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Code checks

Kevin Pedro requested to merge github/fork/kpedro88/Run2_2017 into Run2_2017

CMSSW can run code checks via clang-tidy in scram. The default list is here:

I added a few more: cppcoreguidelines-pro-type-member-init, modernize-loop-convert

and then ran over TreeMaker source code as follows:

touch TreeMakerCode.txt
find TreeMaker/ -name "*.h" >> TreeMakerCode.txt
find TreeMaker/ -name "*.cc" >> TreeMakerCode.txt
env USER_CODE_CHECKS_FILE=TreeMakerCode.txt scram b code-checks

The code is automatically updated to conform to the specified code checks.

A few caveats about modernize-loop-convert:

  • doesn't always use const where it could
  • sometimes chooses unclear names for loop variables
  • doesn't seem to recognize range-based loops for edm::View types

I dealt with these few issues by hand.

Merge request reports
