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allow gluon parent photons for minDR

Alexx Perloff requested to merge github/fork/fojensen/minDeltaRUpdate into Run2

Created by: fojensen

When running on the QCD MC, madMinPhotonDeltaR was calculated with the highest pT gen-level photon with a quark parent. This is done for fragmentation studies. But in MINIAODSIM it is seen that some photons have gluon parents. This PR will now also consider gluon parent photons as the true parent was likely lost in particle pruning.

as expected no changes were observed to the GJets sample as expected there is a very small increase in the total number of events in QCD which have a "usable" photon

attached plots are from QCD HT1500-2000 and HT1000-1500

particletree QCD.deltaRcompare.pdf

Merge request reports