release/23.6.1149193037 · ·
main purpose of the build: validation Pythia8.309 contains MRs: https://gitlab.cern.ch/atlas/athena/-/merge_requests/62060 Remove the AlpGen-specific debug output https://gitlab.cern.ch/atlas/athena/-/merge_requests/62101 Use const ref argument for HepMC::set_signal_process_vertex https://gitlab.cern.ch/atlas/athena/-/merge_requests/62182 Removal of unused or commented headers. https://gitlab.cern.ch/atlas/athena/-/merge_requests/62183 Use more const reference access for MC objects https://gitlab.cern.ch/atlas/athena/-/merge_requests/62224 Use more access by const reference for MC truth objects https://gitlab.cern.ch/atlas/athena/-/merge_requests/60831 Use the position of the vertex instead of barcode https://gitlab.cern.ch/atlas/athena/-/merge_requests/62140 Avoid duplication of attributes already serialized in other way https://gitlab.cern.ch/atlas/athena/-/merge_requests/62236 Avoid temporary objects in hepmcparticlelink if possible https://gitlab.cern.ch/atlas/athena/-/merge_requests/62250 TruthJetFilter: downgrade INFO messages to DEBUG
release/23.0.243866ad94 · ·
23.0 release requested by Trigger for deployment at P1. Release request ticket: ATR-27302
release/24.0.223eb61af · ·
Release for PHYS production. Contains a bugfix wrt 24.0.1 required for running production. See ATLINFR-4894 # Release notes for release/24.0.2 The release [release/24.0.2](https://gitlab.cern.ch/atlas/athena/tags/release/24.0.2) was built from the tag [nightly/master/2023-04-11T2101](https://gitlab.cern.ch/atlas/athena/tags/nightly/master/2023-04-11T2101) This is the list of merge requests that were included since the previous release [release/24.0.1](https://gitlab.cern.ch/atlas/athena/tags/release/24.0.1): * !62244 Daily merge of 23.0 into master ~Analysis, ~BTagging, ~Core, ~DQ, ~Database, ~Derivation, ~Digitization, ~EDM, ~Egamma, ~Generators, ~Geometry, ~HGTD, ~InnerDetector, ~JetEtmiss, ~LAr, ~MuonSpectrometer, ~Overlay, ~Reconstruction, ~Simulation, ~Tau, ~Tracking, ~Trigger, ~TriggerID, ~TriggerMenu, ~TriggerMinBias * !62202 Updated ITkTruthClusterizationFactory config (see ATLITKSW-216) ~ITk, ~InnerDetector, ~Tracking * !62193 added option notCorrectData_CB that should be used with the new set of muon momentum recommendation ~Analysis * !61546 Bring back dual-use SUSYTools ~Analysis, ~Build, ~Core, ~Egamma, ~JetEtmiss, ~Reconstruction, ~SUSYTools, ~Trigger * !62211 PFEnergyPredictorTool: Fix clang warning ~JetEtmiss, ~Reconstruction * !62213 TrkFitter clang-tidy related fixes ~Egamma, ~Tracking * !62235 A simple cleanup in the Simulation/ISF ~Simulation * !62234 iPatFitter : use ATH_CHECK for retrieve rather than custom lambda ~Tracking * !62233 InDetBoundaryCheckTool : reduce verbosity ~InnerDetector * !62232 TRT_ToT_dEdx : small cleanup ~Egamma, ~InnerDetector * !62231 egammaSuperClusterBuilderBase tidy a bit the printout ~Egamma, ~Reconstruction * !62230 RIO_OnTrackCreator: remove finalize, reduce verbosity ~Tracking * !62229 ATLASRECTS-7581: Lets keep full verbosity for xAOD_ANALYSIS but not for reco ~InnerDetector * !62228 JetHistoAttributeFiller: Reduce verbosity ~DQ, ~JetEtmiss, ~Reconstruction * !62224 Use more access by const reference for MC truth objects ~Analysis, ~Egamma, ~Generators, ~JetEtmiss, ~MuonSpectrometer, ~Simulation, ~Tau * !62223 Use id instead of barcode for loop detection for TruthParticleFilter ~Analysis * !62219 LArHitEMapToDigitAlg : Use LarDigit ctors with move to avoid copy of vector. ~Digitization, ~LAr * !62218 TrkEvent minor clang tidy related fixes ~Tracking * !62217 Remove depreceated MuonIdHelperAlgs ~MuonSpectrometer * !62216 MuonRegionRecoveryTool - Remove reco SW switches ~MuonSpectrometer * !62215 MuonLayerSegmentMakerTools - Remove reco SW switch ~MuonSpectrometer * !62214 DCMathSegmentMaker -- Remove reco SW swtich ~MuonSpectrometer * !62087 AthenaPoolCnvSvc: Simplify PoolWriteConfig ~Database * !62209 JetRecConfig: Fix some typos in comments. ~JetEtmiss, ~Reconstruction * !62205 StoreGate: Add WriteDecorHandleKey::renounce(). ~Core * !62203 LArHitContainerCnv_p2 use DataPool to avoid many small allocations ~LAr, ~Simulation * !62194 MuonDQA - Remove unused detector element includes ~DQ, ~MuonSpectrometer * !62227 ATR-27282 : Reduce the verbosity of the Trig Egamma Base Monitoring tool. ~DQ, ~Trigger * !62220 ATR-27280:TrigBphysMonitorAlgorithm reduce seemingly un-needed verbosity ~DQ, ~Trigger * !62208 MuonCalibDbOperations: Fix cppcheck warnings. ~MuonSpectrometer * !62206 TrkDriftCircleMath: Fix clang warning. ~Tracking * !62204 MuonSelectorTools: Increase test timeouts. ~Analysis * !62201 CxxUtils: Add starts_with / ends_with. ~Core * !62189 Move fast eta() from MatrixPlugin to MatrixBasePlugin. Rm seemingly unused slow from the later ~EDM * !62180 MuonNSWDCSAlg - Second trial ~MuonSpectrometer * !62142 Fix CA merging issue in Jets, MinBias and improved CA Cache ~Core, ~JetEtmiss, ~Trigger, ~TriggerMenu, ~TriggerMinBias * !62196 Requiring leptons to pass primary triggers for MET Trigger monitoring plots ~DQ, ~Trigger * !62192 Update L1Calo eFEX tau RoIs to accommodate BDT score and version bit ~EDM, ~Tau, ~Trigger * !62191 fix TrigL2MuonSA config for muoncalib ~Trigger * !62162 Clean up track scoring tools ~InnerDetector, ~MuonSpectrometer, ~Reconstruction, ~Tracking, ~Trigger, ~TriggerID * !62144 AF3: use IDCaloBoundary for extrapolation, improve CaloSurface list, suppress warnings ~Run2-AF3-output-changed, ~Simulation, ~frozen-tier0-violating * !62197 Add LRT electrons and muons to PHYSVAL DAOD ~Derivation, ~Egamma, ~Reconstruction * !62195 Add Output.doWriteDESDM flags to RAWtoALL ~Reconstruction * !62190 GlobalChi2Fitter : Move calculateJac in the anonymous and flatten also in opt builds ~Tracking * !62188 Tracking_xk . Reserve vector to avoid allocations (Rel 23 version) ~InnerDetector * !62186 Add a flag to save all SCT hits ~Analysis, ~BTagging, ~Derivation, ~JetEtmiss * !62183 Use more const reference access for MC objects ~Analysis, ~Digitization, ~Egamma, ~Generators, ~HGTD, ~InnerDetector, ~Tau * !62182 Removal of unused or commented