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Joni Pham's avatar
Joni Pham committed
This is the code to run WZ analysis in release 21, particularly for pPb 2016
What included:
    Muon kinematics
    ETsumFCal and Centrality
Joni Pham's avatar
Joni Pham committed
What not in here yet: hadronic recoil, trigger prescales
Joni Pham's avatar
Joni Pham committed
HadronicRecoild package is old and need calibration for pPb2016 
Joni Pham's avatar
Joni Pham committed

Joni Pham's avatar
Joni Pham committed
How to build the code: 
mkdir build run
Joni Pham's avatar
Joni Pham committed

git clone [](ssh://
Joni Pham's avatar
Joni Pham committed
cd source
Joni Pham's avatar
Joni Pham committed
asetup AthAnalysis,21.2.69,here or asetup
Joni Pham's avatar
Joni Pham committed
cd ../build && cmake ../source && make
cd ../run && source ../build/${AthAnalysis_PLATFORM}/ 

Joni Pham's avatar
Joni Pham committed
**How to run the code:**
Joni Pham's avatar
Joni Pham committed
locally: athena --filesInput=$"SOME_TEST_FILE_DATA" --evtMax=10 MuonAnalysis/
Joni Pham's avatar
Joni Pham committed
note that is no longer working. Need to fix this, but not too important.
Joni Pham's avatar
Joni Pham committed
on the grid:
lsetup rucio
lsetup panda
python ../source/MuonAnalysis/python/ -i InputDataSet 

If come back:
cd source && asetup [...]
cd ../run && source ../build/${AthAnalysis_PLATFORM}/ 

Note: InputDataSet can be a dataset or a text file that has a list of datasets
--nevents to specify the number of maximum events
--debug to run on debug mode
-j and add whatever you want to the outputdataset name
--exSite to exclude the sites that may cause troubles (edit the list excludeSite in the
Specity number of files per job in FilesPerJob in
--jobOption default is MuonAnalysis/
Delete the TarBall if changing the code
Joni Pham's avatar
Joni Pham committed

Joni Pham's avatar
Joni Pham committed
**How to run in SLC6**
log in lxplus6 instead of lxplus
asetup AthAnalysis,21.2.69,here,slc6 and recompile everything. 
May need to empty the build directory first
make sure to source ../build/x86_64-slc6 not centos7

Joni Pham's avatar
Joni Pham committed

what changed in athena:

On branch my21.2
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/21.2'.
Changes not staged for commit:
  (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
  (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)

	modified:   Event/xAOD/xAODPrimitives/Root/getIsolationAccessor.cxx
	modified:   Event/xAOD/xAODPrimitives/xAODPrimitives/IsolationType.h
	modified:   PhysicsAnalysis/AnalysisCommon/IsolationSelection/Root/IsolationSelectionTool.cxx
	modified:   PhysicsAnalysis/SUSYPhys/SUSYTools/Root/SUSYObjDef_xAOD.cxx
	modified:   PhysicsAnalysis/SUSYPhys/SUSYTools/Root/SUSYToolsInit.cxx
	modified:   PhysicsAnalysis/SUSYPhys/SUSYTools/Root/Taus.cxx
	modified:   PhysicsAnalysis/SUSYPhys/SUSYTools/share/

Untracked files:
  (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
