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TestEm5 GeantV and Geant4 applications.

Mihaly Novak requested to merge mnovak/testEm5 into master

Fully configurable GeantV application that corresponds to the Geant4 TestEm5 application: simulation of angular distribution of charged particles transmitting through thin target (plus many other quantities like energy deposit, number of charged steps, energy leakage and balance, transmission and backscattering chefs, etc.). The GeantV application includes user defined detector construction (target material and thickness are configurable from input), user defined primary generator (particle gun with configurable primary particle type and energy), user defined physics list with a user defined physics process (SetMaxProcess) (configurable MSC stepping algorithm and StepMaxProcess parameter). A GeantV macro with all the possible input arguments is also provided. The macro corresponds to one of the Hanson's experimental setups (the corresponding experimental data, TestEm5 Geant4 application with the corresponding input macro are also provided).

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