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[VECGEOM-294]; Paraboloid ported to new scheme (vecCore + newHelpers).

Raman Sehgal requested to merge raman/vecgeom-294 into master

[VECGEOM-294]; Added definitions to ParaboloidImplementation.h and now Paraboloid compiles also with CUDA. Also added TestParaboloid.cpp and shape_testParaboloid.cpp.

[VECGEOM-294]; Some Warning fixes.

[VECGEOM-294]; Implemented NormalKernel in ParaboloidImplementation.h.

@details : 1) NormalKernel Implemented. But the normal is calculated for the points which are on the surface For non surface point valid is set to false, but normal calcuation is not implemented yet

       2) Some test case to test NormalKernel also added to TestParaboloid.cpp

[VECGEOM-294]; Improved NormalKernel definition. Also added UnitTest for Paraboloid.

[VECGEOM-294]; Applied Clang-format. and minor code cleanup done.

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