += 1;
+    } else { // shift B wheels accordingly
+      board += 6;
+    } // board numbered 0-19
+    straw = board * 192 + strawNumber * 8 + strawLayerNumber % 8;
+    int myStraw = straw;    // need to cross-check that it is the same as Jim's code
+    straw = 0;
+    if((layerNumber<6) & (strawLayerNumber>7))
+      {
+	straw=straw+(384*layerNumber);
+	straw=straw+192+(strawLayerNumber%8)+(strawNumber*8);
+      }
+    else if((layerNumber<6) & (strawLayerNumber<8))
+      {
+	straw=straw+(384*layerNumber);
+	straw=straw + (strawLayerNumber%8) + (strawNumber*8);
+      }
+    else if((layerNumber>5) & (strawLayerNumber>7))
+      {
+	straw = straw + 2304 + 192*(layerNumber-6);
+	straw = straw + 192 + (strawLayerNumber%8) + (8*strawNumber);
+      }
+    else if((layerNumber>5) & (strawLayerNumber<8))
+      {
+	straw = straw + 2304 + 192*(layerNumber-6);
+	straw = straw + (strawLayerNumber%8) + (8*strawNumber);
+      }
+    if (straw != myStraw) if (msgLvl(MSG::ERROR)) msg() << "endcap numbering problem " << straw <<  " " << myStraw << endreq;
+    straw += m_nBarrelStraws; // shift such that they come after the barrel straws
+  }
+  m_id = id;
+  m_straw = straw;
+  m_reverse = (abs(side)==2&&(phi<8||(phi>=16&&phi<24))) ? 1 : 0;
+  if (side==-2) m_reverse = 3-m_reverse;  // just the other phi sectors are reversed in side C, shift by 2
+  return;
+int InDet::TRT_StrawMap::straw(Identifier id) {
+  if (id != m_id) setNewIdentifier(id);
+  return straw();
+int InDet::TRT_StrawMap::straw() {
+  return m_straw;
+void InDet::TRT_StrawMap::compareWithTRTStrawNeighbour() {
+  if (msgLvl(MSG::VERBOSE)) msg() << "InDet::TRT_StrawMap::compareWithTRTStrawNeighbour: printing out file compareWithTRTStrawNeighbour.txt" << endreq;
+  FILE *f = fopen("compareWithTRTStrawNeighbour.txt", "w");
+  for (std::vector<Identifier>::const_iterator it = m_TRTHelper->straw_layer_begin(); it != m_TRTHelper->straw_layer_end(); it++  ) {
+    int nStrawsInLayer = m_TRTHelper->straw_max(*it);
+    for (int i=0; i<=nStrawsInLayer; i++) {
+      Identifier id = m_TRTHelper->straw_id(*it, i);
+      int index[5];
+      this->setNewIdentifier(id, index);
+      int myChip = this->chip();
+      int myReference(-1);
+      if (abs(index[0])==2) {
+        myReference = ( myChip - m_nBarrelChips ) % 12; // endcap
+        if ( index[2]<6 && this->board()%2==0 ) myReference += 20; // A wheels
+      } else if (abs(index[0])==1) {
+        myReference = myChip;
+        if (index[2]==0) myReference +=  1;
+        if (index[2]==1) myReference -= 20;
+        if (index[2]==2) myReference -= 53;		  
+      }
+      int chip; 
+      m_TRTStrawNeighbourTool->getChip(id, chip);
+      //const HepGeom::Point3D<double> &centerRef = m_TRTDetMgr->getElement( id )->center( id );
+      const Amg::Vector3D  centerRef = m_TRTDetMgr->getElement( id )->center( id );
+      for (int j=0; j<5; j++) fprintf(f, "%2d ", index[j]);
+      fprintf(f, " %4d %2d %3d %2d %2d ", this->straw(), this->board(), myChip, myReference, chip);
+      fprintf(f, "%f %f %f\n", centerRef.x(), centerRef.y(), centerRef.z());
+    }
+  }
+  fclose(f);
+  return;
diff --git a/InnerDetector/InDetPerformance/TRT_DetectorPerformance/src/components/TRT_DetectorPerformance_entries.cxx b/InnerDetector/InDetPerformance/TRT_DetectorPerformance/src/components/TRT_DetectorPerformance_entries.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..a0f54a155b97
--- /dev/null
+++ b/InnerDetector/InDetPerformance/TRT_DetectorPerformance/src/components/TRT_DetectorPerformance_entries.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+#include "TRT_DetectorPerformance/TRT_DetectorPlots.h"
+#include "TRT_DetectorPerformance/TRT_DetectorTiming.h"
+#include "TRT_DetectorPerformance/TRT_ClockNoise.h"
+#include "TRT_DetectorPerformance/TRT_StrawMap.h"
+#include "TRT_DetectorPerformance/TRT_EventPhaseAnalysis.h"
+#include "TRT_DetectorPerformance/TRT_DTMROC_HeaderCheck.h"
+#include "GaudiKernel/DeclareFactoryEntries.h"
+DECLARE_FACTORY_ENTRIES( TRT_DetectorPerformance ) {
diff --git a/InnerDetector/InDetPerformance/TRT_DetectorPerformance/src/components/TRT_DetectorPerformance_load.cxx b/InnerDetector/InDetPerformance/TRT_DetectorPerformance/src/components/TRT_DetectorPerformance_load.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..0d5b78ec4a20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/InnerDetector/InDetPerformance/TRT_DetectorPerformance/src/components/TRT_DetectorPerformance_load.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+#include "GaudiKernel/LoadFactoryEntries.h"
diff --git a/InnerDetector/InDetPerformance/TRT_DetectorPerformance/src/mapping.txt b/InnerDetector/InDetPerformance/TRT_DetectorPerformance/src/mapping.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..46328955fa65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/InnerDetector/InDetPerformance/TRT_DetectorPerformance/src/mapping.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@