Central updates: - release 25.2.22 - updated tau SF computation - new photon Medium WP - new electron DNN WP - new muon trigger SF - configurable cutBookKeeper histPattern - disable Run 2 ele SF EasyjetPlus: - updated Run 3 lumi for standard GRL bbyy: - improved handling of weight names for special Higgs samples bbll: - fix NW configuration HH multilep: - expand lepton WP variables - added b-jets + taus VBS+H: - fix di-mu paths trigger selection
bbtt: - fix event-level trigger SF for MC23d - fix missing output root files - use forceFullSimConfig for electrons for AF3 samples
Central updates: - release 25.2.19/20 - fix on Kinematic fit: change in maximum eta boundaries 4.4 -> 4.5 - disable GN2v01 SF - New grid setting: no Email, HDBS production role - Option to run GNTau - Truth information set on the parents of leptons (electron, muons, taus) bbll: - New Z+jets CR - Adding bjet energy corrections, PCBT and lepton origin variables bbtt: - Add visible mass cut - Add anti-iso channel bbyy: - Fix when 3 photons were present causing a crash in bypass function. - Fix SoW histogram name - New options for grid submission: reuse tarball + fine tuning size of files submitted to avoid long lasting jobs. lltt: - Central OR for TauJets_MuonRM VBS VVH: - full lepton and semi leptonic bypass functions - Specific Higgs candidate selection - Full lep: new Resolved and Boosted selection applied, variable name adapted, change in lepton WP. - Trigger selection divided between channels Multilepton: - new package Z+charm: - Fixing wrong lepton pT and MET cut.
Central updates: - release 25.2.18 - config to merge TauJets_MuonRM with standard taus - electron + muon selection flag + indices - central MMC tool config + set beam energy - support for configs w/o Tau eVeto - fix filling of jet variables with fJVT bbll: - clean up dilepton variables - added PCBT bbtt: - turn anti-tau decorator into CP alg bbyy: - added large R jets - fix event shape variables - drop nGBperJob for grid submission - reduce jet pT cut to 20 GeV - added isEMTight photon variable ttHH: - HF classification for ttbar - fix bug with duplicated jets VBS VVH: - added PCBT for FullLep - fix lepton variables ssWW: - fix MET variables Z+charm: - new package XbbCalib: - new package
Central EasyjetHub updates: - release 25.2.16 - test files updated to p6266/p6269 VBS + H updates: - add Large R jet and additional variables bbyy updates: - fJVT activated - KinematicFit fix bbtt updates: - fJVT activated - e-tau 2016 trigge SF update ttHH updates: - updated jet containers - sum of PCBT aded
bbyy updates: - fix KinematicFit tool configuration - updated skimming loose config + XS
Central EasyjetHub updates: - release 25.2.15 - updated systematics suffix - save systematics for all analysis object branches - configurable TTVA lepton selections + muon TTVA SF - new GN2v01 85% b-jet pT corrections - support multiple working points in object selector alg - new TauTruthDecorations CP alg - object trigger SF configs - JVT selection in JetSelectorAlg - jet + tau selection flag + indices - muon-in-jet corrections available for large-R jets bbyy updates: - KinematicFit added - configurable VBF jet selection - split photon ID + iso cuts - systematics support for custom SumOfWeights bbtt updates: - anti-tau selection for DBT category - update for DTT delayed stream - DTT trigger selection updates - event-level SF computation bbll updates: - neutrino weighting fixes - MT2 update ttHH updates: - new variables - trigger matching - updated jet pairing VBS + H updates: - new variables - VBS jet selector algorithm VBS ssWW: - new package lltt: - new variables - fix triggers - TauJets_MuonRM added
Central EasyjetHub updates: - moving to 25.2.10 - update of muon calibration mode to correctData_CB - move of TTVA selection from lepton calibration to ID, fixing main issue affecting b-jet pT correction - fixed ordering of the branches - new truth initial children from Higgs info - updated grid submission handling of tags - configuration for global trigger SF - store systematics for all high-level variables - EMTopo CI test bbyy updates: - VBF BDT tagger - extra HIGG1D1 photon outputs - fix bbyy resonant PNN - added boosted bbyy resonant config bbtt updates: - AntiTauDecoratorAlg refactoring - ttbar dileptonic overlap removal - extra truth-related tau variables - addition of Run 3 DB triggers - clarification of event flags ttHH updates: - removal of all-had channel bbll updates: - extra variables for MVA studies - neutrino weighting New VBS H package
Central EasyjetHub updates: - moving to 25.2.6 - use double for SumOfWeight computations - updated grid submission tag - sample metadata stored in TH1 - updated JetDecoratorAlg to store b-jet pT truth information - upstream EventInfo global decorations bbyy updates: - categorisation BDT with MVAUtils - improved support for non-zero nominal MC weight index - SH grid submission scripts + dataset updates lltautau updates: - improved Haa reconstruction bbll updates: - updated trigger matching - resonant bbll config ttHH updates: - extra lepton WP - trigger updates - clean up jet pair variables - dataset updates bbtautau updates: - updated datasets - fix cutflow for MC - reduced Run 3 DTT thresholds - fix year in antiTau decoration - reduced STT subleading tau thresholds
