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Tags give the ability to mark specific points in history as being important
  • 1.0.68
    Tag to be used with the 21.X branches of atlas/athena.
    Update(s) in this tag:
      - Updated FindCLHEP.cmake to set up a correct RPM dependency for LCG_97+.
  • 1.0.67
    Tag to be used with the 21.X branches of atlas/athena.
    Updates in this tag:
      - Updated to using externals from LCG_97a in AnalysisBaseExternals and AthAnalysisExternals. Including:
        * Boost 1.70.0 --> 1.72.0;
        * fjcontrib 1.041 --> 1.044;
        * GoogleTest <unknown/untagged> --> 1.10.0;
        * HDF5 1.10.3 --> 1.10.5;
        * LHAPDF 6.2.3 --> 6.3.0;
        * setuptools 41.0.0 --> 44.1.0;
        * ROOT 6.18/04 --> 6.20/06;
        * TBB 2019_U7 --> 2020_U1;
        * XRootD 4.10.0 --> 4.12.2;
        * nlohmann_json 3.5.0 --> 3.6.1;
  • 2.0.77
    Tag to be used with the master branch of atlas/athena.
    Update(s) since 2.0.76:
      - Tweaked the build of GoogleTest, so that it would work correctly in Debug builds;
      - Eliminated a race condition in the build of PyAnalysis;
      - Updated Findkiwisolver.cmake and Findmysql.cmake to work correctly with LCG_98python3;
      - Upgraded the standalone ROOT build to 6.22/02.
  • 2.0.76
    Tag to be used with the master branch of atlas/athena.
    Update(s) since 2.0.75:
      - Updated all "standalone externals" to the versions provided by LCG_98python3;
      - Removed the FFTW package from the repository, setting up AthenaExternals to rather pick it up from LCG;
      - Updated how Acts would find Boost and Eigen from the LCG release;
      - Updated how GeoModelTools would pick up nlohmann_json from the LCG release.
  • 2.0.75
    Tag to be used with the master branch of atlas/athena.
    Update(s) since 2.0.74:
      - Updated the AtlasHIP code to cache the HIP compiler settings between configurations, and to be able to use ROCm 3.7.0;
      - Added nlohmann_json to AnalysisBaseExternals and AthAnalysisExternals.
  • 2.0.74
    Tag to be used with the master branch of atlas/athena.
    Update(s) since 2.0.73:
      - Added the AtlasHIP package to the repository, to support building HIP files as part of the ATLAS offline software.
  • 2.0.73
    Tag to be used with the master branch of atlas/athena.
    Update(s) since 2.0.72:
      - The installation functions will now throw an error for non-existent files;
      - Updated FindROOT.cmake to work with ROOT 6.22+;
      - Updated all projects not to consider Conda environments in their environment setup;
      - Updated flake8_atlas to check for copyright statements correctly under certain conditions;
      - Updated FindSYCL.cmake to use correct "target platform names" for the latest version of the oneAPI compiler;
      - Updated AtlasCMake to set some explicit flags for CUDA builds;
      - Updated Acts to v0.31.0.
  • 2.0.72
    Tag to be used with the master branch of atlas/athena.
    Update(s) since 2.0.71:
      - Fixed a typo in the documentation of CheckerGccPlugins;
      - Added Findpsutil.cmake to AtlasLCG;
      - Updated Acts to version v0.29.0, and updated AtlasLCG to allow it to find Eigen's own CMake configuration in the LCG releases;
      - Updated prmon to version 2.0.2;
      - Updated LHAPDF to version 6.2.3;
      - Updated all LCG based projects to use LCG_97apython3_ATLAS_1 by default.
  • 1.0.66
    Tag to be used with the 21.X branches of atlas/athena.
    Updates in this tag:
      - Updated FindLhapdf.cmake to prefer /cvmfs/ when looking for data files.
  • 2.0.71
    Tag to be used with the master branch of atlas/athena.
    Update(s) since 2.0.70:
      - Updated to prmon v2.0.0;
      - Fixed a capitalisation typo in FindNjets.cmake;
      - Fixed the RPM dependency setup of Findfmt.cmake.
