This repository contains the Dockerfile with additional tools that are used to build the Security-Services/Code-Checking Docker image for automated code checking with Gitlab-CI.
The image will be automatically rebuilded and pushed into CERN's Docker registry each time the content of this repository will be changed.
Using Security-Services/Code-Checking image with Gitlab-CI
Please referrer to the related description at CERN's Gitlab-CI examples.
Using Security-Services/Code-Checking image on local machine
Just execute the following command:
docker run -i -t --entrypoint /bin/bash \
Building on local computer - script usage
One may be interested in building image on his/her local machine, before
commiting any changes to this repository. For this purpose, the
script is also distributed in this repository.
[fenek@Polluks Security-Services-Code-Checking]$ ./ --help
./ [TAG]
./ [-h|--help]
TAG -- tag string for image, current date by default
-h|--help -- display information about usage
Please, note that Docker service must be running on host.
Then deploy a container from newly created local image:
docker run -i -t --entrypoint /bin/bash \
[1] [Automatic Docker's images building -- CERN's Gitlab-CI examples] (
[2] [Dockerfile reference] (
[3] [Static Code Analysis with Gitlab-CI -- CERN's Gitlab-CI examples] (
[4] [Static Code Analysis with Gitlab-CI -- Summer Student report 2016] (
[5] [Automate your life with Gitlab-CI -- Students Session 2016 (video)] (