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Commit c23fa42c authored by Simon Mazenoux's avatar Simon Mazenoux
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[SIGMON-750] use setuptools_scm

parent c1468116
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2 merge requests!377removed new formatting function, put the functionality in the old one,...,!370[SIGMON-750] use setuptools_scm
Pipeline #7435179 passed
with 39 additions and 143 deletions
......@@ -86,22 +86,6 @@ mypy:
- mypy --version
- mypy
stage: tests
entrypoint: [""]
GIT_DEPTH: "0" # Tells git to fetch all the branches of the project, required by the analysis task
- pip install build
- PROJECT_VERSION=$(python -c "import build.util; print(build.util.project_wheel_metadata('.').get('Version'))")
- sonar-scanner -Dsonar.projectVersion=${PROJECT_VERSION} -Dsonar.python.version=${PY_VERSION}
allow_failure: true
- job: test_swan_requirements
artifacts: true
stage: build
include lhcsmapi/gui/qh/*
include lhcsmapi/metadata/**/*
include lhcsmapi/resources/reference/**/*
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Union
name = "lhcsmapi"
__version__ = "1.8.0rc4"
nb_version_env = "NOTEBOOKS_VERSION"
def get_lhcsmapi_version() -> None:
"""Method printing out the current version of the lhc-sm-api package.
Used in notebooks to display the API version.**
print("Analysis executed with lhc-sm-api version: {}".format(__version__))
def parse_lhcsmhwc_version(init_file_path: Union[str, Path]) -> str:
"""Method parsing an file and returns version as a string.
In case of the OSError it fallbacks to the NOTEBOOKS_VERSION env.
:param init_file_path: a relative path to an file with version of a package
:return: string with version of a package
import re
import os
with open(init_file_path, "rt", encoding="utf8") as f:
full_version ='__version__ = "(.*?)"',
if full_version is None:
raise OSError("No version found.")
version =
except OSError:
version = os.getenv(nb_version_env, "unknown")
return version
def get_lhcsmhwc_version(init_file_path: Union[str, Path]) -> None:
"""Method printing out the version of HWC notebooks obtained from the provided __init__ file or
NOTEBOOKS_VERSION env. Used in notebooks to display their version.
:param init_file_path: an absolute path to an file with version of a package
version = parse_lhcsmhwc_version(init_file_path)
print("Analysis executed with lhc-sm-hwc notebooks version: {}".format(version))
from importlib.metadata import version
import pandas as pd
import lhcsmapi
from lhcsmapi.Time import Time
from lhcsmapi.analysis.CircuitQuery import CircuitQuery
from lhcsmapi.analysis.busbar.BusbarResistanceQuery import BusbarResistanceQuery
......@@ -21,13 +22,10 @@ class IpdCircuitQuery(PicQuery, PcQuery, QdsIpdQuery, QuenchHeaterQuery, BusbarR
self.circuit_type = signal_metadata.get_circuit_type_for_circuit_name(circuit_name)
def create_report_analysis_template(
self, timestamp_fgc: int, init_file_path: str, author: str = ""
) -> pd.DataFrame:
def create_report_analysis_template(self, timestamp_fgc: int, author: str = "") -> pd.DataFrame:
"""Method creating a report analysis template for IPD circuits
:param timestamp_fgc: timestamp of an FGC event