    Tag to be used with the 21.X branches of atlas/athena.
    Update(s) in this tag wrt.
      - Enabled the build of HDF5 as part of AthenaExternals.
  • 2.0.70
    Tag to be used with the master branch of atlas/athena.
    Update(s) since 2.0.69:
      - Fixes in CheckerGccPlugins for thread safety checks in virtual calls, and inheritance checks for "Gaudi/..." headers;
      - Added an explicit check in AtlasCMake for a specific failure stemming from in-source builds;
      - Updated Acts to version v0.27.00;
      - Updated lwtnn to version 2.9;
      - Updated pyAMI to version 5.1.1;
      - Added a Findfmt.cmake module, and updated FindGaudi.cmake to use it;
  • 2.0.69
    Tag to be used with the master branch of atlas/athena.
    Update(s) since 2.0.68:
      - Removed the script, so that the name could be re-used later on;
      - Added onnxruntime to some more projects;
      - Made FindSherpa.cmake add the Sherpa executable(s) to the PATH at runtime;
      - Introduced the --extend-extensions command for flake8_atlas;
      - Updated FindFastJet.cmake to find the gfortran library in a better way;
      - Introduced some minor improvements for atlas_add_test(...);
      - Introduced the ability to set the build stamp (data/time) manually from the command line;
      - Updated to Acts version v0.25.01, and made the version configurable from the command line.
  • 1.0.65
    Tag to be used with the 21.X branches of atlas/athena.
    Updates in this tag:
      - Taught FindSherpa.cmake to add the location of the Sherpa and Sherpa-config executables to the PATH environment variable.
  • 1.0.64
    Tag to be used with the 21.X branches of atlas/athena.
    Updates in this tag:
      - Taught OnnxRuntime how to build correctly as part of AnalysisBaseExternals;
      - Added OnnxRuntime to the AnalysisBaseExternals project.
  • 1.0.63
    Tag to be used with the 21.X branches of atlas/athena.
    Updates in this tag:
      - Introduced the OnnxRuntime external to the branch, and added its build to the AthenaExternals, AthAnalysisExternals and AthDerivationExternals projects.
  • 2.0.68
    Tag to be used with the master branch of atlas/athena.
    Update(s) since 2.0.67:
      - Updated Acts to version v0.22.1;
      - Updated GeoModelIO to version 3.1.3;
      - Taught AtlasCMake how to deal with .cu source files when CUDA is not available for the build;
      - Introduced the triSYCL external, to provide SYCL for builds done without a "SYCL capable" compiler.
  • 2.0.67
    Tag to be used with the master branch of atlas/athena.
    Update(s) since 2.0.66:
      - Made atlas_install_python_modules(...) once again execute post-build commands on files in sub-directories correctly;
        * Fixed how atlas_install_generic(...) (and atlas_install_python_modules(...)) would deal with file/directory names that match a CMake keyword;
      - Made flake8_atlas process sub-directories correctly.
  • 2.0.66
    Tag to be used with the master branch of atlas/athena.
    Update(s) since 2.0.65:
      - Moved POST_BUILD_CMD into atlas_install_generic(...), and made it a list type parameter;
        * Also updated the handling of ATLAS_PYTHON_CHECKER to deal correctly with list variables;
      - Updated flake8_atlas not to fail when no python files are given to it, in case the user makes a mistake that would result in this.
  • 2.0.65
    Tag to be used with the master branch of atlas/athena.
    Update(s) since 2.0.64:
      - Forced GeoModelCore to be built with optimisations, even in Debug builds;
      - Updated the AtlasLCG modules to consistently set up <PACKAGE>_<executable>_EXECUTABLE variables for externals that provide executables;
      - Updated FindXercesC.cmake to wrap CMake's own FindXercesC.cmake module;
      - Updated GPerfTools to use Findgperftools.cmake instead of Findtcmalloc.cmake;
      - Updated to handle quoted commands correctly;
      - Fixed the build of Python 2.7 on systems that don't provide Python 2 in /usr;
      - Updated GDB to version 9.1;
      - Command-line usage improvements in flake8_atlas;
      - Removed the EXTRA_PATTERNS argument from atlas_add_test(...).