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StarEmu: hccID=0b1111 by default in dynamic addressing

Alex Toldaiev requested to merge otoldaie/YARR:star_emu_hccID into star_read_fuse_id

Added a new Emu controller parameter addressingModeDynamic=true|false and the corresponding m_addressing_mode_dynamic in StarChipsetEmu. It defines whether the emulator constructor sets the HCC ID to 0b1111 in the StarCfg, or leaves it to the value that is defined in the json config file, as if it is set by the bonds-pads.

modified:   src/libStarEmu/StarChipsetEmu.cpp
modified:   src/libStarEmu/StarEmu.cpp
modified:   src/libStarEmu/include/StarChipsetEmu.h
modified:   src/libStarEmu/include/StarEmu.h

Merge request reports