:param init_file_path: path to an init file to read LHCSM-HWC notebooks version
:param author: NICE account name of the analysis author
:return: pre-filled pd.DataFrame with a template to be completed further with data from an analysis of
a powering event in IPD circuits
......@@ -41,7 +39,6 @@ class IpdCircuitQuery(PicQuery, PcQuery, QdsIpdQuery, QuenchHeaterQuery, BusbarR
results_table["Date (FGC)"] = Time.to_string_short(timestamp_fgc).split(" ")[0]
results_table["Time (FGC)"] = Time.to_string_short(timestamp_fgc).split(" ")[1]
results_table["Analysis performed by"] = author
results_table["lhcsmapi version"] = lhcsmapi.__version__
results_table["lhcsm notebook version"] = lhcsmapi.parse_lhcsmhwc_version(init_file_path)
results_table["lhcsmapi version"] = version("lhcsmapi")
return results_table
from importlib.metadata import version
import pandas as pd
import lhcsmapi
from lhcsmapi.Time import Time
from lhcsmapi.analysis.busbar.BusbarResistanceQuery import BusbarResistanceQuery
from lhcsmapi.analysis.dfb.DfbQuery import DfbQuery
......@@ -9,7 +10,6 @@ from lhcsmapi.analysis.pic.PicQuery import PicQuery
from lhcsmapi.analysis.qds.QdsQuery import QdsIpdQuery
from lhcsmapi.analysis.qh.QuenchHeaterQuery import QuenchHeaterQuery
from lhcsmapi.analysis.CircuitQuery import CircuitQuery
from lhcsmapi.metadata.MappingMetadata import MappingMetadata
from lhcsmapi.metadata import signal_metadata
from lhcsmapi import reference
......@@ -25,13 +25,10 @@ class IpqCircuitQuery(
self.circuit_type = signal_metadata.get_circuit_type_for_circuit_name(circuit_name)
def create_report_analysis_template(
self, timestamp_fgc: int, init_file_path: str, author: str = ""
) -> pd.DataFrame:
def create_report_analysis_template(self, timestamp_fgc: int, author: str = "") -> pd.DataFrame:
"""Method creating a report analysis template for IPQ circuits
:param timestamp_fgc: timestamp of an FGC event
:param init_file_path: path to an init file to read LHCSM-HWC notebooks version
:param author: NICE account name of the analysis author
:return: pre-filled pd.DataFrame with a template to be completed further with data from an analysis of
a powering event in IPQ circuits
......@@ -45,7 +42,6 @@ class IpqCircuitQuery(
results_table["Date (FGC_Bn)"] = Time.to_string_short(timestamp_fgc).split(" ")[0]
results_table["Time (FGC_Bn)"] = Time.to_string_short(timestamp_fgc).split(" ")[1]
results_table["Analysis performed by"] = author
results_table["lhcsmapi version"] = lhcsmapi.__version__
results_table["lhcsm notebook version"] = lhcsmapi.parse_lhcsmhwc_version(init_file_path)
results_table["lhcsmapi version"] = version("lhcsmapi")
return results_table
from importlib.metadata import version
import pandas as pd
import lhcsmapi
from lhcsmapi.Time import Time
from lhcsmapi.analysis.busbar.BusbarResistanceQuery import BusbarResistanceQuery
from lhcsmapi.analysis.dfb.DfbQuery import DfbQuery
......@@ -15,13 +16,10 @@ from lhcsmapi import reference
class ItCircuitQuery(PicQuery, PcItQuery, QuenchHeaterQuery, QdsQuery, BusbarResistanceQuery, DfbQuery, CircuitQuery):
"""Class extending the CircuitQuery class with methods for creation of templates of analysis tables in IT circuits."""
