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New version of the Seltzer-Berger brem. model.

Mihaly Novak requested to merge mnovak/cleanphys into master

With this new version of the SB-brem model, ALL the EM model have their new version i.e. final state sampling option is available for all models:

  • based on sampling tables: fast, good for track level vectorisation but requires memory and significant initialisation time in case of complex (many materials and material-cuts)
  • based on rejection: slower, not ideal for track level vectorisation but practically zero memory requirements and initialisation time The GeantV CMS application has its own physics list in which all physics models will use rejection based final state sampling by default (fast initialisation low memory requirements). This physics list can be extended/changed anytime to turn ON the "use-sampling-tables" option in case of one, more or all physics models.

Merge request reports