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lima/vecgeom-421 - Performance optimizations for the trapezoid

Guilherme Lima requested to merge lima/vecgeom-421 into master

This request contains more performance improvements for the trapezoid, especially for Inside() and Contains() methods.

The [WIP] flag is due to a new function, EarlyReturnAllowedAt(vecSize), in file VecCore/include/VecCore/Backend/Implementation.h, which is useful to perform fine-grained studies for the effect of early returns for scalar and vectorized backends.

Please find a few performance plots attached: First plot is for CPU times, second is for Speedups, taking "specialized" shapes as reference (speedup=1). See below for more plot details:

Colors used for the plots:

  • Black: vectorized
  • Red: unspecialized
  • Green: specialized
  • Blue: ROOT
  • Magenta: USolids
  • Cyan: Geant4

In addition, each dataset has 10 data points, for which the first 5 points are for PLANESHELL=ON (default) and the last 5 datapoints for PLANESHELL=OFF. Each configuration (5 points) shows performances for 5 commits, in the following order:

  • 68c48276 - tag v0.3.rc
  • 4e5928c1 - tag v00.03.00
  • 019d29a0 - includes performance improvements to DistanceToIn() and DistanceToout(), merged with request 384
  • b356bad1 - includes new algorithms for NormalKernel(), merged with request 415
  • 2c007289 - includes performance improvements to SafetyToOut(), Inside() and Contains() [part of this merge request]
  • Plot for CPU times: 170324-trap-cpuTimes-merge420

  • Plot for speedups: 170324-trap-speedups-merge420

Merge request reports