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SIGMON-128: - Change outdated rb_analysis method and replace with a rbAnalysis

Thibaud Marie Eric Buffet requested to merge SIGMON-128_fix_QHDA_reports into dev

What was done

  • keypoints of the implementation
  • Update on the Plotting method on the for plotting the analysis signals.
  • Update the evaluation of the indexes of the current and voltage (same for references.)
  • What is not done
  • During the investigation of the task, we found out that the deployments on EOS are not removing the old classes and not replacing them correctly. Which leads to some inconsistencies. This will be tackle after the end of the HWC.

Review objectives

  • assessment of code functionality
  • assessment of code quality
  • identifying potential refactorings / logic common to other projects
  • knowledge sharing
Edited by Thibaud Marie Eric Buffet

Merge request reports
