Unwanted warnings about non-existing tables in the input geometry file
GeoModelIO complains and breaks with a fatal error when compulsory table are not found in the input .db file. Those are tables like LogVols, Materials, PhysVols, and so forth. The fact that thsoe tables are not found is a strong sign that the input file is corrupted or broken. And all that is fine.
At the moment, however, GeoModelIO also complains about non-compulsory tables that are defined in the I/O schema but not found in the input file.
It does not break, of course, but it prints out warnings like the ones below:
Given that those table are not compulsory, we do not want to have such warnings in a regular production.
Additional tables are added every time we add new classes or nodes to the GeoModel tree. But we want to have warnings about the lack of those tables only when those are used.
In summary, we do not want to have warnings on older files when new tables are not found and not used.