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Photon CR : 3 years, weights, mean weights and templates

Nicolas Postiau requested to merge npostiau/hzz2l2nu:PhotonCR_3years into master

This large MR contain different developments on the photon CR:

  • The code is adapted to run on 2017/2018 for NanoAODv6. This includes photon triggers, photon ID SF, particularities for some samples (such as WGamma), etc.
  • Weights and mean weights are moved with others weights/SF, in the folder "data"
  • Templates can now be built with the photon CR. An option is added to the script to produce templates from "Asimov" data (which are weighted).
  • Scripts for computing the mean weights are added, as well as scripts to prepare the templates for the statistical analysis.

I know these new scripts are very badly written, and don't meet at all the coding standards of the rest of the framework. However, I would like it to be merged anyway, and later be improved/replaced with something better (I fear I lack the knowledge of improving this by myself...). All the files that were simply modified should meet the coding standards, except for the old "loopers" like (which never did anyway).

This MR builds on top of !103 (closed), which becomes overriden by this and may be closed. To recall, this part of the MR fixes important bugs:

  • The event-based prescales were not applied correctly in PhotonTrees
  • The "new" angular cuts were not applied properly for everything concerning the instrumental ptmiss
  • The pT thresholds cuts were not applied in the simulation, only in data.

Merge request reports