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Commit 7d7ca5b7 authored by Dominik Muller's avatar Dominik Muller
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Fixed incompatible usage of StatusCode in BeamSpotMarkovChainSampleVertex

parent 5a0f43ad
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......@@ -42,12 +42,13 @@ StatusCode BeamSpotMarkovChainSampleVertex::initialize( )
// However, it is not sensitive to the precise value... changing for example
// the sigma in m_gaussDistZ from 5. to 7. will not make a difference.
sc = ( sc
auto result = ( sc
&& m_gaussDistX.initialize( randSvc , Rndm::Gauss( 0. , 0.025 ) )
&& m_gaussDistY.initialize( randSvc , Rndm::Gauss( 0. , 0.025 ) )
&& m_gaussDistZ.initialize( randSvc , Rndm::Gauss( 0. , 5. ) )
&& m_gaussDistT.initialize( randSvc , Rndm::Gauss( 0. , 1. ) )
&& m_flatDist.initialize ( randSvc , Rndm::Flat ( 0. , 1. ) ) );
if(!result) sc = StatusCode::FAILURE;
if ( sc.isFailure() )
{ return Error( "Could not initialize random number generators" ); }
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