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[v29] CLICOpt2018: add further configuration options

Andre Sailer requested to merge sailer/ILCDIRAC:v29_addMetaQuery into Rel-v29r0


NEW: dirac-clic-make-productions: new options for configuration. add ForEach type configuration for application parameters, see _clicProdMan.
NEW: dirac-clic-make-productions: Add MoveStatus options to set the status of the replaction transformations after creation: Active or Stopped. Needs DIRAC v6r20p19
NEW: dirac-clic-make-productions: additionalName can be used as ApplicationParameter to give more sensible names for different transformations types when created in a chain

NEW: :class:~ILCDIRAC.Interfaces.API.NewInterface.ProductionJob.ProductionJob new member parameter ```maxFCFoldersToCheck`` to limit the number of FileCatalog folders that are checked for metadata


Edited by Andre Sailer

Merge request reports
