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LocalDB tags with the -W option

Hideyuki Oide requested to merge devel-scan-tag into devel

Enables to register tags of the scan to LocalDB.


Pre-defined tags to administrate pixel failure analysis (proposed by @emily)

  • MHT when uploaded a scan for the minimum health test
  • TUN when uploading something for tuning
  • PFA for pixel failure analysis
  • PFA_NOHV for pixel failure analysis scan without HV applied

(These tags are prepared on LocalDB whenever tags are missing on LocalDB)

Support single tag or multiple tags input. Syntax:

./bin/scanConsole <...> -W "['TEST_TAG', 'LBNL', 'MHT']"

==> Will generate tags TEST_TAG, LBNL, MHT (see below)

ss_2023-05-07_16.03.02 ss_2023-05-07_16.03.13

Merge request reports