Central EasyjetHub updates: - Moving to 25.2.5 with the subsequent changes on the structure - Better handling of the mc weights with systematics - Adding option to run the b-jet energy correction - Optional tag for grid jobs - Preventing small to large R jets OR - Preventing large outputs to be committed - Add GN2v01 bbtt updates - Adding trigger decision to tau decoration - Adding truth type for taus - Add 1 b-jet events - Fix the top e-mu CR - More control on the Anti-Tau overlap removal - Add tau decay mode bbyy updates: - Standard VBF jet selection - Recasting variable definition - Add single and double photon trigger dependencies - Add low level variables - Add trigger matching - Add loose photons
Central EasyjetHub updates: - MC23d support - generatorWeight + PUWeight added for PHYSLITE bbyyAnalysis: - extra VBF variables + bug fix - dataset updates
Central EasyjetHub updates: - drop JVT from overlap removal selections - campaign checks from metadata - clean up of code migrated to Athena - support of GN2v01 - FTAG SF for extra wps EasyjetPlus: - optional copy of inputs - config to merge input and output branches in same tree bbyyAnalysis: - disabled trigger filtering - updated topness calculation - Dalitz filter + sum of weights bbttAnalysis: - new boosted config - trigger matching + refactoring for overlap removal - extra tau + jets variables - implementation of 1b + Zhf + ttbar CR - neutrinos 4-vectors in MMC - datasets updated - config with GN2v01 bbbbAnalysis: - updated triggers bbllAnalysis: - update of VBF veto - trigger matching ttHHAnalysis: - enabled overlap removal - dynamic setting of variable name - updated custom XS - updated triggers Requires AthAnalysis,25.2.0 (fixed PCBT for GN2)
Central EasyjetHub updates: - interface of TauAntiTauJet overlap removal - flag updates - configurable GRL - configurable trigger chains - configurable object working points, including extra ones - support of EMTopo jets - updated photon cleaning + pointing correction - introduction of CutManager - fix jet selector with b-tag working point - object scale factors - object variable name harmonisation - truth HH variables - pseudo-continuous b-tagging - migration to Athena Thinning block configs - data-taking year stored as a variable - ortHHogonality developments - KinematicFit subpackage EasyjetPlus: - first version bbbbAnalysis: - addition of b-jet GRL bbttAnalysis: - new variables - trigger selections - move MMC computation post event selections bbyyAnalysis: - full systematics support - new variables, non-resonant BDT inputs + resonant PNN - updated jet sorting + Hbb + VBF selections - EasyjetPlus postprocessing - overlap removal ON New analysis packages: - bbVV - bbll - lltt - ttHH Requires AthAnalysis,24.2.38 (slow start up due to ATLINFR-5215)
Major reorganisation: - Rearranged some module names for a more consistent naming scheme - Reorganised CI tests and added capability to run all locally - Flags are locked centrally after creation, only modified by yaml or CLI - Moved container name specification into yaml - Move CP alg configuration to use ConfigBlock/ConfigAccumulator - This changes the overlap removal handling in the ntuples to write out a decoration instead of OR-ed containers due to limitations in the output tree alg. New features: - Permit multiple TTrees to be configured from yaml - Convert of flags.Analysis into ConfigItem class that behaves like an immutable dict - Generalise HH truth decay algorithm to handle multiple decay modes - Optimise TTree output by selecting branches for systematic variations - Add linking between nominal and systematic variation objects - Add an alg for creating output view containers holding objects passing selection for any systematic variation Fixes: - Use MET ntuple maker for MET branches - Disable overlap removal branches for MET Documentation: - Slight reorganisation of central docs - Expanded the yybb README Requires AthAnalysis,24.2.20
Major reorganisation: - first tag since easyjet/hh4b-analysis -> easyjet/easyjet renaming - split HH4bAnalysis package into (bbbb/bbyy/bbtt)Analysis Generic new features - all object types supported with calibration & (systematics aware) object selectors - switch systematics on/off in output with branch-level granularity - AOD and boost histogram output - hierarchical yaml Features for bbtautau - Decorators for lepton charge and tau nProng - MMC - trigger lists Features for yybb - Added selection & cutflow
- Separates core easyjet code into the EasyjetHub package, such that HH4bAnalysis contains only analysis-specific code - Adds yybb analysis code to HH4bAnalysis and photon calibration to CP alg configs - CI test for mc23 samples
Separates core easyjet code into the EasyjetHub package, such that HH4bAnalysis contains only analysis-specific code
- Updating to release `24.2.8`. - This release includes the JMS-JES pre-recommendations for UFO large-R jets. - Changes to read truth information on Large-R jets LCTopo collection. - Fixes on decorator names in `TruthParentDecoratorAlg`.
Main feature change is output branch handling and naming scheme as described in #57. Specific diffs can be viewed on !177. Other notable changes: - Change TTree branch output name `recojet_antikt4` -> `recojet_antikt4PFlow`