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NXCALS-3488 Variable lists

Kamil Krzysztof Krynicki requested to merge NXCALS-3488-variable-lists into develop

#Merge request template @acc-logging-team - please have a look for approval.


  1. Visibility is an enum that allows us to hide objects from users:
  • Public is querable for all
  • Protected is querable by the owner
  • Private is not querable.
  1. Group now has visibility property, as well as creation time (as required by backport-api)


  1. GroupService this handles all the CRUD for Groups, but it does not manage visibility, accessibility etc.
  2. SecureGroupService this is a decorator over GroupService that encapsulates all of the simple security logic we are required to have. It's easy to detach once we have a more robust user/credentials/permissions management. Feel free to suggest a better name!
  3. GroupController now only uses the Secure version of the service.


  1. GroupService CRUD methods now made public.


  1. Group -> VariableList conversions
  2. implemented getVariableListWithName
  3. implemented getVariableListsOfUserWithNameLikeAndDescLike
  4. implemented getVariablesOfDataTypeWithNameLikePatternInVariableList
  5. implemented getVariablesOfDataTypeInVariableList

Closes NXCALS-3488

Edited by Kamil Krzysztof Krynicki

Merge request reports