def create_report_analysis_template(
self, timestamp_fgc: int, init_file_path: str, author: str = ""
) -> pd.DataFrame:
def create_report_analysis_template(self, timestamp_fgc: int, author: str = "") -> pd.DataFrame:
"""Method creating a report analysis template for IT circuits
:param timestamp_fgc: timestamp of an FGC event
:param init_file_path: path to an init file to read LHCSM-HWC notebooks version
:param author: NICE account name of the analysis author
:return: pre-filled pd.DataFrame with a template to be completed further with data from an analysis of
a powering event in IT circuits
......@@ -35,7 +33,6 @@ class ItCircuitQuery(PicQuery, PcItQuery, QuenchHeaterQuery, QdsQuery, BusbarRes
results_table["Date (FGC_RQX)"] = Time.to_string_short(timestamp_fgc).split(" ")[0]
results_table["Time (FGC_RQX)"] = Time.to_string_short(timestamp_fgc).split(" ")[1]
results_table["Analysis performed by"] = author
results_table["lhcsmapi version"] = lhcsmapi.__version__
results_table["lhcsm notebook version"] = lhcsmapi.parse_lhcsmhwc_version(init_file_path)
results_table["lhcsmapi version"] = version("lhcsmapi")
return results_table
from importlib.metadata import version
from typing import List
import pandas as pd
......@@ -19,13 +21,10 @@ class R600ACircuitQuery(PicQuery, PcQuery, EeQuery, QdsQuery, DfbQuery, CircuitQ
def create_report_analysis_template(
self, timestamp_fgc: int, init_file_path: str, author: str = ""
) -> pd.DataFrame:
def create_report_analysis_template(self, timestamp_fgc: int, author: str = "") -> pd.DataFrame:
"""Method creating a report analysis template for 600A circuits with/without EE
:param timestamp_fgc: timestamp of an FGC event
:param init_file_path: path to an init file to read LHCSM-HWC notebooks version
:param author: NICE account name of the analysis author
:return: pre-filled pd.DataFrame with a template to be filled further with data from an analysis of
a powering event in 600A circuits with/without EE
......@@ -39,24 +38,17 @@ class R600ACircuitQuery(PicQuery, PcQuery, EeQuery, QdsQuery, DfbQuery, CircuitQ
results_table["Date (FGC)"] = Time.to_string_short(timestamp_fgc).split(" ")[0]
results_table["Time (FGC)"] = Time.to_string_short(timestamp_fgc).split(" ")[1]
results_table["Analysis performed by"] = author
results_table["lhcsmapi version"] = lhcsmapi.__version__
results_table["lhcsm notebook version"] = lhcsmapi.parse_lhcsmhwc_version(init_file_path)
results_table["lhcsmapi version"] = version("lhcsmapi")
return results_table
def create_report_analysis_template_rcd(
timestamp_fgc_rcd: int,
timestamp_fgc_rco: int,
init_file_path: str,
circuit_names: List[str],
author: str = "",
self, timestamp_fgc_rcd: int, timestamp_fgc_rco: int, circuit_names: List[str], author: str = ""
) -> pd.DataFrame:
"""Method creating a report analysis template for RCD/RCO 600A circuits
:param timestamp_fgc_rcd: timestamp of an FGC event in RCD circuit
:param timestamp_fgc_rco: timestamp of an FGC event in RCO circuit
