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[VECGEOM-tiny-ShapeTesterFix]; Added macro Guards for ROOT in ShapeTester to all…

Raman Sehgal requested to merge raman/tiny-ShapeTesterFix into master

…ow compilation without ROOT.

@details : In the last commit ShapeTester was modified to allow some more visualization feature, because of that it was not compiling without ROOT.

       Now macro guards for ROOT is added to enable the visualization feature only when
       ROOT is swithed ON.

       In order to use new visualization feature the "shape_test<Shape>.cpp" script needs minor modification
       so that it can accept command line arguments.

       Sample script for ORB ie. "shape_testOrb.cpp" can be referred for these modification.

       Now following we three modes in ShapeTester
       1) ./shape_test<Shape>.cpp [without any command line argument it will just run shapeTester without any visualization]

       2) ./shape_test<Shape>.cpp debug [in this mode ShapeTester stops the test at the point where it find first mismatch.
                                         and also visualize the shape with mismatched point and direction of motion]

       3) ./shape_test<Shape>.cpp stat [in this mode ShapeTester continue all the tests and at the end display some histogram
                                        and also show some other visualization]
                                       [this feature was already there in previous version also.]

Merge request reports