release/21.6.2faeb64c5 · ·
it is the latest build of 21.6 setting the env. variable GENERATORVER and RIVET_PATH and moving common fragments to dirs Generator_i/share/common versions update: Sherpa 226 Pythia240 EvtGen1.6 River 262 YODA 174
release/ · ·
AthDerivation cache that includes the TauCP AODFix for the electron/tau BDT rejection.
release/21.6.133dc547b · ·
This pcache contains Lhapdf621 (a new default for rel. 21.6) and all generators recompiled with this version. The purpose for the build is the validation of Pythia8 in rel. 21.6 vs. rel. 20.7
release/ · ·
AthDerivation release to be used for reprocessing data to be used by SUSY, HIGG4 groups.
release/21.1.5539c6887b · ·
To collect many changes that were applied as patches to the SMK during HI running in a numbered release.
release/21.1.535c2a1487 · ·
This is a numbered release to collect the many changes that were applied as patches to the SMK during HI running. Not intended to be used for online running.