The release plan with deadline for DecFiles over coming months is:
1. DecFiles v30r34 with deadline on Friday 2nd August 2019 at 14:00.
1. DecFiles v30r35 with deadline on Friday 16th August 2019 at 14:00.
1. DecFiles v30r36 with deadline on Friday 30th August 2019 at 14:00.
1. DecFiles v30r36 with deadline on Friday 30th August 2019 at 14:00 (might have to shift due to travel).
1. DecFiles v30r37 with deadline on Friday 13th September 2019 at 14:00.
Usually plan is to release on Monday or Tuesday after deadline. Merge requests created after deadline are not guaranteed to be accepted for this release.
Add script to help to prepare release notes. It will properly format all additions of new decay files. For other types of MRs it might write out all what is needed but it is not guaranteed.
! 2019-07-24 - Michal Kreps (MR !328)
Update check for error message for missing LoKi cuts to catch cases where the particle is selected but no cut is defined.
! 2019-07-24 - Adam Morris (MR !327)
Restore link to unofficial event type finder and update URL.