headers. ~Analysis, ~BTagging, ~Core, ~Database, ~Digitization, ~Generators, ~JetEtmiss, ~Simulation, ~Tau * !62181 MuonCombinedTrackFindingTools - Replace collection hash by Identify hash ~Reconstruction * !62178 MdtDigitizationTool - Retrieve the tube via Identifier ~Digitization, ~MuonSpectrometer * !62177 MuonAlignTest - Minor style updates ~MuonSpectrometer * !62176 MdtMonitoring - Retrieve the tube using the Identifier ~DQ, ~MuonSpectrometer * !62175 MuonGMTest - Remove last mentioning of the MdtDetectorElement ~MuonSpectrometer * !62174 Fixing rare errors for large-R jets in derivation productions ~Analysis, ~BTagging, ~JetEtmiss, ~Reconstruction * !62172 Script to dump LAr Electronic Calibration to ntuple ~LAr * !62161 23.0-reduce_CC-PixelCalibAlgs ~InnerDetector * !62167 LArfSampl2Ntuple: Allow reading from ConditionsStore ~LAr * !62163 LAruA2MeV2Ntuple: Allow reading from ConditionsStore ~LAr * !62151 RoiDescriptor: fix temporary string in range_error exception ~Geometry, ~Trigger * !62159 LArMphysOverMcal2Ntuple: Allow reading from ConditionsStore ~LAr * !62155 Pixel1RawDataContainerCnv use DataPool to reduce allocations ~InnerDetector * !62136 Fix un-merged CAs in trigger menu generation (for muons and muonTLA) ~Trigger, ~TriggerMenu * !62147 Fix in detector name convention in output, cluster size cut for strip charge... ~DQ, ~MuonSpectrometer * !62139 Updated tracking CA flags: scheduling of tracking passes ~Analysis, ~ITk, ~InnerDetector, ~Overlay, ~Reconstruction, ~Simulation, ~Tracking * !62131 MdtCabling - Do not rely on the IdHelperSvc to figure out whether we're in Run 3 ~MuonSpectrometer * !62130 MuonChamberHoleRecoveryTool - Do not use the reco SW methods from the IdHelperSvc ~MuonSpectrometer * !62116 Use DataPool for TRT_LoLumRawDataContainerCnv ~InnerDetector * !62114 Remove use of Trk::Track in TrkVKalVrtFitter ~BTagging, ~InnerDetector, ~JetEtmiss, ~Tracking * !62149 Remove stringent check on strip design for ITk ~Geometry, ~HGTD, ~ITk, ~InnerDetector, ~Tracking * !62171 solve coverity defects ~Calorimeter * !62156 Updating dcube xml config file for muon FTF ART test ~ITk, ~InnerDetector, ~Tracking * !62166 Daily merge of 23.0 into master ~Analysis, ~BTagging, ~Calorimeter, ~Core, ~DQ, ~Digitization, ~Generators, ~InnerDetector, ~JetEtmiss, ~LAr, ~MuonSpectrometer, ~Reconstruction, ~Simulation, ~Tools, ~Tracking, ~Trigger, ~TriggerMenu, ~changes-trigger-counts * !62154 SiCombinatorialTrackFinder_xk reserve vector ~InnerDetector * !62113 ATR-26605 Switch to CA for test using Trig_reco_tf ~Trigger * !60888 Improve consistency between jet trigger CA and legacy config ~JetEtmiss, ~Reconstruction, ~Trigger, ~TriggerMenu * !62152 HLTSeeding: catch exception from RoI unpackers ~Trigger * !62158 jFEX input data and TOB decoders created now a histogram and solve ATR-27246 ~Trigger * !62153 SiDetElementsRoadTool_xk : reserve vector ~InnerDetector * !62115 OutputStreamAthenaPOOL: Simplify the check for doWrite flag in addMetaData ~Database * !62132 PrimaryDPDMaker: Configure metadata for DESDM formats ~Analysis * !62137 EventIndexProducer: