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Making the necessary changes for T3_US_FNALLPC

Farrukh Aftab Khan requested to merge (removed):fnallpc_changes_globalpool into cern

The pull request makes the following changes to the global pool glideinWMS frontend (in order):

  • Removes T3_US_FNALLPC from the global blacklist. The site was added to the blacklist so the frontend would never consider FNALLPC jobs for requesting pilots. Now that we have grid CEs, we need to remove this.
  • Excluding T3_US_FNALLPC from group 'main'. This site is only for local users. Normal CMS pilots won't be able to run.
  • Excluding T3_US_FNALLPC from group 'main-gpu'. I am not entirely sure what this group is for, but excluding T3_US_FNALLPC from it since we are not looking into mixing pilots with gpus just yet.
  • Excluding FNALLPC jobs from overflow in the US region. START expression updated to correct the site name and factory query expression updated to exclude the entries
  • Job query expression in the overflow group updated to exclude LPC jobs from frontend requests.

In summary, all this should make T3_US_FNALLPC entries visible only to 'local_users' group.

Merge request reports
