NXCALS-7673 porting PyTimber snapshot api to native metadata custom api
requested to merge feature-NXCALS-7673-use-new-metadata-api-for-pytimber-snapshots into develop
Merge request template
Please make sure that this change is BACKWARDS COMPATIBLE and a new server will work correctly with clients using old APIs versions.
It may be that data sent in the new format will break the old clients.
In case of any potential incompatibility we have to inform our clients and schedule release & deployment with them.
@acc-logging-team - please have a look for approval.
Please describe the merge request here.
Closes NXCALS-7673
Merge request reports
Filter activity
SonarQube Code Analysis
Quality Gate passed
Additional information
The following metrics might not affect the Quality Gate status but improving
them will improve your project code quality and security.0 Issues
0 Bugs
0 Vulnerabilities
0 Security Hotspots
0 Code Smells
Coverage and Duplications
91.7% Coverage (78.1% Estimated after merge)
0.0% Duplication (0.0% Estimated after merge)
mentioned in commit ceb4c2ff
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