- Apr 09, 2021
Remove usage of obsolete `PACKAGE_VERSION` macro. Also cleanup essentially empty methods.
- Apr 08, 2021
- Now LB dependent HitMaps are created for NoisyStrip and Dead/Quiet Chip task
- Mar 15, 2021
Added thresholds for occupancy for quiet chip/strip (default: 0.5 * mean occupancy)
- Mar 13, 2021
scott snyder authored
Suppress false positive.
- Mar 11, 2021
scott snyder authored
Use standard atlas_install_runtime.
- Feb 22, 2021
scott snyder authored
Prefer preincrement to postincrement for user iterators. Remove useless pointer dereferences.
- Feb 18, 2021
- Feb 16, 2021
Christos Anastopoulos authored
- Feb 11, 2021
Christian Sander authored
- updated copyright info
- Feb 09, 2021
scott snyder authored
covFromSi is obviously meant to be a 2x2 matrix, not 1x1!. Fixes out-of-bounds warning from gcc10.
Christian Sander authored
- Jan 29, 2021
Christian Sander authored
- Jan 22, 2021
Andreas Kirchhoff authored
Soshi Tsuno authored
The deadmap format will be changed in rel.22. The previous DB folder was /PIXEL/PixMapOverlay, and new folder /PIXEL/PixelModuleFeMask . This new folder is not included in old global tag. Thus, in the job option, the DB-tag is specified, but this should be removed when the q-test update new global tag. Unfortunately, q221 uses old global tag, OFLCOND-MC16-SDR-25, which associates PixMapOverlay-SIM-MC16-000-02. But the RUN-2 best-knowledge tag is based on PixMapOverlay-SIM-MC16-000-03, and new deadmap conditions also based on this tag (-03). Therefore, the q221 test will not pass T0 policy. The reference file is updated. On the other hand, the data q431 is no problem.
- Jan 10, 2021
scott snyder authored
Don't use references in a range-for if the object must be copied.
- Dec 25, 2020
Susumu Oda authored
- Dec 16, 2020
Christian Sander authored
- Dec 14, 2020
- removed relativ paths - updated sorting of lists
- Dec 01, 2020
- Nov 06, 2020
Gaudi v35 drops the backwards compatiblity imports of `GaudiSvcConf`. Import the services from their actual location.
- Oct 28, 2020
Frank Winklmeier authored
cmake cleanup, do not install component headers.
Frank Winklmeier authored
- Oct 07, 2020
Soshi Tsuno authored
- Oct 06, 2020
Soshi Tsuno authored
- Oct 02, 2020
- Sep 30, 2020
sutt authored
The single RegSelSvc is to be replaced by a separate RegSelTool for each subsystem. This merge request is to implement that migration for the ID code. This code contains about 60 % of all the changes that are needed for the migration, and most of the changes for the pixel, SCT and TRT. ``` For information the packages needing changes are Innerdetector/InDetEventCnv/PixelRawDataByteStreamCnv InnerDetector/InDetEventCnv/TRT_RawDataByteStreamCnv InnerDetector/InDetExample/InDetRecExample InnerDetector/InDetRecAlgs/InDetPrepRawDataFormation InnerDetector/InDetRecTools/TRT_SeededSpacePointFinderTool Reconstruction/TRT_Rec Reconstruction/iPat/iPatRecExample Innerdetector/InDetExample/InDetTrigRecExample InnerDetector/InDetTrigRecAlgs/InDetTrigPrepRawDataFormat InnerDetector/InDetTrigRecAlgs/InDetTrigRawDataProvider InnerDetector/InDetTrigRecAlgs/SiTrigSPSeededTrackFinder InnerDetector/InDetTrigRecAlgs/SiTrigSpacePointFormation InnerDetector/InDetTrigRecAlgs/TRT_TrigSeededTrackFinder InnerDetector/InDetTrigRecAlgs/TRT_TrigTrackSegmentsFinder Trigger/TrigTools/TrigOnlineSpacePointTool Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerJobOpts Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigGenericAlgs Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2MinBias Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigLongLivedParticlesHypo ``` plus the configuratin for every package that uses any of the above packages which will need to instantiate the RegSelTools for the tool and algorithms configurables.
Soshi Tsuno authored
- Sep 20, 2020
scott snyder authored
Clean up to remove most thread-safety annotations. Algorithm PixelChargeToTConversion is marked as not thread-safe because it modifies data in SG.
- Sep 18, 2020
scott snyder authored
Thread-safety annotations should match between declarations and definitions. Clean up some static variables. TRTCalibrationMgr is not thread-safe due to its use of TRTCalibrator.
- Jul 28, 2020
scott snyder authored
Library dependency fixes.
- Jul 21, 2020
scott snyder authored
Library dependency fixes.
- Jul 19, 2020
scott snyder authored
Library dependency fixes.
scott snyder authored
Library dependency fixes.
- Jul 12, 2020
scott snyder authored
Remove needless ATLAS_NOT_THREAD_SAFE attribute from MultiHisto::Write. The const_cast here is adding const, not removing it, so it's ok.
- Jul 06, 2020
Add ATLAS_NOT_THREAD_SAFE to PixelChargeInterpolationPlot and PixelClusterOnTrackErrorPlot classes because static variables are used.
- Jul 02, 2020
Add ATLAS_CHECK_THREAD_SAFETY to TRT_CalibAlgs package. Remove const keyword from TRTCalibrationMgr::streamOutCalibObjects to avoid const_cast. Add ATLAS_NOT_THREAD_SAFE to TRT_StrawStatus class because it reads and writes a global variable (last_lumiBlock0). Add ATLAS_NOT_THREAD_SAFE to TRTOccupancyInclude::execute method because static variables are used.
- Jul 01, 2020
Susumu Oda authored
Move the reasons of trhead unsafety to the lines of ATLAS_NOT_THREAD_SAFE or ATLAS_NO_CHECK_FILE_THREAD_SAFETY for easier understanding using LXR and git grep. Remove ATLAS_NOT_THREAD_SAFE from TRT_BSErrContainerCnv_p1::transToPers and TRT_BSErrContainerCnv_p2::transToPers.
- Jun 30, 2020
Nora Emilia Pettersson authored
Susumu Oda authored
Add ATLAS_CHECK_THREAD_SAFETY to InDetBeamSpotFinder package. Change static counter to member variable using std::atomic. Remove thread-unsafe DataHandle. Add ATLAS_NO_CHECK_FILE_THREAD_SAFETY to InDetBeamSpotVertex.h/cxx because exteranl methods are used for TMinuit.