Central updates: - release 25.2.18 - config to merge TauJets_MuonRM with standard taus - electron + muon selection flag + indices - central MMC tool config + set beam energy - support for configs w/o Tau eVeto - fix filling of jet variables with fJVT bbll: - clean up dilepton variables - added PCBT bbtt: - turn anti-tau decorator into CP alg bbyy: - added large R jets - fix event shape variables - drop nGBperJob for grid submission - reduce jet pT cut to 20 GeV - added isEMTight photon variable ttHH: - HF classification for ttbar - fix bug with duplicated jets VBS VVH: - added PCBT for FullLep - fix lepton variables ssWW: - fix MET variables Z+charm: - new package XbbCalib: - new package