Configure metadata for AODEventPicking.py ~Database * !62148 TrigPSC: fix setting OutputLevel when running from DB ~Trigger * !62129 TrigCost: Add run details to the run description ~Trigger * !62112 runHLT_standalone: move flag locking earlier ~Trigger * !62111 Fix un-merged CAs in trigger menu generation (for un-migrated chains) ~Core, ~Trigger, ~TriggerMenu * !62127 MdtCalibSvc - Use equivalent identifierHash ~MuonSpectrometer * !62126 self-tests in CaloRec: Put dumpers in AthAlgSeq ~Calorimeter * !62125 MuonReconstruction - Use equivalent identifierHash ~MuonSpectrometer * !62124 MuonGMTest - Use equivalent identifierHash ~MuonSpectrometer * !62123 MdtDigitizationTool - Use equivalent identifierHash instead of collectionHash ~Digitization, ~MuonSpectrometer * !62101 Use const ref argument for HepMC::set_signal_process_vertex ~Generators, ~Tracking * !62104 ART updates ~Trigger * !62058 Upgrade the mcvtxfiltertool to use less barcodes in HepMC3/master ~Analysis * !62066 Better GenAodValidationTool almost without barcodes ~Analysis * !61994 MuonCablingData: Fix clang warning. ~MuonSpectrometer * !62119 Unify CA-based ESD, AOD, and DAOD/DESD Merging ~Analysis, ~Reconstruction, ~Tools * !62120 SCT_RawDataContainerCnv_p4: use pool to avoid many small allocations ~InnerDetector * !62090 Recompute FTAG algorithms inputs to match 21.9 trainings ~Analysis, ~BTagging, ~JetEtmiss * !62093 Update gfex monitoring algorithm ~DQ, ~Trigger * !61610 stgc config structure ~DQ * !61986 AsgTool improvements ~Analysis, ~Core, ~SUSYTools * !62109 Daily merge of 23.0 into master ~Analysis, ~BTagging, ~Calorimeter, ~DQ, ~Derivation, ~Digitization, ~Egamma, ~Generators, ~InnerDetector, ~JetEtmiss, ~LAr, ~MuonSpectrometer, ~Reconstruction, ~Simulation, ~Tau, ~Tools, ~Tracking, ~Trigger, ~TriggerEDM, ~TriggerMenu, ~changes-trigger-counts * !62135 fix name of nsw pad trigger container in CA config ~MuonSpectrometer, ~Run3-DataReco-output-changed, ~Tools, ~frozen-tier0-violating * !62143 Revert "Merge branch 'nswDcsCondAlg' into '23.0'" ~MuonSpectrometer * !62121 ATR-24367 - Adding two MET triggers to the Express Stream ~Trigger, ~TriggerMenu * !62110 Phase-1 L1 migration for eFEX, single jFEX, P1 triggers -- ATR-27251, ATR-27253, ATR-27257 ~Trigger, ~TriggerMenu, ~changes-trigger-counts * !62118 TrigGlobalEfficiencyCorrectionTool: propagate OutOfvalidityRange code from other tools ~Trigger * !62084 AthenaHitsVector : Try to add policies ala DataVector (OWN/VIEW) ~Simulation * !61825 AthConfigFlags: add support for flag enums in fillFromArgs ~Core * !62105 TrkVertexFitter: unit test fixes ~Tracking * !62108 LArShape2Ntuple: Allow reading from either DetStore or CondStore ~LAr * !62106 ATR-27239 - Updating monGroups for some egamma chains in the ES ~Trigger, ~TriggerMenu * !62019 MET Trigger changes to 23.0 menu ~Trigger, ~TriggerMenu, ~changes-trigger-counts * !62100 Introduce GN1 variables to discriminate b-jets in the migration of the t0... ~DQ, ~Trigger * !62096 Fix unmerged CA in eFexByteStreamToolCfg ~Trigger * !62097 Changes to