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Revert "Merge branch 'feature-NXCALS-3831-expand-search-for-context-variables' into 'develop'"

Grigorios Avgitidis requested to merge revert-f7233fc2 into develop

Reason why we need to revert:

There is a time processing issue (after the latest changes introduced) that is causing 3 related integration test cases to fail.

The above issue has already affected our TEST and STAGE JenkinsCI pipelines.

The exceptions that we get on integration tests execution is the following:

java.time.format.DateTimeParseException: Text '2009-01-01T00:00:00.000Z' could not be parsed at index 10
	at java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter.parseResolved0(
	at java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter.parse(
	at java.time.LocalDateTime.parse(
	at cern.nxcals.api.utils.TimeUtils.getInstantFromString(
	at cern.nxcals.api.backport.client.service.MetaDataServiceImpl.getVectorElementsInTimeWindow(
	at cern.nxcals.api.backport.client.service.MetaDataServiceImpl.getVectorElements(
	at cern.nxcals.integrationtests.backport.BackportTimeseriesDataServiceTest.shoulGetVectorElements(
... truncated output for simplisity


@acc-logging-team - please have a look for approval.

Please describe the merge request here.

Merge request reports