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Configure Rx wait time for the NetIO and emulator controllers

Zhengcheng Tao requested to merge devel_rx_waittime into devel

This merge request adds an option in the controller config for the NetIO and emulator to set wait time for RxCore.

The default 500 microseconds in RxCore.h might be too low for using the NetIO controller. Sometimes when running StarRegDump with the default wait time, not all star registers are printed out.

For the emulator, data from the last trigger will be lost in StdDataLoop if the Rx wait time is not long enough compared to the processing time of the emulator. This only concerns the last trigger though, because the emulator tx buffer is only read after the current data is processed. So the tx buffer won't be empty (i.e. g_tx->isTrigDone() == true) until the data from the second to last trigger is processed.

Edited by Zhengcheng Tao

Merge request reports