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Strobe delay analysis for Stars

Olivier Arnaez requested to merge AddStarStrobeDelayAna into devel


Implementation and analysis for strobe delay scan.

StarStrobeDelayFitter is a AnalysisAlgorithm which takes in occupancy maps and does the following:

  1. for each channel, make a histogram of occupancy vs strobe delay
  2. fit the rising and falling edge of the histogram from 1 using two s-curves
  3. find the max rising edge and min falling edge among all channels within a chip
  4. define the optimal strobe delay setting to be 57% between max rising and min falling

Results are dumped into JsonData files as well as in the following plots:

  • occupancy vs strobe delay for individual channels (if option dumpDebugSDPlots is true)
  • distributions of rising and falling edge for all channels
  • 2D histograms of occupancy vs strobe delay vs channel number, separated by chip and by row

The config std_strobeDelayScan_fileInputs_template.json can be used to run the analysis on occupancy maps from a previous scan.

Edited by Elise Maria Le Boulicaut Ennis

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