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Use photon in place of leptons in the dphi(leptons+jets,MET) cut for InstrMET analysis

Sicheng Wang requested to merge sicheng/hzz2l2nu:devDYest into master

I found that the InstrMET was not including the photon in the Delta phi(leptons+jets, MET) cut, which may result in a different phase space than the DY contribution in the signal region, so I added that. I also include the following changes

  • Move the dphi(lepton+jets, MET) cut to earlier, for both the Main analysis and InstrMET analysis, in order for it to be accounted for in reweighting the nvtx and boson Pt
    • Please review if this change will affect your current study
  • Change the isPhotonDriven part main analysis to use photon in accordance with the InstrMET analysis
  • Changed the name of the eventflow cuts that seems out-dated

Merge request reports