:param init_file_path: path to an init file to read LHCSM-HWC notebooks version
:param circuit_names: list of RCD/RCO circuit names [,]
:param author: NICE account name of the analysis author
:return: pre-filled pd.DataFrame with a template to be filled further with data from analysis of
......@@ -74,24 +66,17 @@ class R600ACircuitQuery(PicQuery, PcQuery, EeQuery, QdsQuery, DfbQuery, CircuitQ
results_table["Date (FGC)"] = Time.to_string_short(timestamp_fgc).split(" ")[0]
results_table["Time (FGC)"] = Time.to_string_short(timestamp_fgc).split(" ")[1]
results_table["Analysis performed by"] = author
results_table["lhcsmapi version"] = lhcsmapi.__version__
results_table["lhcsm notebook version"] = lhcsmapi.parse_lhcsmhwc_version(init_file_path)
results_table["lhcsmapi version"] = version("lhcsmapi")
return results_table
def create_report_analysis_template_rcbx(
timestamp_fgc_rcbxh: int,
timestamp_fgc_rcbxv: int,
init_file_path: str,
circuit_names: List[str],
author: str = "",
self, timestamp_fgc_rcbxh: int, timestamp_fgc_rcbxv: int, circuit_names: List[str], author: str = ""
) -> pd.DataFrame:
"""Method creating a report analysis template for RCBXH/RCBXV 600A circuits
:param timestamp_fgc_rcbxh: timestamp of an FGC event in RCBXH circuit
:param timestamp_fgc_rcbxv: timestamp of an FGC event in RCBXV circuit
:param init_file_path: path to an init file to read LHCSM-HWC notebooks version
:param circuit_names: list of RCBXH/RCBXV circuit names [,]
:param author: NICE account name of the analysis author
:return: pre-filled pd.DataFrame with a template to be filled further with data from analysis
......@@ -108,7 +93,6 @@ class R600ACircuitQuery(PicQuery, PcQuery, EeQuery, QdsQuery, DfbQuery, CircuitQ
results_table["Date (FGC)"] = Time.to_string_short(timestamp_fgc).split(" ")[0]
results_table["Time (FGC)"] = Time.to_string_short(timestamp_fgc).split(" ")[1]
results_table["Analysis performed by"] = author
results_table["lhcsmapi version"] = lhcsmapi.__version__
results_table["lhcsm notebook version"] = lhcsmapi.parse_lhcsmhwc_version(init_file_path)
results_table["lhcsmapi version"] = version("lhcsmapi")
return results_table
from importlib.metadata import version
import pandas as pd
import lhcsmapi
......@@ -17,13 +19,10 @@ class R60_80_120ACircuitQuery(PcQuery, PicQuery, CircuitQuery):
def __init__(self, circuit_type, circuit_name, max_executions=None, verbose=True):
super().__init__(circuit_type, circuit_name, max_executions, verbose)
def create_report_analysis_template(
self, timestamp_fgc: int, init_file_path: str, author: str = ""
) -> pd.DataFrame:
def create_report_analysis_template(self, timestamp_fgc: int, author: str = "") -> pd.DataFrame:
"""Method creating a report analysis template for IPD circuits
:param timestamp_fgc: timestamp of an FGC event
:param init_file_path: path to an init file to read LHCSM-HWC notebooks version
:param author: NICE account name of the analysis author
:return: pre-filled pd.DataFrame with a template to be completed further with data from an analysis of
