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OKD: Update script to copy rates file to read the menu type

Follow up to !112 (merged)

Update the script to copy the rates.json file to the TriggerMenu Experts area.

The script is tested and running in production, however, currently the Dev_pp_run3_v1 directory is missing and the file cannot be copied:

The postprocessing was successful
Setting up TDAQ Common SW release "tdaq-common-10-00-00"
Setting up DAQ SW release "tdaq-10-00-00"
Attempting to authenticate via /eos/home-t/trigcomm/.dbauth/run3/read/
SMK 228 (Dev_pp_run3_v1 v81) is associated to the L1 key 76.
SMK 228 (Dev_pp_run3_v1 v81) is associated to the HLT key 145.
SMK 228 (Dev_pp_run3_v1 v81) is associated to the HLT JO key 227.
SMK 228 is associated to Monitoring Group 119.
Wrote file SMK_228/L1Menu_228.json
Wrote file SMK_228/HLTMenu_228.json
Wrote file SMK_228/HLTJO_228.json
Wrote file SMK_228/MonGroups_228.json
Closing DB connection
Copying /data/RateProcessings_2023/r2023-08-01/costMonitoring_rate-prediction-ATR-28054-noPS_440499/rates.json to /eos/atlas/atlascerngroupdisk/trig-rates/rate_json/2023/Dev_pp_run3_v1/rates_440499_r2023-08-01.json
cp: cannot create regular file '/eos/atlas/atlascerngroupdisk/trig-rates/rate_json/2023/Dev_pp_run3_v1/rates_440499_r2023-08-01.json': No such file or directory
Manual Processing done. Exit.

The script is now using extractMenu to read the menu type, in the future, it can be replaced with prepared listMenusBySMK when the script it updated to access the dblookup.xml on eos

Tagging @tamartin @mark @scella @khoo @astruebi @lidiaz

The MR also adds AMI Tag validation in the reprocessing form ATR-27290

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