Unsupported assertions in code
tmrg does not support SVA in code
Describe your setup
fastrich toolkit/serialisers/rtl/serializer_ddr_mux_slave.sv
TMRG Version
Steps to reproduce
module test (input clk_i);
int idx;
logic input_sampled;
logic deserialized;
assert property (@(clk_i) (idx==0) & ~$isunknown($past(input_sampled, 5)) |-> (deserialized == $past(input_sampled, 5)));
What is the current bug behavior?
$ tmrg test.sv
[ERROR ] Error in file 'test.sv' around line '5'.
[ERROR ] assert property (@(clk_i) (idx==0) & ~$isunknown($past(input_sampled, 5)) |-> (deserialized == $past(input_sampled, 5)));
[ERROR ] ^
[ERROR ] Expected module, found 'assert' (at char 77), (line:5, col:1)
[ERROR ] Error during parsing
What is the expected correct behavior?
Assertion should pass to the output (triplicated if needed)