a powering event in IPD circuits
......@@ -54,7 +53,6 @@ class R60_80_120ACircuitQuery(PcQuery, PicQuery, CircuitQuery):
results_table["Date (FGC)"] = Time.to_string_short(timestamp_fgc).split(" ")[0]
results_table["Time (FGC)"] = Time.to_string_short(timestamp_fgc).split(" ")[1]
results_table["Analysis performed by"] = author
results_table["lhcsmapi version"] = lhcsmapi.__version__
results_table["lhcsm notebook version"] = lhcsmapi.parse_lhcsmhwc_version(init_file_path)
results_table["lhcsmapi version"] = version("lhcsmapi")
return results_table
from importlib.metadata import version
import pandas as pd
import lhcsmapi
from lhcsmapi import reference
from lhcsmapi.Time import Time
from lhcsmapi.analysis.CircuitQuery import CircuitQuery, get_quench_current, execution_count
......@@ -37,7 +38,6 @@ class RbCircuitQuery(
source_timestamp_nqps_df: pd.DataFrame,
timestamp_pic: int,
timestamp_fgc: int,
init_file_path: str,
i_meas_df: pd.DataFrame,
author: str,
) -> pd.DataFrame:
......@@ -47,7 +47,6 @@ class RbCircuitQuery(
:param source_timestamp_nqps_df: table with QDS PM source and timestamp
:param timestamp_pic: unix timestamp of the first PIC event in RQ circuit in nanoseconds
:param timestamp_fgc: unix timestamp of an FGC event in RB circuit in nanoseconds
:param init_file_path: path to an init file to read LHCSM-HWC notebooks version
:param i_meas_df: measured power converter current in RB circuit
:param author: NICE account name of the analysis author
:return: pre-filled pd.DataFrame with a template to be filled further with data from analysis
......@@ -95,7 +94,6 @@ class RbCircuitQuery(
results_table["Date (FGC)"] = Time.to_string_short(timestamp_fgc).split(" ")[0]
results_table["Time (FGC)"] = Time.to_string_short(timestamp_fgc).split(" ")[1]
results_table["Analysis performed by"] = author
results_table["lhcsmapi version"] = lhcsmapi.__version__
results_table["lhcsm notebook version"] = lhcsmapi.parse_lhcsmhwc_version(init_file_path)
results_table["lhcsmapi version"] = version("lhcsmapi")
return results_table
from importlib.metadata import version
import pandas as pd
import lhcsmapi
......@@ -39,7 +41,6 @@ class RqCircuitQuery(
source_timestamp_nqps_df: pd.DataFrame,
timestamp_fgc: int,
timestamp_pic: int,
init_file_path: str,
i_meas_rqd_df: pd.DataFrame,
i_meas_rqf_df: pd.DataFrame,
author: str,
......@@ -50,7 +51,6 @@ class RqCircuitQuery(
:param source_timestamp_nqps_df: table with QDS PM source and timestamp
:param timestamp_fgc: unix timestamp of the first FGC event in RQ circuit in nanoseconds
:param timestamp_pic: unix timestamp of the first PIC event in RQ circuit in nanoseconds
:param init_file_path: path to an init file to read LHCSM-HWC notebooks version
:param i_meas_rqd_df: measured power converter current in RQD circuit
:param i_meas_rqf_df: measured power converter current in RQF circuit
:param author: NICE account name of the analysis author
......@@ -101,7 +101,6 @@ class RqCircuitQuery(
results_table["Date (FGC)"] = Time.to_string_short(timestamp_fgc).split(" ")[0]
