Tag to be used with the master/22.0 branch of atlas/athena. Update(s) since 2.0.140: - Updated CheckerGccPlugins with the following: * Skip checking of _rootcint.cxx files. * Replace the hardcoded list of directory names for code that is to be considered thread-safe with a configuration parameter. * For warnings about calling non-const methods via a pointer member from a const method, realize that unique_ptr::get() also returns the pointer. Treat it like operator->. Also fix an issue with suppressing this warning for unique_ptr. * Don't warn about overriding the non-const execute() method of Algorithm with a non-thread-safe method. * Fix warning suppression for ctor calls. * Remove references to ATLAS_CTORDOR_NOT_THREAD_SAFE workaround. * Warn about writing via a pointer member in a const member function.