monGroups for idTrigger ~Trigger, ~TriggerMenu * !62060 Remove the AlpGen-specific debug output ~Generators * !62091 consistent spelling of LArElecCalibDBCfg/LArElecCalibDBConfig ~Calorimeter, ~DQ, ~Digitization, ~LAr, ~Simulation * !62065 Modifying JetTriggerEfficiencyMonitoring Algorithm naming of variables and int bug ~DQ, ~JetEtmiss, ~Trigger * !62027 Clean up of CvtTrkTrack ~BTagging, ~Tracking * !62022 Add optional ML based e/p workflow ~JetEtmiss, ~Reconstruction * !62059 Remove mystery debug output in OldSpclMcFilterTool ~Analysis * !62071 Replace ConfigFlags by initConfigFlags ~DQ, ~Trigger * !62067 Remove debug message ~Trigger, ~TriggerMenu * !62043 ATR-26605 Update Trig_reco_tf.py to RAWtoALL ~Trigger * !62075 Cherry-pick of: Config enhancement ~ACTS, ~Core, ~Test * !61995 Replacing legacy MuCTPIL1Topo EDM with MuonRoI xAOD ~Trigger * !62085 MuonCondTest: Fix compilation with clang15. ~MuonSpectrometer * !62062 Enable the ID Trigger moniotring in the tier 0 monitoring ~DQ, ~Trigger * !62057 run test_LArElecCalibChainI.sh in R23 ~LAr * !62050 Enable DQ coolflask bridge ~DQ * !62048 MuonClusterSegmentFinderTool : Try to avoid allocations and repeated data access inside the loops ~MuonSpectrometer * !62042 Adding R/D handles for TruthQGDecorationTool, fixing bug in TruthIsolationTool ~Derivation * !62036 RpcDigitizationTool.ClusterSize1_2uncorr should be created consistently as a bool ~Digitization, ~MuonSpectrometer * !61943 RecJobTransforms: Fix output merging step for hybrid AthenaMP/MT RAWtoALL with ComponentAccumulator ~Reconstruction, ~Tools * !61996 JetMonitoring: Fix cppcheck warnings. ~DQ, ~JetEtmiss, ~Reconstruction * !61985 added ROCs to CampaignARTTest ~BTagging, ~Tools * !61955 fixing ymax/min and ratio ymax/min for ROC plots; expanded to include VR track... ~Analysis, ~BTagging, ~JetEtmiss * !61673 SiClusterOnTrackTool: Fix cppcheck warning. ~InnerDetector * !61547 NSW Conditions DB Alg ~MuonSpectrometer, ~frozen-tier0-violating * !62079 Update Express Stream ~Trigger, ~TriggerMenu * !62052 TrigValidation: use CA in RAWtoALL, fix broken tests ~Trigger * !59895 Add MuonFixedLongId to the muon calibration code ~MuonSpectrometer * !62040 Change the truth event filtering/copying algorithm ~Analysis, ~JetEtmiss * !62039 Fix unmerged CA in SCT_RawDataByteStreamCnvConfig ~InnerDetector * !62041 Remove the unneeded loops over the events when dealing with taus and leptons ~Analysis, ~Tau * !62061 Update list of event views in EDM for muon triggers ~Trigger, ~TriggerEDM, ~TriggerMenu * !61978 TriggerEgammaCA: Electron precision calo CA step ~Egamma, ~Trigger, ~TriggerMenu * !62054 ATR-27194 :Adding muon backup triggers for 2023 ~Trigger, ~TriggerMenu, ~changes-trigger-counts * !62037 Access true objects in filters by const reference ~Analysis Link to the full diff between [release/24.0.2](https://gitlab.cern.ch/atlas/athena/tags/release/24.0.2) and [release/24.0.1](https://gitlab.cern.ch/atlas/athena/tags/release/24.0.1) is available at https://gitlab.cern.ch/atlas/athena/compare/release/24.0.1...release/24.0.2