results_table["Time (FGC)"] = Time.to_string_short(timestamp_fgc).split(" ")[1]
results_table["Analysis performed by"] = author
results_table["lhcsmapi version"] = lhcsmapi.__version__
results_table["lhcsm notebook version"] = lhcsmapi.parse_lhcsmhwc_version(init_file_path)
results_table["lhcsmapi version"] = version("lhcsmapi")
return results_table
,Circuit Name,Circuit Family,Period,Date (FGC),Time (FGC),FPA Reason,Timestamp_PIC,Delta_t(FGC-PIC),Delta_t(EE-PIC),Ramp rate,Plateau duration,I_Q_circ,MIITS_circ,I_Earth_max,EE analysis,U_EE_max,Delta_t(QPS-PIC),Type of Quench,Quench count,QDS trigger origin,dU_QPS/dt,Comment,Analysis performed by,lhcsmapi version,lhcsm notebook version
,Circuit Name,Circuit Family,Period,Date (FGC),Time (FGC),FPA Reason,Timestamp_PIC,Delta_t(FGC-PIC),Delta_t(EE-PIC),Ramp rate,Plateau duration,I_Q_circ,MIITS_circ,I_Earth_max,EE analysis,U_EE_max,Delta_t(QPS-PIC),Type of Quench,Quench count,QDS trigger origin,dU_QPS/dt,Comment,Analysis performed by,lhcsmapi version
,Circuit Name,Circuit Family,Period,Date (FGC),Time (FGC),FPA Reason,Timestamp_PIC,Delta_t(FGC-PIC),Ramp rate H,Ramp rate V,Plateau duration H,Plateau duration V,I_Q_H,I_Q_V,I_radius,phase,MIITS_H,MIITS_V,I_Earth_max_H,I_Earth_max_V,Delta_t(QPS-PIC),Type of Quench,Quench origin,Quench count,QDS trigger origin,dU_QPS/dt_H,dU_QPS/dt_V,Comment,Analysis performed by,lhcsmapi version,lhcsm notebook version
\ No newline at end of file
,Circuit Name,Circuit Family,Period,Date (FGC),Time (FGC),FPA Reason,Timestamp_PIC,Delta_t(FGC-PIC),Ramp rate H,Ramp rate V,Plateau duration H,Plateau duration V,I_Q_H,I_Q_V,I_radius,phase,MIITS_H,MIITS_V,I_Earth_max_H,I_Earth_max_V,Delta_t(QPS-PIC),Type of Quench,Quench origin,Quench count,QDS trigger origin,dU_QPS/dt_H,dU_QPS/dt_V,Comment,Analysis performed by,lhcsmapi version
\ No newline at end of file
,Circuit Name,Circuit Family,Period,Date (FGC),Time (FGC),FPA Reason,Timestamp_PIC,Delta_t(FGC-PIC),Delta_t(EE_RCD-PIC),Ramp rate RCO,Ramp rate RCD,Plateau duration RCO,Plateau duration RCD,I_Q_RCO,I_Q_RCD,MIITS_RCO,MIITS_RCD,I_Earth_max_RCO,I_Earth_max_RCD,EE_RCD analysis,U_EE_RCD_max,Delta_t(QPS-PIC),Type of Quench,Quench origin,Quench count,QDS trigger origin,dU_QPS/dt_RCO,dU_QPS/dt_RCD,Comment,Analysis performed by,lhcsmapi version,lhcsm notebook version
\ No newline at end of file
,Circuit Name,Circuit Family,Period,Date (FGC),Time (FGC),FPA Reason,Timestamp_PIC,Delta_t(FGC-PIC),Delta_t(EE_RCD-PIC),Ramp rate RCO,Ramp rate RCD,Plateau duration RCO,Plateau duration RCD,I_Q_RCO,I_Q_RCD,MIITS_RCO,MIITS_RCD,I_Earth_max_RCO,I_Earth_max_RCD,EE_RCD analysis,U_EE_RCD_max,Delta_t(QPS-PIC),Type of Quench,Quench origin,Quench count,QDS trigger origin,dU_QPS/dt_RCO,dU_QPS/dt_RCD,Comment,Analysis performed by,lhcsmapi version
\ No newline at end of file
,Circuit Name,Circuit Family,Period,Date (FGC),Time (FGC),FPA Reason,Ramp rate,Plateau duration,I_Q_circ,MIITS_circ,I_Earth_max,Type of Quench,Quench count,Comment,Analysis performed by,lhcsmapi version,lhcsm notebook version
