Exception raised by Geant4 in FullSimLight when simulating tt-bar events from Pythia generator
When simulating tt-bar events from Pythia generator in FullSimLight with the ATLAS full geometry sqlite file, these exceptions are raised from Geant4 Navigator:
-------- WWWW ------- G4Exception-START -------- WWWW -------
*** G4Exception : GeomNav0003
issued by : G4Navigator::GetGlobalExitNormal()
WARNING> Expected normal-global-frame to be valid, i.e. a unit vector!
- but |normal| = -nan - and |normal|^2 = -nan
which differs from 1.0 by -nan
n = (-nan,-nan,-nan)
Global point: (-569.2252511,-382.1543636,4203.934)
Volume: LAr::EMEC::Pos::InnerWheel::Electrode
Solid: LAr::EMEC::Pos::InnerWheel::Electrode, Type: LArInnerElecrodWheel
State of Navigator:
The current state of G4Navigator is:
ValidExitNormal= 0
ExitNormal = (0,0,0)
Exiting = 1
Entering = 0
BlockedPhysicalVolume= None
BlockedReplicaNo = -1
LastStepWasZero = 1
Current Localpoint = (-569.22525,-382.15436,458.934)
PreviousSftOrigin = (-569.22525,-382.15436,4203.934)
PreviousSafety = 0
Current History:
History depth=5
Level=[0]: Phys Name=[WorldLog] Type=[N]
Level=[1]: Phys Name=[LArEndcapPos] Type=[N]
Level=[2]: Phys Name=[LAr::Endcap::Cryostat::EmecHecLAr] Type=[N]
Level=[3]: Phys Name=[LAr::EMEC::Mother] Type=[N]
Level=[4]: Phys Name=[LAr::EMEC::Pos::InnerWheel] Type=[N]
Level=[5]: Phys Name=[LAr::EMEC::Pos::InnerWheel::Electrode] Type=[N]
Value obtained from stored global-normal is not a unit vector.
*** This is just a warning message. ***
-------- WWWW -------- G4Exception-END --------- WWWW -------