Added the F61-T8 line with proton strengths
📄 f61t8.seq
Sequence file -
📄 f61t8.ele
Element file -
📄 f61t8.dbx
Aperture file -
📄 f61t8_proton.str
Strength file with strength used in the machine on 2021-11-12
📄 f61_start_proton.inp
Initial conditions from Maptrack -
📄 general_f61_t8_proton.madx
reads the f61t8 folder and the initial parameters fromf61_start_proton.inp
and creates a twiss output as well as a jmad output for LSA -
📄 f61t8_proton.tfs
Twiss file output fromgeneral_f61_t8_proton.madx
📁 jmad-
📄 f61_start_proton.inp
Copy of the initial conditions -
📄 f61t8_proton.jmad
Output ofgeneral_f61_t8_proton.madx
📄 f61t8_proton.inp
Output ofjmad.generate
📄 jmad.generate
takes as input the created jmad and outputs a twiss to check data is correct