\ No newline at end of file
,Circuit Name,Circuit Family,Period,Date (FGC),Time (FGC),FPA Reason,Ramp rate,Plateau duration,I_Q_circ,MIITS_circ,I_Earth_max,Type of Quench,Quench count,Comment,Analysis performed by,lhcsmapi version
\ No newline at end of file
,Circuit Name,Circuit Family,Period,Date (FGC),Time (FGC),FPA Reason,Timestamp_PIC,Delta_t(FGC-PIC),Ramp rate,Plateau duration,I_Q_circ,MIITS_circ,I_Earth_max,Delta_t(QPS-PIC),Type of Quench,Quench count,QDS trigger origin,dU_QPS/dt,QH analysis,Comment,Analysis performed by,lhcsmapi version,lhcsm notebook version
\ No newline at end of file
,Circuit Name,Circuit Family,Period,Date (FGC),Time (FGC),FPA Reason,Timestamp_PIC,Delta_t(FGC-PIC),Ramp rate,Plateau duration,I_Q_circ,MIITS_circ,I_Earth_max,Delta_t(QPS-PIC),Type of Quench,Quench count,QDS trigger origin,dU_QPS/dt,QH analysis,Comment,Analysis performed by,lhcsmapi version
\ No newline at end of file
,Circuit Name,Circuit Family,Period,Date (FGC_Bn),Time (FGC_Bn),FPA Reason,Timestamp_PIC,Delta_t(FGC-PIC),Ramp rate B1,Ramp rate B2,Plateau duration B1,Plateau duration B2,I_Q_B1,I_Q_B2,MIITS_B1,MIITS_B2,I_Earth_max_B1,I_Earth_max_B2,Delta_t(QPS-PIC),Type of Quench,Quench origin,Quench count,QDS trigger origin,dU_QPS_B1/dt,dU_QPS_B2/dt,QH analysis,Comment,Analysis performed by,lhcsmapi version,lhcsm notebook version
\ No newline at end of file
,Circuit Name,Circuit Family,Period,Date (FGC_Bn),Time (FGC_Bn),FPA Reason,Timestamp_PIC,Delta_t(FGC-PIC),Ramp rate B1,Ramp rate B2,Plateau duration B1,Plateau duration B2,I_Q_B1,I_Q_B2,MIITS_B1,MIITS_B2,I_Earth_max_B1,I_Earth_max_B2,Delta_t(QPS-PIC),Type of Quench,Quench origin,Quench count,QDS trigger origin,dU_QPS_B1/dt,dU_QPS_B2/dt,QH analysis,Comment,Analysis performed by,lhcsmapi version
\ No newline at end of file
,Circuit Name,Circuit Family,Period,Date (FGC_RQX),Time (FGC_RQX),FPA Reason,Timestamp_PIC,Delta_t(FGC_RQX-PIC),Ramp rate RQX,Ramp rate RTQX1,Ramp rate RTQX2,Plateau duration RQX,Plateau duration RTQX1,Plateau duration RTQX2,I_Q_RQX,I_Q_RTQX1,I_Q_RTQX2,MIITS_RQX,MIITS_RTQX1,MIITS_RTQX2,I_Earth_max,Delta_t(QPS-PIC),I_Q_Q1,I_Q_Q2,I_Q_Q3,Type of Quench,Quench origin,Quench count,QDS trigger origin,dU_QPS/dt,QH analysis,Comment,Analysis performed by,lhcsmapi version,lhcsm notebook version
,Circuit Name,Circuit Family,Period,Date (FGC_RQX),Time (FGC_RQX),FPA Reason,Timestamp_PIC,Delta_t(FGC_RQX-PIC),Ramp rate RQX,Ramp rate RTQX1,Ramp rate RTQX2,Plateau duration RQX,Plateau duration RTQX1,Plateau duration RTQX2,I_Q_RQX,I_Q_RTQX1,I_Q_RTQX2,MIITS_RQX,MIITS_RTQX1,MIITS_RTQX2,I_Earth_max,Delta_t(QPS-PIC),I_Q_Q1,I_Q_Q2,I_Q_Q3,Type of Quench,Quench origin,Quench count,QDS trigger origin,dU_QPS/dt,QH analysis,Comment,Analysis performed by,lhcsmapi version
