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Adding new ART test for AFP

Trygve Buanes requested to merge master-AFP-TriggerTest into master

New ART test requested by AFP:

Following discussion from the HLT mattermost: It would be helpful to have an ART test using an AFP input file. Please would you be able to copy a recent MC file into the cvmfs area? An example of a private production can be found at user.ladamczy.mc15_13TeV.860102.SuperChicPy8_gg_jj_CEP_70_new.evgen.RDO.e8419.v1_EXT0.v2_EXT0 For the test, we guess we would like something similar to: Trigger/TrigValidation/TriggerTest/test/

but the command should be: -c "setMenu='Dev_pp_run3_v1';doEmptyMenu=True;doMinBiasSlice=True;doJetSlice=True;doBjetSlice=True;doCombinedSlice=True;doL1Sim=True;doWriteBS=False;doWriteRDOTrigger=True;fpeAuditor=True;" --imf --perfmon --threads=1 --evtMax=10 --filesInput=$HOME/work/AFP.pool.root TriggerJobOpts/

Edited by Trygve Buanes

Merge request reports