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Two trigger loop

Magne Eik Lauritzen requested to merge malaurit/YARR:twoTriggerLoop into devel

Two trigger loop

Addition to YARR that enables two injections to be injected into the same pixel with a short user-specified delay.

New files

  • src/libRd53a/Rd53a2TriggerLoop.cpp
  • src/libRd53a/include/Rd53a2TriggerLoop.h

The 2TriggerLoop is implemented as its own RD53A loop action in this file.

Modifications to existing files

  • docs/

Added required 2TriggerLoop documentation and fixed a typo in TriggerLoop documentation.

  • src/libRd53a/AllRd53aActions.cpp
  • src/libRd53a/include/AllRd53aActions.h

Added 2TriggerLoop as a Rd53a action.

  • src/libFei4/Fei4Analysis.cpp
  • src/libFei4/Fei4Analysis.h

Added 2TriggerLoop to analysis code. Added a constant variable to the S-curve fit function to correctly fit s-curves generated by double injections. Modified S-curve plotter to set all values at Y-axis mid scale to 0 if a scan was performed with 2TriggerLoop. This makes it possible to see the S-curve, which otherwise would be invisible due to very large mid Y scale values.

Edited by Magne Eik Lauritzen

Merge request reports
