Calculate LCB config and trickle elinks not relative to LCBcmd
The LCB config and trickle elinks are found as +-1 from the LCB command elink:
for (uint32_t el : lcb_elinks) {
// FELIX Phase 2 FW spec (v1.007) Table 8.30
trickle_elinks.push_back( el+1 );
config_elinks.push_back( el-1 );
But some of our staves have the electric line of the LCBcmd elink physically swapped with the R3L1 command line. Which means that it is shifted by +3 in the chip config json with respect to the spec.
Let's find the config and trickle elinks as an "absolute" address: find the optical link & the segment offsets from the tx LCB cmd elink, and add +0 and +2 to that:
for (uint32_t el : lcb_elinks) {
// FELIX Phase 2 FW spec (v1.007)
// Table 8.32
uint32_t n_link = el / 0x40;
uint32_t n_segment = (el - n_link*0x40) / 5;
config_elinks .push_back( n_link*0x40 + n_segment*5 + 0 );
trickle_elinks .push_back( n_link*0x40 + n_segment*5 + 2 );
Applied only in:
modified: StarFelixTriggerLoop.cpp
Edited by Alex Toldaiev