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Simplify secondary creation in phys. models.

Vitalii Drohan requested to merge vidrohan/secondary-creation-retouch into master

Change suggested by @mnovak

Simplifies secondary creation in model code.

Reports of TestEM3 as evidence that this don't break things:


=== Summary: 1 propagators x 20 threads: 10000 primaries/147086773 tracks,  total steps: 724628000, snext calls:
 724628000, phys steps: 416296574, mag. field steps: 0, small steps: 905960, pushed: 0, killed: 0, bdr. crossings: 0
  RealTime=65.7705s CpuTime=1294.33s

 ==================================   Run summary   ===========================================>

  The run was 10000 e- of with E = 10 [GeV]


    material        Edep         RMS     sqrt(E0(GeV))*rmsE/Emean      track-length

  NIST_MAT_Pb         : 7742.16 MeV  :  74.3526 MeV 3.03692 +- 0.0> 303692 %  549.625 cm  +- 5.33823 cm
  NIST_MAT_lAr        : 2128.69 MeV  :  49.1652 MeV 7.30373 +- 0.0730373 %  1051.82 cm  +- 24.9798 cm


 Mean number of gamma          5209.3
 Mean number of e-             8959.59
 Mean number of e+             538.785
 Mean number of charged steps  35888.2
 Mean number of neutral steps  36518.5


this branch:

 === Summary: 1 propagators x 20 threads: 10000 primaries/147088208 tracks,  total steps: 724636321, snext calls:
 724636321, phys steps: 416288535, mag. field steps: 0, small steps: 905894, pushed: 0, killed: 0, bdr. crossings: 0
  RealTime=55.3584s CpuTime=1087.05s
  ==================================   Run summary   ===========================================
   The run was 10000 e- of with E = 10 [GeV]
     material        Edep         RMS     sqrt(E0(GeV))*rmsE/Emean      track-length
   NIST_MAT_Pb         : 7742.01 MeV  :  74.4537 MeV 3.04111 +- 0.0304111 %  549.612 cm  +- 5.34591 cm
   NIST_MAT_lAr        : 2128.7 MeV  :  49.0741 MeV 7.29017 +- 0.0729017 %  1051.83 cm  +- 24.9269 cm
  Mean number of gamma          5209.38
  Mean number of e-             8959.65
  Mean number of e+             538.793
  Mean number of charged steps  35887.3
  Mean number of neutral steps  36520.2

Merge request reports