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[V29r2] parametric jobs and arguments

Andre Sailer requested to merge sailer/ILCDIRAC:v29r2_paraJobs into Rel-v29r2

Needed for ericabro/trackingvalidation#2 (closed)


NEW: add possibility to use placeholders to use parametric jobs to scan argument lists, or change output files.

NEW: :mod:ILCDIRAC.Interfaces.API.UserJob: added :func:ILCDIRAC.Interfaces.Utilities.SplitMixin.SplitMixin.setSplitParameter and :func:ILCDIRAC.Interfaces.Utilities.SplitMixin.SplitMixin.setSplitOutputData` functions to ease the use of parametric jobs. See their docstring for details.


Edited by Andre Sailer

Merge request reports