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NXCALS-3713 Association in group relations

#Merge request template @acc-logging-team - please have a look for approval.

main features

  • GroupData now accounts for association in variables and entities
  • Group now accounts for association in variables and entities
  • GroupService now uses the associations
  • HierarchyService now uses the associations
  • SnapshotProperties now use the associations

secondary features

  • VariableService added method findExactly for internal use: avoids a lot of code repetition
  • EntityService added method findExactly for internal use: avoids a lot of code repetition
  • fixed bug in EntityService when extracting more than 1000 entities
  • GlobalObjectMapperProvider is now our unified jackson mapper, for server (SpringConfig) and client side (FeignBuilderProvider)
  • QuerySnapshotDataServiceImpl now correctly searches when absent description or owner

minor features

  • TimescalingProperties added method equals and hashCode
  • SnapshotCriteria now correctly handles empty values
  • HierarchySet added method collector
  • Hierarchy fixed path display
  • MetaDataServiceImpl uses newer Hierarchies.suchThat() methods and collectors
  • GroupProvider now uses uncached methods
  • ~600 lines of new tests

Closes NXCALS-3713

Edited by Kamil Krzysztof Krynicki

Merge request reports