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Snippets Groups Projects
Central EasyjetHub updates:
- interface of TauAntiTauJet overlap removal
- flag updates
- configurable GRL
- configurable trigger chains
- configurable object working points, including extra ones
- support of EMTopo jets
- updated photon cleaning + pointing correction
- introduction of CutManager
- fix jet selector with b-tag working point
- object scale factors
- object variable name harmonisation
- truth HH variables
- pseudo-continuous b-tagging
- migration to Athena Thinning block configs
- data-taking year stored as a variable
- ortHHogonality developments
- KinematicFit subpackage

- first version

- addition of b-jet GRL

- new variables
- trigger selections
- move MMC computation post event selections

- full systematics support
- new variables, non-resonant BDT inputs + resonant PNN
- updated jet sorting + Hbb + VBF selections
- EasyjetPlus postprocessing
- overlap removal ON

New analysis packages:
- bbVV
- bbll
- lltt
- ttHH

Requires AthAnalysis,24.2.38 (slow start up due to ATLINFR-5215)