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Modify ScurveFitter and NPointGain for SR1 use

Ryan Quinn requested to merge rquinn/YARR:refactor_scurvefitter into devel

Part of issue #174 (Integration of Strips SR1 code).

StarScurveFitter and StarNPointGain are the modified versions of ScurveFitter and NPointGain that are currently in use at SR1. The goal of this MR is to get the base analyses to provide the same sort of functionality as the Star-specific ones, so that the Strips work at SR1 can switch over to the original classes. Note that the base ScurveFitter and NPointGain classes have also been modified at SR1, so changes there will need to be integrated into our version if necessary.

The main tasks include:

  • add some CI tests for ScurveFitter
  • add some CI tests for NPointGain
  • replicate StarNPointGain functionality
  • make cut parameters configurable
Edited by Ryan Quinn

Merge request reports
