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Print backtrace on terminate

Andrey Popov requested to merge stacktrace into master

This is useful to guess where from an unhandled exception has been risen without gdb. Example output (with a deliberately broken GenWeight::EnvelopeMEScale):

[ERROR] Program termination requested. Stack trace:
 0# logged_terminate() in runHZZanalysis
 1# 0x00007FF68CA72E76 in /cvmfs/
 2# 0x00007FF68CA72EB1 in /cvmfs/
 3# 0x00007FF68CA730E3 in /cvmfs/
 4# 0x0000000000448A32 in runHZZanalysis
 5# GenWeight::EnvelopeMEScale(GenWeight::Var) const in runHZZanalysis
 6# LooperMain::Loop() in runHZZanalysis
 7# main in runHZZanalysis
 8# __libc_start_main in /lib64/
 9# 0x000000000044D6D1 in runHZZanalysis
Further details:
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::runtime_error'
  what():  Cannot access ME scale variations (weights with indices 1 to 9) because only 223 weights are available.

Does not affect physics results.

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