,Circuit Name,Circuit Family,Period,Date (FGC),Time (FGC),FPA Reason,Timestamp_PIC,Delta_t(FGC-PIC),Delta_t(EE_even-PIC),Delta_t(EE_odd-PIC),Ramp rate,Plateau duration,I_Q_circ,MIITS_circ,I_Earth_max,EE analysis,V feeler analysis,U_EE_max_ODD,U_EE_max_EVEN,Position,I_Q_M,Nr in Q event,Delta_t(iQPS-PIC),nQPS crate name,Delta_t(nQPS-PIC),Type of Quench,Quench origin,Quench count,QDS trigger origin,dU_iQPS/dt,V_symm_max,dV_symm/dt,R_DL_max,I at R_DL_max,QH analysis,Short magnet ID,Manufacturer,Inner cable type,Outer cable type,I_Q_SM18,dI_Q_Acc,dI_Q_LHC,Comment,Analysis performed by,lhcsmapi version,lhcsm notebook version
,Circuit Name,Circuit Family,Period,Date (FGC),Time (FGC),FPA Reason,Timestamp_PIC,Delta_t(FGC-PIC),Delta_t(EE_even-PIC),Delta_t(EE_odd-PIC),Ramp rate,Plateau duration,I_Q_circ,MIITS_circ,I_Earth_max,EE analysis,V feeler analysis,U_EE_max_ODD,U_EE_max_EVEN,Position,I_Q_M,Nr in Q event,Delta_t(iQPS-PIC),nQPS crate name,Delta_t(nQPS-PIC),Type of Quench,Quench origin,Quench count,QDS trigger origin,dU_iQPS/dt,V_symm_max,dV_symm/dt,R_DL_max,I at R_DL_max,QH analysis,Short magnet ID,Manufacturer,Inner cable type,Outer cable type,I_Q_SM18,dI_Q_Acc,dI_Q_LHC,Comment,Analysis performed by,lhcsmapi version
,Circuit Name,Circuit Family,Period,Date (FGC),Time (FGC),FPA Reason,Timestamp_PIC,Delta_t(FGC-PIC),Delta_t(EE_RQD-PIC),Delta_t(EE_RQF-PIC),Ramp rate RQD,Ramp rate RQF,Plateau duration RQD,Plateau duration RQF,I_Q_RQD,I_Q_RQF,MIITS_RQD,MIITS_RQF,I_Earth_max_RQD,I_Earth_max_RQF,EE analysis RQD,EE analysis RQF,V feeler analysis RQD,V feeler analysis RQF,U_EE_max_RQD,U_EE_max_RQF,Position,I_Q_MQD,I_Q_MQF,Nr in Q event,Delta_t(iQPS-PIC),nQPS RQD crate name,nQPS RQF crate name,Delta_t(nQPS_RQD-PIC),Delta_t(nQPS_RQF-PIC),Type of Quench,Quench origin,Quench count,QDS trigger origin,dU_iQPS/dt_RQD,dU_iQPS/dt_RQF,V_symm_max_RQD,V_symm_max_RQF,dV_symm_RQD/dt,dV_symm_RQF/dt,R_DL_max_RQD,R_DL_max_RQF,I_RQD at R_DL_max_RQD,I_RQF at R_DL_max_RQF,QH analysis,SSS ID,I_Q_SM18,dI_Q_Acc,dI_Q_LHC,Comment,Analysis performed by,lhcsmapi version,lhcsm notebook version
,Circuit Name,Circuit Family,Period,Date (FGC),Time (FGC),FPA Reason,Timestamp_PIC,Delta_t(FGC-PIC),Delta_t(EE_RQD-PIC),Delta_t(EE_RQF-PIC),Ramp rate RQD,Ramp rate RQF,Plateau duration RQD,Plateau duration RQF,I_Q_RQD,I_Q_RQF,MIITS_RQD,MIITS_RQF,I_Earth_max_RQD,I_Earth_max_RQF,EE analysis RQD,EE analysis RQF,V feeler analysis RQD,V feeler analysis RQF,U_EE_max_RQD,U_EE_max_RQF,Position,I_Q_MQD,I_Q_MQF,Nr in Q event,Delta_t(iQPS-PIC),nQPS RQD crate name,nQPS RQF crate name,Delta_t(nQPS_RQD-PIC),Delta_t(nQPS_RQF-PIC),Type of Quench,Quench origin,Quench count,QDS trigger origin,dU_iQPS/dt_RQD,dU_iQPS/dt_RQF,V_symm_max_RQD,V_symm_max_RQF,dV_symm_RQD/dt,dV_symm_RQF/dt,R_DL_max_RQD,R_DL_max_RQF,I_RQD at R_DL_max_RQD,I_RQF at R_DL_max_RQF,QH analysis,SSS ID,I_Q_SM18,dI_Q_Acc,dI_Q_LHC,Comment,Analysis performed by,lhcsmapi version
git add .
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python -m pip install --upgrade build
git tag -a $$(python -c "import build.util; print(build.util.project_wheel_metadata('.').get('Version'))") -m "$m"
$$(git push --tags)
git push
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